PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST .6. 1986. WI-lTBY PR.EE PRESS Ad eqate fire insurance averts financial disaster Students of the1 mer Munic acho Gazebo at Rotary Strike up the band WbtySentor Public Sum- young alike were on band to lilten te the o21el a concert ln the musiclans. Park recently. Seniors and Folders " DESKS *,TABLES " FILNG CABINETS " ADDING MACHINES " TYPEWRITERS *CHAIRS l " SAFIS e KARDEX " CASH REGISTERS "ELECTRONIC CALCULArORS "STEEL LOCKERS e FANS "SHELVING e TIME RECORDERS " TRANSFER CASES ETC. " DUPLICATING MACHINES DESIGN Free Press Staff Photo DESK m i CHAIRS FILES ETC. COMPLETE PRUNTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416.683-19B8 and 416-683-1970 Isyour Cash TlowIV The Bns ol8 BarterOPAnd Master Trade eMster Trade sts as your broker, publicizing your of feringa and putting you ln touch with other f rma who need what you have, and Jhave what you need. Through our trade brokers we are constantiy exploring new markets for you. *Mast.r Trade becornes an active distributor for your produts or services. Our listing service and periodic bulletins advertise you. *Mster Trade improves your cash flow by selting your produot at prevalling prices. Your actual cash ln- vestmnent ls your wholesale or production cost. *Master Trade shlows you to use existing Inventories, representlng cash you have already committed, to buy gooda and services you need. We make these unproductive assets profitable. *Mster Trade generates new proflits, si nce we Increase sales without lncreasing sales expense. *Master Tracle reduces accounts receivabte and bad debts. Immediate payment for your produot or service la credited to your account. oMastor Trade provides detalied statements each month showing the purchase and sales by your company for the previous month. Accounts are reconciled on a daily basis. Barter is smnarter Cail Now MASTER TRADE ~ji ADivision of Metro Trading Systems Ltd. o 3208 LENWORTH DR, MISSISSAUGA, ONT. L4X 2G2 TELEPHONE: (416) 6250750 Along with the emotional wreckage left by moat bouse fires, residents could face financial disaster if the property waa not adequately inaured. "l1t's tragic to aee a family atruggling to cope wlth the ahock of losing ail their possessions, only to discover tbey can't af- ford to replace half of tbem," aaya Don San- dilanda, an insurance expert with the Ontario Mlnlstry of Financial Institutions (MFI). "To protect youraelf, revlew your household insuran- ce policy every year and upgrade It as necessary." When a policy cornes up for renewal, homeowners should take stock of ail their possessions. If you haven't already made a lilt of everytbing you own, go tbrough the house room by roomn, taklng an inventory. Jot down the approximate value and replacement cost of eacb item. How much are the goods ac- tuaily worth in tbeir current condition and what would it cost to buy similar merchandise today? The inventory list could prove Invaluable if anything la destroyed or stolen. Store it in a safe place away from the house. Insurance agents and brokers can often provide inventory booklets and other material to help you calculate insurable amounts on your home and contents. Homeowners who have already done an inventory ahould takeit out every year and revis. the costs listed. Any new purchases sbould be added. To avoid possible disputes over dlaims, you may need apecial coverage for Par- tlcularly valuable items such as furs, jewefry and antiques. Detailed pbotograpbs' and ap- pralsals of prized possessions can also help avold hassles. Most, policies cover the depreclated value of the household contents. But lit la possible to buy speci policies offerlng replacement. values. In- surance coinpanles vil also arrange to cover the replacement costs of apetific Items even if most of the household contents are only ln- aured for their existing value. "'You wli, of course, have to pay bigher premiuzns for replacenment cost coverage, but some people flnd the peace