Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1986 PAGE 13 Comin events calender cont. FROM PG. 12 speaker w111 be Karen Walker, psychatrie patient advocate at the Whltby Psychiatrie Hospital and ber topic wif be patients' rlghts. AUl friends and relatives of the mentally W1 are encouraged to attend., For 'more information please cail Sandra Manuel at 728-9912. CPR COURSE Durham Save-a-Heart bas scheduled a weekend Car- diopulmonary Resusci- tation course at the Ajax-Pickering brancb of tbe Red Cross on Saturday and Sunday, April 19Gand 20. The 12 bour Instruc- tion program includes recognition of heart at- tack, demonstration and practice of one and two rescue CPR, infant resuscitation and management of ob- structed airway. The course wll be beld from 9 arn. until 4 p.m. each day and ad- vance registration is required at the Ajax- Pickering Red Cross, 1648 Bayly St. in Pickering or Durham Save-a-Heart, 292 King St. W. In Oshawa. For more Information please call 571-1152. CARD) PARTY Chapter 248 of tbe Or- der of the Eastern Star wWl be holding their an- nual card party April 9 beginnlng at 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Hall on Cochrane St. Tickets for tbe event wil be $2.50 and there wWl be a lunch and prizes. For more in- formation cali Marie at 728-060 or Bey at 725- 5M0. OPERA NIGHT The Oshawa Sym-i pbony Association will be presenting the 1 Seagram Guest Artist Concert, Opera Nigbt, Sunday, April 13 begin- 1 aing at 8 p.m. in tbe Eastdale Collegiate 1 Auditorium in Oshawa. The evening will feature highlighta from Rossini, Mozart, Bizet and Puc- cini witb the Osbawa Sympbony . Orchestra conducted by Winston Webtar along with some outatanding guest soloista. Tickets for the event are $12 each and are available at Mid- dieton's Stationery in Whitby. For more in- formation cail 579.6711. CANADIAN CLUB MEETING Dalton James McGulnty, executive administrator of the Terry Fox Humanitarlan Award Program, will ta the guest speaker at the next meeting of tbe Canadian Club of Durham Region on April 14. As usual, tbe meeting will ta beld at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dr. McGuinty's topie wil ta The Golden Thread, the Terry Fox influence on this generation. Visitors are welcome and may make reservations by calling Elsie McGure at 576- 6196 or Nettie Aldred at 576-1616. EVENING STORY HOUR Cbildren of, ail ages are invited to climb aboard tbe "Sleepytime Express" on Monday evenings at the Whitby Public Library. During the months of May and April the library will ta holding it's popular slumtar program. Tbe half bour will include songs and atonies. And don't forget to bring your blanket and your favourite cuddily toy. KARATE DEMO A karate demon- stration wili ta given by students of the Nisei Kempo Karate Club of Whitby in the auditorium of the Whit- by Publielbrary on April 23, fromn 7 tili8 p.m. The studenta will ta showing their akilis in self-defense; free- sparring; weaponry and ninja routines. FINANCIAL PLANNING SEMINAR The Tillean Financial Corporation will ta presenting a financial -planning seminar at the Whltby Public Library on Wednesday, April 16, from 7 tlll 8 p.m. To reserve a seat or for more information call Richard Price at 433- 15M8. O.P.F. MEETING The One Parent Familles Association of Canada, Oshawa Chap- ter -wiII hold it's next regular meeting on April 15 in the St. An- drews United Church, 71 Simcoe St. S. at Bruce St. in Oshawa ate8p.m. At the April 22 meeting, guest speaker, Wilf Patterson, will talk about relationship. communication. The meetings are open to the general public and new mema- tars are welcome. Free coffee, tea and donuts 'are provided. For more information caîl 579-7338. THEOS MEETING Tbe local cbapter of THEOS wil meet on Sunday, April 13 at 2 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian churcb on Cochrane St. THEOS is a self belp group for newly widowed men and women. Ail widowed men and women are welcome to attend. For more