PAGE.34, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS I Whitby's Most WideIy Read SPECIAL ESTATE ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLE SALE HOLIDAY MONDAY, MAY 19 10:00 A.M. At the, Kînsmen Com- munlty Centre, 109< Coîbourne 'St. W., Oshawa. 1979 Ford Pinto hatchback 4 cyl. 4 Sp., matchlng stove & frldge,ý 12 cu.. f1. chest freezer., ANTIQUES & COLLEC- TABLES: coloured engravlng of Queen Vic- torIa - slgned ln lnk, 9 po. Mîsson dlnlng roomj suite made from 1/4 cut oak, featuring - a round centre pedestai table wlth 6 chairs covered wlth original leather, 3 slded. glass china cabinet wth leaded glass, bevelled mîrror and cane work, Coca Cola vendling -machine, bracket dlock by Junghams, walnut secretary w double glass doors & pigeon holes, unclrculated Austrian gold coins - Cdn. sîlver dollars, oak wall crank telephone -excellent condition, draw leaf oak table and 4 chairs, Cherrywood hall table - stamped .Oshawa Cabinet Co. Eariy 1800's . pine lap desk cîrca 1850's, walnut drop leaf corner table, art deco china cabinet, uprlght pump organ, walnut what not,*walnut chest, oak servlng trolly, oak rocker, cast iron clown coin bank - original con- dition, estate jewellry, plus- numerous other household Itemns '10 many to last. Doors open at 8 arn. for vlewing.B Terma are cash or ap. proved cheque. SnackH bar on the premises. ti DLS AUCTION SERVICE d P-O. BOX 1007 ti STrATION B, OSHAWA cý DALE SMITH& c GARY HILL H AUCTIONEERS c LARGE CLEARANCE & CONSIGNMVENT AUCTION FR1., MAY 23 10:00 A.M. Approx. 50 tractors, cars and trucks. Ovar 300 places of farm equip- ment, lncluding garden tractors. More Infor- mation dial (519) 534-1638 WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT HWY. 6, WIARTON AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 17 11:00 AM. Port Perry Scout Hall, 245 Lilla Street, Port Perry. Antiques, collec- tables, baby Items, houaehoid furnishinga, appliances, and other mIsc. items. No reset-va. Terma cash. Viewing 10:00 a.m. A&A AUCTIONS 728.-4296 !~J~ ~WTED J~TO ~ WANT ~3jj~o~s ~ q~NS ANTIQUE AUCTION FR1., MAY 16 6:30 P.M. 3rookiin Community Centre, Cassels Rd. E., -Iwy. 7 and 12. Another fina sale of pine war- drobes, flat-to-wali cup- board,' washstands & commodes, open hutch cupboard, P.E.l. dry sink, -loosier cupboard, china cabinet, sidaboards, Vic- orian tables, wlcker chair, round pedestai ables, large oak chest, blanket boxes, dressers, splnning wheel, psul bench, prayer bench, ;offee table, oak phonograph, selectlon of anfîque dlocks, engraved curllng stones,. Indlan clubs, f lower crocks & other crocks, pink depression glass, ecoys, Milltary pic- tres, o11 lampa, churn, inger beer bottles, uilts, hooked rugs, car- ings, weather vain, Bor- 3alîno mîrror, old books, architact drawlngs, ad- ig. album, London Yews, stereo scope, old ,ameras, cricket bat, )rints & pictures, china kglass. Partial listing )nly. Preview 4:30 p.m. oie day and time :ange. Terms" cash, isa or approved cheque. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 tc ta t ar CI o' Vi A UCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMI LY 1 ATrTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., MAY 16 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west 0f Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britaîn Rd. Sohmer & Company upright piano completely restored>, round oak spiit pedestal table (with claw feet), 6 malching pressback chairs, an- tique dressers,, washstand, coffee and end tables, Inglis gas dryer (used 1 year), con- sole colour T.V., oak sideboard, odd wooden kitchen chairs, chester- fields, vanlty dresser, accordian, dropleaf table, pressba ck rocker, wicker fern stand, Ken- more automatic washer, 12 cu. fIt Woods freezer,. 3 hp. lawnmowers, 1971 GMC 3/ ton Van, quan- tity of toots, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 31 10:00 A.M. Consignment sale of lawn and gardening equipment, supplies, light farrn equipment, landscaping, 2 and 3 axle trailers, equipmenl, con- signments welcomed. Sale 10 be held at R.R.1, Oshawa. GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONEER CALL 655-4185 AUCTION SALE TH-URS., MAY 15 6:30 P.M. Quaiity contents aI Orval McLean Auction Center, Lndsay. Large eslate sasie, remore dining room suite, quality chesterfields &chairs, appliances, wainut bedroom suite,. riding lawnrnower, . btols, loveseats, china, glass. A good sale. 6:30 sharp. To consign or liat your sale cali 324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 24 10:00 A.M. May Consignment Sale at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lndsay. Trac- tors, farm' machinery, vehicles, boats, rîdlng lawnmowers, construc- tion equlpment and toola. Consign by May 17, bring to barn or poe324-2783 LIN DSAY CUSTOM THE FRAMINO C NOTICE TO CLIENTS 0F COATH, LIVINGSTONE & JOHNSTON Due 10 the recent enactment in Ontario of the FAMILY LAW ACT, 1986, ils possible that your Last WIII and Testament may require revision 10 continue to have the elfect that you originally intended. We recommend 10 our clien- ts that they give this matter their immediate attention. Date Aprit 24, 1986. COATH, LIVINGSTONE & JOHNSTON, Barrlsters & Solcitors 101 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5S4 TRUCKtNG CAREERS. Driver lob training wilh placement help se availabie. compileedetllis Cao EARNSS $400 to $1.200 per viionlir partime, $2,000 t10 $6,000 per monlir fuil -lime, cati John a... ...