of mmnd wortb the moaey," Sandilands says. "Tbe reason for recordlng botb the existing values and replacement coats of your possessions on the, inventory liat la to give you an idea of wbat shortfails you might face if you are not covered for replacement value. Talk to your insurance agent or broker about how to beat aneet your own needs. " The amount of in- surance borneowners should carry on the ac- tuai bouse la deteremined by the cost of rebuilding, not the resale value. of the property whlch includes the value of the land. According to Sandilan- ds, this figure should aiso be revised an. nuaily. If in doubt, con- aider baving a professional appraisal done. Tenants should be sure they understand wbat insurance they are requlred to carry under the ternis of their leases. Apartment, con- dominum and townhouse owners should find out what areas of the building they are responsible for lnsurlng. "It's also important to understand the extent of your coverage," says Sandilands. 6"Moat policies don't cover damages caused by flooda or earthquakes. Are there any other restrictions on your coverage? WiII your in- surance pay for einergency accom- modation if the house is destroyed? If you're un- sure about any aspect of your policy, bave a chat with your insurance agent or broker." Insurance costs vary bet'ween companies. Wben arranging household insurance for the first timre or renewing an old policy, shop around for the beat combination of price, coverage and reliability, Sandilands suggests. A brochure on in- surance la available free froin the Consumer Information Centre at 555 Yonge St., Toronto M7A 2H16, (416) 963-1111 or toil free at 1-800-268- 1142. Residents witb an 807 area code may cail the Toronto number collect. Fire department service cails The foilowlng 29 oeils were responded to by the Whtby Fire Depar- tmnent for the seven day perlod froni S a.m. Monday, July 21 until 8 s.m. Monday, July 28 JULYZI 11:06 a.m. - Myrtle Rd. E. Assistance to ambulance. 4:38 p.m. - 811 Red Maple Dr. Check oeil. 5:35 p.m. - Opposite the OPP Station on Henry St. Post flre. 5:42 pm. - 125 Meadow Crea. Bar- beque fire. 6:23 p.m. - 17 Park- vlew Blvd. Medlcal ald. 8:06 pm. - 425 Dundas St. E. Motorcycle ac- cident. JULY 2 1: 15 .m. - 1125Burns St. E. Assistance te am- bulance. 10:43 a.m. - 63 Thlckson Rd. S. Public assistance. 11:53 a.m. - 1550 Dun- dus St. E. Medical aid. 12:23 p.m. - Hwy. 401 westbound, east of Tblckson Rd. Vehicle accident, 12:53 p.m. - Thickson Rd. S. and Victoria St. E. Vehicle fire. 2:09 p.m. - Hwy. 401 westbound, east of Tblckson Rd. Vehicle accident. 4:22 p.m. - 300 Tan- ton Rd. W. Assistance to ambumlance. 8:40 p.m. - 1121 Dun- dam St. E. Peat mous fire. JULY 23 7:11 am. - 409 Centre st. s. Building cal 11:21 a.m. - 106 Mary St. W. Medical aid. 8:06 p.m. - M2 Byron St. N. Reuscitator call. 10:50 p.m. - 119 Centre St. N. Assistance te amn- bulance. JULY 24 6:38 P.M. - 305 Hopkins St. Bell telephone cable - wlres down. 11:53 - 425 Dun- dan St. E. Msdlcal ald. .IULY 25 11:40 a.m. - 19 Lyn- dehurat Cru. AssIstan- ce te ambulance., 4:06 p.m. - 112&Burns St. E. Msdlcal aid. JULY 2 12:41 arn. - 575 Rossland Rd. E. Power fallure. 10:34 ar.- 15 Regen- cy Crue. Building unI. 11:06 a.m. - OU5 Hopkins St. Building Cali. .IULY 27 7: 10a.m. -200 Garden St., apt. B. Assistance te ambulance. 4:20 p.m. -'45 D"jic' St. E. Medlcal aid. 10:40 P.m. - 960 Dun- das St. W. Building cail, estmated damnage - $15,000. JULY 8 12:20 a.m. - 1370 Dun- das-St. W. Ch'eck oeil. Youths arrested i theft Two Whitby youths, both 17, have been arrested by Durham Regional Police and charged with thef t un- der $1,000, possession under $1000 and atteni. pted tbeft. Tbe arrests ,follow a nuznber of car thefts on Calais St. in the early mornlng bours of July 31. Among the items stolen were sunglasses, cassette tapes, a amail amount of cash and a bottle of Tia Maria. The two willappear in Osbaws Youthful 0f- fendera court August 12. INSTANT PRINTIN Work Org ilwe