Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1986, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JULY 23t 1986, PAGE 25 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ PAINTING à DECORATING OIVEAWAY PRICES. Muet, b. professionîl bonded corkmn- MANUFACTURER'S sold. Inyesîmoni, retIrecent. 68-9712. I- ' -M doce, 8U5 a ceek, 6% Inferesi, ________________*VINYL SIDING $9 9 60 seconde off Hcy. 11. Excellent BERNIES PAINTING, otertor, 6 coînans, 1,500ln stock-.......f om sq. location, good cadi, toc taxes, 4337W60or 728-2076. l ALUMINUM STORM DOORS hdo hsgo cem iniorior,~~~~~~~~ dyaitra.icle ,01aoo. .tomprovmd fur building. Meke an oi- .... 1,W lnstok, ..................... frm $ 9 99fer (705l687-28-40. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candîewicking, Coun- ted Cross-stitch, Emf- broidery and Crewet. We even do Neediepoint and Trapunto too. Joîn In the fun. Have a Creative Cincie class n your home. Teachlng you to silt- ch la easy. Book flow and recelve a Free Glî t. Cali1: Nadine, 666-1490 O1RAMMER for people cho hale grammîr" sa the Ideal pookol relerence bock for business people. $3.95 per copy and avitliabie ai Dlckson Fr101159 & Office Supplies sn the Alan Fiez. Dealer Inquiries lnvitîd 683-1968. SHORT INTRODuCTORY and ad- vanced compater courses: Word Proceasing, O-Base, Lotus. Basic, etc. 427-3010. HALIEURTON LEGION Branch 122 Bluegrass Festival, Halibar- ton, Ont. Angaît a, 9, 10. Raagh camping, food, soavenir boothu, top illugoriua groape, lca, fireoaod availcale. For mars In- formation or bookIngi ciii (7051 457-2571. FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waler- cîy. Beaalilui scenery, carelree relaxation, prIvate stateroom, delicious ceais. Brochure Boa 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7. (705)1748-3666. STEAM SHOW Moritage Gou Cri Village, log &swing, llddie con. luit, calliopu, hormepaits, antique traclor pulls, threshlng, crot, JI1. Case diîpley. Golden Hor- cssa.i City, Calmdonie, Augaît 2.3,4. FREE. Drop nt tbhe ickson FrInling and 0Office SaPPIY Store n the Aax Piaze and pick ap e free copy aI the 198 MeIrlo Calendes. FrInted ln fao cotoars. il makes for hîndy relerence. 883-1968, ARTICLE F011 RE~INT TYPCWRITCR rentai, cany mîkes and modela, by the wîekînd, week or- month. Discounts inîllabie. Oickson Prinliflg & Office Supplies la the Alax Pi&ca. Ciii as for business machine repaire. 6831968. OCOTYPE prise-on iletering noc le stock ai Olokeon Printleg & Of- ice Sappies le the Aia Shop- png Plaza. Large sélection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smialler sfeta of lellering? 6831968. TIREDO0F bad fastlng citer? TrY fiterleg at apprslmafily 2%05 contsa galion and eeloy Selepu Canadien Appoto. 852434l5, Ua. bridge. MATTRCSSES and bue sprlngs ai hall'prias. McKeen Furniture, 524 Slmcoe Street Souh, Oshawa. 725-5181. KITCHEN OUti, 4 chairs and fable, good condition, $75. Living roocn drapsi, browe weane, $3W. 68k3756. NORITAKC CHINA Shop at-home Service. SarI or udd 10 yaur set wth terrllic discoants on ail recent pelleras. Please specify your Norilake China patern name and namber. For price lt, shape relerence guide. shlppieg delails, send lodey stamped self- uddresséd business envelupe to Alxanders Just Nortake, 158 Wanieos Ave., Toronto, Ont. M4N 1W2. 