PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 27i 1986, WHITflY FREE PRESS~ FREE PRESS. Sat ARTICLES FOR SALE SIX PiECE ktchen nocit est with etorage under 2 henobas, canersd In long woarng Otefin, 2 ysasa 0w, 8$M. Phane 43 .160 SOLtD PINE and pina vanoer ral top dasit, tap can ba memonad for s fiai aurfaca, excelent con- dition, sacrifice, $M0. Phone 728- 7744. 19M8PETER ulit codai trlp 101 boittand motor, 81,000. 1970 Hardtop camper, sloops 8 hss lumnace and add.-r4oom by wbeei, $1,500. 8 ou. It. Woodgrstn freezer, 8200. Phono 68-82702. ON! EWNDOW wlh elorm 27x38, 4W. Ingits dryar, $115. By'& rllar sates, siza 8, M2. Boy's akatea, otze 6 and 7 8X) pair. Carpet undariay for 3 roama, $40 Fina gallon 118h tank wilh light, M2. Muical ciarinet with case, $50. Fita wlh case, $75. Cali 879-9187, aller 5 .m. GLASS and chromo coffea fable, 3 lier, $150. Dehumidifiar, darin brown, $80. Wicker caf 10e tabla, 8$0. Piclursons face ciock, $20. Phane 42746592. CARPETS, two 9nlO, one 11x13, $M0 each. Football haimel, 315. Fine galion f18h tank wiih so- ceaaaries, $23. Uquor bar for roc maom, $50. Phono 5799187. tNStDE DOOR 28nx80, lnciuding hardware, 825. Insido doar, 28080 Incinding hardware, $23. Con. croie dora stop oingle riaer, $38. Fine 24x24 palia siaba, S2.50 each. Portable elacîric bosehoord healor, $15. Pilform oker, goid nlour. 8100. End table, colonial style, $25. Two sts balbraam topa, new, $15aeach. 16234770. DARK BROWN braadioom wilh underpad, 10014 approx., very gaad condition, $40. Steld i Boom, 16 fi. wlh 2 supports, 830. Two white Hohoailitabla lampa, calonial, 10" bigh, $5 pair. Kit- chan lectria waiiciock, $2. Walimaiînt glaba ight fixture, off white wiih painted rase trim, bmown and goid, $5. Pat l 1ht mecesod caiing tinturo, $4. Change table, white, $30. ain- barrel. $5. Eight ýpine ralinga wth 7 Il. hoodmail, $35. 011 polo. ting, 5'2x26",ruaItanas, Shipo n Sunsol, teak rame, 325. Phone 655-4682. COMMERCIAL typa freezer, Sh«ofr, 8 f. long with 2 eiiding doors, new compraessr Jas. '85, asktng $1.800. Phonoe08.500 CUSTOM MADE drapas, 2 com- plate seta, 330. Phone 880295. ADMÃŽIRAL frldge and atone, goid, goad condition, $700. Bauld waod triple dresser with vonlty section, $100. Two teel aheinas, $25 oach., 888.44. PRESTO PRESSURE canner 18 litre abse and aaaored siza lare, ait n gaad condition, $80. Cali aller il a.m., 888-4530. GRAIN CONVEYOR, Litt la lant, 25 fi. on wbeeia, $895. Phonne 655. 14 FOOT maisogany Flaeiwing atIbai,$45. ibm. ton chain hlat, $100. Bail ancher, M2. Loff.isand golf clubs and carf, 815. Wtar akits, "15. Barbaque, $15. Cent hock for railling loge, $30. Hoover. 830. Pick axe, $25. Phono 4334M8. & DININQ omm chaira, excelent condition, $0 e&ch. Rock maple ktchen set, 4 chairs, 8195. Cor -née cabinet, $75. Soiid waod dresser and mirrar, 3SU. Oaik rocktng chair, 850. Antique dining mcm table, 2 lsasa,$160. Bookeheif, 815. Ponse8338f. ROBERT DATEMAN prInla, IdIa Muto Swana, museum ffmmd, $750. Buffalo At Arbcseiie, »W0. Phone 68828. CHILO'S swimmIng pool, 2 fit. deep ond 8 t. ln diameter, pain- led gaioaniced steel, drain piug, salety cover, $99. Phane 666- 1784. FOR SALE 30" loctrIc tone, avocado gnn, good candiltion, $100. Phono 6688.0489. CUSTOM MADE cantompary loseat and two chairs, ex- cllent condition, coat $1,800 new, aking SM5. Altar 5 p.m., 42779M., 1984 t<IR8Y vacuum, ail altacli- ments, gond conditian, $400. Phonoe9853958, I s',w~'-.