Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Aug 1986, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESD;TAY, AUGUST 13, 1986 PAGE 29 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~I FIN PAINTINO & DECORATINO praleolonat bondod workman. shlp, rsidonîlal asd commercial, freo oslmatos. colt 639.277 or 668-9712. "GRAMMER for peoaple who hale grommer slathe ideal pookol rolorenco book for *business people. $395 per copy and avalloblo ai Dicsan Printlng & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Dealor Inquirles invtod 6831968. CI3Eij FREE: Drap lto the Dicksar, Printing and Ofice Supply store ln the Alan Plaza and pick up a free capy ai the 1986 Mtric Calondar. Printed In 1*0 claurs. Il mskos for handy reloronce. 683-196U. eARTICLES FORRENT TYPEWRITER rontol, many makos and madols, by the wookend, week or manth. Discounts availoble. Dckson Prlntlng & Office Supplies ln the Alax Ploza. CaIî us for business machine repoîrs. 683-1968. RELIABLE DAYCARE Avaloablo with Il yoars e. porlonce ln Early Chldhood Education and nursing. Of- tors love and carso taInfants and toddlors ln awn home. Futly equlpped nursery and tots of Isys and books for a croatîvo program. Nutrilous moats provIded. Hours I lonIble. Ecellent rolrencos avaliablo. Rcelpts avallablo. For more Inarmatlon cal Sana at 668-6094 HUGE MOVINO SALES9 sm. taS5 p.m., August 16 and 17, Ashburn Rd., BroolIin, raînishîne, sIgns posled, lurniture, tools, dishen, clothlng, auto, lays, tractar aI- tschmonts and much more. I 10 Mobile Homes cioatwator - Throo bedroam, mobile homos. Heated Pools, tnnis, closeoto boachs andl mjrattractions, ctlldron1 wolcomo. lisse than motol rOOm). 683-5503 FLDAARENTAL EatTampa: *2bedraom,2 bathroaml ully* * urnishes mobile home,* *roducd rates mnthly [enally. 427-6231 MORS CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Orano. Hwy. 35-115, Clarke, 4th Con. cession, beaulilul campgîyund. season $635. Campground 1-786- 2582. Torontaolfice 651-5754. GANIN4 NASUPPLIES MISRTRI OIOSFO RN Evsrgreen Prunlng OEBDOMAATETi New Landscapn, aONE ibEDR uidin.APAtMen Comploe Lawn & only. Iscludes ridge. stove, Gardon Maintenance hydro and parking. Cabte TV and- 725330 undry tacaie.:vatable. ~NC MEN SPPis£ 1 MARTNA XAVIER forrmor em- ployer ram Canadiens Nir Fashons, Whtby, Mtthes ta wetcome ber cutomers ta her n0* location at.Nir cuîîîng Place, Brookîts, 655.4119. CONGRATULATIONS an your trhmngmarriago. Pleaso vtew aur samptos af ongraaed weddtng Invtations ai your llsuro ln aur Alan Plaza store. Dtckson Prtnting &l Office Sup- piles, 683-1968. ALAN FISHER, Barrîstor anld Sottoîlor, annousces the rotocalton aI his affice ta ThIe Pckering corparato Contre, Suite 522, 1305 Pckering Park- way, Pckering, LlV 3P2. New phase numbors 831-1600 an 886- 2255. 14 FI. FIBERGLASS boat with 35 hp. chrystor, $825. Also 10 hp. Johnsan, runs well. compete wlh tanks, $225. Phono 6684104. PROP à 5KEG repairs - tast sor- FOR SALE WHITBY -Enecutino 4 bedraam house, 2'habaîhs, brick ireptace, eatin n hches, double garage, largo lot. For lurther Informatian colt 48"27 iTorantat. ID ARTICLES ARTICLES ~ N FOR SALE FOR SALE 1ACIN MOVINO Chesterfield, 2 chairs. Ottoman, dark brawn, 100% pile acrytic, excellent condition, asking $450. Phono wookdays. Priday 1MI14 p.m., 68-6775. BUILDINGS - Spociat Clearance. 20x24 fil.$2300. 24x24 fi. $2.600. 28x36 fi.$3,900. 32x36 Il. $4.300. 36x48 il. $6.400 and 4(0o6Ofi., $8.100. Catil 985-7930. MATTRESSES and bac springs at hall price. McKeen Purniture, 524 Simco Streot South, Oshawa. 725-5181. vice, tîbergtass nupplies - roin. malt, ctath and aceoane - WEST SYSTEM EPOXY - miror finsh PTS&THE VITAMIN PLACE boat peint. Raypîeo - Oshawa SPLIS I "W. Sai Par Lss". Wo areaa Glass - Fibre. 341 Durhamo$. 579- Canadian Company setttng 1433. 8 WEEK OLD KIITEN 1usd, ult CanadIen mode. CE. cule, very pîayîuî ami alloc- iaIt us. WATKINS products III k ~ ~tianate, non inicky. Cati 683-1098 F tat.25 vtS*osnRd. g anylimne.8. aa, OL 12848. CHESTERFIELD nulles. i UTMOBILES toveneats, secîlonats, ions than C AFOR SALE W prco Large setection. R ed C oss "McKeon Furiture. 524 Simcae ~ 1 9 8 4 IN V IT A T IO N alb o a l 16 I S b S O a a ab 2 5a- D5k18 1 P is re-a y. w- e t $ai1 - all655- - 75 NEROES of the Bible-coiouring IGon eUr nMUNLA Ai-- .cas nfi. l SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. Progressive Conservative Ontarlo Riding (Fedleral) ANNUAL PICNIC Heber Down Conservation Area Thursday, August 21,1986 5 p.m. to Dusk Everyone Welcome dition, automatic, P.b.. 4cyî., îully Certilied, $2.000. Phono 579-8699 1972 BUICi< 4 doar, running con- dition, needs badywarh or la, parts. Sell an mn, boni aller Enquiros 668-5659. PARTNER OR Purchaner for ishi manulacturing-assombty wasied. $50,000 required. excellent jh- came. 839-7351. Plaza. 683-1968. Deaer Inquirien inviled. GEOTYPE presson tettering now n stock at Dickson PrInling & Of. lice Supplies ln the Ajas Shop- ping Piszs. Large selection ot styles snd sUzes. Why psy more for a smaiier shset ot ielterinig? 