WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIYAY. MAY' 14. 1986. PAGE 33 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ COIGBUSINESS YARD YARD MTJÜMSICAl. EVENTS OPPORTUITIESI SALES SALESTRMNS INSTRUMENTS PAIkNN I.DECORATINO HTFSHLOS4th Annual INVENTORS YOU Cao profit from _________________________ pmofeaaionai bondad workman- Car Bull weLIONS uu1-5 your ideaa. Don'f deicy, write aflireîdeflacndcom er enial alna Park Whifefieh. $100. today toPacific Inventions Inc.,2 frise emtlmafea. Cati 8&W4277 or 0wfreryefy otc Rima Court, Et obicoke MSC 4C8. GI1ANITYARDJ SALE 068-97112. Rino Matki (705) 8662401, BoxuCi 101, Whifaflah POM 3E0. SOUND INVESTMENT. Retumu f7D1 A AY Ir4 7 0 MI NEEDECAInluUS. fonds. Fine peurs 15- VICT - -DLCAF9 18.25% pur peur. 10 years. 25. I T RI A CLASSES FLESHERTON ANTIQUE Show 30% (Pro)ected). 15 yeurs 40- Candlewlcklng, Coun- ted Oross-atItCh, Em- broldery and Crewel. We even do Needeapoint and Trapunto (00. Join ln the fun. Have a Croative Circlo Clase ln your home. TeaChlng you to stit- ch la easy. Book now and recelve a Free (31(1. Cail: Nadine, 666-1490 SOHOOL PRO8LEMS? Wa apecialize lu educafional aaseaamentsanad counaaliing, individuel home Inafruction ami programmIng. 10 yeara auperian- ce. Newton Educatlonai Con- sultants, 6866145. O.RAJMER for people who bale grammer" la the Ideci pocitt refoence book for business people. $3.95 par copy and ancilabie at Diobson Priniing & Office Supplies lu the Ajax Piazc. Deater InquIries Inlled 683-1966. COURSES SHORT INTRODUCTORY and ad- vanced computer courses: Word 'Procacaing, D-Base, Lotus, Basic, et c. 427-3010. FREE.' 1986 guide Io etudy-cl. home correspondance Diploma course for prealIglous cureena: Accounting, Air-condifioning, Sookkeeplng, Business, Cosmetology, Etecironica, LegaliMedicil Secrelcry, Psychoiogy, Tranel. Graulon (SA) 263 Adefaida West, Toronto, 1- 800-266-1121. CAREER CANADA COLLEGIE. Toronto, Ottaa, ilamnlton. Den- tal chaimilde asaisllng, medIcai -office Icb aaaistiug, botlfeiislaumult management, frayai careers. Day close and home study. 385 Vonge St., Toronto MSS MA, (416) 977-7797. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 boums of Instruction. Neot close Aug. 9 1. For Information cou- lact Southausteru Ontario School of AuctIonaaning, (519) 469393, (519)>637-2115. F0O. Bon 145, Innericip, Ontario NOJ iMO. FREE. Drop tfo lte Diciteon PntIng and Otjice Suppiy store lu lte Ajax Plaza sud pick up c fiee copy of the 1986 Maîrlu Calendar. PrInted lu lau coloura. If moaes for hcudp rafereuce. M83.198. FOR CLASSIFItu ADVERTISING CALLO668-6111 Sale, May 16-18, Flday uening, 710, Sufur<lay and Sundey, 10-6. Grey Hghlands School, Hwy. 10. Information oeil (519) 9242020. MUSICMAKING ON Luike Roaseau: Cammuc, August 3-17, ona or Iao weeka for attuft singera and iusfrumetaliesa. Pmofeaslonul Instruct ion. Beautifut uefflug. Saimming and tennis. Contact Ruth Mchaulcos, Adminisiraîrla, Tef. (418) 484-6456. 50% (Projected). Teu detarrul. Min. US. $5,O00 T. Swazey, 7310 Gladstone St., Vaucouver, B.C. V5P 4G8, (804) 324-1107. OFIESPACE fi FR AIENT WHITSY COMMERCIAL SPACE analiabf e JuIy laI, 198, op. prouimaîtly2,300 square feel, has been uaed for about the tant 10 yeara aasaastance studio1. Cali Mr. Burgess 8et68-6372. CONGRATULATIONS on 0our wHiTSY .