PAGE, 30, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21,1986, WIIITBY FREE PRESS IWhitby's Most WideIy Read CL ASSIF IlDI ADS I ~~iA~A1IE.D~ED ~ ATPEDE TOWN OF WHITBY Requlros ASSISTANT PLANS EXAMINER Public Works Dopartmrrent Applications ln writlng, are invited for the position of Assistant Plans Examiner ln the Public Works Department. Applicants muet be University graduates ln Struc- tural Engineering (Building Technoiogy> together wlth a minimum of three (3) years experience ln a municlpality ln the area of plans examination or a Consultant ln the design of building structures. Consideration wlll be given to Community College graduates ln Building Technoiogy with a minimum of five (5) years experience ln a municipality In the area of Inspection and examination of plans. Under the direction. of the Plans Examiner, the duties will include the examination of plans to meet the requirements of the Ontario Build ing Code, relevant zoning by-laws and development agreements for the issuance of building permits of dwellings, review the plans of survey and legal Inquiries, and communficate effectiveiy wlth the public and builders. Saiary 10 be ln the' range o! $26,233.00 to $29,810.00 per annum with fringe benefits. Applications should reach the undersigned no later than June 4th, 1988. Oniy those applicants successfui ln obtaining an Interview wiil be acknowiedged. Wm. H. Walace, A.M.CT.,C.M.C., Administrator, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 iTelephone: (416) 668-5803 RN'S, RNA'S, NURSE AlODS, EXPERIENCED HOMEMAKERS & STU DENT NURSES Speciai recruitment day, May 28, 9 arn. ta, 4:30 p.m. Visit us and learn what Comcare and Home Nursing se ail about. Challenge, Professional one- on-one nursing, flexibiiity, growth, heiping and caring. We are very busy and we can keep you busy. Pick a schedule that suite you. No appoin- tment necessary. - COMCARE 81 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA 571-3501 ~YLOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING? Dowintown business req uires that person Who: *Possess good communication skills; " Has ambition and self confidence; " Is eager to learn; els capable of earning an above average income; *And is not afraid to work for ItL If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuli-time. Car necessary. Start im- mediately. Come ln to our office anytimo Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Wh itby. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALLOU-86111 Grand Opening Able TV at 111 Coîborne St. W. opened it's presenting a key to the town to owner Normon doors for business Iast week and on hand to Howe and his wife Judy. welcome the new business to Whitby was Free Press Staff Photo Mayor Bob Attersley. The mayor is seen here Nuclear evacuation went well:. Sexstone By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff In spite of recent CBC television coverage by The Journal, the safety officer for the Durhanm Board of Education said the practise evacuation of schools near Pickering's nuclear plant went well. Outlining bis progress to the board since he became health and safety off icer in December of '84, Colin Sexstone said, "What we did last September speaks for itseif.. Everything was done as real as it could be. 'm happy with the fact that it does work. I'd like to try it again. " Sexstone, who is the first health and safety officer hired by the board, said planning the evacuation was bis first projeet. He later said, "It was a test of police, firemen, and social services as well. They would not bave been able bo see what they could do if we hadn't run that exercise .I believe in testing things." Although no Whitby schoois are in the 10 kilometer zone, (the area planned for evacuation stops at Durbam, Road 23) Henry Street High School and St. John The Evangelist School, plus some Oshawa scbools are destinations for evacuues according to the plan. Other projects Sex- stone reported were the distribution of first aid kits to ahi 103 work- places, and first aid training for 322 eni- ployees now in progress. Sexstone said an in- ventory of ail chemicals in use in schools had been completed by the March break. He has planned for a waste chemical pick-up in June hv an authorized waste disposaI company to dispose of chemicals believed to be bazar- dous, such as mercury, or of old chemicals which are no longer being used. 