Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Aug 1986, p. 8

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PAGE 8. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST ý6. 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS CRIME STOPPE RS By SGT. S. RYRIE Durham Co-ordinator Durham Regional Crime Steppera la asklng for the public's assist4nce ln locating a veiticle responsible for the death of a 23 year old Osbwa man. On July 26, at ap- proxmmately 1:30 a.m. Dennis Terecit was ridlng hlasilver Ventura 12 speed north on Park, Road when- he was struck by -a vebicle. Terech was left on the roadaide. Bec-auae of this hit and run accident Mr. Terecit died of bead injuries on July 27. Durbam Regional Police are looking for a 1976 or 1977 Monte Carlo, 2 door, brown or IT RMN ENRE 68.452 THSWE ÇIolf and ~~A~'~dQURZDIT1Ai amber wlth a vlnyl roof. It may have damage on the rlght front grill area. Crime Stoppers will psy up to $1,000 te ayone providfng in- formation which leads to an arrest in titis case. Arnounts of up to $1,000 wil be paid for tipa leadlng to an arreat ln any serious crime. Callers do not have to give their names or testify in court. The Crime Stoppera numbers are: 222-8477, can be used in the Ajax/Pickering areas, or 1-800-387-8477, this toll-free nurfiber can be used in ail areas. Sgt. Sandy Ryrie of the Durham Regional Police Force writes this article to help combat crime. A Citizen board administers the program, one of more titan 600 Crime Stoppera' Boards across North Anerica. The award money is raiaed through tax deductible donations wiih may be sent to Durham Regional Crime Stoppera, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7K8. ýC0InryClu kIRA'~ - .yy my K- . ZALJnJAuq gIL. PRO SHOP SPECIALS OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE THUNDERBIRD li'S COMPARE AT $600. O-UR PRICE $349 (ALL CLUBS 11 pc. SETS) WE CARRY SOSTONAN GOLF SHOES THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORN isy JACK NIÃ"KLAUS -GOLFING SWEATERS REG.83.%o$ S13-99 -GOLF SHIRTSeo4BLEND) REG. '24."s%$$9.95 POWER CAR SPECIAL *WEEKDAYS DEFOAS 8 A.M. AND AFTER 3M0 P.M. (2GREEN FEE5 à POWER CAR> $36 REG. 4300 *WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS AE$ AFTER 3:00 P.M.SAE7 LADIES SPECIAL!1 FRIDAYAFTERNOONSAFTER 400 PM.$ .0 LADIES GREEN FEES ey Kids! GIVE MAN'S BEST FRIEND A BREAK! BECOME A WHITBY FREE PRESS CARRIER GIVE OUR CIRCULATION A CALL AT MANAGER OR COME DOWN TO OUR OFFICE AT S131 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY BrnDk l in By lines CalBy BETJ'YJEAN BLYT Ca %65379 with item. for this clumn I once recali readlng that for two months out of every year, at least 50 percent of ail Canadians are under-housed, under-dressed and poorly fed. No, they don't csfl t a depression, they cail it surmner vacation. However, judging by the number of notices I've received, it looks as if flot everyone bas deserted the sbip, there's etil plenty of life left in the old town. HANGI St. Leo's Parlsh is again holding the New Zealand feast they introduced iast year. It wiJ be held on Aug. 31 or Sept. 11If the first date la a wasbout. It i- cludes the polynesian type dinner known as a Hangi as well as games for the chlldren and entertainnient by the Maori Cultural Group froin Toronto. Proceedlngs begin at 10 a.m. and dinner wiil be ser- ved at 4 p.m. Tickets are sold in advance and mxust be ordered before Aug. 24. The cost is $10 for those 16 and older, $5 for 3-15 crowd wbile the littie ones wlll be admltted free of charge. There la also a special family rate of $30. To get your tickets cal Lise Rudolph at 655-4627, Byron Grace at 655-3677, Martin Van Hoot at 655-459 or Father Moloney at 655-=26. BUS AND BOAT TRIP St. Thomas' ACW bas a trip planned for tomorrow te raise money for their building fund. It promises to bea full day of exciting activity fromn a visit to the Betbany Studio, a three hour boat crulse on the Trent-Severa waterway, shopping and meals. I'm not sure that there are any empty spaces left at this late date, but in case there are and you'd like to get ini on the fun, eaUl 655-3401. Cot for the day ls $43. You can also get information on departure Urnes for the bus froax Whitby, Brooklin or Myrtie by caliing the same nuniber. Type writer RENTALS c:> T1. also SALES & SERVICE Somewitere in the back of Margaret An- nan's mind there is an ides to one day try and