-lpaclousfliai in cas- lvrfhcomiug marriaga. Pieuse tory aid home. Cantral location. 2 vea ouisaumpies of -angruned bedroom. Ail olilities Incîodad. aaddlng Invitations ut pour Analabie Jol y 1sf, SSOImonf h. leisore lu oui Aun Pluzu store. 8691. Dckson Plniug & Office Sup -______________ plies, 863-188. fIHODUSESI _ FOR SALE BRECHIN AREA, 50 acres, dlay tiled. spslemuiîcuiiy driued,si LOSE WEIGNT FOR SUMMER. bedroomn brick century home, We cun hîp pol Oner 3 million compIeeli renonulud, excellent stlisfied costomers. Ail oui lier- bain, Implumeul shed, $150.000. Sut Notrilionul prosutcs are 705-464-5149, SAPE and EFFECTIVE alh a 100% 30 day mouep bockt guaran _____________ tua. Cal 433-0902. Visa uccepf est nR om s I THANKS TO Sf. Juste and te M R Sacred Headt oI Jasas for favoura ROOM FOR RENT lu WhIlbp meceined. May te acred Heani home, $300monlh. Cal 868-9152 of Jecue bu cdored, giorified, allre p.m. for more Inormation. looad and preaerved Ihroughoul the aorld nua and lorener. Oh, Bacred Heet of Jeaus pmpy for us, S. Jade aoniceî of miracles pmay for us, Si. Jude baiper of the hopoees, prcy for us. Scy 1hIS prayer finetlimes c day. Sp te eighlh day pour praper ailSeanc- aaered, reardiesof boa hopaleac your sillucion seams, Publication mueI ba promIsad. D-F. ELDRIDGE, Jaon WiiIam Soin June 4, 1928, Brooklun, Outario, sacrchIng for Information about parants. PMase aille John Tuliy, Apt. 1002, 11307-99 Avenue, Ed- moton, Abera, T5K 0H2. LOOK GREAT FOR SUMMERI Oui Att NATURAL HERBAL prodocf s ail) gioe pou te heathiesi iooing akin and heur youne anarr hcd. Oui HERBAL lanIug producis are racommen- dad for anen the moul fir skin- nad. Cati us and aceli gel pou iookIus greal for sommeil 100% guarantaad. Cati 433-0902. Visa uccepiad. PRESTIGE AC6UAINTANCE Service la an Inroduction bureau for uuattachad adulte seekIng laating relaionahipa. Succesiol, reilabie, selectine. Cal) tll-Irea 1- 800-263-9163. Hours: noon tilt 8 p.m. THE BARN. Vendora Wuuled. Permanent ludoor, ouldoor markt, fermera markt, au- tiques, coliectables, etc. open Set., Son. This year enery, Wad., noon lu 9 p.m. aiit aucion sa aI 6 p.m. Hw. 7B Foalers cor- ners )oal oulida Peterborough. (705) 7451081. WEEKEND May 17, 18 &19 WE PAY ONTARIO SALES TAX ON ALI INSTOCK ITEMS FROM $59.9 ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS. 20*-GENERAL PURPOSE 49 e c ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS OL OVER 300N STOCK- VOUR CHOI. IE 24a ea9c REPLACEMENT WINDOWS FROM ALUMIN UMVI NYL AND WOOD $39a gaach VINYI. SIDING FROM SELECTED COWOURS$4 agoh GARAGE DOORS FROM 9 Wm. BIOFORD ALUMINUM SALE LTD. R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONT. (613) 475-0521 SAT., SUN. & MON. 8 .M. - NON FLORIDA SPENCER COMMUNITVYurd : VACATION and Bcie Sale ou Columbtus Rd. Wj RENTSALS (Canc. 7) ausi, ai Country Lune ___________________ sti orth of Hay. 7 ausî lu * --S S okilu, ou May 10, 10 .m. fa 2 R A pm., fabtes for rnu $5. Contact 10Mobile Homes tNeuia85-6. Cieaiwaler - Thrae bestroor. Lmobile ihomes. ealed pools., tennis, close la beacitea and ATMTV melon atractions, citilduen RPI/AT room ) 83 5 0 FOR SALE truc cap nd camper sepuraieiy, $450 for bof h or $225 Bach. Cail 668-9752 &ller 5 pm RETSSAUTOMOBILES CEDAR VALLEY RESORI, orono, FOR SALE Hay. 35-115, Clunka, 4hCo- cession, beululIcempgroonst. 