'We'll clear out what-we don't need to avoid 'problerns to students." On a randoni basis Sexstone bas been doing safety inspections of schools. He bas corn- pleted 35 to date, just one in Witby: Florence M. Heard, wbere seven deficien- cies were observed. , Sexstone said when he notices infractions, he attempts 10 have repairs made within three months. If a piece of equipmnent poses -an irnmediate threat to safety, such as a paper cutter whicb won't remain raised after it is lifted, he would remove it immediately, and see that it was repaired or replaced. By February flood warning procedures were in place for al schools affected, he said. Wbitby elemen- tary schools included in the plan are: Col. J.E. Farewell, Dr. R. Thor- nton, Florence M. Heard, Meadowcrest, and Wbitby Senior. Henry Street High School is also included. Sexstone was also called in to inspect somne specific areas of con- cern, two at Witby schools: the ashestos- lined welding Henry Street and the traffic congestion at E.A. Fairman. No ashestos fibres were found in the air at Henry Street, 'Sexstone said. R-e had the asbestos .shields replaced and guarcjed with angle irons to prevent future breakage. "Some of the booths get run down because they are abused by students who try to bore tbrough theni." he said. "Teachers will monitor the booths more closely now, and report damage to the superintendent of plant. The booths are checked before and af- ter repairs by the Ministry of Labor. " The traffic problem at E.A. Fairman is, being considered by the. bo a rd administration. No ac- tion has been taken, as yet, he said. Sexston bas bad 30 years' experience .wltb the Canadian Armed Forces in logistics an d since 1973, in safetv. Chairman ,of the Board Ruth Lafarga noted that Sexstone, as the first health and safety officer employed by the board, "lhad to corne on staff and establish his own parameters for the job. " "Durham is one of the only seven boards in the province that bas a safety officer," Bruce Mather, director of education, said, Lafarga noted the healtb and safety progran was aothe government ini tive that would impact on the board's budget. Draw for Easter Seals May 23 and 24 Teddy Ruxpin, the talking bear who bas replaced Cabbage Pat- ch Kids and Wrinkles dnlls as the latest must in children's consumer crazes, will be the star of the show May 23 and 24 at the Whitby Mal when Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty holds its Teddy Ruxpin Draw for Easter Seals. TJhie talking, stuffed bear, valued at $100 will be the first prize in the two day event. Froni their booth outside Miracle Mart, the Gold Jacket people wil be seliing tickets, three for $2, for the draw which will be held on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. At a similar event two years ago, Gold Jacket president Lorne Kime said bis company suc- ceeded in raising $1,00 for Easter Seals and tbis year the realty group hopes to do even better. In addition to the Ted- dy Ruxpin draw, there wîll be a silent auction on more than 25 prizes donated to the cause by local businesses. Anyone visiting the booth can enter their bid for the prze' of their choice and at 8 p.m. Saturday the prizes will be distributed to the higbest bidders. And wbile tbey're there, people witll-be able to purchase hoime baked goods whipped up by the Gold Jacket chefs who will be doing double duty in the kitchen ail this week to get ready for the big eVent. Century 21 is an inter- national corporate sponsor of Easter Seals and this weekend their offices across the coun- try will be staging a variety of events to raise money for the charitable organization which aids handicapped children world-wide. Last year, in fact, Cen- tury 21 made the largest single corporate donation to Easter Seals. Mime said Gold Jacket will also be bolding an inner-office iraw for a trip for two to Jamaica this week. One hundred tickets at a cost of $23 each will be sold to Gold Jacket em- ployees with baîf the funds covering the cost of the trip and the rernaining $1,150 going to Easter Seals., The Gold Jacket Ted- dy Ruxpin Dra ' for Easter Seals will run froni 3 p.m. bih 9:30 p.m. on Friday, May 23 and ail day Saturday. The winners wUll be selected at 8 p.m. at the draw booth outside Miracle Mart. Business buirglarized Several air con- ter entry was gained by ditioners were remnoved srnashing in a front from Bridlewood window. Damage to the Heatig an AirCon-window is estimated-at ditioning at in1 in- $100 and there bas been dustrial Dr., unit 23, no value placed on the during the weekend af- air conditioners. i