Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI L.9-1986 PAG E 29 F-R-EE PR-ESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. COLLIERS Encs'ciopedia welth BIlE 12, Katlinger Golden K ahi bibliography and Index, 24 boots, new, $150, nover wom. volumes seortit, SM8. Also 23 Phone 6ffl102 aller 6 p.m. Yeur books 100-1906, covora atonies (pluron) 0f Kennedy'. aaaaalnaliona, tirait mas on the DININO TAULIE, oolld pins, moon asd many oliser atonles double pedesial, 92"x36", ex- lrom around lthe world, lotat vaiue cellent condition and O pins $1,200, aaklng $55. Tan 1100 an- straight bpck chairs, $M0. Pttooo saering service machins, on. 655-3m6, allerS5 p.m. Yeur oid, $120. Lantemne, ait l szes ____________ and ehapos, 83 oach or ait for $150. Drafting table, SM0, ligisia SNOWTIIROWER for M.T.D. trac-. Includod, SM5. Titras beaulîful tor, used ose soason, complote handrnede sombreras, 835 each. wllh whel wolghls and ohine, Cal 68-088aller Sp.m. 880. Phono 868-5925. ENVIROLET leclrIc waseris tollet, no vialer, fia soptic tank, salls new for $943.5 (US) Relurb, Unit A, $395 plus $45 vent kI. Oiall fer 5 p.m.. 723- 9109. PRINCESS canopy bedrooro aullo, whte with goid rIm, In. cluden bod altis canopy framo, chant af drawers, dresser and mIrror and nile-labia. AIno box apring and malirosu, matching canopy covor, aproad, sham and curtains, also bod linon,8700. Ai l lkanew. COeil433-4093. INOLIS 30" whie gas niove, $150. Gold Ksnmore dishwasher, 9 yoara aid, molor and pump 1 'hz yeasaoid, $175. Whie change table, $5. Rusi coloured coucis and chair, $W, Phonoe6680283. MOVINO MUST SELL - Dning room suite with 6 chairs, hulcit and buffet, 2 yaars oid, $8W0. Ladies 3 speed bise, $55. Two paira of ladies roler Msk alizo 4 and 7, $25 aach. Tao ide tables, $20 oacci. Round glass table, $55. AMIFM radio wiîh record ployer, $25. Chesi 0f crasers, $20. Phone 688-4220. FOR SALE antique dinlng room sile-in showroom condition, 8 places, approxtmately 80 years aid, tabla when exlendad $sas 10 people comlorably, price $1,6W or best allar.668-24681. BICYCLES - girls 23 Inchs Raleighs transit, $50 or beat offor. Boys 20 Incht Bobcal, $45 or boni Ofier. Phone aller6ôp.m., 666-324. DININO ROOM SET, soiid pecen podesatil val table wilh iwo les, four beige uphoterod and caned chaira, iwo seti arme, excellent condition, $45. Ranch mInk fll lenglis fur cool, sloe 18, $W50stee. al.Oil 668-2551. COAL and wood burning kilchen range, white onainol finishs, price SM5. Oel allerS5 p.m., 655-486. FOR SALE partour slave, 815. Woodholder, $5. Phone 608-4032. WOODOURNINO luroaco, Suroffre 201, ettaches io exisllng forcent air lurnae, hats 2,500 sq. Il., nover used, $750. Phono 655- 4682 aller 6 p.m. COMPUTER Apple Il pus, Clone, 48K, $200. Throo pertriai boards for above, $3. Phono 668-8178. ANTIQUE Staffordehiro dog, lsmiiy of four, 2-15", 2-8, crca 1900, logelhor $400. Phono 683 9471. ENTIRE I4OU8Ei4OLD furnlure, now and used. Admirai fridge, $1%50.D.. dyOr, $250. Viking automatll waahor, HOD., 830. Four 15" radial Firoslono ires, P10S75R15,$50 each. 12 voit bai- tory $50. Table and four chaire, kilcisen, $100. 19" colour T.V., $35. Dreser. $6. Large Oak desk, 81,00. Largo book sheil, $110. Ofice desk, wood, $350. Steel book shel, $60. Coucisand reciining chair, lser, $M5. 