Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 May 1986, p. 6

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PAGE-6,,WEDNESDA1Y, MAY 14,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS LACAC authority tested By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Demolition of tise home of Whtby's first Mayor, James Rowe, could be the first test of the Local Architecturai Conservation, Advisory Commttee's rlgit to recommend homes for designation under the Ontarioe Heritage Act without the owners con- sent. In the past, LACAC needed the owners per- mission to designate a, building as a, Heritage Structure. But on Mon- day night, council referred a planning recommendation back to the administrative committee to which' would have seen LACAC place a high prlorlty on bringing forward recommendations for the designation of buildings moat in danger of demolition with. or without the owners permission. Designation status gives LACAC 180 days to flnd an alternative solution to demolishing a house once a démolition permit is ap- piied for. The James Rowe house is presentiy sit- ting on the site wiich McCroisan and Co. Ltd. are appiying Ito have rezoned. Thse rezoning would permit thse con- struction of a 24 unit condiminium. Speaking for the cornpany during an Administrative Committee meeting last week, Alex MacDonald told members of tise public and LACAC that tise house rnay be dernolished to make way for the con- diminlums. The house is located at 1600 Charles St. in the Port Whitby marina area. While LACAC could ask council to designate the Rowe house (a by- law must be passed for designation to be of- ficiai), Ciairman of *the LACAC, Michael Knell, said LACAC will recomrnend designation only as a last resort. III prefer negotiation and discussion," said Knell. Kneil said designation without permission would be coercion and 'lit is not my purpose to coerce citizens. "'We won't interfer in property rights in any shape or form." Kneil noted that even if LACAC recomrnended the isouse to be designated without the owners permission, it isas been the iistory of Whitby councils to require the written permission of the owner. McCrohans, and' Go. Ltd., are the present owners of the house, said Knell. YOUR LOCAL RENTAL STORE HONDA Tillers & Lawn Mowers, Lawn Edgers, Lawn Rollors, Power Sod Cutter, Weed Eators, Post Hole Auger, Areator, Power Rake, Plus Many More Items Home Satellite TV:- The Grectest Show On Earth A ction-packed movies are just thse beginning of thse programming now showing on home satellite TV. Look at what else you've been missing: *More movie, sports, news, educational, religious, and children's programming than is avalable from any otler source. 0100-plus channels to choose from, for about thse same montbly payrnents as cable TV. *Free and legal reception. To flnd ouf more about how home satellite televi- sion works, ask us for a FREE copy of Tuning In Home Satellite MV But hurry-supplfes are imited. AÀ Br®D)klin Bylines By BEITY-JEAN BLYTH Cmli 655-3679 wlth Items for this column This past weekend, the media was full of articles on mothers and the one in particular that drew my attention was one in a Toronto paper on farnous mothers. They were asked what they thought made them if not perfect, at least more than adequate parents. Their replies got me to evaluating myself in that regard and it was a humiliating experience. Assuming that these Super Moms are telling the truth, I corne out as a dismal faMure. According to these working morns they always have dinner with their families every night, tuck them in bed at night, save a special time each day for each child when they qusz thern on their activities while stili allowing thernplenty of privacy. By the time 1 get home from work everyone has eaten and gone off to work, bail practice, visiting friends or whatever. As for tucking them into bed, even if I were stîli up I think they'd consider that was carrying motherly concern a bit too far. When it cornes to a special tirne for each child, I'm not sure that I can really count the mornings when we girls ail neet in the bathroorn. I mean, our conver- sation usuaily consists of "Hurry up, I have to shower too you know 1" or "Hey, that's my haîr- brush" and "Has anyone seen my pearl earrings?" Not exactly a cozy chat to say nothing of privacy 1 Oh we do ail manage to get together occassionally and then everyone talks at once to get caught up on everything. What really carne out of nîl this in- trospection was the realization that my children both natural and the varlous adopted ones that corne and go are pretty nice people in spite of my being such a lousy mother. Theres always someone available to take on the littie and some not so little jobs that need doing at home or at the shop. They buy or lend me clothes to keep me looking presentable because I neyer have Corridor Capers, mml w By MARY MCEACHERN <'ail 7258967 wigh items for this column. GARBAGE DUMP KENDALWOOD AND BURNS It's happening againI Kendalwood and Burns St. are turning into one monsterous garbage dump. Back a couple of years