PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASSIFIFD AD)S ~ONS EW1 ~WANIEIJ AUCTION SALE FRI., AUGUST 29 10:00 A.M. At Orvai MoLean Auction Centre, Lndsay. Con- slgniments from DR. SEARS and local estate, large sale of applian- ces, furniture, some an- tiques, Eina desk model sewIng machine (neyer used cost $1700), cabinet grand piano, oid Hooser, antique wooden fIreplace, pressback rocker, chrome suite Ilke new, waii unIts, chester- f leids, china, glass, bicycles, mower, toois. To Ilat your sale cait 324-2783 MOLEAN AUCTIONEERS CONTRACTORS Complete Exterlor Repaira on Various Buldings at the Psychlatric Hospital, WHîTBY, ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 133 Seaied Tenders Mil be received untii 2:00 p.m. Local lime on - TUESDAY, SEPTEM- BER 16, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario MInIstry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orliiia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cali the Tenders Of-. fice at the above ad- dress, teiephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender flot necessariiy accepted. FULL-TIME OR part-Ime sales peopie wanted ln Pickering, Aax area. Cail 705-778-3432. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now sa the time to train for your Caos A icense. For pre.scraoning Inter- view and lob placement infor- mation, contact Merv Orrs Tran. sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-261260. CARPENTER, HANDYMAN f0 asatet with renovation ni historic home. Must have good carpentry, painting and other construction ekitte. Shouid be able and wiiiing vo worfv sami-ivdepevdsntiy. Cati Doug et 66"-111 days or 668. 5M4 eveninge. PEOPLE TO pack appies, cati649-2474. HAtR5TYLt5T MANAGER for busy selon, attractive benefits, matura pennyn, Wooico Megicuts, Whitby, 236-2911, 361- 8216. Food Services Supervisor $209100 -$239500 n this position with the MîNISTRY 0F HEALTH, WhItby Psychiatric Hospital, dietary services department, you wiii provide efficient supervision n assembly, distribution and service of reguiar meals, therapeutic meais and nourishment te ap- proximateiy 500 psychiatric patients and 730 staff;, shift work required. Location: Whitby. Quaifications: Successfui compietion of an ap- proved f ood supervisor's course f rom a com- munity coliege or CHA; good knowiedge of volume food assembiy, distribution/service, food handiing techniques, nutrition, sanitation procedures and reiated equipment operation; abiiity ta plan and co-ordinate work activities; akIlis and knowiedge normaiiy acquired through reiated experience ln a high volume meai service operation; good communication skilis. Area af Search: Wthin commuting distance of Whitby. Pisas forward appiicationiresumne, quating Illie HL-25-51/86, by Sept. 15, 1986 ta: Reglonai Per- sonnai AdminIstrator, Personnel Services, Human Resourcos and Personnel Devsiopment Branch, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S9. Equality ai Opportunity for Empioyment SO ntario Public Service THE CORPORATION 0F -. q THE TOWN OF WH ITBY $ ARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMVENT REQUIRES TEMPORARY DAYTIME AQUATIC STAFF SEPTEM BER AND OCTOBER Applicants must have the foiiowIng qualifications: Bronze Cross Red CrossiRoyai Lif e Instructor First Aid C.P.R. Appications may be picked up at the Iroquois Park Compiex and addressed to the attention of Carolyn Allan.' SLOOKING FOR A CAREERIN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that person who: -Possees good communication SIS; " Has ambition and self conf idence; "Is eager to 1iearn; els capable of earning an above average i ncome; *And Is not af raid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuil-time. Car necessary. Start im- mediateiy. Corne in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. WANTED: Photoiournaist. Proven B & W Phnfagraphp and darkroom auperience: laurnaties backgrond. strovg command of Engish grammar, wiiingvsss f0 worfc ights and wsekendu. Send resumne and same ta: J. durs- mIvg, Bon 339, Fort Frances, Ont. P9A 3M7. AOVERTISIpd0..Aut o Club. Top commission and bonus with isading motor club. Advertising sales superience an enset but nof essential. Fuit and part-time positions evaifabie. Contact: Mn., Elson et 1-80-255-1243, 9 .m. f0 12 n00v or 2 p.m. f0 5 pm. NATIONAL FLOOR Cars Com- pany expandIng In the area. Lonffng for stles personnel. For appoint ment cai 723-3412. BABY5tTTER NEEDED. Dental office ln downtown Whifby requf ras a vary speciat persan wtth motherfngigrandmofharfng skItis fo supervi se pisyom n1-2 deyalweek. Cai68-5822. LICENSED OPENATORS for crawer cranes, tracfv and rubber tire foaders opators requtred, gond wage, muet b.euperienced. (416 7940132. EXCEPTIONAL Managemenf op- portunfty If pou quafffy, pou wf fi receiva $2,000 per monfh ahite in echoot. 