PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS CANON 31OXL Super 8 movie camera allh 8.5 - 25.5 mm 200M COMMERCIAL type freezer, Ions, excellant condition, asking Shooter, 8 IL. long ailli 2 sldlng $125 or boai offer. Phone 666- doora, 00W compreesor Jan. '85, 2271, evenlngs. asklng $1,800. Pisne68-506. SOLID INE and ins10 veneer rail ADMIRAL rige andl stone, gold. top dsk, top cen lie remoned for good condition, $700. Solld wod e fliai surface,- excellent con- triple dresser with nenily section, dition, sacrifice, $400. Pthone 728- $100. Two stetl sheines, $25 7744. each. 688-4048. 194 FETER bulit cader $trp 10' boat andl motor, $1,000. 1970 Hrdtop camper, sloops 8, ba lumoce andl odd-&-room by about, $1,500. 8 ou. fit. Wooilgroin freezer, $200. Fhone 6882702.' CHILD'S swimming pool, 2 i. deep anil 8 fi. In diemetor, pain- lad gavexizeil steel, drain plug, sefely rover, $99. Phono 866- 1784. 1984 KIRBYvacuum, ail attecli- monts, god conditixn, $400. Phone 985-3958. IITCHEN elecric waiimoxnt gobe lihi lixtre, off alite with pinted rose trlm, lban and goid, $5. Pot ight recesseil cailixg fliture, $4. Change table, wbite, $25. Remnbarrai, $5. Elgbi pins relîngs, $20655-4682. INSIDE DOOR 28s80, lnriuding hardware, $25. Inlude door, 288 Inciodling hiardaare, $23. Con- croie dura nlep singis riner. $38. Fine '24x24 patio nla, 82.50 eerh. Portable eetriix aneboard koater, $15. Patlarm rcker, golil velour, $100. Exd table, colonial style, $25. Tac soIn batbroom taenew, $15 eacli. 1-23-6770. à DININQ om chaire, excellent condition, $40 osaI. Rock maplo ktchen oet, 4 choira, $195. Cor- - ner cabinet, $75. ol wood dresserarnxi mirror, S5. Ook rcklng choir, $50. Antique ilning oom table, 2 1000, $11W. Bookeol, 815. Phonoe683-863. ALUMINUM iom windows and serions, remove ail 24 from my 2 torey bouse exil thap're yours tor$50. 868-8182. MUSICL RUMUNTS ACCORDIAN 'Scanilali, 120 base, ladies size, liko now, $900 firm. Orges - Lowry 'Magic Genie 88, eloctrix,Ilike now, $3,000 irm. replacement value 85,00. Tel. 855-4466. SUPPLIESj MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 maie puppiox, CKC registereil, skate, ilewormed andl hxmeraised, good with bidren, non-sbedding andl'non-alergie, $400 eacb. Ceil Port Porry (416) 985-3980. 1110H CHAIR mode In lIoiy, seat roclinea, $40. Cult 6&7269 anytIme. GENDRON baby cardage for sale, aaing S30 or boat oltor. Phone 888-3043. TWIN STROLLER Siivrcrest, for sale, $85, Ilke new. Joly lomîser on stand, $10. Baby car seat, $5. Cel 668-7810. ROUND OAK pedestai table for sale, 6 matchIng chairn, 5 beaves for tablel, al In excellent con- dition, asklng $1.395 or boni oflor for sot, muni soI. As clarinet for sale, $100. Clt 83838. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item iasnolil, iliposed of, or unavailahle for whalever reason. the Item wiiI lie deemed t10 have been soid and a commission wili lie chargeil based on THE ADVERTISEII PRIVE as ilustrated beiow. regarillees if price lu nateil with "beul offer" If the item is NOT SIILi. or dinposed of, the ail wil lie ruo for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wiii appiy payable in advance of publication of the tirs( ad. The above minimum charge wili hc appieil lx the final commission due Maximum commission: $100.00, Ail ailver- tisements mus( lie placeil on an exclusive lasis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai leasi one month if nul oid RATES (if article la nold J: 5% ef aduertîseilprie Op 1u8400,00 2% ol balance one 9400.00 EXAMIPIE: oi Item ailvertiseil for$ 150.00. Commission due 1.50 (minoimum charge la $7.50) Private advertleing only! Ploase notify tise Witby Free Preux îmmediately wken item ix solil 50 tisai we may delele it from tise fxlowing issue. Ail ado nol fitting the Emnporium guidetines will be treatedl and chargeil per week'ae regular clussified ado on a pre.paid basis sorbeas: services. help wanted. clotising. rosi estate. andl persosal message type ails, or ails not qxxisg price or quantity. Privale ciassilied ado may appear in tise Emporium section under appropriole beadings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTIO N UNLESS OTHERWISi MALAOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 20" Whigby. LIN 581 If ln deubt éaI: 668-61 1i THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS1 FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT N~ in lthie worid, there's oiwaye room for one more, Cali your Welcomne Wagon Hostess now. Phone 666-2482 NI I)WkWe!] 1970 BUICK Skyiark (parts) grill, bumper, taillios, cyl. headn, $220. Oshawa, 436-0280. 