Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 26, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRES WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ~ 31* FO SLEFOR SALE OPPORTUNTII Q PPRYTMNIITTIES EXEREE a riinc . I n ,,. IANO ,.. tmo a,., and e., lame PONTIACA cad u ...1. ..,.. M eslortor; fread estimatos, guaran. tique bail stand for sale. Coii 688& 12,000 km., mostiy 1ighae.y teed. Calii71-2965., 1145. mleage, $8,900. Cailater6pm ___________________ 723.5f38. PAINTING à DECORATINO profosssional bonded warkman- ship, raldent faf and commercial, f ree estlmaf os. caiî 8394277 or 6889712. EXPERIENCED relabis ciesoing lady wiii horoughiy dean pour hams wlh s personsi touch ln. cisding avens, cupbosrds, fiacre, waiis. refrsncss. 66848M7. UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE. Need. hsfp? Workeral compen- sllas, Wlfare. OHIP assistance, Unempîoymenî Insurancs, or criais rfsrrais f0 aiher agnccies, ceil: 579-1821. CRAFTSMAN *Complete remods-I *doesFt al1. 67911381 lbtHrvey Owner M MYPERSONAL COLOURS Dscover the colours &shades that com- pliment your skin tons & enhance your best Efeatures. Only$30 percansuifalion 68-i2770 NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candlewicking, Coun- ted Cross-stitch, Em- broldery and Crewel. Ws even do Neediepoint and Trapunto toc. Join In the fun. Have a CtestIve CIraIS ciasa In your home. Tsaching you ta stît- ch la easy. Book now and receive a Free Gif t. Cail: Nadine, evenîlnga at 68&-1490 TIDY-UPI Homes, apsrtmrents,I offices, halls. IReasonable rates. "GRAMMER for people who ais graminer"la the Ideaf pocket rfrsuce booki for business peope. $3.95 par copy and avmiistsls nf Dickson PrintIng & Office Suppiles In the Aax Plaza. Dealer Inquiri os iritedf683g.198 BUYING hockey, bassbail gurn carda nets series), 1919 la 1967. Psying 50% of prica guide. Suying ShIrrff hockey coin* 196, paylng $1 ta, M5 each. Suyicg Boa iv. hockey phot o. WrIte ta: Sports Collodiffon AZ, M65 Freaniero. 5.Essach, Ou.. J7R 4K3. (514473-2U22) Wiiipck LUMUER for sais, Coer, Pins, Hsmiock, 1 and 2 Inch maieriai. 0554200. VISIT aur used turnturs warshouss by appoInîmeni. Big savings on deaka, chairs, iing cabines, sic. Coli Ockson Prn. tIng & Office Suppies ta arrange an appoinîmeni b view. 883 1968. MATTRESSES and box nprings ai hall prce. McKsan Furnliurs, 524 Simca. Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GEOTYPE prss-on tettarIcg now n sock ai DIcksan Priniing & Of- tica SuppiesaIn the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large soisclian of styes and salzs. Why psyr mors for a smaiier sheel of eilring? 88319W. FOR SALE Singar cabinet aswIng machins, $200. 15" blw TV., $75. Mns lisaher coal, sizs 38, $15W. Two ans ysar aid 12 spssds, $250 pair, or boastcffsr an any Item above. 668-0572. 1HEROES of th Bibis" caiaurlng book avaiiabia ai OIcksan PrIn. lIng il Off ice Supplias, Aax Piaza, 683-1968. Deaer Inquries Inviisd. CHESTERFIELD suites, lovesals, seclional s, lsas ihan ½h prics. Large seleclion. Mcileen Furalure, 524 SImcoe Sf.5., Oshawa. 7255181. SPECIALI $12.50 Service celle on any moas of colour TV., Facon TV., 100 Lupin Or., Bair Parkr Plaza, 688806, 7230011. Wil h thie ad. SPECIAL Toronto prIces, 20 colaur TV. ln boxs, $449, 3 ysar full warranty, Facon T.V., 100 Lupin Or., Blair Parkr Plaza, 068 006, 723-0011. SPECIAL 26" colour console teisoisian, $599, 3 yaar ful wsrranly, Facon T.V., 100 Lupin Or., Blair Park Plaza, 6688.06, 72300%1. DEFORE vou *UY a Zenih colour T.V. from any aiher dealer coma and sas Facon TV. for boat prices, 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Parkr Plan, 6886, 723-0011. MOVINO SALE. Muat sais. Gold slave and malchIcg aide by aide trIdgs, aimond colour porabe disbwaahsr, sucellent condition. 5769319. cisarwlsr -TurBo bsdroomý mobile homs Hotd pools,' tensnis, close la boaches and* major atracion$, cblidron wsicame. lssthan moIsi roomi 683-5503. TYPEWRITER rsntai, marly maes asnd modela, by h wseksnd, ws.k or moth. Discount&avmallable. Ocksoc Prinilng & Office Supplies le the Aax Pisza. Cmi us for businss machins repaire. 683-1968. 1984 CELEBRITY Eurospari, 2 door, back wilh red pi nslrIpe, new brakes, ps., p.b., low miisage, $10,000 or beat offer. musf be sson. 723e898 affor 3:30 p.m. 1980 PLYMOUTH Volare, 4 door, 6 cyl, ps., p.b., new brakos. ex- cellent condit ion, low mleage, rsduced ta $1.700. Phono 433. 