Home Satellite TV:- The Geotest Show On Earth A ction-packed movies are just the beginning of the programming now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: *More movie, sports, news, educational, religiaus, and children's programming than îs available from any otiier source. al100-plus channels to choose fro m. for about the samne monthly payînents as cable TV. eFiee and legal reception. To ind out more about how home satellite televi- sion works, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning Ini Hème Satellite TV. But hurry-supplies are limited. i 4605 Baldwln St., Brooklln (1/4 mile N of FamIIy Kartways) furnisb a Florida. room at Fairview Lodge. And that ides took one step forward with ber recent donation of a table and four chairs te the Lodge. Margaret Annan and ber daugitter Melissa are ownera of Garbo's Boutique on Brock St. S. and the mother and daughter team put on a fashion show in Marcit with the proceeda covering the purchase of the furniture set. The show was iteld at Kreba Restaurant on March 23, with modela from Celebrity Place in Oshawa. Melissa also modeled la the show. Valentino's created the latest In bair coiffures for the show. The four chairs are made of wrought iron and bave goveramnent approved coverings. Titey were specially designed s0 that the residenta at the Lodge will find them essy to get in and out of. A second fashion show will te held on Septeni- ber 28 at Krebs Restaurant at 12:30 p.m. Tickets coat $18 and can te obtained by SEE PAGE 14 .P.C. INAUGURAL MEETING Since the new Redistribution Legislation bas passed, the Rldlng of Durbam Est bas changed considerably. It now consista of parts of Whltby and Oshawa tbat lie North of Taunton Rd., the town of Newcastle, thte townsblhpe of Manvers, Scugog and Indian Reserve No. 34. A meeting te reinstate Durham East Rldlng willl te iteld on Tuesday, Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. ln Nestleton Communlty Centre. Nestieton la east of Port Perry onHighway7A. Tite agenda wlll be comprlsed 0f an election te choose an executive for the Y,P.C.'s and delegates te the Sept. General Meeting. A new constitution wlll te drawn up and offered for approval, new executive will e elected, delegates te the General Meeting ia Hamilton on Sept. 19 and 2Owlll t citasen and new memberaitipo wlllbe for sale. Everyone is'urged te attend. LIBRARY NEWS The theme for titis montilas 'Slow Boat te China' and on Monday, Aug. il Mms. Vers Howard willl present a slide presentation of ber adventures i China from 2:30 te 3:30. On Tuesday, Aug. 12 at the same tinte, there willl te s chlldren's Stery Hour on this saine dark and mysterious country. Then on Thursday, Aug. 14 for- tune cookies, green tes and a chopstlck challenge will take place. ANNUAL BAKE SALE Brooklln United Citurcit Women are busy baking up a stera i preparation for titeir annual Bake Sale ln Grass Park starting at 1: 30 Friday, Aug. B. Thisala a great opportunlty te steck Up oni deliclous homemade goodies sucit as pies, tarts and squares. Get there early for thebest selection. KINSMEN RODEO Tite Kinsmen Clubs of Oshawa and Brooklin and District are sponsoring a rodeo to, be beld at Broolin Fairgrounds on Saturday, Aug. 30 and Sunday, Aug. 31. Show times both days are at 2 p.m. and wll feature saddie bronc ridlng, calf roping, bull ridlng, steer wrestiing and barefoot bronc ridlng. Thte shows wlll te about two and a bal te titree hours ln lengtit. Titis rodeo la sanctioned by the Ontario Rodeo Association and la being produced by Bill Leggette froax Campbellcrof t wito bas been involved'wlth rodeos for the past 30 years. Cowboys from ail over Ontario are expected to compete as well as some from Quebec and parts of the United States. They wlll te vying for iirize money provlded by Moisons Brewery and Chrysler of Canada as well as points for the annual Cowboy Championsip. On Saturday nigitt, there wlll te a dance followlng ln the arena te the music of thte Damond Reo band. Advance tickets are dlacounted and are avallable from Dempster's Buteiter Block in Witby, Har- dsand Fence and Patio la Oshtawa and Brooklin Esso la Brooklln. Coot for aduits la $5, for chlldren under 12 it la $3 whlle littie ones under titree are ad- mltted free. A family pasu for $15 admits six people from thtesame family including two adulte. Furniture donated

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