830,000 par pear sitar graduation. Sales and management asperience haiptuf. Forappointment cait 723-3412. OtSTIBUTORS, pert-tIme or futl- fime saiiing our high quaiity fine ni distillers, flittars, and watar sofieners, for residantiai and commercial applications. Be pour own boss anders extra Income In tht s grnwing tndustry. For more Information contact Watar Purity 5sytams, 537 Branf St., SurtIngton, Ont. U7R 206 (416) 539-0503. PtNESTONE INN à Country Club. R.R.2, Hatiburton, Ont. KOM 1S0 requIres fait and wintar ini-time empioyses In ait aras ni our resort hotet. Pisas send resumne fo the aboya address attention Innkeeper. MA CHERI E Home Pashion Shows Est. 1975. Jon'our sue- coefuf famliip of rapreaentatives n presanfing qualty lingerie and inungewearat ln-home parties for women. itsfsun.vte eoasy, ifse profitabl e. Caf f toit-ires 1-»0263- 9183. CLEVELANDS HOUSE Resort ta prssevtiy acceptfng applicatione for empinyment ln ait aras for the period of Sept. let f0 Oct. lth, 1956, $5 par hour plus bonue and ires room and board te being afsred for ait positions. Enpsrisnce In dsating wtt h people te prsierred In mont areas.interessfd applcants ehouid contact Naît Peton sf1(705> 765-3171 as soon as possible. TRUOKINO cAREERS. Driver lob training wltth placement hsip ta avetiabie. Complets detaits cen be msiisd ta pou. Phone Porgers Schooi et (416) 769-3546 wiih postai code. NEED EXTRA MON EV?. LEI'S SEEYOU DO IT... OUTDOORS! FROM PG. ONE Decom approval flot final "The only avenue of appeal under the statute is for the applicant (Decom) in the event that the application la refused. There may be, an opportunity for judicial review but that's unlikely," sald MOE counsel David Crocker. Accarciing ta, Crocker, if the town were ta try and have the decision overturned, it wouid probably have ta go ta the Supreme Court and it would only ha heard on the basis of a legal technicality. Ini an interview last Friday Mayor Bob At- tersiey said he bas received the same ad- vice froon town council. "The latest legai opinion I have received verbaliy is that we have no riglit of appeal. If there is an avenue of appeal then Fil put iLta FROM PG. ONE council for their con- sideration atherwise it wiil ha aur job ta make sure that ail the con- ditions (of approval) are failowed," said Mayor Attersley. Farmer Whitby Mayor Des Newman, who volced a numhar of concerna about Decom's application during the eight day hearing con- ducted by te EAB this spring, said Frlday that he feared the EAB must not have considered the many submissions made at the hearing calling into question the application's merits and he calied the recom- mendation "reprehen- sible." "The fundamental issue of the location lias nat been addressed. Un- tii you make a credible case for ailowing titis kind of faiity in an ur- ban setting ail the rest is just wlndow dressing," said Newman. "If you have openi apace around you you have the luxury of tiûie ta take action that you don't have in an urban setting. Newman aiso questianed thte systeni by which tite province grants approvals fer sucit applications and cailed it "dlsrespectful" of thte local council and its wisites. He said the MOE shouid not have appeared et the Deconi hearlng as an advocate of the application but ratiter as an impartial observer. "lIt is te MOE ttat should ha identifying appropriate locations for audit facilities not someone who is going ta make money ati L," said Newman. Dennis Fox m cabinet duct researcit into maL- tera of public interest; offer input ta town council ta ensure that decisions are objective and fully inforined; act as an educational resource for the citizens of Whitby; ensure con- sistency in council decision-making by ac- ting as acrutineers of council proceedlinga; bring te citizens con- cerna ta the attention of council; and ensuré political account.ability. Tite