1981 TOYOTA Tercel, 4 speed, acacon $635. Campground 1-788- body excellent, $3,5OO or basf of- 2562. Toronto aofice 81-5754. fer. 886-2071. CAMPERS - Kemp lu Korfoil, Niagara Pulls KOA, (416) 354- 6472, Windsor South KOA, (519) 72"-200. Phone resarnations au- captad. TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modela, Sp lhe aeakend, aeek or monîn. Discounts aendiable. Dickson PrinI ng & Office Suppfles lu the Aan Plaza. Cail us loi business machina reaurs. 8W3-1988. FOR ALL YOUR Lndoaping and maintenance seeds cati "Dofcb- aay Landscaping and Main. lenunce" 849-183. 1978 FORD FIESTA nea brakes, front lires and mutiler. Good ion- uing condition, requires soma body avrit. $850. as ls. 668-4500 aller 4:30 p.m. 1975 MALISU, good running con- dition, 8 cpi., no rosI. Cali 968- 0183. 1974 CHEV IMPALA, AMIFM Biauponkl Dolby sysiera aiit eqoalizar, $50. Phove 6686-2053. 1983 SUZUKI 850 OL. tva mleage, eucellent condition, wIudshiaid, chrome iighay pegs, and rmli buis, Incioded ln price, asking $2.500. Cuil 66&- 9752 uflar 5p.mn. 1975 HONDA 400 Tain ailh Cale- X fcilng, U60. Pickering, 831- 3075. - ,l' ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOLS. Paclory ouliat ba" a Iimiied nomber of 1985 ab.ne-ground"a nud Ingrounda lail ai excellent sanings. Dont boy unlil pou compare us. Nobodp SuaIs oui prIcea, ae guarantea. Cati (418) 523-6487 or (813) 547-6434 loi delalse *We ara a Canadian compcny *eeling qoalily Canadien* *made C.E.Jmiesou produc *tgaitomail order prics puIce fief. Goeanteed, Senior discount. WATKINS prodoc- leaaalable. THE VITAMIN PLACE MATTRESSIES and bou aprings ai' hall price. McKeau Fornitore, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. STEEL BUILDINGS miocation sale. We are clearing ouI oid stock and Inlrodticiug oui vGa siraighl.aaii fine of buildings. Sane Thoonands - Phono Pioneer Sales Depi. CoilecI (418) 878- 1585. KITCHEN NOOK, 11h pears old, drop test table. ninyl covered, 5no marks. $349 nea, asking $280. Af so vertical Slimd, nantiialed ner- licals. beige, 96" aide u 73" high, esiig $100. 86-6795. USED OESKS, files. storage cabinets, stacking, office chairs. steel adjostabie sbaiviug. store dispicys, Blisra Newanad Used, 21 Aten Ave., WoodbrIdge. Phone (416) 851-6100, near Hay. 7 and 400. Mon-Fil., 9-5, Sut. 10-1. COLLEGE 5BOOKS for sale, uit books requirud for legai uacretary course for loi price. Phrone Dedanue ut 579-4846. VISIT or used furuiture warahouue by appoIntmeul. Big aavIngu on deska, chaire, fIlIng cabiuets, etc. Cuti Dickuon Prin- iiug & Office Supplies lv arrange au appoIntment 10 lea. OU3 1868. FOR SALE slorm screen Inside windows, varlna3slazes, 6 baement windows. A.E. Ander- son, 25 Harnony Rd. N., Oshawa. NORITAICE CHINA Shop-al-home service. Start or udd 10 pour saf aith lerriflo discounts on aIl recaut ptee. PMase apecily your Noriake China Pallem nume and number. For puIce flot, shape referance guide, and sbipping delala, send ioday a siamped seif-addreased buainess envelope to Just Norilake, 158 Wauiess Ave.,, Toronto, M4N MW. STEEL BUILDINGS