Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY JULY 23.,1986 Wl-fl CORNEIL'S AMCTION BARN FR., JULY 25 6:00 PM. Three miles east of Little BrItain or 7 mites west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little BrItain Rd. Conten- ta of local estate plus others. OaK hait seat and mirror, Krakauer uprIghl piano and bench, 6 oak dinfing room chairs, wainut gateieg table, Grandfalher dock, Wingham cookatove, 4 poster mahogany bed and dresser, pine chest of drawers, chesterfieid and chair (excellent con-, dîtion), oak buffet, 2 mahogany wardrobes, walnut wardrobe, wainut what-not sheif, brasa bells, 1960 Ford 'h ton pick-up, quantlty of bed- ding, tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1, LITLÏ13RITAIN 705-7M62183 AUCTION SALE TUES., JULY 29 81)0 P.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whltby. (ok mile east, of Thlckson Rd.) Seliing the property of MR. & MRS. MCWEENEY of Ajax, movlng 10 Ireland, plus others. lncluding 3 Pc.' chesterfield and chair, walnul chine cabinet, walnut .F. table and 4 chairs, essorled dshes and china, coffes and end table, Sanya 26"~ colour TV., 2 brasa lam- pa, wicker plant stand, brasa plaques, large white crpet, amali D.F. table, double dresser, 2 good single beds, 7 cu. ft. freezer, 2 fans, 3 pc. walnut biedroom suite, 9x9 carpet, beddlng, blankets, etc., spin dry washer Kenmore, Eureka vac., Panasonic. radio, aq. oak* table, large mnaple chairs, plus many other ailis. New Fur- niture tramn Toromark: 6 pc. bedroomn suite, cheaterfielda, caf tee and end tables, occasalonal chairs, dresser, lampa, box apringa and mattresa, carpets. Vehiclea: 1983 Chevette Scooter (only 2700 km, original mles), 1984 Chev 14' cube van, 1979 VW Rabblt diesel, 1977 Honda Accord, 1976 tant traiter. Note Time - 6 p.m. Sale of good furniture, antiques and vehicles. Vehicies selllng at 7:30 p.. ROSS MOLE-AN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 or 686-3291 UNLIMITED INCOMIL Join our mail order progree, worlc At home. For more Information eand $1.00 for postae and handlIifg 10 J & E E-nteiprima, Box 39-P, station M Toronto, M5 4T2. L-C.L AND AID neederd for Brooiin Day Cars. 0010k818o r.qulred, lExperencd and non- emoker preferred. Cali 655-38M. GENEPIAL PRACTIONER requIred for a 20-b.d active trestment hosptil, 1DO mls noriet ofaiEdmonton on Hwy. 45. MdeialCla on hospIie grounds. Preseni doctor plane to, retire, Position anstible im- medtaiey. Piesse nord resume or phione: Mr. John Oudar. Board chairmen, Mymamn Municipal Htospital, Mymarm AD, TOB 30, 36-2441 or 386-3870. JOIN THE FA5TEST growIng compeny ln Norih AmrlosOr International heeth and nutrition compeny. Vot cen eam $4»0 $1200 per rmonth pen-time or $200040000 par monlir lulI-time. No eperience, will frin.Coeil margaret McCann, (705687-d726. A CARIER IN TRucKINCI. To sport drivers ceeded. Now lotira time te train for yoor ClasA licenne. For presocreoning Inter- view and lob pacement inter malien, contact Merv Orrsa Tran- sport Driver Taining, Brampton 1-8002t5-1260. RETAIL PLUMBINQ sore ln Whliby needs recent ecireol leaenlr o train fer saie, andi miner repsire. Muet have a oeid drines licanend cib.gooci ai relatint te peopte. 579-5852. WEIS PRE58PERSON 10 aponate e unit Goes.communty. E- collent worlrIng conditions. Ap- pilctitons confidentiel. Repiy io: RIdeér Web Publications, PO. Box 2f42. Brntford, Ont. N3T 5n9. CONTRACTrORS Complete Exterior Repairs at the Psychiatric Haspi tal,' Varlous Buildings,- WH ITBY, Ont. TENDER. NO. ORI-88- 133 Seaied Tenders MiIl be received until 2:00 piTi: local, lime on - - TUESDAY, AUUST 12, 198. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontar Io Mlnstry- of Govrnment Ser- vices, OrillilaDistrict Office, 24 James St. E., PO.' Box 790, Oria, Ontaro L3 6K7. Note: For further In- formation regarding. the Tenders, please cail the Tenders Of- fice ai the abova ad- dress, tetephorie (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender not necessariiy accepled. occupttona Thrapists8 Regular Part-Tims Positions $14.16 - $15.6per hour The MINIStRY 0F HEALTH, Whlby Psychialric Hospital has two regular part-tlme positions lm- mediateiy avaliabie: one ta work wlh neuroiogIcaliy Impaired psychiatric patients and the other with long lerm outpatients; carry out functionai assessrnts; design and Implement rehabl Itation programa, both individual and group. The part-ime positions carry an excellent benef It package. Location: Whltby. Oueilflcatloflm: Thorough knowiedge of oc- cupationai therapy norrrliy acqulred through formai training at 'an accredited school of oc- cupationai therapy; denonstrated ability to plan and adminster en-OT programn; abIlIty tai functIon asamnember of amuitidlscipiiflaryteam. Ar& of sourch: Witln commutIng distance of Whlby- Pies»se snd. applclordlusfe, quotlng ffle HL- 25-3688, by -Aug. 11,198 l t: Reglonfl Personhel Admln.lr&Ites Personnel Services, "Humèn Resources and Personnel Devlopment Branch, P.O. Box 63, Whltby, Onturlo, LIN 5U9. Equillty ot Opporlunlty for Employment SOntario Public Service. police notes bPeter -Bramma My six year ai 'd daughter, Claire, is scared. An d that's good! You see she's scared of catching rabies. My wife and 1 have spoken ta her about t a number of times and she has also had a special presentation at school. Just recently Claire and I were checking out the backyard and we faund a frog. Predictabiy she asked if she could touch hini but first she wanted ta, know if it might have rabies. I explained ta her that