statement con- cludes that iL la the coalition's aim ta "act as an instrument of the public good by acting as an arbiter and, where necessary, a voice for the concerna of the people. The vehicie of this (sic) wil ha to deveiop greater public understanding of and participation in the municipal procesa hraugh increased levels of information. Indeed, it is oniy titrougli knowledge titat the citizens of Whitby can ake a more active raie in fashioning the type of community in which they and their chiidren will wiah to live and ta grow" 1 The membors of te coalition are Margaret Boyce, Joan Pilniuk, Graham Fieid, Jackie Field, John Doistra, Jini Wallace, Adele Ruddy, Rod Angevaare and Dennis Fox. There are, according to Boyce, three other menihars but they are away on vacation and site was reluctant to release their names without their consent. A prime rnoverhaehind the formation of te coalition, Boyce said the group came together out of a mutual concern about the way town couneil has been con- ducting Whitby's affaira and she llsted Deconi, Lynde House, the Iroquois Park recreation complex and the town's handing of te subsidized housing proposai for Bluegrasa Meadows as the major issues witich have brought titat concern ta a head. "The coalition bas grown out of frustration reaily," said Boyce iast week. "We're not trouble makers. The purpose of the group is for research, to look into - the prabiema and present the facta. Sarne we'll win and sanie we'i lose." While IL was severai key Issues which- triggered the formation cf the group, Boyce aaid the calition has no vested interests and has drawn its menihars froni a broad base witbln the community. The aniy camman thread in the graup's make-up, accordlng ta Boyce, is a desire for quai ty in the poitical pracess. Singling aut the sub- sidized housing issue, Boyce said the group is not oppased ta erecting subsidized housing but ta tite marner in witich it a generally been pianned in Whitby. She complained that sub- sidized itousing bas been dumped in neigh- bourhoods almost as an "after titought" and said there sitould hab mare thoraugh planning and regard for the input of the citizens. Boyce said council's in-camera conditional approval of Decani and Iroquois Park exeni- plified cauncl's pen- chant for making decisions behind closed doora and excluding the public froni underatan- ding and participating fully in the decision- making procesa. "Titere'a a lot done in- camera that we don't even know about and we're neyer tLd the details. Sometiting iike Decam was a faregone conclusion before any of. us ever even found out " about the applicatio>,,- said Boyce. But the final cataiyst for Boyce, who lsaa menihar of the Whitby Historicai Society, was coundl's handling of the Lynde Hause affair. Sbb', aaid council a vir- tuaily ignored the input of the itistoricai society froni the very haginning and she resented coun- ci]'a decision ta take the. maLter into lts own ban- da and move the hause ta Cuilen Gardens.' "It's like we've got a cantroiling dictator in titere... .1 have made a presentatian ta coundil myseif and I don't think they even read ItL It waa a foregone conclusion and I'm not happy about, the way they've handled it," said Boyce. She -stressed, however, that the coalition wouid not con- centrate its energies on any one issue. "We wil ha resear- ching ail issues and if it's good for Whitby we'll agree with theni. f a person lias a concern, we'll heip hlmn find what he needs and try ta heip., It's an ombudsman type of titing reaily," she conciuded. Quarantined dog found The quarantined German Sitepherd wici was reieased fron te Wbitby animai sitelter with three other dogs lasL week was found in Part Wititby on Fniday morning. The dog, whicit was under observation for rabies, had been missing for four days. Carole Lang, manager of tite lsiteter said tite shelter received a pitone cali frorna resident witoitad seen the dog. "Site looked in good condition. I think site was just as itappy ta see us," said Lang. Thte dog itas now been released froni the siteiter and returned ta ber owner having spent the 10 days required for observation La deter- mine if IL had rabies. In- cluded in that 10 day ob- servation period were te four daya the animai was missing. "We appreciate te response. We received a lot of phtone calîs," said Lang.