ago this same location was used as a dumping ground. The Town of Whitby posted signs and cleaned up the mess. All was well for qutesa wiie, but now residents are dumping al sorts of trash, at the corner. There seems to be no evidence that Whitby persons are disposing of their garbage, the cuiprits appear to be coming from Oshawa. Let it be known that we do not appreciate the trash being duntped in the area. It is quite an eyesore to anyone living on Hawkstone or Powell Rd., or for anyone using Kendaiwood and Burns St. Drastic niessures may have to be taken. time to sisop and even take me out for dianer when I'm flot up to cooklng. So rnaybe somewhere along the line 1 dld sornethlng right, I'd like to thlnk 80 anyway. MYRTLE YARD SALE Myrtie United Church is holding a. Yard Sale on Frlday, May 16 and Saturday, May 17. There will be bargains galore for everyone so be sure to get out, eariy for the best seiection. SPENCER COMMUNITY SALE Spencer Community Centre is having a Yard and- Bake Sale on Saturday, May 17 frorn 10 a.m. to 2ý p.rn. There wiil be new and used articles for sale as" weii as a bake table. To get there take Country Lane. north from Hlgiway 7 or Columbus Rd. west frorn }Iighway 12. PETE RICE MEMORIAL WEEKEND This coming weekend is the annuai Pete Rice Event at the Arena Park in Brookin. There wll bo a Legion Bail Tournament, a Redmen Lacrosse game, on Friday night wisen they will take on tise. Peter-r -borough Lakers and a multi-band isoedown both af- ter the game and on Saturday afternoon andl evening until 1 arn. Be sure to get over and support this wortiswhile cause. The proceeds wiil go the Heart Fund. MYRTLE NEWS The final session of the Myrtie square dance club took place on May 7 in the form of a pot-luck dinner foilowed by dancing. For this last dance, the groupW was invited to the Hamer's where everyone enjoyedf tise delicious food and three sets of squares. , l Anyone wishing to take part in square dancing should watch for the announcement later on in the- sumnmer.,I wiil let you know when the classes are starting up again. They run, frorn September unti< May eacisyear. John and, Laurel Hamer leave on Thursday and. tise weekend convention of theý International Square. Dance Association at McMaster University ipi Hamilton' For three days they wiii enjoy sleeping t, the dormitories, eating in tise cafeteria and dancing, morning, afternoon and night. Around 3,000 peoplÈ from ail over Canada and United States will enjoÏ their favourite pastime together. Don't miss the square dance dernonstration by the Myrtie Group at the Spring Fair on Sunday, Jùne 8. DECOM The next isearing to be conducted into thse antics of Decom wil take place at the ýWhitby.; Municipal Building on Monday, June 2. The isearingà-haVe been quite extensive, and many flaws- are sisowing in Decom's armour. AREA WEDDINGS Four Kendaiwood residents will be rnarried in the near future. Susan Kornic will be married in ýSt. George's Anglican Church on Saturday, May 31:ý Iain Buchanan and Lisa Lamers wii be married in Westminster United Churcis on Friday, June 20, and Laurie Kirkton and Dave Foote wiil be married in, September. Also, Alison Adey wIll be married this: spring. Our best to ail the young people starting a new life together. GOOD LUCK TO IROQUOIS PARK It looks- like decisions have been made and Iroquois Park will have a face lift. This is a very- wise choice, and the decision of the, majority of members of Wiitby council wil be honoured, Having a new complex- doser to the people will be an asset. Good work. Please caîl 725-8967 with news items for this column. New park Tise Town of Whtby has a new park - tise> Heydenshore Kiwanis Park. Council approved tise name change from Heydensisore Park, af- ter tise Kiwanis Club requested the change in recognition for contrib- utions tise club isas provided in past development of tise park. In tise past, the club bas contrlbuted a sand- t box, children's swings, 12 barbecues, two picnic shelters, a teeter-totter and a patio at the rear of Heydensisore Pavillon. Tise Klw-anis Club's future ideas for tise park inciuding additional SEE PG. 13 DR. HAROLD SOBEL wlshes to announce the opening of his office for the practice of DENTISTRY at P.O. BOX 280 53 BALDWIN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO LOB ICO EVENING APPOINTMENTS TELEPHONE AVAILABLE> 655-3385 'Uhunderbird -C;olf/and Counlry Club 995 Myrtie Rd. W. ASHBuRN 686-1121 0PRO SHOP SPECIALS @GOLF CLUBS- WI LSON'S STAFF mon* loft hand REG. 88800 OUR PRICE WILE 7H57 LMYfi $49500 (ALL CLUBS 11 pe. SETS) WE CARRY DOSTONAN GOLF SHOES, THE SHOE PERSONALLY WORN BY JACK NICKLAUS -GOLF SLACKS REG. '45.'Soe NOW ý21 95 -GOLF SHIATSfoo4o BLENO> REG. '24"1NOW $gus POWER CAR SPECIAL .WIIICOAYS DEFORE SM0 A.M. AND APTER 3:00 P.M. (2 GREEN FEES & POWER CAR) 53400REa.-430@ -WEEKENDS à HOLIDAYS SAVE 50 AFTER 3:00 P.M.- LADIES SPECIAL! FRIDAYAPTERNOONS AFTER 4.00 P.M. S5300 LADIES GREEN FEES BROOKLUN ELECTRONICS 4605 Baldwn Si., Brooklln <1/4mle N of Famlty Kartways> 655-4069 À m

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