PAGE 2, WEFDNESDAV M AY 28, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Shawn O'Sullivan ini Whitby June 21 Olympic boxing silver medalist Shawn O'Sullivan wil be sharing centre stage with a newly spruced up downtown Whitby June 2lst when the town's Business Improvement Area (BIA) flings open the doors for Downtown Discovery Day. O'Sullivan and a- host of other attention grabbing at- tractions have been booked for the day by the BIA's promotions comrnittee which is hoping to draw a bigz crowd to showcase the $-d v 4__ June 21 is Downtown Discovery Day in-Whitby and to mark the levent the Business Improvement Area executive and manager Georgina Phillips have lined Up a hast of attractions including Olympie silver medalist Shawn O'Sullivan who will join the ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor Bob Attersley. Free Press Staff Photo MIDAY ARP* AND PEERS first phase of improvemen- ts to the downtown and to acquaint the community with everything it has to of- fer. "It's excellent timing for a promotion because we'Il have completed the first phase of the downtown revitalization. Ail the brick work on Brock St. will be finished, the trees will be planted and ahl the hanging planters and flower barrels will be out. It's going to look terrific. It's just a good time to make people more aware of what's actually hap- pening downtown," said BIA manager Georgina Phillips. It's ail part of the BIA's new aggressive profile in the community mandated this winter when the mem- bership voted unanimously in support of a close to 350 percent increase in the organization's budget - a budget raised entirely through levies on the mern- bers themnselves. And, ac- cording to Phillips, one of the BIA's main goals is to make the downtown more people oriented. "We want to make the downtown a place for people and the streetscape enhancement is Qnly -one part of that." Also on the BIA's agenda is architectural restoration, an aggressive marketing carnpaign to attract new, upscale businesses, an ongoing program of seminars and consultation to assist downtown mer- chants with everything from storefront im- provements to effective window dressing and, of course, a vigorous dose of self-promotion within the conimumty itself - promotions like Downtôwn Discovery Day. Downtown Discovery Day kicks off Saturday, June 21 at il a.m. when Mayor Bob Attersley and O'Sullivan will cut a ceremonial ribbon spanning the street at the four corners in front of the Family Trust Building. Following the opening, ceremonies, O'Sullivan wil be availabie to sign autographs and meet with the public until 1 p.m. Another highlight scheduled for the big day will be the Kid Check Program sponsored by the Durham Chapter of Child Find. For just $2, children between the ages of 3 through 15 will be photographed and finger- printed. The program has proved very popular with parents of young children and Phillips said they are hoping a lot of parents will corne downtown to take ad- vantage of this common- sense precaution. Other .attractions arranged inelude the WHit- by Senior Public School Concert Band which will be playing at the four corners and Bob Mooney's Travelling Dixieland Band which will be playing out of the back of a truck travelling throughout the downtown core. Clowns wiJl be wandering about the downtown han- SEE PG. 7 j~ I ~ V ~ ~ - I - W~ W A W e o PROTECTION W ato yâtralned technlcians e Dealdmcrofilm Instructions *Ufetime Warranty* Serenade e 4 colors , Scotchguard *Sanîtîzed *Performance Design *Exclusive 5 yr. warranty $13195 SQ. YD. ~Poe~ NYLON ~h~ard Sanifl6ed~ t:olloleum A wlde varlety of colors, design and textures Durable, no-wax, easy to care for Protected by Congoleum's exclusive f Ive-year warranti against manufacturlng defects YD. MýW a a DA NT AR FABRIC PROTECTION PROTECTION. p orou, Limitec Warral * Ellmlnates Profects Intellor waxing 'ab Ica a nst ta ing £IlrnUtetim * 0 gh non- nogaj Xalns ,oug, 0't ; polymer Doesn't change p jýar earance, sealant pT u s e 'a uc app - rReduces feelortexture fading LJfeflme Limited Limited Warranty' Utetlme Warrantyl e plus Insalltio Iw ý .Enhances andaq protects appearonce '*Non>Skid surface for easy entry *Fits most domnestîcs and Imports *Runnîng ights avoliable *Lifetîme Llmlfed Warranty. See Dealer for details . Fits mont rslek-uD trmuks I17-step r% program includes: r!Ziebart M. AIPPEARNCE & PROTECTION SERVICES Regý S139 V " EXterlor-hlgh pressure wash " Piofesslonolly appled LIquId Diamond tm wax " Irterlor -upholstery and carpet power vacuumed and shampooed 8 arn. - 5 DaiIy 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday 440 Hopkins St. (S. 0f Dundas St. E.) WHITBY 666-1811 I HOURS Midway__________ Thurs.-Fn s.9.9 1305 Harwood Ave. N683-61 26 Just north of the 401 Becaremartoozlebcmrt