WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 7, 1986, PAGE 11- Anderson, Hlenry Street, Denis O'Connor f rèHIGH SCHOOL NEWS WEEK By PAM WALLACE & BRENDA WILDE Harwood Secondary Hello from Harwaad Secandary School in Ajax. Yau may be won- dering why we are writing a colunin for the Whitby Free Press. The reason is that there are a lot of Whitby residents who are students at Harwoad *Secandary School. Since this is aur first column, we want ta tell you a littie bit about aur school. Harwood has appraximately 750 studlents attending this year. That's an increase from last year's enrolîment by 60 studen- ts. Many af aur senior students (grades il and 12) are invalved in work experience. We have 27 shaps here'at Harwood - courses such as quantity cooking. tvoing, hair- dressing, auto mechanics and waod- working which teach pratical, employable skills. In most of these shops, senior students have the opportunity ta go ta a business or job site every day for a two week period of work ex- perience. There is also a Co-op program available which allows the student ta gain shop credits frorn an exten- ded placement at the job site. 0f course, we ahl study academie subjec- ts as well - math, English. science. You have the oppor- tunity ta see these shops and academic subjects in action tonight, May 7 from 6:30 ta 9:30 p.m. during our annual open bouse. You can visit the hairdressing classraom and get your hair eut or styled for a small fee. Visit the horticulture shop where students wil be selling plants grown at Harwoad. There will. also be dlsplays in many of the academic classes of students' work and *course material. Hope. ta see you there 1 SEE PG. 15