--UMM@. Wben tise advertised item la aold. disposed of, or unavaitable for whatever reanon, thse Item will ba deemed ta have been soid and a commission wilt ba charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE os Ilutarated below. regardiess If price lxa tated wllh besl ffer'» If the item la NOT SOLD, or disposed nf. the ad wilt ho min for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 37.50 willi apply payable ln advance ut pubicatltn of te fîrst ad. Tihe aboya minimum charge witt ha applied la the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait adver- isements musi ha placed on an exclusive basin wltb lthe WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai toast nne monts if ont sotd. RATES tIf article la soidi: o% f advertIsed pruce apteo 3400.00 2% af balance over 9400,00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item adsertised fer S 0.5Cotmmission due $7.50 (minimum charge ta 87.50) Private odvertiaing oniy! Plcase notify tise Wiitby Froc Preas lmmedlotely wisen item la sold go tisai we may delele it from tise folowing issue. Ail ods flot fltting tise Emporium guldelinea wlll ha treated and charged par week os regular claoaified adn an a pre-paid ba sncb os: services, help wanted, cloting. reaI estate, and personat message type ads, or oda not quotlng price or qnanllty. Privote closslfled ads may appear in tihe Emporiumo section under appropriale iseadings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FRER PRESS EMPORIUM F0O. Box ZN0 Whtby. LIN 551 If in douhi cti: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St, N. Wtstby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~,1RICLW> M TIVEVMOTIVE FOAL:EP:IR PARTS 1I AVOCADO ELECTAIC range and FOUR aimoat new aeirdas 18 au. fi. froat free frIdge, Bisa 1970 DUICK Skyiork (parts) grill. P20575R151FR78115a -816Ã". Finle avocado, excellent condition, bumper, tallioins, cyt. heade, new Goodyear Wrangler radiais $M0. Two aide tables, $20 for the $220. Oshawa, 438-0280. P195175R15, $40. On. new pair. Oueen sîza bedsproad with Edeibrocln SP2P atumlnum Intalte two shams, 8"0. Twlfl SizO bed- manifold and kit for amalt blockt aproad and ana sham, $30. Phone 1978 COMET 0 cyl., for parts, Chevrotat, 82M. Four airnoat nsw 888-2937. good motor, trasamiaaion, rear aiumInum atar apoke wheeia, 6 e, complata car, $200. Phions bittoli at Jpaos tucsand FOR SALE 8 antique mauiding 65.3m.& orne Choya, $75 esch. Phione planes and ana antique bow aaw, 8895.320. $100. Blond hordwood bedroomn suite, $250. Phono 688e2676, 668- MOTORS, Dodge, GM. Toyota, _________ 3215. Honda and Ford, $150 esch. Four _____________________ good tires, 825 euh. Excellent , B B E D ROUND OAK podastal table for wIndowa for garage, ahop or sale, 6 maiching chairs, 5 lestes greenhouse, 5 f1 x 8Sfi.4 fi xs0Oft, for table, aIl ln encollent con- $45 es. Fins cars for parta, $250 PRAM,, $120. GM ditian, osking $1,500 or basf aller ta (5 oge. GMC, Cf1*vy, 74 lonaoat, $40. Change table, $40. forsel mut oil Alo carIet Dodge, Ford Truck). CalitTd, 655- Ail *Ilke new. Youth bed, $80. forso, uaisot.Aio carno 9.ant...,.Phone 434-M47. for sale, $100. Cou 0838. LARGE FRANIKLIN wnadsloo, A-i condition, 8125. Phono 655- 3700. MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 mle puppios, CKC regiatorod, shats, dewarmod and homerassd, good wiih chIidran, non.ahedding anti non-allergie, 34W0 oach. CailiPart Perry (416) 9853980. FOUR VARI fit 14n8B chrome wira basket, wheia and four UnIroyal Tigar Pow 870x14 ires, $20. Four BF. Gnodrlch Euro TA. 235i0iHR14 on 4 Cheviot bal wiro alumInuin whoeoia14x7 10o fil 79 and up MuslangtCapri, 80 and up T.BrdiCongar, at brond now, cosi $1200, oeil for $950 irm. Comploeen new sel (4) Cragor SIS wheoi spinners, $45. 318B matou fgood), 8250. 