000k calculator, $8. Antique coud mad 2 matchIng chaire, $400. Coet rack, $100. ElecrIc slave, 8300. Beat cash ollor. Cati 6554896. SKATES, boys sice 3, Wayne Grteky modal, $15. Boys size 5 new Bauor, $25. Hockey Equip- mont, ehouidor paids, pants and othor equipmenf, fils -11 year boyil, S. Ski boots, mens Reicher 5 buckia boots, size G1hi, $35. Lades lace bool, ize 7, $10. Electnical panels, 8 fuse panel, $12. Two 30 amp panais, $5 each and 80 amp disconnect, $10. Cail 576-7607. -PLEASE READ- When tise advertiscd item in nold, dinpoaed of, or unavailable for whatever reason. the Item seul ho deemed ta bave been nold and a commission will ba ctarged baned on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iîîustreted blow, regardiesa i price ln staird with "best 011r. If the Item In NOT SOLO, or disposed of,.te ad wiII be run for'3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.SOiiie pply payable in advanre af publication of the first ad. Tise above minimum charge wiil hoe pplied ta thse final commission due. Maximum comminsion: 810.00. Alil dver- tinements must 1w ptaced os as exclusive banis witi tise WHITBY FREE PRESS and run et leant one month if sot sold. RATES if irtirle le sold : 5% ef sdvertlsed pre sp to $400.00 2% af balance over 848000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item sdvcrtlsed for 815.00. Commission duc 87.50 <minimum charge sa 87.50) Private edvertising onlyl Please nol.fy thse Whitby Free Prens immedietely when item la eold eo that we mey deete It from thse following issue. Ail eda fot listing the Emporium guidelinen will be treeted end charged per week as regular claeaifled ade on e prepaid basin euch an: nervicen, heip wanted, ciothinfi, ruai etete, and personal message type ads, or adsn fot quoting price or quantity. Privete claneified ado may eppear in thse Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM IfIn dout cuit: 131 Brock St. N. PO. Box M5 668-6111 Whtby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR-EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. LARGE Colonial stylo armchair, TRAILER TP Helbe, soit top, su- comfortabie and ln good con- cllent condition, somo camping dllon, $40. Intorior door, $15. equipmont Inciudod. $950 or bont New vanty basin, $5. Grey Por- offer. 888-8178. stan lamb fur isokot, 85. Warm ______________ fu longlt Mouton fur c05, par- TRAILER, Nimrod, RivIera, sai tact, sizo 16, $75. Faiu yoang top, lr condition, oxras ln-' silver Meplo Ires, batiod. 10 o eciuded, $500. Phono 855-3142. duo up holoro May, $15. Oldor _____________ manuel typowriter, $20. Phono ROTO TILLER, 5 hp., excellent SPLE condition, $295. Siep adder, aiumtnum, $25. Wheiberrow, 81-111 TZU Puppy, 8 aoeks oint $10. Hal-moon table and male, CKC rgietored, chats, magazine stand, $25 each. Ladies dowonmed and homa raisod. non- bike, $40. Junior 10 speod, $45. shedding, non.aiiargic, good aitit Rock mapia kitchan sot. $225. cisidren, $350. Cati 1-416-985- Seaing machine, $35. Smatl 3960. table, 835. Phono 683.638l. - SNOWB3LOWER, Taro 12" etec- .~ tric, excellent condition, $125. FOR SALE 44 h.p. campreaaor, $100. 3%VXS' box traiter, $100. Two place bar unit, $8. CGE. etoctric iawnmoaor, $8. 24' an- tension iadder, $5. AiltIems ln encollent condition, soma ne*. Ciii 668-9519. G.M. LOVESEAT, $M. GM. tant- dtor sot, $30. InIants car hod, $15. Fluko 8020 test maer, $110 or nearest aller. 683-3658. 