Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Aug 1986, p. 28

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PAGE 28, wrEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. 1986. WHITBYFIREE PRESS ARTICLES ARTICE FOR SALE FUR SL SIX PECE kltchen nook cet wtlh aboroge under 2 bochos, covered In long w.oring Oletto, 2 years new, $M9. Pion. 438-168. MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Gaug, 70 fi. track, 4x8 table. engine, 12 cars, buildings, good sarer set, $200 llrm. Cai 723896%, ater 5 p.m. 194« PETER built coder trlp l' boat and motor, $1,000. 1970 Hardfop camper, sloops , bas fumnace and edd.aroom by Whoee, $1.500. 8 ou. fI. Waodgrain freezer, $200. Pthone 606e2702. CHOCOLATE BROWN tuoedo styla dbielOn Siar sofa bsd, ex- celtent condition, $800 sa, sacrifice $375. Solld pins and pinsfeveer roll top desk, top can ha remooed tar a flt surface, ex- cellent condtion, sacrifice $400. 35 gallon aquarium, complte wth light, tile, gravel, plants, flsh and stand, $90. Phane 728 7744. GLASS and chrome cal tee table, 3 ier, $150. Detiomilier, dark broco, $80. Wlcker caf ee table, $20. Pcireous acs dlock, $25. Phone 427-6592. CARFETS, lwa 901, ane 1113, $30 each. Football haimel, $15. Floe gallon fleh tank wIth an- cessorles, $23. Liquor bar for rec room, $50. Phone 579-0167. SPANISH style cheslerlleid and chair, custom made, one aI a klnd, $50. tMporled European chandelier. $4K0.011 as cannas cail painting romt Mexico and trame, $200. Coul 6689288. DARK BROWN broadloam wltfs underpad, 10x14 eppro.., very good condition. $40. Steel t. Beam, 16 fi. wlth 2 supports, $30. Tco chte Haboali table lampe, colonial, 10"lsgh, $5 pair. Kit chen eleclric calIclocti, $2. Wallmaunt globe lghl flture, off white wltfs palnled rose trire, braonand gold, $5. Pot iight recessed ceillng iture, $4. Change table, whte, $30. Rin. barroc, $5. Elghti pins rallnga cllh 7 fi. handrali, $35. 011 pain- ting, 52x26, rusl lanas, Shipa n Sansel, teak frame, $25. Phase 855-4682. COMMERCIAL type freezer, Sheafer, Bi. long wth 2 sliding doore, nec compressor Jan. '85, asking $1,80. Phane 68-5080. CUSTOM MADE drapes, 2 com- piste sels, $30. Phono 668.0295.. ADMIRAL ridge and stoe, goid, go04 condition, $700. $0114 wood tripe dresser with vanliy section, $100. Two steol shaives, $25 each. 668-4046. BICYCLE - boys 3 spted. ln ex- cellent condition, 20 Inch wheels. nutabia for 9 pear aid, $60. Phtone 668-9480. GRAIN CONVEYOR. LileiaGiant, 25 il. on choals, $695. Phone 688. 8000. 14 FOOT mahagany Ffealwing siliboal, $450. Tire. Ion chein. holt, $100. Boal acher, $25. Let-hand golf clubs and cerf, $15. Waler akils, $45. Barbaque, $15. Cent hooti for roiing 10gs, $3. Hoover, $30. Pick axa, $25. Phone 433.9 a DININO room chaire, excellent condition, W4 each. Rock mapie kitchon sel, 4 chaire, $195. Cor. ner cabinet, $75. Soid wood dresser and mIrrar, $M. Oak rockltng chair, $5. Antique dining room table, 2 lenes, 8160. Bookeheif1, $15. Phone 883638l. ROBERT BATEMAN print s, dia Muta Swans. musaum lramad, $750. Buffalo At Ambonalae, $900. Phone 668.8528. CH-ILDIS swmming pool, 2 i. deep and 8 fi. ln diameler, pain. lad gaioanized steel, drain plug, alety caner, $99. Phone 666. 