~~~ School ai (416) 7693546 wifh _____________ postal code. A CAREER IN TRUCIINO. Tran- - spart drivers needed. Now e tire i)SECRETARIES are in demand, lime fa trafin for your clama>A, Train for a rewardiog career as a ticense. Por Pre-ecreenlng inter- ) Medicai, Legel or Executive view end lob Placement Infor- Secretary. Ail courses include mation, contact Mary On-es Tran- a6Word ProcessIng. 'Finuncli spart Drver Training, Brampton assistance may bie avuitabt e. 1-800-265-1260. j ç Maire an uppoinîment today for _____________ 1 0 , M .~ ~ FREE caunsefling. caîl 723-1163 CONIGà OMUE 7 . f JToronto 5cirooi ai Busness ACUNI- MUES.-, OSHAWA cAMPUS. Train for a coreer in Financiai and Management Accaunting. Yau' ici~..OLLY MAIO sel 0f baocks and aperete a com-. la no'w cetn ap- Puterized accaunting syslem. Ipaim lma coirsetaon: e m; plications for mature, pleted In 6 montre. Finuncial ISADND rea ponaîble people 10 Assistance may ire aveliable. i tanfrProfessional Make un appoinîmeol taday'for' train'-for 7' REE caunseiiing. cal723-1163, %Housekeepîng in Toronto 5chooaaf 0fBusiness, Whitby.OSHAWA cAMPus. your WANTED EXPERIENCED person to babysit two young cildren o n CASII a ailme bans ir hus varyftram LSIEI FRÀM IaG to6pm a m . unitire mature ADS and aiainle, needed for bear n- WE Knng of June. Pieuse col1.797- CONTINUE CENTRE 668-4521 24 E ýtcngMà tonWATRES5IWAITIER, COOKc, muet lie aile 10 cari. weeirends ---API..Norh or,, *qti** r. AGE 35 ROT'kILj* I IE- a 655-8911, coming to Whitbyl Our Oth store (since April '84) le opsning this summer. Staff are nesdod for Fuli-Time and Part-Time positions as: 'CASHIERS *PHARMACY ASSISTANTS @MERCHANDISING CLERKS *COSMETICIANS Cash 1er, Cosmetics and Pharmacy candidates must have some retail experlence We offer botter than average wages and bonef its. Botter yet.. we offera future! You can grow wlth us. Apply ln person ta: Howle's Ksndalwood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. East Whitby 12:00 noon ta 8:QO p.m. Tuesday, May 20 and Wednesday, May 21 TOWN OFWHITBY REQUIRES DIRECTOR 0F PARKS AND RECREATION Applications togathar with resumes will be recelved ln "confidence"~ by the undersigned until June 2nd, 1986 for the position, of Director of Parka and Recreation of the Town of Whitby. 600OPE 0F THE POSITION As the Head of the Parka and Recreation Depar- tment, the Director wIll be responsibie to the Council and Administrator for the direction of ail departmental matters. The successful candidate wiil be required to establish and maintain a com- munication network with ail lev ais of government, department heada and community groupa, with citizen participation through media and promotional means. The successful candidate wili also be responsible for ensurlngthe quality and effactivenesa of program servIces and facilities, 10 Improve thair use, reduce duplication and Iden- tify Inadequacles ln meeting the lelaura needs of our cîtizens. The succesaful candidate wiii ba responaible for the administration of an annual budget of $1.5M, a capital budget, granta , and justification for expandituras ln accordanca wlth the approved budget. EDUCATION. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE A Masters Dagre n Public or Business Ad- ministration, or equivalent. A diploma or car- tificate ln Recreation and Parka Administration, or equivalent, wili be considered an assai but not aq essential .' requirement. Applicanta wil haWè knowledge of municipal govarnment Inci6>ding financial procadures 'and provincial grants and' also hava strong administrative, financial and organizational akilla. A minimum of 7 10 10 years of progressively more responsibla experiance, demonatrated leadership, managerial and com- munication akilîs. The auccesaful candidate wiii aiso possesa the ability 10 deai affectively with the public, communficate courteousiy and conduot a good public relations program. In addition, such person wiil have the ability 10 communicate oraily n 'precise terms and to prepare written com- munications in, a concise and comprehensive manner. Wm. H. Wallace, P.Adm., A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Administrator, The Corporation of theTown of Whltby 575 Rossland Road East, WHITBY, Ontario. Li N 2M8