PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY. JULY 30.1I986. WHTTBY FREE PRESS SIX PIEOU kIiohan noohe oet wiih CME atorag undor 2 boncb.o. 88nOr CIAL typa freezer, aavorod la long woaing olin, 2 dhootro,. 8 t. long wth 2 lilding Year new, 829. Phono 436-1690. 0m nw compresor Jan. 8, __________________ »kng810». Phone 088-5M0. MODEL TRAIN SET, HO Gauge, 70 It. irack, 4x8 table, engins, 12 CUSTOM MSADE drapes, 2 com- cars, buildilngs, good starter set, ptte soteSMac. Phonoe68M0295. S200 trm. Cali 723-8969, alter 5 p p.m. 1940FuTiRbut coder atrip 161 boit end motor, 81,000. 1970 Hardtop camper, l"ep8 , hés fumaceanid add-o-oom by wheel, 01,800. 8 ou. li. Woodgrala freeze, MO0. Phone 00-270M KLONDIKCE tireplace insort witit fan, good condition, $350. Kim- batil electrIa organ with double keyboard and bench, $600. Com- bination teo end rsdio, $80. W"8-70. ROBERT BATEUAN printa, Idie Muta Swan*, mueeumn framod, 8750. Buffalo Ai Amboseeie, 890. Phonoe0008M0 GLASS and chrome cotles table, 3 fier, $150. ehumidlier, d5rit brown, $80. WIcker cotfeo table, $20. PIctursous face dlock, S25. Phone 4274592. CARPETS, iwo 9s10, on. 11x13, $30 each. Football hlmt, $15. Fine galion f ah tank wth oc cesoores, $23. Ulquor bar for roc roam, $50. Phone 579-9167. SPANISH style cheaterfieid and choir, cutom moade, one aI a klnd, &500. lmporled European chandelier, 848. 011 an cannas watt painting rom Mexico and trame, $200. Cali 668-0288. FOR SALE ding room acute, solld wlaui, approx. 00 years oid, 9 piocoo. table wilh exten- @Ion, buffet, china cabinet.,5Solda chairs and 1 arna chair, (com- pietely roflalahed Inctuding naw upholatered clati t sa, prico 81,550 or beat offer. Tel. OC&- 2461. INSIDE DOOR 28x80, Inaiuding htardware, $25. Inside door, 28x8 Inatuding hardware, $23. Con- crete durs step single riser, $38. Fine 24x24 paio siobe, $2.50 oait. Portable eloatria basoboard hésiter, $15. Piottorm rocker, goid vloor, $100. End table, colonial stylo. $25. Two sets bathroom tope, new, $15 oach. 182346770. ADMIRAL îridgo and stovo. gold, goad condition, $700 . Solid wood triple dresser with nanIty section, $100. Two steel sheinos, $25 escit. 688-404. CHOCOLATE BROWN tuxodo style dbilOn Skier sofa bod, ex- cellent condition, $880 new, scrifice $375. Soiid pins and pins voneor roll top doek, top cen b. removed forsa flot surface. os- cetent condition, sacrifice 8400. 35 gallon aquarium, complote wth ight, ilters, granel, pante, tisit snd stand, $90. Phono 728. 7744. BICYCLE,- boys 3 speed, ln ex- cllent condition, 20 Inch wheels, aultablo for 9 year old, 8$0. Phono 6688-9480. GRAIN CONVEVOR Millte GMant, 25 fi. on whooes, $695. Phono 655& 80W. 14 FOUT inshogany i-eetwing saliboat, $450. Ttrae ton chain holat, $100. Boat ancher, $25. Loft-hand golf clubs and cert, 815. Waier okis, $45. Barbaque, $15. Cant hook for rollIng loge, 30. iHoover, 83. Pick ose, $25. Phono 433-408. & DININO room chairs, excelent condition, 8W0emah. Rock mopie kItchon oet, 4 chaire, 0195, Cor- ner cabinet, $75. Solid waad dresser and mIrror, W0. Oak~ racktng chair, 850. Antique dining rooms table, 2 lioave, 8180. Bookohoîf, 815. Phono 083403. UNIQUE oneaofaskInd faciles 14k yoIlow and whte goid dIamnond ad aapphlm ring, ise 0, ait with il ful eut diemonos and 10 oap- phîrea, cmn be wom as dInner or engagement ring, appraled 81,200,aking 8900. Atoo If boughtl as engagement ring 2 soelaliy mode wedding bande that fit elthar aide ai ring, $200. Phono 0034062, Rager. Witen te advertised