information eall Dorothy MacNaughton at 668-2648. EUCHRE PARTY The Ladies Auxiliary to tbe Royal Canadian Legion will ta holding a euchre Thursday, April 17. The price is $2 per person and there will ta prizes and luncb. The Whitby Legion is located at 117 Byron St. S. and the eucbre will get underway at 8 p.m. SPRING BAZAAR There will ta a spring bazaar on Saturday, April 12 beginnlng at 10:30 a.m. in the Fair- view Lodge auditorium. Sponsored by the Good Companions Club, the bazaar will feature a bome bake table, craftsi planta, hardware, a white elepbant table and more. Rot muffins and a taverage will ta available and there will ta a draw beld at 1:30 p.m. Tickets for tbe draw may ta purchased from memta.rs or at the door and everyone is welcome. SPRING DANCE The Col. J.E. Farewell PTA is spon- soring a Spring Dance on Saturday, April 12 at the Holy Family Parisb Hall. Music will ta provided by D.J. K and D and there will ta door prizes and a buffet. The dance will ta held from 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. and tickets are $25 a couple. For more Information caUl 66l8-08. WHITBY LITTLE THEATRE Beginnlng May 1 the Wbitby Little Theatre wllI ta presentlng Corne Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean Jimmy Dean. Ad- mission wil ta $5Sand $6 and tickets are available at Middleton's Stationery, 113 Dundas St. W. Cumtin time la 8 p.m. and the play will run May 1, 2, 3,8, 9 and 10. You can caUl Mid- dleton's at 668-2492 to ensure tickets are stlU available. CARD PARTY Whitby chapter 248 of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold their an- nual card party Wed- nedy April 9 tagin- nig t7:30 p.m. in the Masonie Hall on Cochrane St. Tickets for the event are $250 and there wlIl t a lunch and prizes. For more infor- mation cail Marie at 768-0605. QUILT SHOW The United Church Womnen of St. Mark's Church will ta hosttag the 6th annual quilt show April 17 from 2 to9 p.m. Admission ia $2 and refreshments wlli ta provided. Anyone wlsbing to en-. ter one (or a3 maximum of two) quilta in the show la asked to oeil Joyce Cox at 66805 tafore the end of Marcb. At least 50fulsize quilta and many smaffer quilted items neyer tafore sbown. at St. Mark's wilI tashown. St. Mark's United Church la located at the corner of Coltarne and Centre Sta. UEL MEETING* The Upper Canada branch of the United Empire Loyalista willi ment Thursday, April 10 In the auditorium of the Whtby Public Library beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tbe film, Loyaliat Immigration, photogra- phed ta Adolphustown Provincial Park, wiII ta sbown. The film traces .Model M06 Premflum 1Quality Eyewear You have the choice at Whitby Optical... We fuI eye. doctor's prescriptions. You bave the choice of lst quality or premium quality eyeglass frames, optical lenses, contact lenses and accessories. As an tadependant optical dispensery, we are not tied to any one source. .Providing value. and professional service is our goal. 105 Coiborne W. (acrossfrom the Hydro) Downtown Whitby 666-3831 Mon.-Thurs. 9:30-5:00 Friday 9:30-7:00 Saturday 10:00-1:00 Whitby Optical Last year in Ontario 2,150 people vNere treated for mabies exposure. As a result, the Ontario Ministiy of Health is urging. ail residents to be extremely cautious. Since the disease is fatal to humans as well as pets, anyone who's been in contact with a rabid animai must take a series of shots. Ytu can protect your family by taking these simple precautions. Frst, vaccinate your pets against rabies. Second, keep themn on a leash. Third, everyone, especiallychildren, should be taugqht. to avid stras and wildlife that might carry rabies. AJways wear gloves when handling a dead animal. Remember, farmn animnaIs can be infected too. Protect your famnily and friends by protecting your pets fromn rabies. Its no way for a friend to die. Ministry of Health e Ontario Minister, Hon. Murray Elston Premier, Hon. David Peterson

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