1784. FOR SALE 3" eiectric stove, anocado green, goad condition, $100. Phono 668M.049 CUSTOMA MADE contamparry lonoan d lwa chaire, as- cellent condiion, cool $1.800 new, aekIng $650. Aller 5 pre., 427-79W. T.V. STAND, $15. Stera stand, $25. HI-FI record player, $50. Celi altor 6 pm., 6484032. -PLEASE READ- When thse advertised itemsla otd, disposeri 0f. or unavaitabte for whatener reasos, thse Item wîtt be deemed tu have been sotd and a commission wltt be charged hased on THE ADVERTISE 9) PIICE as lttustrated betow. regardtess if price ls sta ted witls 'best offer'* If the item is NO.T SOLO, or disposed of. the ad witt hc rus for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 witt apply payable in advance 0f publication of the first ad. The above minimum charge witt lue apptied tu the finat commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Att adver- tisements must ho ptaced on an eclcusive basis with the WIITBY FREE PRESS and rus ai teast one monih if sot sod RATES lIif article ta eold i 5% of advertised prie ap tii $400.00 2% of balance oser $400.00 EXAMI'LE: Sold Item ads'ertise ofr$ 150.00.(om mission due 07.50 i mnimum charge s 97.581 Private advertising only! Pîcase notify tise Whitby Free Prese immediotety chen item is sisd so that we may delete tl frome the folowing issue. Att adia not fittng the Emporium guidetines wdît ho treated and charged per week as regular claseified ads os a pre.paid basis sucb as: services, hotp wanted, ctotling. reai estate, and personat message type ada. or ado nol cuotlng price or quaotity. Private ctasstfied ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALI. ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS T>: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. tBox 206 Wiitby. LIN 581 Ifln doubi eati: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TUIE I FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~RTICLESEEDS VMOTIVE FOR SALE UNEEDSRIPAR/PA PRTS INSIDE 0006 28x80, Iicludisg PRAM. tre. n-on., $120. GM hardware. $25 Inside door, 26x80 onset, $40 Change tabe, $40. 1970 BUICK Skyiark (parts) grill, Inciudinig hardware. $23. Con. Ail 1k nec. Youtit bad, $80. bumper, tauiens, cpi. heads, crete duraistopsingle rser, $38, Phono 434-6947. $220. Oshaca, 436-0280. Fioe 24x24 patio elabe, $2.50 aach. Porable oieciric baseboard heater, $15. Piallorm rocker, goid veiaur, $100. End table. colonial stylo. $25. Two nets baihroom aps. oow.$15 oacit 1-6236770. NION CHAIR modeaIn Itaiy, seat radilnes, $40. Cati 687269 anytime. 1984 KIRBY vacum, ail atach. 1 -A S mante, good condition, $400. SUPPLIES PhoseOfiS 3958. 12 FOOT coodon saliboat roady for iauschIng, $30. Phono 888- 2767. FOR SALE 1984 Bonaira 1200. leape , tove, 2 cay fridge, tolaIt, dining eheler. compietaly equipped, Immaculate condition, aeklog $6.000. Ceil Bruce ai 668. 1965. NEW &USED CAR BUYS READ ... BUV. .. SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 1878 COMAET ô cyl.. for partte. good motor, treameslon, rear end, comploe.car, $200. Phono 6553006. MOTORS, Dodge, GM. Toyota, Honda and Ford, $150 each. Four good tires, 625 mch. Ecellent windows for garege. ehop or groanhouseo, 5S h xBfi, 4 fi x ô il. $45 sa. Fino cars for partta. $250 et, (75 Dodgo, OM, Cheny, 74 Dodge, Ford Truck). Coui ted, 655 4949, anytImo. FOUR aimoalst ew steel rediale, P205175RI1FR78115, 8160. Fivo new Goodyear Wrangier radiale Pl9B15R15, 8$0. One sec Edatbrock SP2P auiammIntake manifold and kit for amail bock Cheratet, $200. Four almoel sec aiumInum star spoke chase, O boit to fil ail Japanese trucksa nd esme Cheae, $75 «cc, Comple uned roar wlndow loanere for Camaro and Firebird. $25. Phono 6553266. ciflLE ATOOBLE 1981 FORD Ws Ian, eocellent condition, cruise control, cap, $5,200 cerf lied. 576.592. 1981 FORD ESCORT, sco door, tour speed, halchback, AMIFM cassette, ounroal, 56,000 miles, $2.150. Phooe 668. 1981 CONCORD, 2 door, 4 cpi., automalic, ps., p.b., excellent condition, $2.900. Cail 433-1531, Oshawa, aoytime. 1980 CAPRI. 4 cylinder, auiomatic, gaad condition, $1.500 as sa. Phone 6881573 or 6681680. 