PAGE 10. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14,1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS A spe(Icil Introductory offer one month oly. Canadian Womanýs Fitness CLecyresAetrobiCe tranersan ýlCent res introuoie th n r aur a/i new fui/y personalized Nutrition Programme. Start a new fitness lifestyle novv On/y for the month of May are we offering you our personalized Nutrition Programme and fui! use of the ""Lifecycies" FREE* with annual rnembership to Canadian Wbmaný Fitness Centres. I'à ~* Value ofuyp to $200.OO0per yearfor both Nutrition Programme and use of ""Lifecycies'. Gi v yo ureff a ne Fitness Lifestye. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 571-1441 TOWNE & COUNTRYE SQUARE, 223-4447 YONGE & STEELES 900 ALBION RD. AT ISLINTON 742-3515 1910 YONGE AT DAVISVILLE 485-6551 3655 KINSTON RD. AT EGLINTON 264-4333 1200 MARKHAM RD. AT ELLESMERE 438-5656 Canadian Woman's Fitness Centres are proud ta announce their two new exclusive fitness complexes... 3300 B/oor Street 237-0555 131 Blor Street 928-2288 Servngyou since 1979. CaaanfflWonia Ftness C"eentre PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED. MASTERCARD, MSA OR 'rVUR PERSONAI. CHEQUE IS- WELCOME. The science of feeling terri fic.