Liquidatiou: Varloos modela, exemuple 30s50 aiih alida door $4.800. SIzes up lo 120 fi. wide. Ail priced for lm- mediate clearance. Cail 1-800- 3878148 or (416) 828-202. FRENCH PROVINCIAL white triple dresser with mirron, $200 or best offer. Phone 19657830. FOR SALE abooe ground swlmmlng pool, 18 fi. dia., used ouiy one seuson. Phone 728-2103. GEOTYPE press-on Iettarlng uca lu stock et Dicitaun PrlnlIng & Of- fice Supplies lu the Ajan Shop- ping Plaza. Large celection of styles and aines. Why puy more for a umeiler sheet of Ietlarlng? 883-96& SUPEATHAIFTI Ultra modem consumer source book teaches revolutlouury sevingu secrets aorth hundredu yearly. No budgets, coupons. Eopartly rseaurched, lastad, $395 corn- plste plus bonus. WNE, 1497'h5 Ouan West, Toronto MR A3. CHESTERFIELD autes, innaseala, saclIonuts, leau than lit prie. Large saieclion. McKeen Fumnilune, 524 Slmcoe SIS., Oshawa. 725-5181. "HEROES of the Bible" colooing bock anailabteetalDlckson Prin- ling & Office Supplies, Alex Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer luquiries InvIted. - - ARTICLES-1 CLEAR SWEET WATERI New Tachnoiogp for traatlug weter ai the welI or cistae offaring Wall 10 feucef protection throughoul an- lira wauer syalam. Rosfy. Smaiiy. Bud lusting..,aer, bacleria, staining, chumicuis and more. No sait or massy chemIcals ...ouip 49s a day f0 own and oparale. Seo tae resuls for poorsaif aith our 8-month trial offer. If You went Baller Watar for Baller Couutry Liviug.- Cati 1.800-268- 2656 or write Wtar Purification Sputema 203-1030 Kemalo Rd., Mi5sssuuga L4W 4BO. SenvIng Onlarlo Irom Thuder Bay. Cochrane, Sudbury, Ottawa, Kingston, Ml. Forest, tondus, Missiasauga, Muakokas. MOVINO - MUST SELL. Dominion antique piano, fidge, alova, Ford tractor aiIh atlachmeuls, 7 hp. Iaaumoaer. 849-2021. VENDORS WANTED for Fabulous usa FleacMarkal and Farmers marktlon400 l-lgitap, 5 miles sooih of Barrie, opaniug June 28. Permanent sports cycilabte. (705) 728-3313. BLUE GIANT 10,000 Io. capcit 4x8' Lift Tcble. $3,500. Chticago 8'u14 gauge Peu braite $38500; 30" foot ahear $450; Elsale High Speed cul-off sa $2,780; 4u4x1i4 Wall Sq. tobiug ai $2.25 par fi. Martina Metai Shop, RR.3, Wallenstein, NOB S 280(519) 869- 8400. EASTERN & S.C. Red Coea Lumber. Wida seleclion lu 1111 lots. 1u4 and 6" T & G V-Joint. May spuciai 1a2 and 3" roogh. Enenluga and weeuds (705) 472-859 or (705) 472-1474. ICLASSIFIEDI Il ADS ICONTINUE I Il SEE I PAGE 34 (ALUMINUM STORM DOORS OVER 1,5W0IN STOCK ATTfENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili flot be 14 each additional word. however, we accept no liabllity regarding loss or damage fiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 fer the first 100 words; 12e each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied additional word. such replies. We wihI flot be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies flot called for within 30days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12C each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert oneclay before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43cperIlne. <Nowordadaallowed>. to insert or cancel Emiporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wilI make 668-6111