1978 0000E Tradesman 300 Van, carpet and panel, exlended roof, asking $3.000 or beal aller. 666 3991, allerO6p.m. 1978 BUICK LTD 403 angine, 82000 miles, alecîrlo sunrool, ioaded, $2995. Cait 579-4142, at- er6 p.m. 1977 DATSUN F10 goad angine, body fair, no ruaI, vaine job and gaod tires, $880 easia. Phone 668- 6457. 1977 HONDA halchback. as ls, nawty rebut malor, $80. Phone 688528. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Ps&., p.b., air conditioniog. $600 or hast aller. Cati65-3170. 1978 OMC 44 Ion ven, runs but needs body worlc or good for par. te, $250. Phoneo 65.938, aller 8 pr.. 1975 DODGE Club Cab,.3/ ton heavy duiy, auiomatic, good shape, 59,000 original miles, bulit for Sut h ael traiter, cruise con. iraI. extra air compressor and tank for ires, entra gos taok. $3000. Phone 655-3006. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original miles, 4 cpi., 2 door, new brakes. cam shah and rockers, $293 or hesi of for. 668-5060. 1974 HORNET for sale, has 1976 molor 232 (40,000 miles), rebuili rans.. new starter, body ruIl, good running, as sa $500. Phono 668-9519. 1975 CHEVY van 20, custamizod, boit, Icaba, carpel, high beck t)uokel seae, AMIFM caaseette aleroo, mage att &round end 50w brakes, liares end traiter htch, noede body corS, 5014 as ta, $1.400. Cati 433-1579. 1972 PINTO, ctean Insida, body good, noeda minor repaire, $700 Or hast citear. Cati 668.7925. 1972 PONTIAC Parisienne, 77,000 mlea original, In runnisg con- dîlian, est ra body patta avalabie, SM0 uncorltiod. Calt Peul 868- 1532, atterô6pr. 1969 CHEVIELLIE, tour sac tiras and sesoraI brand sec parts. $30. Phono 686-1955, skli for Dan. 1937 CHEVROLET 2 40cr, Coech Sedan, 50% reelared from ground up, aIl partta original and complet e, raelas and astre partte, $3.500. Phonoe6132744. NEED Jo KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YO.UR NEW OOMMUNITY? Cati Phxoe668-8943 Our hosions cili hîng gilts and greclings. ainng wiih helpfl community information. 4%FCON FL Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because'- you have ISED? questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up-many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'I1 be pleased to explain the Emporiumi Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seil; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details . Your ad will run each week untîl the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge appies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance belote the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantec your article wil1 sell, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article sells, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400;, LESS the minimum charge described above. rI have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.1 I enclose $750 lis rover the minimui Charge $7..50 to my Visa account. <ard %No. !Nanir ipler pristi Address i diol Purge-I lis ni'iude ~vur phoine nums-r, im charge, MAIL. TO: Enp. Ilate WHITBY FR EE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1.11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Postal (o'deý Beltîw are stime examples of what you would be charged if yîsur article sold within three months. C'ommissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE1 Up Io s 1501 $ 21X() $ 41(1i $ M)1( $ 7(1) $ 8(M) $ 900 $1.000) $2,000 $3.000) $4,000 $5.000 and up Total Amouuit Payable S7.50 810.00 S15.00 S20.00 S22,00 s 24.00 S26.00 $28.00 S30.00 S 32.0 S52.00 872.00 S92.00 $ 100.00 FREE PRESS Emporium Ads wrnl only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions.

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