item la sold, dlsposed of, or unavailable for whalever reason, lte Item wili b. deemed ta have been sod anda commission will b. charged baaed on THE ADVERTIBEI3 PRICE as ilustrated b.low, regardleisa If price ln slaled wlit "bust offer". If te item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of,te ad will be rua for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50will apply payable In advance of publication of the firat ad. Thte above minimum charge wW be applled 10 ltte final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- lisements muat be paced on an exclusive basis wlitlte WHITBY FREE PRESS and runaai least one monthift i isold. RATES tIf article la sod): 5%. of advertised price op ta $400,9 2% of balance over t400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item adverlised for $150,00. Comission due $7.50 (minimum charge la 117.501 Privais advertlaing onlyl Please noiify te Witiy Free Pmeua mmediately whan item la 81d n ltai we may deela il fram lte foliowag issue. Ail ads ot ifliting the Emporium guidelines wiIib. lreated and citarged par week as regular clasafled ado on a pre-paid baila suaitasa: services, itelp wanted, clotiag, reat estsie, and parsonal message typea act, or ada trot quotîng price or quaoity. Privole classifled ada may appear ln lte Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALýL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE 5PECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box2m Whigby, LIN $SI If ln dobt cali: 6U8-6111 OR IELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Wbigby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. __UTVMOTIV1 ,., ATICLS ~~ BABY NEEDS U REPAIR/PARTSI 1970 BUICK Skylarlt parts) grill, PRAM, three-inone, $120. GM bumper, taillions, cyl. htsds, CHILD'S swlmmlnlg pool, 2 ft. lonesoat, $40. Change table, $40. $22. Osawa, 438-0280. deep and 8 fi. ln diameler, pain- AIl 1km new. Vouti b.d, $80. _____________ ted alvnizd seel.dran nun- Phono 434047. salety caner, $99, Phono 666. 1784. FOR SALE 30" eiectric etons, anocado green, good condItion, $100. Phane 08.8. CUSTOM MADE aontomporary toussoatsnd iwo chairs, ou- collent condIlion, coat 81,000 naw, aking SM5. Alter 5 p.m., 427-7900. T.V. SIITAND, $15. Stemeo send, HiGH CHAIR made la itatyseat maclines, 840. Cati 608-7209 anytimo. CRIB, moltres snd bumper pod, white, $75. Plastic toliet traîner, loke like miniaturs toliet, $5. ChIlda car seot, maiti-positlon, good ta 40 Ibs., 835. ChIlda car boouter seot, odds &' la height, goad ta 70 Ibe., $15. Att lteme are 2%o yeors aid or oass and are la exceltent condition, no ripo or tesrs, aothing le broken. Phone 668-5925. 82. HI-FI record pisyer, $50. Colt otter aP.M., 668-4M. 12 FOOT woadon alboal moady for lounahing, 83M. PhoneOô&00 2767. FOR SALE 1984 Bonaire 1200, sloops 8, tone, 2 way fririge, toilet, dining eoeter, completeiy equippod, Immacuiste condiion, ssklng $8,000. Cmii Bruce ai 66&- 1"65. NEW & USED CAR BUYS READ..IIDV .. SELL JUSTCALL 668-6111 TRUCK CAP for fait aize e ti. pick-up, good condition, 8100 or boat offer. 0084770. 