683-1968. VISIT aur used turniture wsrehouse by appainîment. BIg savings on desks. chairs. iting cabinets, etc. Catt Dickson Pris. ting & Ottice Supplies ta arrange an appoinîment ta view, 683- 1968. BANKRUPTCY SALE Wed- nesdsy. August 13, 10.5 and Thursday, August 14, 10-6, New ciothing and accessories trom Force 5 Boardsaiting Ltd. Selling retait at 50% 011. T-shirts, est suite,Ilite isokets, shorts, sport shirts, SwîM suite, wind clothes, rubber sait shoos, runnlng shoos. Tomao car racks, ins, books, plus sîher accessories. Also auction aI salis, boards, office equip- ment, etc. Ttrursday, Augunt 14 at 6:30 p.m. McLean Aucion and Liquidation, 870 Taunton Rd. E.. Whitby 576-7550,686-3281. *TRAVEL & TOURISM *COMPUTERS -WORD PROCESSING *LEGAL/MEDICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *PASHION MERCHANDISING & DESIGN *HOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKING & CUSTOMER SERVICE -DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Financiai Assistance may be availabie -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS 72-16 4=j,= IP %MGf MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE VINYL SIDINO fl a colours, 1,500in stock ..........from $59111q. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $79 1,500ln stock...................... from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyt & Aumlnum $Idf~ soin stocký ..................... from $2399 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION r9 260In stock.......................tfram $25 GARAGE DOORS Wood &Steelltnstock .......from $499 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, viny & Aluminum sag 500ln stock ...................... from sq. ft. GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agricutural Steel 9 4.000 shoots in stock...........from $389s, Wm. BIG FORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon-Fri. g a 8- .(13475-0521 Sal12 BOARDSAIL AUCTION SALE THURS., AUGUST 14 6:30 P.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby (1/ mile east of Thickson Rd.) Having received Instructions trom F. Alan Lawson, Trustee ln Bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of FORCE 5 BOARDSAILING LTD. Inciuding approx. 25 sali boards by Mistral, Win- dsurter, etc., beginner or expert boards, approx. 50 salis, masîs, booms, bags, Ice surfer, bouys plus many other articles. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: oak desk and chair, Can- on 30 photocopier, S.0. eiectric typewrIter with cartridge, shop vac, cot- tee Mic cash draw, credeza and bookcase, sheiving, 10 arm chairs, file cabinet, trig 3 toiding tables, carpets, colour T.V. NEW CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES: selling retail at 50% off Wed. 10- 5, Thurs. 10-6, T-shirts, shorts, swim suits, sport shirts, wind clothes, rubber sali shoes, ruji- ning shoes, lite lackets, wet suites, Terzo car racks, tins, books, plus other accessories, vehicies, 1982 Bulck Riveria excellent con- dition laaded convert sound sterea certIfied, 1975 Dodge window van, 1974 Chev Impala. Note lime 6:30 p.m. Goad sale, plan ta attend. Terms cash or certitied cheque oniy. M«LEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 870OTAUNTON RD. E. WHITBY 576-7550 Tor. Line 686-3291 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., AUGUST 19 6:30 P.M. Three miles east ai Litte Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. 4x8 pool table, Inglis yellaw 30" Slave (seit-cleaning aven). pine table and benches, 24" green Bradford slave, Victrolia, portable and console color T.V.'s, modemn dressers and chest 0f drawers, Bradford retridgeralor, oc- cassionai chairs, Boston rockers, modemn desks, dînette suite, quantity af modemn turnilure, tbols, etc. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., AUOJST 15 6:00 P.M. Three mles east of Little Britain or 7 mlles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. The property of the late MR. WALTER CHIDLEY of Little Brlain and MRI. LEE COLDY of Whitby <moving). Pine fiat-to- wail cupboard, walnut wriling desk, pine cradie, wainut china cabinet, Coppertone 2 door refridgerator, 30" stove, 6 oak dinlng chairs, walnut sideboard, pedestal dlnlng table, bed chesterfleld, pine jam cupboard, Boston rocker, 2 welghl Vienna regulator dlock, 14 h.p. John Deer ridlng lawn- mower with hydraulic mower and blade, John Deer dump garden traiter, quantity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE FRI., AUGUST 15 110:00 A.M. Antique and quality furniture at ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY. Conslgned by WOODS ESTATE, Francis St., Lindsay, plus large cen- tury home contents. Don't miss this large ln- teresling sale of quality contents. 2 good bedroom suites, dinlng suite, fainting couch, 2 dolis, china cabinet with roll top desk, settee, china, glass, collec* tables. 10Oa.m. sharp. MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 Cal now to last your sale. WELH EOPLE MISS ONE OF LIFsES jEATEST PLEASUREO [PAVING THE LAST INSTALLMENT. fJJ oi ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BRTSDE HS-70fothfrs10wrd 1<ec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied ditHSî dEAH 70 o h is 0 od.1te such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12 each additional word. l)EAI)LINES: Monday noon prior bo publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43spertifle.<Nowordadsallowed), to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available aI an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accaunt. Please have your ditional charge Ã"f $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 6861 lm A D $

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