1976 COMIET 6 cyl., for porta, good motor. trannmission, rosI endl, complote car, $200. Phono 668-300. MOTORS, Doilge. GM. Toyota, Honda andl Ford, $150 esch. Foui gooil tires, $5 eacb. Excelent windows for garaes, shop or groenbxuse, 5 fi. o 8 il., 4 fi. o 6 i., $45 o. Fine cars for parts, $250 ea. 76 Dadgo, GOMO, Chsny, 74 Doilgo, Ford truck). Cail Ted, 655-4949, anyime. FOUR VARI fit 14x8" chrome avira basket wbee exil tour Uniroyat Tigor PaE70xl4 tires, $200. Four B.F. GaodrIch Euro TA. 235i6OHR14 on 4 Cheiot lai aire alommekein 14x7" 10 lit 79 andl up MutenglCapri, 80 anil up T-BrdiCougar, ail brexd oea, rosi $1200, seltflor 895W fIrru. Complote one 00w sel(4) Cragar SS abeel npinxern, $45. 318 motor (flood), $250. 1980 225" noper iant is xilndautomatic transminsio good), $250. Phono 855-3266. ESPECIFIEI). iR DEIAIVER TO:ý 131 ilrnck St. N. Wliliby, Ont, TME NOON. FOUR elmootne tee0Wlardiot, P2OSl75RISiPR781S, 8160. Fine xaw Goodyear Wrongler radiale P195i7SR15, SM0. One nea Edelirack SP2P aiumlnum Intoke monifold exil kit for ornait bock Chovrolol, $200. Four almost n0w alominum star apoko wheia, 8 hout lx fiIl apanestrucks enil noms Chenu, $75 ach. Phono 658-3266., PARTS FOR a 1963 hall ion truck, 6 cyl. motar, A-1 condition, $160. 655-3410. SPECIALS GALORE, The Framlng Centre 668.4521 1665 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 1976 CHEVYvos 20, cuctomIccil, mues, 8 cyi.,i5 epeed, ps., p.b., bcd, icobox, corpul, 11ghb bck tIII, many extran, 812,400. 655. buckof 00010, AMFM cabsette 4682, alter 0p.m. oieroo, moge &Il &roandl exil sa ________________________ braes,flornes endiler tobick, souda body work, sood ne l, 1981 FORD ESCORT, tao door $1,400. CaIl 433-1579.. cassette, sunolf, 58,000 mles, $2,150. Phone 888-6338. 1981 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyl., automello, .8., pli., excellent condition, $2,M0. Cali 433-1531, Oshaa, anytimne. 1«80 OLOS 98 Regency 350, sIlver exterlor, hlue Interior, ioaded *11k options, only 66,000km, woli minteineil, esklng $5200 cor- ied. 855-4712. 1078 DODGE Tredesmen 300 Van, cerpet and paneI, extended roof, eskIng $3,000 or bost aller: 666- 3991, aller 6 P.m. 1976 BUICK LTD 403 engins, 82,000 mles, electrIr nunroot, loadoil, $2,995. Cati 579-4142. et- ter 6 1976 FLYMOUTH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., gasil con- dition, $1,200 or lient aller. Telephone 888-0785. 1977 DATSUN F10 goil engine, lady fair. no rust, valve lob exil gaod tires, $850 on le. Phonoe68- 6457. 1977 HONDA Helcbback, 4 speoil, nea cluidli, rebut molor, noode bbody work, $700 or bonI 0. er. 68-8528. 11979 CHRYSLER CORDODA pas., pli., air cxsdItlonlng, 8800 or beat aller. Colt 855-3178. 1976 GMC 44 Ian van, rune but nde body wortc or good for per- la, $2W0. Phono 855-4938, lter 6 p.. 1976 FORD F100 pickup, ps., pli., cetifiail axe monih go, 00ew ltemetor, regulelor andl bal- tery, $900 or lient ollor. Phono 86-&1781 aller 6 p.m. 1975 HONDA CIVIC for parts, reconditionoil heail, new aller- netor, $125 takos the aboie car. 888-5909 alior5Sp.m. 1974 FORD pick up 's ton F100, $450. 1977 Olils Delle 88, duiver% daiiy, cen lie certilleil, $850 orrci- fer. 1975 Cemaro, neels liody work, rune good, $350 or citer. 723-2818 or 438-6115. 1972 PONTIAC ParisIenne, 77,000 miles original, In rnntng con- dition, entre body perle evalioble, $200 ncertlfiail. Celi Peutl68- 1532. aferSô p.m. 1937 CHEVROLEr 2 door, Coach Sedan, 50% roatomed from ground up, ail perle original exnl complete, manuale and extra perte, $3,5W0 Plhone 861k2744. 12 FOOT wooden eaIlboet ready for lanclng, $M0. Phone M&8 2767. Si. JolsiArokulanco baseboom tuoo rodseivlM In cmd k i" ruro inniiciiIo beeà putlcf iboir net hurdred ycirs Oléve themn a cal Le810 ho ohelp S4goIutAmblac Tfî dk w4iï erýCON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates juot because~ you have If you: @are a private advertiser; ohave an article to oel; - and, @have a specified askîng price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wiil run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthol - A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. it is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will oeil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article oels, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if net, do caîl 668-61 il and we'Il be pleased te explain the Emporium Section te you personally. r have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish Icu have the ifollowing advertisemeni placed under this section of the Whithy Free IPress. 1 Inls 75 tIi cover the minimum charge. Charge $7.50 (o my Visa accouni. MAIL. TO: Card No. Enp liaite IVHITBY i pîaseprii IFRE E PRE SS P.O. Box 206 IAddres 131 Brock St. N. 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