1078 COMRT O cyl., for partia, good molor, trasmission, rmer end. complote car, $M0. Phone 65.300 MOTORS, Dodge, GM, Toyota, Honda end Ford, 8150 saci. Four good tiras, 825 each. Excellent windows for garage, stop or greenhouma, 5 fh nS it.f, 4xIlasif, MIS es. Fine cars for poa, 825 a&. (75 Dodge, GMC, Cflovy, 74 Dodge, Ford Truck). CalilTed, W&8 4949. anytima. FOUR lmool new steel radiale, P20515R15lFR78115, 8180. Fine now Goodysar Wrsnglor radiale P190175R15, $40. Oas now Edetbroak SP2P eiuminum Intalce manifold and kl for ornai block Chevroiel, 8210. Four sîmoat new slumlnum star soke wheata, ô bull to lf iot Japanoe t rucksasnd @onme Cheno, 875 each, Compilo uwod er wadaw touvers for Camaro and Firobird, 8$Z. Phono 655-32M8. FORSAL 1981 FORD k% Ion, excellent condition, anal.. conlroi, cap, $5200 certif ted. 576459m 1991 CONCORD, 2 doar, 4 cyl. automailo, ps., p.b., excellent condition, 83,475 certlfled. Cal 433-1531, Oshawa, anytime. 1991 FORD ESCOT two door, four apeed, hatahback, AMFM casseite, aunroof, 40.000 miles, M2150. Phoa0004m3. 1M90MONDA CmVC, sunroof, AMIFM ateraet mae 800or boat ofor. 088440. 1970 BUICK LTD 403 angine, 82,000 miles, electil sunroof, ioaded, $2,M9. Cou 579-4142, ai- tars p.m. 1W77MONDA hatohback,a ta, newly rebulti motor, 111100. Phono 0084M.2 1977 OLOS Cuilss Salon, con- sole buakols, good ahapa, easy t0 cartlty, $1,600. Phone 668. 0188. 1970 CHRYBLER CORDOBA pse., p.b., air condlllonlng, SM0 or boat offer. Cali 655-3176. 1970 OMOC;4 ton van, rune but ne body woitt or good for par. te, $M5. PhoneOU8438, &fiter ô p.m. 1975 D0006 Club Cab, 4 ton heany duly, automnallo, good shape, 59,000 original mites, bulIt for St whet traller, crulse con- trot, extra air compressor and tank tor tires, extra gas tank, SM00. PhoneeSS.-3006. 1975 PINTO 43,000 original miles, 4 cyl., 2 door, new brakes, camn shaitland rockers, 8$M or boat aller. 688-5060. 1978 CHEVY van 20, customIzed, bod, Icabas, carpet, hlgh bock bachot "aate, AMIFM casuitoe oteromage &Il arouad and now braes, ilates and trouler hilcit, noodo body worit, aoid esla, $1,400. Colt 433.1579.. 1974 HORNET for sale, has 1976 motor 232 (40,000 miles), rebulit trans., new starter, body rail, goad runnlng, as tea SM. Phone 668-9519. 1072 PINTO, cioan inside, body good, neode minor repairs, 8700 or boat aller. coti008.7m2. 1M72PONIAC Parisienne, 77090 mues original, In runnlng con- ditlon, eta body parto avllabla, 8200uncartlfied. CaliPl oui008 1532,fteop.m. 1M9 CHEVILLIE, four now tiros and senorat brand new parte, $300. Phono 000-195, ak for Dan. 1037 CHEVROLET 2 door, Ooach Sedan, 50% reatorod f ram ground up, oit parti original and comaplet@, manuals and extra Pa"l. $3,500. Phonoe0002744. ; t!mCON'FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Donnt miss, out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are~ a private advertiser; @have an article ta seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article thon you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. Your ad will i-un each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT soul within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will selI, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? Wben your article selis, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up ta $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111 'and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have thei *following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.I - I I _ i (dai forget 10 include your phone num ber) A enclose $7.50 to cover the minimum Charge $750 to My Visa account. Card No. Nome iplease printi CityPoo r.harize. MAIL TO: -sp. DiaIt- 1HITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whithy LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months, Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. 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