Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Students competing 0u regional science fair Local stuaents nope that mantha of hard work wil make their piroject a winner in the Durham Regional Science Fair ta be held April 10 and Il at Ajax High School. They hope ta win regional and national prizes, in- cluding a trip ta a sym- posium on national water issues in Toronto. Studentsaged 12 ta 19 will compete for prizes offered in the Junior, In- termediate and Senior age categories. The fair la one of 76 organized Canada-wide by the Youth Science Foun- dation. Ainang the national prizes available is the Suncor Energy Award. The winner of the Award travels ail ex- penses paid ta par- ticipate in a symposium titled "Synergy '86: The Suncor Youth Sym- posium on Water. " Last year the award was won by Manfred Sever of Pickering. Working in teams, titis year's award win- nera will design a national water management plan. They wlll receive advice from expert resource people from government, academia and business. Guest speakers will open the students' eyes on topica such- as: the escalating world demand for water; the "greenhouse effeet" and long term climate change; and rising con- cerna over water quality in Canada's groun- dwater and in the Great Lakes basin. The symposium wil be held at Erindale College of 'the Univer- sity of Toronto, June 16 ta 20. Any local student is eligible who designs, builda and entersaa project an energy in the senior category of the Foundation fair. Any aspect of energy can be explared: conventional energy, renewable energy, .conservation, etc. To win, projects must earn first class honours front the Foun- dation judges. IdOur experience has shown that students find the participatory nature of the science fairs and the symposium both en- joyable and educational," said WR. (Bill) Loar, Chairman and Chief Executive Of- ficer of Suncar Imc., sponsor of the award. "We see the programn as an investment in a better future for al Canadians. -The award helps ta interest young people in science. The symposiums are designed ta show the important raie of scien- ce in society and ta help point out new career op- portunities. Raiaing awareness of science's importance and oppor- tunities will, we hope, help young Canadians meet the challenges of the future, " said Mr. Loar. The Youth Science Foundation is Canada's anly national organizer of youth science ac- tivities. THE THE IN THE MATTER 0F TF ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 Corridor Capers By MRYMN ICEACHERN ems for Ibis column. THORNTON INTERESTED PARENTS Garage Sale - The Parents Advisory Committee of Dr. Robert Thornton Publie School will be holding a Garage Craft Sale on the school parking lot on Saturday, May 10, froni 10 a.m. until 3 p.ni. Spaces may be rented for $10 each (tables $5 each or bring your own). To reserve your space, please caîl 728- 6794 after 6 p.m. Spaces are limited, so reserve early. DECOM HEARING The consensus is that most of the residents are pleased with the progress of the hearing thus far. The Corridor Area Ratepayers Association is to be Ta The Editor: Since June 12, 1984, when Premier William Davis announced his about-face on the issue of extended funding for Roman Cathalie separate sehools, it has been a diaheartening tume for ail who care about public achools, the democratic process, in- terfaith goodwill, and fair and equal treat- ment for aIl regardlesa of -creed. -Ail three CORPORATION 0F ETOWN OFWHITBY rHE ONTARIO HERITAGE political parties have turned a deaf ear to these legitimate con- cerna. Two other com- misaions on education were appointed that sanie day. These repor- ts have now been released ta the public. The Shapiro Report on the funding of private and independent achools pointed to the discriminatory effects of extended separate achool funding. The Macdonald Report on the financing of elemen- tary and secondary education recognized the problema of taxation and funding when major changes in educational policy occur. Both reports mentioned the importance of equality. SThe events of the past year have shown that congratulated for theiroutatanding pertormance. It is rather difficult for the private individual to make an effect as most hearlngs are geared totally to the applicant. However, in the Decom hearlng the Ratepayers really ahowed their value. The moat ef- fective witnesses were Ken Correil, Rager Tickner, Charles Hill, Joan Pilnuik, Pat Dooley, Ken Mac- Donald, Dr. Doctor, Vera Hugel and Bill Walsh, ail Ratepayers. Ail were extremely knowledgeable with concerns for safety. Deconi appears to have a problent determining its length of existence in the business. It could be one and one-haîf years, one year or six months, take your pick. Whether or not they made application ta establish in Newcastle is also up for grabs. The whole situation seems disorganized. The hearing will continue on April 21, hopefully Decom will co- ordinate their answers tothe-many questions still outstanding. Great work Ratepayers Organization. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Pancake Supper - Saturday, April 19 froni* 4:30 to 6 p.m. Adults $3.50, children 12 years and under $2, preschoolers free. Obtain your tickets now frani board members or by calling Richard Hearne at 576-0661. News is a little scarce, we have been on vacation for a week and a little out of touch. Good to be back. Caîl 725-8967 with news items for this colunin. extended funding bas been a moat difficuit issue for al of the political parties. The Taries are stili in diaarray; the NDP la undergoing pressure to change its policy. The Liberais stili maintain the bold stance of going ahead at ail coats. In the meantime, there are a number of religioua and educational groups which are taking the issue ta, the Supremne Court of Canada. Despite the headline: "RC Financing Ruled Constitutianal," desig- ned ta, leave the publice with the feeling that there is no mare ta be said, there are serious flaws in the structure upon which "'twa systenis of public education" could be based. The 88-page minarity report of the Court of Appeal'a aplit decision fully explored the legai and historical basis. While ail five justices agreed that On- tario has no obligation ta fund separate secon- dary chools, they disagreed on whether such a gift wauld violate the Charter of Rights guarantee of equality ta all Canadian citizens. Equality mustbe for ail, or it is for none. From the beginning of this decision to extend funda, there has, been recognition of the dif- ficulty. This has resulted -in the autocratic methods used ta slip the funding inta place even before legisiatian is , passeèd. Excessive powera are proposed for the Im- plementation Comi- mission. This would leave public trustees with few options ta preserve public educatian under Bill 30. Yours truly, Frienda of public Education i ntario, Inc. P.J. Tatten, President Harrow, Ont. Letter: Public education THECORPORATIONOF U7~&))THETOWNOFWHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, ASO.1980, C.337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby lntends to deaignate the property, Includlng lands and buildings, at the following municipal address as property of hîstorical and architectural value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: The Thomas Sleigh House 210 Trent Street West Whitby, Ontario LiN iMi REASONS FOR DESIG NATION 0F 210IRENT STREET WEST, WHITBY Historîcal This house was built ln 1863 by Thomas Slelgh, a- local house and sign painter. Two promînent owners of the house were John Tait Mathison, a famous cricket player, and Lawrence Agg, a Whlt- by Town Councillor and Deputy Reeve In the i940's. Architectural The house was orlginaity constructed of board and batten. tl was brlcked over in 1906 by John Mathison. A unique feature of the house la that Il la made up of four baya on the front facade with the front door and second slorey gable wlndow off -set to one aide. Any person may, before May 9, 1986, aend by reglstered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whltby notice of his'or her objection 10 the propoaed desîgnation together wlth a statement of reasona for the objection and ail relevant facta. If auch notice of objection la recelved, the Councîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shahl refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board fora hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 9th day of April, 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 «Phone: (416)>668-5803 WEIGHT COU NSELLING CENTRE 342 King St. W., Oshawa 728-7656 or 728-0729 NOW OPEN IN AJAX 70 HARWOOD AVE. S. Individual Counseiiing Cali for an Appointmant by profeasional nurss and a COST-FREE na nutrionia obligation consultation AT THE CLINIC or IN THE CONVENIENCE 0F VOUA OWN HOMEI HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTREc NURSERY SCHOOL For ChiIldren 2 to 5 years old Ç. - Fuli>Daysý,Hall Days or Hourly * A brand new, totally renovated Govmrment Approved Day care centre * An abundance of new toys and equipment * Governmen't approved Staff and Iearning programs * 3 meals a day prepared by a nutrltionally aware oook * Learning themes and outings OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. - 6 P.M., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Year Except Canadian Statutory Holidays Minutes from Downtown Whitby FOR ENROLMENT AND INFORMATION CALL: 668m6200 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby has passed By-law No. 1998-86 to designate the followlng property as belng of architectural and hlstorlcal value or ln- terest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: The James R. Matthewson House 7143 Ashburn Road Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIG NATION OFTHEJAMES R. MATTHEWSON HOUSE Hîstorîcal This house was built ln 1864 by James Mat- thewson. He was an Influential farmer who served on Whltby Township Councîl as a Councillor, Deputy Reeve and Reeve from 1880 - 1890. The farm on which the house sat was known as Springfild Farm and was pictured ln the 1877 On- tario County Atlas. Architectural The house is an lnterestlng example of a mid- nlneteenth century farm house comblning Greek Revival and Gothlc Revival styles. The house stands on a fine granite fleldstone foundation and s assumed to have been orlginally constructed wlth horizontal claphoard. DATED aI the Town of Whitby this 9th day of April, 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone., (416) 668-5803

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