800ROOM SET, antique white Frenchs Provincial hodroam selt. double bot, canopy trams, dresser, nigist table, box spIng and mattreen, hodspread, cur- tains, cinopy caver and round table covar, $425. Phono6868- 3592. QUEEN SiZE SIED, posture podic, moeltframo aith aheels, en- collent condition, $140. Phono 608-491. PEREGO PRAM. large Engisis stylo, 6 yeara aid, good condition, navy. apron, basket, large wisaeln, S85. Car neat, brown vinyl, good condition, $50. Booster car noal, brown vinyl, excllent shape, $20. Twin strolior. orange canvas, gond condition, aide by aide assis, lids fleat, $100. Cradie, white, $20. CrIb, colonial style, with mattrens and bumper pad, good condition, $100. Phono 685925. FIVE 0000 YEAR Wrangler radial ailtorrein tires, sizo P195175R15. anly 2,000 miles, $450. Four Dodgo iMitibunhl Ralye oheois, size 14x6'*, fl Cote Sapporo, Chalonger. Arrow. 800. Phono 655-3266. JEEP RENAGADE 1985, excellent TUKCMEe hv-7 condition, mol 10, tttcis, tilti, TKCavaMPe R t , 86 isgev ' 74c hard-top, 5 apeed, 6 cylinder, p.b., Cavle, ,atwlOneige uaae. ps., wIntlelummer package, tote 1 ,90 aisitmPaas 8,000 km, $13.500. Phono 655- -55 4882 allerS6 p.m. 1079 CMIV Monza. V4' aulomallo, 2 door halchback, ps., p.b., AMIFM cassette alerso, 70,000 miles only, han new tiras, excellent condition, $2,100. Cl 668-4890 allers5 p.m. 1078 0000E hall ton seitiscab. AMIFMY cassette, aulomnallo, $2,100 or boat olfer, Ciii alter 6 p.m., 688-098. 1977 DODGE Aspen S.W., radio, good ires, as la, $450 or boat Of-» fer. Phono 083-3825 aller 5 p.m. 1077 DODGE ¾A ton club cab,318 ou. In., 4 spood stick, ps., phb., $1,495. Oel 868-2655, alter 5 p.m. 1077 FORD 1 ton, 351 V8. p.s... phb., single wheols, OlO elake box, excellent condition, $3.400, certiflod. 888-3850. 1976 FORD MARQUIS station wagon, p.n., p.b., cruino, vorY good condition, 92,000 mles, $500 irm. 831-0880 aller 6 pr. 1978 CIIRYSLER CORDOBA psB., phb., air condiooing, $600 or boat ofler. Oeil 655-3176. l10t5 DUSTER, $400,an le or boat oller. Phono 688-5038. 1074 BIICK APOLLO, rune good. body goont, 6 cyl., $550 Or boat Ol- ler. 433-1842. 1073 PONTIAC Laurentlin, 400 cc molor, rane but noeda worlc, aisa cen ho bougist for parla, $200. Phono 579-3030. CharliB iS i50ly a few stops OMaM from the Ajax Police Station and is ordering office supplies from Dickson Printinp for his anticipated long confinement - LR l , n liseworld, I hres slwaye I room for ans more. Wagon Hostess now. LPhono 666-2482 CON FUSEDé? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don5t miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do eali 668-6111l and we5Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you : are a private advertlser; *have an article to seil; and, sthave a specified askng priCe for your article hen you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. Your ad "Il run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthS). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT se li within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When. your article selîs, a commission is charged, baSed on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.1 I - - _______________ I - ---~. - _________ - I -. - _______ I - _______________- dnt forgel ta inlude ynur phone numberi 1 enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $750 to my Visa account. Card No. Esp, lDaite Seme pIra se print) Address Cliv Postal ('ode MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESSI P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. WhitbyLIN5Sl Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 Advertised Price Up to $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5000 and up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 820.00 822.00 $24.00 $26,00 $28.00 $30.00 $32.00 - 52.00 872.00 $92.00 $100.00 m City Postal Code

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