8830 afler 5p.m. 1978 0000E half Inn with cam- per, gaad condition, $3.50W irmi, Pickering, 831-3075. 1974 FORD VAN, radio and cassette piaysr, Inssiated, b.d and table, $350 as le. 1971 Pan- flac, 2 door, $175. Phonoe66- 3752. 1978 HONDA 400 Tin with Cafe- X fairIcg, $80. Pickring, 831- RESPONSIBLE MOTHER ai babysl n my homo, Monday ta Fridsy, Ottor Crsek, Whitby res.. Cali ""8.599. EXPERIENCED GRANOMA wIiting la do babysitIlng In my homne, 5 minutes ram GM. south, fonced yard. 4331519. ELORIOGE, John WIlliam born Juns 4, 1928, Brookiin, Ontario, searching for informaion about parents. Pesse wriio John Tuily, Apt. 1706, 10045 117 Street, Ed- monfan, Abera. T5K 1W8. TO WHOM tT MAY CONCERN, we are ryivg la retrace Our fsmiiy Ires. Ail Inormation wouid be greatly appreciated. There are il Cotlins famlpa n Sask, and B.C. frram aur groal greai grsndparsn- la the Colins and MadIli familles. John and Mary Collins- residon- ce Pickering res. Chilcren: Mer Ibm Marrled Lapham, Mary married Wiiison. Chrielina married H.J. Peters Dec. 25, 1858. George marrisd Racheal Madili imy groaf grandparonisi, Josphus mmrriod Hodan. <mInIsior). Saraha married clark, John l?. ýWilliam and Mary Mdiii - Chiidren: Eizabeth ..? -Rachosi mnarried George Coulina, Mary ?, Francias?. ours truiy, Jules and Helen Sureau, 10040 Bambrton Dr., Richmond .c., V7A 113. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ront on prafsssionat floor. Woudbe suitable for iawyer, accountant, etc. Pont includes &I uilities sud la negatiabis for n appropriats tonant. For further Information omit 668872 betwec 9:30 a*. snd 5 pm. Mnday fa FrIday. WHITUIY COMMERCIAL SPACE avallabis Juiy 1sf, 19m6, op- praxlmatsiy 2,300 square fot, has been usod for about the tast 10 yesar as a dance studio. Calii Mr. Burgess at68-8M72. NEW FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY UNIQUE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET INDUSTRY Atlas Supply Company of Canada Limited, has a 55 year record of success as a national Automotive Aftermarket supplier f rom coast ta coast. To meet the demande ot changing market con- ditions, enhance customer service and ac- ceterate growth, Atlas la dramaticaliy reorientlng ies market place position by initiatlng a large scab franchise system across the country. We are loakIng for the aggressive, flnanciaiiy secure entrepreneur who can capItailze on oppor. tunfities that exist within their own excusive territories. The succestul Franchises will operate a wholesalelretail Automotive Aftermarket business warehausing and supplying products ta local service stations, garages, end users snd do- It-yourseif customers. This Is an extraordinary one-of-a*kind oppor- tunity that combines the entrepreneurial spirit of an independent businessman wth the enormous resources and support of a weit estabished muiti-million dollar corporation in a franchise par. tnership. We are inviting responses tram professionai business managers, sales professionals or in- dependant businessmen with experience in the Automotive A termarket f ietd. An Immediats opportunity is avaitable for the territory ai Oshawa-Whitby. If your community presence and personal In- tegrity are'cisarly weit estabiished and you see your background being a good fit for th18 superp oppartunity, pleaserepiy with resume to: Atlas Supply Company of Canada Llmlted 35 Worcester Road Rexdale, Ont. MOW 1 Kg Attention: Franchise Drector. TWO BAY auto ropair garage, ex. cellent business opportunity, ln- cludos hali, pli, tirs changer, auto luber, cash end Invaico machine, etc., goad location, $75.800. 1-9835338. e.N NOUCENTSI CONGRATULATIONS an your forthcoming marriage. Pieuse view aur sumpies 0f engravad aedding Inviations ai yaur leinure cn aur Ajan Plaza store. Dickson Prining & Office Sup. plies, 883.1988. 1 GARCNIN 0 'F A NDIJPLE9SUPPLIES ITI8 SPRINGI For your Ian. dscaping mcd maintenance needs alcmiiDutciraay Lar. dscaping and Maintenance' 849. 3183. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... TENDERSI t( Rb THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN QFWHITBY CONTRACT W86-27 RENOVATIONS TO WHITBY ANIMAL SHELTER Tenders wiil be receivsd by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, APAIL 16, 1986 for this projsct. Specificat ions, drawings and tender forms may be obtained f rom- the Town af Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Aossiand Road East, Whitby, On- tario.,etephone (416) 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accspted. MAS. GAIL GOSLEIGH-, PURCHASING AGENT. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS AUCTION SALE THREE SPECIAL ESTATES ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES EASTER MONDAY MARCH 31 6:00 P.M. At the Kinsmen Com- munlty Centre, 109 Coîbourne St. W., Oshawa. No reserves. Early 1800's grandfather ciock of Scottish origin, face and pendulumn are hand patnted; 10 plece sotid walnut dintng room suite; American wal dlock, circa 1880 with single weight, key wind; apt. sized solld oak dlning roomn suite; aid Tif fany table lamp from carved mahogany, with caramel glass and brass shade; Victorian plat- form rocker and mat- ching chair; solld brasa Egyptian lamp wlth 4 sphinx on base and 5 milk glass fluted top hanglng shades; round Empire table, flnished with rosewood; Kienzie mantie ciock; Westmin- ster chimes wth raised brasa Arabic figures; walnut arm chair with parcelain casters; solid brasa statue, man hotdlng rearing stallan, 2&~ hlgh, weighing about 55 pounds; plus colsc- tors glass and china; gold and silver coins; paper money; ail lamps; figurines; brass bed; French alarm ciock; pressback oak rocker; biscuit barrel; pine cup- board with Fteur d'Luis and embossed gias; pine plant stand; drap leaf table. Note location and time change. Doors open at 12 noon for viewing. Sais by: D.L.S. AUCTION SERVICE 416-434-6333 DALE SMITH& GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS SIMPLE!I The simple solution to cleanlng storage problems > n the attic and garage Is a Classlfled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS .......66&611il THE FRAMING CENTRE 66"4521 Please check your advertisement for errors on the fitst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typogtaphic et-rot-s in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the fitst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appeat- in the paper one day before they cao be changed or cancelle. CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad ta your Chargex ot- Visa account. Please have your Visa card t-eady when calling. If biiled - $6.00 for 20 words; 14t each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the fit-st 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- st 50 words;- 12t each additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 43o per lins. (No word ads allowed). BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Ft-eePress will make evet-y endeavour ta forward replies ta box numnbet-s, bowever, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage alleged to arise through fallut-e or delay in forwardlng such replies. We will nat be responsibie for box nuniber replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon pt-lot- t publication ta insert or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon proar ta publication to insert or cancel Emporiumn Ada. CALL 668-111 I m CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN SAT., MARCH 29 11:00 A.M. Three miles east 0f Little ~ Britato or 7 miles west 0f Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. The property of MA. A.K.. MCLOUGHLIN of Camrton plus others. 6 piece dînette suite, 5 piece bedroom suite, Kenmore automnatlc washer and dryer, walnut writing desk, 2 door < Fridgidaire refrigerator, 24" Kenmore eiectrlc stove, coffee and end" tables, chesterfielids, JA mnaple desk, parlour tables, modemn chest aof drawers, secretariat, oc- cassional chairs, walnut, drum tabte, -. console cotour T.V., walnut hall table, washstands, 3.5 h.p. Mastet-craf t lawn. mower, quantity of corn-, f lower crystal, pictures, paintIngs, tools, china and glass, Pisase note date and time of sale. Due to Good Frlday, sale this week anly, wli be heid on Saturday at il a.m. DON CORNEII. AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 - A CA AIONS Ail types of sales. At you r property or *the hallwe rent.I ICait 72-296 FREE. Drop InIa 1he DIkeon PrIntIng and Office Suppiy alors n the Ajax Plaza and pick upce. fres copy of the 1986 MeIrlo calodar. Prinled ln two colours. Il makes for handy rsference.

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