frogs dont have rabies and it was quite safe ta handie him. Even though frogs are safe,. same aUner animais are nat, and we must ha very cautiaus when deaiing with them. It's impor- tant Uat we give aur children specific rules ta foilow in this regard, especiaiiy considering that the number of animais found ta have rabies in this ares has increased dramatically over last year. Sa far in 1986 there has been an increase of 100 percent over Une sanie period in 198 5. What Is Rables? Rabies is a viral disease (infective organism) which affects the nervaus systems of any warm blaoded animai including man. Left ta run ts cour- se, it is ALWAYS fatal. It is usualiy spread through the bite of an infected animal. The virus is present in the saliva of the rabid animal, se that any transfer of saliva inta the body, via biting, licking, scruiching or even han- dMing, where saliva may get into a scratch, wound or mucous membranes (mouth, eyes) may cause the disease to ha passed an. Once the virus enters the body, it traveis siowiy. alang the nerves ta the brain, where the reai damnage is done. The incubation period,,or the tume between introduction of the virus ta Une body, and the first appearance of symptanis, varies greatly, from as short as ten days ta a year or more, but usually twa to eight weeks. The virus may ha faund in the saliva ofUne rabid animal for several days hafore symptons begin, so even animais acting normally çould pose a threat. Once symptans hagin, death foliows inevitabiy in a few davs. runners. The runners were carrying the torch ta Peterboroughs ta open the Ontario Summer Games.Free Pres Staff Photo Hlstory Rabies was first diagnosed' in Canada in 1900, in white foies in Une Arctic. Eventually the disease was passed on ta aUner foxes until Unhe red fox population of Ontario became affected. By 1954 Une first case of rabies in red foxes was diagnosed in Fort Albany, Ont. and by 1958 it had spread throughout Ontario's red fox population., OUner animals whlch are likely ta become rabid are skunks, bats, and raccoona, in Unat order. It's quite rare among aquirrels, rats, mice and birds. Amongat damestic animais, dogs and cats head Une list followed by cattle, sheep, horses, etc. Dags and cats, are most likely ta pasa rabieis on tahuinans. The usual situation is that a rabid fox or skunk flghts with an unvaccinated dog or cat which then becames rabid and Unen bites its owner.. How Can Rables Be Controiled Five rules to follow: 1. Avoid wild anrnals. 2. Avoid dead or sick animais. 3. Repart sick animais., 4. Report bites or scratches. 5. Have your animais vaccinated. In addition, contrai your pets, don't let Uneni run at large, especiaily at night when nacturnal animais such as foxes and 'skunks are active. If you see animais such as foxes, skunks and raccoons near schaa.ls or papulated areas during daylight heurs, caîl your local animal control office. Treatment To Prevent Rables If you or your child is bitten by an animal, wash the wound or affected ares tharoughly under run- ning water, being careful flot ta spiash water In eyes or mouth. Make sure the wound is Unoroughly cleaned and flushed using same soap or detergent, foilowed by the application of a disinfectant. Report ta your doctor as soon as passible and he or she c.an advise whether rabies vaccine is required (by the way injections for rabies are now like a regular in- jection and consist usuaiiy of five injections in the arm or hip. About 222 persans were treated iast year in Durham but aiready in 1986 over 200 have had the injections). Where possible the animal involved should ha confined for observation, so it is important that Une Durham Health Services Department is notifîed quickiy. Sa, parents, make sure your chidren are aware of the dangers. They must stay away froni wild or stray animais. For any further Information on rabies cail Durham Heaith Services at 723-8521. Based on article in the Ontario Police Journal 1985, Author Alex Cannor, C.P.H.1. Comngevents calendar Colin, 62 Cchan CONCERTS1, This evening (July 23) at Whitby Senior Public School, the Whitby Summer School of Music Concert Band will be givlng a concert beglnning at 7 p.m. The graup will alsa ha giving a speclal performance for seniors tomorrw mornln th Ue gazebo at" Rotary Centennial Park. That concert gets underway at 1:30 a.m. NURSES REUNION The Whitby Psychiatric Hospital nurses ciass of 1951 are having their first reunion Augut 2 at Une home of Joe and Jeanne St. in Brooklin. Ail memhars of Une class of 1951 are invited ta drap in between 2 and 5 p.m. For more information please cail 655-483. SP>ORTIS CELEBRITY DINNER On Thursdav. August 7 Une Whitby Jaycees will ha hoating a benefit Sports Celebrity Dinner ta raise money for Fair- view Ladge, Home for Une Aged. The roastbeef dinner, which wili ha at Une Legian Hall, 117 Byron St. S., will cosl $15 a ticket and a numn- har of sports celebrities will ha in attendance. Reglonal councilor Gerry Emm carnies Une tarch as members of Une Peterborough Roadrunîners club leave Whtby headed for ôèhawa. Mernbers of Une Wbtby Tigers rua- ming club also accompanied Une Peterborough Off and running A LITTLE WA NT 'AD S HO10UT S You can selil your unused items fast by pl aclng a Classified or Emporium Ad in the WVhitby Free Press. Resuits are just a phone calI away. Let our Classified Advertislig Manager heip you write a clever ad and just listen to your phone ring. Cali: 668-6111 CLASSI FIEDS

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