Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1986, p. 13

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E WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JULY 23, J 98t6, P(i DOWNTOWN W'HITBY-BE A PART 0F Il The Name You Can Trust Since 1959 lIDodd & Souter Decor Centre Ltd. BROADLOOM VINYL FLOORING 668-21 79 104 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 4P5 HITBY OPTICA EYE GLASSES CONTACT LENSES 666-3831 Ail vision care plans accepted Eye examinations arranged DURHAM HEARING AID CLINIC 666-3797 SERVICE & REPAIRS AUTOMATIC MINIATURE HEARING AIDS BOTH SERVICES AVAILABLE AT: 105 COLIBORNE ST. WEST *DOWNTOWN WHITY* B uffe t t Taylor & Assoc jates Ltd. " BENEFIT, PENSIONS & ACTUARIAL CONSULTING SERVICES " ANNUITY QUOTATIONS Ed Buffett Consultant 185 Brock St., N. WHITBY 666-13001 CATCH THE SPI RIT! Summer time la upon us and the warm auitry days have brought many casually ciothed ahoppers to the streets of Downtown WhItby. New reaidenta to the area and tourias are coming downtown to 'Catch the Spirit'. What le the strong lure? Could tl bu the quaint, speclalty ahopa that offer friendly personal service and unique merchandise or perhaps the charming architectural heritage displayed In the buildings. Whatever It is, people are Increaaingly becomlng more Invoived with their downtown. Af- terail it la the heart of the communIty and offers Its realdents a place of hiatory and a cors to IdentIfy with. Not every community cen boast of a strong downtown cors mainiy because they have let it deteriorate over the yeara due to the advent of strip mails and scattered commercial development. The fact that Whitby has reteined an historic and charmIng downtown haa brought It a lot of atten- tion recentiy. The trend for unique specialty shope to loaesIn quaint down- town cores le becoming IncreasIngiy prevelant and Whitby offers that at- traction. Developers, Investors and successful entrepeneurs are iaoking to downtown WhItby as an Interesting and sound place to Invest because of the unique atmosphere It offers. In addition ta this, the overwhsimIng growth that la takIng place In the Town of Whitby aiso makes the downtown an attractive place to Invest. WIthin the aest few montha an Increaslng number 0f inquiries and com- mtments to locate in the downtown has been occurIng as a resuit of this new trend. New businesses offsring interesting and upacale marchandise wiii be opening Its doors ln the next couple of montha and many more are reailzing the'reteli potential of this community. Not only le the private sector looking clasely at Whitby but the Heritage Canada Poundation also feels strongly about the downtown. This has recentiy been evidencsd ln their selection of downtown Whitby as one of 15 communfities ln al of Canada to participate In the Main Street program. Stephan Lauer, Main Strset's Ontario coordinator highly recommended downtown WhItby as a go'd choice to the Canadien selection board beceuse of ta f ine Inventory of architecturai heritage. On his Initiai visit ta Whitby he quickiy recognized the potentiel the downtown hed and began ta point out how prInciples that had been applIed to another pilot project could aiea be used to Whitby's advantage. The Town of Whtbys geographic location, ecanomic stebiiity and rapId growth ln resîdential*, commercial, and Industriel growth as weil as its existIng tourlsmn attractions were aiso major factors ln the selection of WhItby. What la Main Street you ask? Main Street la an embitious program that strIves ta preserve this countrys bulIt envIronment - the structures that our fathers and forefathers erected, the visuel remInder of another time that gives every sael town e sense of continuity. <Pierre Burton) Heritage Canada has commItted themsilves over e three year period to work wth this community in preservIng ifs downtown, revitiiizing ifs main street and taking advantage of their architectural heritage. This la accam- pIished through four main components that Heritage Canada has deveioped and thet have cieariy worked ln their seven Main Street demon- etration projects throughout Canada. The f irat component la organization. The coordinator, whose rois wIii be fiiied by Georgîne Phillpa, Manager of the Whltby Downtown Business lm- provement Area, works as a cetaiyst ln bringlng together businesses, municipal and provincial govermsents, bulding owners, service clubs, local organizations and the media ta form a plan of atteck for the downtown. The second component entails marketing the downtown whIch wiii ln- clude promotionai strategies such as sales, avents and promotions, public Improvements and tourism. Packaging Individuel businesses la the thIrd camponent of the progrem and shouid prove to be a popular one. This wIii provide f ree professionei ad- vise f0 Individuel merchants who show an Interest In building renavation and preservation, sIgnage, wIndow dIsplay or generai maintenance and through merchandising techniques. The final componient of the Main Street progrem la economia restruc- turing whIch deais wlth business recruitmenf techniques of competifive management and fundlng services avaliabie ta the communIty. This al sncompaselng program wiil commence In Auguef with an Inten- sive training program for the Main Street coordinators from acrosa the country In Otfawa. When Georgina PhIllps returna from Ottawa ln Septem- ber she wiii begIn f0 appiy the princîpies thaf were teught and aiso begîn to work with the Hertage Canada specialista In prepering a master plan for the downtown as weii as givIng Individuel busînesees assistance In varlous avenues. Exciting thinga are happening ln downtown Whltby. It certainiy Isn't dIf- fIcuifta 'catch the spirit'. 13 n PLANNING A WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, PRIVATE PARTY, BUSINESS CON FERENCE, OR JUST A GOOTIME CAIL US WE MAY BE ABLE TO SAVE YOU MONEY HAVE A NICE DAY From the Management & Staff of CATCH 22 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY CALI FOR A RESERVATION 666-3070 YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE ~ SOM ITEMS UP TO 9Uplique giftn 50 lO OFF I vCoulry crlain., & uval! covrHIng.s e ip Quits & duvets RnIl., ( Id, i. nout 1 . V Scatter mats & dhturri rugs j' 4 nni,,,.th2 , II9I' 9 Old Village pajts Houra: Ciof o n. d 0Fi.1-6,Sl.1 v Gererai sore Ratum to à bygoneamor wh.r* personai attention and courtasy ama the standard. A iait ta Ruiti.a enaures a memorabie axperiance In shopping. Consultanta Cathy and Ruth wiii asat you wth ait your d.corating neoda. bc a ma a a a a§@§ a§§ se @@es@ 4 m à m a - a m à a m a à m m a m a a a a à a i X 1 2 10-5

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