198W2225"* super sMant six and autoaoic transmission Ignad), 3250. Phono 855-3266. HIOR CHAIR made inlilaly, sat roolince, 840. Cali 888.7209 anytime. GENDRON baby cordage for sale. asking 330 or bost offer. Phono 688.3043. ~qpýOMIUETUOoBIIES .~FOR.AI.E~LE ~ FORAISALE 1601 FORD ESCORT, two daor, 1974 HORNET for soie,.lias 1978 four aPaod, haiclhacit, AMIFM malor 232 (40,000milles), rahulIl cssaette, sunmcft, 58,000 miles, Irans,, now starter, body rufi, $2150. Phonoe 684M. gond running, as la $50. Phonne 886e9519. 19811 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cyl., automnallo, ps., phb., excellent condition. $2.900. Cail 433-1531, Oshawa, anylima. 1978 DODE Tradesman 300 Van, carpet and panai, enlandad roof. asklrlg $3,000 or best aller. 688- 3991. aflarop.m. 1970 BUtICKI<LTD 403 angine, 82,000 miles, olaclric aunroof, iosdad, $2,995. Cail 579.4142, si- leraep.m. 1977 DATSUN F10 goad angine. body fair, no mast, naine lob and gnod lirea, $850asala.Phono 888 6457. 1977 HONDA hatchback, as la, nawly rabulît motor, 880. Phone 6684M. 1970 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., phb., air conditioning. $80 or boat cller. Cal 855-3178. 1970 OMO % ton vas, rune but needa body work or good for par. ta, $250. Phoneoff056.493&fier ô p.m. 1975 HONDA CtVIC for parts, recnndIlIonnd hoad, n0w aller- nator, 8125 takes the whaie car. 888.S90aftarS p.m. 1975 DODUE Club Cab, 3À tan haany duly, aulamalic, gnad shape, 59,000 original miles, buil for 5th whoei traiter, cruise con. Irai, entra air compresar and tank for tires, entra gos tank, $3000. Phono 855-3008. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original miles, 4 cyl., 2 door, new brokes. cam nhof t and rockers, $280 or besl aller. 6885080. 1975 CHEVY van 20, cuatamizeti, bed, Icaban, carpet, high bock bucket assis, AMIFM cassette alersa, magea round and 05w braites, liares and traitar hlch, ned body work, aold as le, 81,400, Cail 4331579.. 197 PONTtC Parisienoe, 77,000 mitas original, In running con. ditlon, extra body paria avallahis, $M0 uncertified. Cali Paul 00» * 1832aherop.m. 1937 CHEVROLET 2 door, Coach Sedan, 50% reatorsd fromn ground up, &Il parts orginul and comploe, manual@asnd oxtra parta, 83M50. Phone 008>2744. 12 FOOT wooden aihoat rosdy for taunching, SM0. Phone 060. 2767. NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YbUR NEW COMMUNITY? Coi) Phono 668-8943 Our busties wiI brîng gîlîs and gretiugs, Siong wîlh beipfl communîly information. TelI IWIeartl tîIndzi 4!w CON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply becaiuse you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Doîî't miss out -on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: eare a private advertiser; ohave an article to sel!;- and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.,50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sell within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for onl]y $7.50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefulîy, the explanation below can clear Up many .0f your questions - if not, do cal! 668-6111 and' we'I be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the Ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. I enclose $7.50 to cover the minimL Charge $7.50 bo my Visa account. tard Na. Name pparie printe Addr-sn - doni forge lol incintin- our phone numln'r îmt.charge. MAIL TO: frp loe WHITBY FREE PRESS i P.O. BOX 206 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI Pestai Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three nionths. C'ommissions shown include the minimum eharge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. 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