WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST. 13, 1986 PAGE 3 Churcli tests knowledge of new Constitution The controversial Church of Scientology was ln Whitby laat week on the final leg of a province-wide cam- paign launched by the church three year's ago to boost public awareness of the new Canadian Charter 'of Rlghts and Freedom. Don Moore, a Toronto cab driver and member of the Church of Scien- tology, parked bis DiamondtaLxlat thefour cornera for several hours last Wednesday afternoon to conduct a curb-side quiz on Canada's new con- stitution. At the end of the day, participants f who had answered the four question quiz correctly were eligible for a draw for a copy of Constitution '82, a governent publication chronlcling the history of the charter. By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff The majorlty. of 'ar- tifacts removed from the Lynde House after the fire three weeks ago have been placed in a centrai storage location - but executives of the Whltby Historical Society won't say exac- tl-yýwhere. A press release from the society states "This action has safeguarded not only the artifacts but possibly also the future operation of the society as- it strives to meet it's mandate." When contacted by the Free Press, president of the society Bill Oyagi would not diaclose where the ar- "We'rejust interested in the protection of hurnan rlghts," said Moore. "I1t's part of <Scentology's) creed to make peopie's rlghts known to them. The charter ia only as strong as the people who defend it s0 it's impor- tant that people know more aboutt. " The campaign began in 1983 after a survey conducted by the church indicated ,an «"sp- palllng" lack of interest and awareness of the new charter, according to Moore. "The campaign aligna with the goals 0f the church as laid down by (founder) L. Ron Hub- bard. Those goals are a civilization without in- sanlty, without war, without criminais and where honest beings can have rigts,"* said Moore. s. tifacta bave been stored but be dld say the majority of theni are in the town. The society is paying for the atorage ares and he assured the Free Press there is adequate security. The press release also stated that some of the artifacta have been stored at the Oshawa and District Historical Society and the Scugog Shores Museum, a move which does not it well with Mayor Bob Atter- sley. I'm disappointed the artifacta are outside the community. The town offered storage for the' artifacta but for some reason it's flot good According to a spokesman for the Council on Mind Abuse, however, the church's motives for conducting the campaign may flot be quite so clear-cut. "This is not the first time we've heard of this type of campaign,"l said Ian Haworth of COMA. "WhiIe it's difficuit to know exactly why Scientology is invoived in thia campaign it may weli be that It la for public relations pur- poses. Since COMA bas received nurnerous complaints over the years about Scien- tology, the people of Whitby should be aware that the potentiai con- sequences of in- volvement could be very serlous" Haworth said Scien- tology is one of many groupa COMA receives complaints about. enough for thein." The Mayor aaidbhehas been contacted by dozens of people asking him to step in and get the artifacta they have donated back. "These people didn't loan the artifacts to be in Scugog and Oshawa. These people are fuming," said the Mayor. But Oyagi said that people who have donated artifacts to the society can cali 668-6823 or 668-4290 for infor- mation on where they are. The soclety bas also stored a number of the artifacta at society SEE PG. 10 100% Nylon Carpet ý,g% Wîlh Attached Underpad «0. 0 q d ----------------------- Carpet By Leading Manufacturers FREE: Estimates Uderpad, Installation, sq. yd. _______- Z 1305 Harwood Ave.N. Ajax 6836126 Just nor thpf the 401. COMA is a federally registered, non-profit organization formed to educate the public about cuita and organizations ;Which use mind control. Haworth defined the "gaverage cult" as an organization which uses "powerful psychologi- cal and coercive techniques to recruit and indoctrinate poten- tial recruits. " "These techniques are.sometinies referred to as thought reform, mind control or brain- washing techniques," said Haworth. Dean Rock, a Vanler Secondary Sebool student fils out the constitutional quiz while White Moore said he was not conducting a recruitment campaign last week, he had a variety of Scientology publications which were available for the asking. Fifteen year old 'Ill Davidson, eventual winner of the Con- stitution '82 draw, told the Free Press on Thur- sday that she was also given a copy of Freedom, a Journal published by the church. "If it's reasonable to assume that this is a SEE PG. 10 Scientology member Don Moore looks on. Free Press Staff Photo Mociety won't say where artifacts are