1HEROISof the Bible" colouring bock available ail icksoe Prie. ting & Office Supplies, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Deaer inquiries levlted. S8ACRIFICE $$ Sacrifice8$ baildings special aller. Pced lac for Immédiate clearance. 28x40a14 83,900. 48x90a16 8,0,70a80s24 $16,300. Ccc- ploe clh large dooru. Other sizos avaltable te 120' %vide. Serions bayer. only. No pria. ahopperi. Oaaranleed nowet pricea. Cali res18003878148 or (41618284262. OFFICE DESK ed ida black îwivel tab chair., Se5. Phono 688- 4588. MAKE YOUR OWN dawn comior- fer for andor 835. For easy to foloc lIntrucfians îeed $3 clh 5.A.S.C. te Cover.ap, No. 7 Greenwch Crée., St. Aber, Alte, TBN MZ. VISIT car ased furnitare warehouse by appoiniment. Big savngs on desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Ciii Dicksoni Prie- tiig & Office Supplies la arrange an appointment to vioc. 683- 1968. ETEELA-DEAL - Oaonset buildings 28% off- savi thoasandi ce are lntrodaclng nec îtralght-cali bildings ipecill ntroductory prices iiciled lime aller. Phono Planeer Buildings CollecI (418) 678-1585. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseals, secilonals, les han 'h price. Large seleciion. McKeen Furnilare, 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. LIVESTOCK: Ontario Poiiad Herefard Cab Summor Silo 1 pcm. Salarday, Angasi 2, Polar. borough Exhibiion Grounds. Contact Cralg Lymbumer, RRI, Calator Centre, Ont. LOR 18., 4181 957-3695. USCODCSKS, files. storage cabinets, stecking cilice chira. atent edjustabie shelving, store displeys. Blairs Nec and Usvd. 21 Aiea Ave., Wcodbridgn. Phone 4161 518100, neer Hcy. 7 and 400, Mon-Fni. 95, Ou. 10-1. TROUJBLE crupplng coins? Wrup pennies, nickels, dîmes and quar. ters quickiy, ensilyl Send $8.96. plus 63c1 tan to Fenney-Rolier, Box 405. Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. LUSTED FARM SWEET CORN. Now dtl end of September Pîcked Fresh Daily. Open f rom 9 arn. to 9 p.m., 7 days a week.-- Weekends - two locations: Hwy. 12, Myrtie Station & The Form, Mudiake Rd., Myrtie Station. "Beat The Mob Grab A Cob 655-3563 MIRACLE SPAN Spring Sae. Example 32a40 $3,742, 40x100 $9,138, other sizes 10 choose rom, ait buildings are compiete wilS dovr. Cali toi-frea 1-800- 387-4910. THE 4001 MARKCET. Veedors cm.- tact, cones chere the action ls, over 25,000 people vniiloar market every weekond, open Saturdays end Sondîa..018 spot $30. Farmers hall prico. 7051 436. t010. POOL SALE. Oneaut Onlrios largeat lactory ouaIes Sas uarge inventory nI above, ingrounedsfor immediate delinery. Compare us Sbefre bnyieg. Guaranlteed locent pIces. 4161 623-6467, (613) 547-6434. CONTROVERSY over Oar drînklng celer coninues daîîy, the waer f11101 Indaatry dît eeloy the larguaI growîh potentiel ln the neol decade, gel lenrow. Cati BIna Seoîey, 8526X5. NEW EXCITINO aIl Canadian netwark marketing oppor5unIty. Cars bg moneyoan fins levels. No soîîîeg reqaîred. Sîamped en- veoapo la: OMS. Marketing, Boa 1483, Saskatoon, Sask. 871< 3P7. REAESATE FURAIERENTALEIRENTI LEASE OPPORTUNITY 1500 îq. fi. avalîabis Immdletely, lait sarth af Woalca Mail os ThIokoon Rd., gsod traf flc eu. pasure ad parking, $12 nef cilh gaod tensa. itoesa Lomard 88"171 or 686-1821, DUPLEX for silo, centraiiy ioated, ground fisor vacant, con. In anytîce, sîparate hîîting and hydro uallif I.. Phono 68-6402. ~N2~PLI 2J gU~TRAIGNING IMISTER TRIM JBSKL *Evergreen Prunng TANN *NewandaaplnI TRAVEL & TOURISM Complote Lawn & :COMPUTRS Gardon Maintenance *WORDPROCESSING 725-3300 :LEGAtUMEDICALSEC. *BOOKKEEPINO CLERK FLORýID*ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS VACATION 'FASHION R R TMERCHANDISINO & . ENTAILDESIGN PATIO DOORS Wood, Vinyl & Aluminum $~~l9 50Inastock................. from $3 9 LADDERS ALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION 250 In stock ................. from $259 GARAGE DOORS Wood & sleei in stock........from $149m99 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, Vinyl & Aumlnum$ 9 500 In stock ................ from U W I.q GALVANIZED & GALVALUME Agrcultural Steel 4,000 sheels la stock...........from $3899q. Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon-Fri. 7 18 FORD TORINO. recontly certif ed, aaking $450. Phono 655. 3905,o alr5p.m. DATES GALORE. Pareail agesaund unatlechad. Thonsands of mec-i bers ansIons la meet pou. Prestige Acquainlances calt lt- iree 1-800-263-9163. Hoars noon tilla8 p.m. TWO BEDROOM APARTMVENT ln sceil Whtby Adait balding. Centrally locatnd close 10 GO & local bus stops. tltiliias, hydro and parking included. Cali 668- 6372 eiceen 9:30 a.c. and 5 pcm. Monday to Fday. ONE BCDROOM APARTMCNT ln smal Whltby baldieg. Adulte only. Iiciades fridgo, stone, hydro and parking. Cibla TV and laandry facilities avallabla. Phono 688-6372 belcoan 9:30 a.m. and S p.m. *HOTEL& RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGNIT. *COMPUTERIZEO BANKINO & CUSTOMER SERVICE *OIENTALCHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Fi narciat Assistance may be anailabte -Job Placement Assisance TORONTO FREE: 1986 guide to study-at. home cortespondance Dipoma courses lot prestiglous careers: Accountino, Air condlîionIng, Bookkeeping, Business, Coomelolut, Cectronlcs, LegaiMedial Secretary, Psychoiogy, Travel, ranlon (5A) 263 Adelalda West, Toronto, 1. 80026811t21. BECOME AN Aucioneer, 85 hors of Insruction. Neal claso Aug. 9 f0a16.Contact South. western Ontaro Schoîol ofAoc- ionaering, J519) 4693936, (519) 5372115, PO. Box 145, Innerklp, Ont. NOJ tMO. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., JULY 29 0:30 P.M. Three mles east of Lttle Brtain or 7 mlles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Lttle Brtaîn Rd. Modern dressera and chest of drawers, chesterfields, portable and console color TVs, coffee and end tables, eîectrîc stoves, occasslonal chairs, odd wooden kit- chen chairs, panloun tables, chrome kltchen suite, 3 hp. garden tiller, wlcker fern stand, wrnger/washers, quart- tlty of modern household furnîtune, tools, china and glass. DON CORNIEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURS., JULY 31 11:00 A.M. At property of RICHARD WELLS, Cannîneton, Laideaur St. N. to l3th Conc. 2 mlle weat. Round oak table dlnIng roomn suite, antique buf- fett, china cabinet, parlour suite, antique furnîture, quIlts, colec- tables. MACHINERY Massey 165 diesel trac- ton with loader, 9N Ford tractor, 6 snow blower, 3 point cultîvator, 3 furow piow, N.I. NO. 279 mower, conditloner, Massey No. 10 baler, N.H. No. 36 crop chop- per, other machlnery, tools. No eserve, farmn soid, furniture il a.m., machlnery 12 noon. Very few amal Items. ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS 3242783 LINDSAY AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 26 8:00 P.M. At Oddfellows Hall In Port Penny. Quantlty of excellent antiques, like new appliances, 9 pc. dilng room suite, good furntune, circular saw, dlri bîke, some tools, bag cari, snow fence and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 855-8073 ONTARIOS LARGEST FARM MACHINERY CONSIQNMENT SALE FRI., AUG. 8 10:00 A.M. Nonwich, Ont. (Sales conductetl second Friday each month). Ap- proximately 150-175 trac- tons plus a11 types of farm equlpment. Con- signiments weIcome. For more Information cali <519) 424-999 or (619) 424.9093 Proprietors K.S. HAMULEOKI & SONS LARGE CLEARNACE & CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FRI., JULY 25 10:00 AM. Appnoxlmately 50 trac- tors, cars and trucks, over 200 places of farnm equlpment incîuding garden tractons. More In- formation diai (519) 534-1638 WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT HWY. 6, WIARTON FOR CLASîFIED ADVERTISI NG CALL 668-6111 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, dday of publication. The Whtby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liabilîty regarding Ioss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographiec ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdIRtHS, a THl 70fr h is words;1<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box nurnber if the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinîwr. replies not called for within 30 days. Tshe Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- rreject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day hefore they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTIONSALES- 43perline.(Nowordadsallowed>. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. Cditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 E 4D~ JetMcNTIEW1 10 Mobile Homes v e . inaratiThree bedroom & 1J B. j *mobile homos. Hîated pools.' m tennis, close fa Seaches and ADDISON TWO cloar plastc mjoattracionschildroen radios cînted, pîying 850$150. celcome, liss ihan motel Phone coilecl (416 6411420. room). 683,5503 RESORTS CONGRATULATIONS on ycar CEAVALYRS TOno fcrthcoming maîriage. Fieasse EAVLEYRS TOo, viec our samplas of engraved Hcy. 35-115. Carke, 4th Con- cedding invitations ut ycar cession, beaulilul campground, leisure la oar Alan Plaza store. seaaon $635. Campgrcnnd 1-786. Oickscn Pintins & Office Sup- 2562. Toronto office 651-5754. plies, 683-1968. - _______________ HART 1.000E Haliburton Highlande, Angasi 23-30, family PETS & cek (one chlld ireal, seelors discount, tco o eisdaily, heaied SUPPLIES J pool, ciirlpool,saunea,ltenîs, boats,Ilv.eslneriaisment, saper- ONE MALE and one temate ail vIsed children's acivillea and white cals, very affctiosato, re.aduit programa. Coul fre 1.800- la good home. Ploîseoei aller 6 481-769. pc., 868-922. ____________ SALES ~ S~A1S PROF & SKCO repairo lefst ser. THACE FAMILY' csvîsg scie, vice, fihrgiass supplies - reste, laya, handmado coder tarnîture, malt, clolh and acetcnv - WEST skis. tools and loti more. 22 SYSTEM EFOXY - mirror finish Baldwin Sf., BrooblIn, Satardcy, Soat paint. Roypleu - Oshawa Jnly 26, 9 a.m. tcS5pcm. Glass - Fibre, 341 Durham St. 579- _______________________ 1433. MOVINO SALE Salarday, Jaly 26,- 9 .c. Ramn date Sunday, Jaly 27, 9 .m. Aatiques, coliectibles, . o farnitara, Moffaf eel-cieîning ~ .F R E T alua,, husehold Itema and more. 3Trlnlty Crus., Whllby. ROOM FOR RENT for cature corklng persan, abelainer, 865 - eekiy, Mary St. WhIiby. Cai ~AUTO OBîLSI868-8442. (APARTIVENTS/I 1976 BEL AIR. good shape, MW00 CONDOS FOR RENTI or boal offor, Phone 800>3082. (1

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