Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1986, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Clamip-adown on taxis,~~ki Whitby Council has Pickering and Oshawa limousine La subrnit a adopted the same and will require every safety standards cer- B « k i procedure as bath owner of a taxi-cabi or tificate with their an- ~ nual licence application. Council made the TID~ ~meeting Monday right. I I E U%_ 1 - --- -A 0 PASSENGER & LIGHTTRUCKS - BRAKES-SHOÇKS- -TUNE-,UPS- -COOILING SYSTEMS- 103 DUN DAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. WHITBY OSHAWA 668-3356 571-3400 Oif tfii f RRZ inaoon mnt AL OCCASION PARTY SUPPLIES BALLOON BOUQUETS 76 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-8828 I At present, cabs andi limousines are inspec- ted annually by the Municipal LAW Enfor- cement Officer. Members of the aperations commnittee proposed the idea ta cauncil when they lear- ned the law enfor- cement officer was not a qualified mechanic and was having trouble deciding whether or not a cab was safe. The safety standards certificate must now be issued by a provincially autharized rmotor vehicle inspection mechanic. The cast of the inspec- tion will range frorn $25 to $30. SPREAD THE -COMING SOON- Cedarbrook Flowors & -G Ifts ALSO Organlc Hair Removal E..I;:; ~ B17 DLITY-JEARN DLYTH1 Calil 655-3679 wlth Items for this columu Welcome to spring! Welcame to dead leaves and mud, welcome to the mitt somebody lost last winter, welcome ta thawing dog do. Welcome to days that look warm and sunny but the wind stili has a forty below chili factor. I hated early spring when the kids were small and I hate It stuli. Its anly saving grace is that promise of the first spring flower. P.C. EUCHRE PARTY On Friday, April 4, the Braaklin Progressive Con- servative Assoc. will hast a euchre party in the Qd- dfellows Hall an Bagat St. at 8 p.m. Everyane is invited ta attend. Tickets are $4 each and include lunch and a hast af prizes. Caîl any of the fallawing numbers ta arder yaurs - 655-3884, 655-4500, 65-3446. ASIIBURN DANCE On Saturday, April 4, -the graup Magnum is caming back ta Thunderbird Golf and Country Club New bail diamond Constructian of a basebaîl diamond at Biuegrass Meadows Park will be campieted this year. Town Council has ac- cepted the bld of $8390 from Century Fence Limited in Scarborough ta supply and instali a backstap and outfield fence. The Whitby branch af St. John Ambulance is seeking new volunteers and would like ta invite ail interested persans ta drap by the corps' Ash St. offices for a cup of ..............n~ tEr Serving Whitby and surrounding ares Plats avaliable Lacated an Highway No. 12, 1 mile north of Tauntan Raad Please cati1 for mare i nformat Ion: 655-3493 668-5803 ext. 234 -BUY-RENT-SELL-LEASE-- OfieSups. i 1.1.4 1.4 III 4~t~ 44 4N'I'I l~I t'4 44 $~l 41 *'ssN1't~'1G 4G* 44*t#t tea or coffee during the weekly meeting and fir- sL aid practice. The corps meets every Monday night et 7:30 and IL la a great op- portunity ta see how things are done at St. John Ambulance and ta geL ta know te other volunteers. Ail that la required ta become a member of the corps loaa littie free ime and a Mosire ta help others. IL lsa arelatlvely amaj Inl- vestuent of yoisr ime but that Investment could help save sonieone's ]Ife. As a member of the Whltby St. John Amn- "mmnc, ail tralln, whether la firut aid, CPR or hbome nursing ikilis, la free and eacit anemberla saued wlth a first aid kit, uniform, winter caat and alUp- -le that nilght lie necesaary while you are on duty. New members of the corps are neyer sent eut on duty alone and the corps aiways tries ta work la palrs. As weli, through the' weekly practice sessions, corps members are able ta maintain their first aid skills at the highest level af their abiity and in this way St. John volwiteers are always very coufimt l inteir work. If you Lhink you might beie laerested ln Joining St. John Ambulance, drap la ta the office at 110 Ash St. any Monday night at 7:30 p.m. or cal 668-9006 for mare infor- mation. t tI. *~h-i~--*~ 9 Y.T.t Ej'.j-jj.~.5,.~, ~é, A' .* ' W t~TURMBERG KENNELS S Boardlng dogs and cats Sprlng Train ing Class Regîster Now Starts April 1Isi, 1986 HWY. 12, Brooklln 655-4721 PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service MM= Dealer Parts & Service - Thursdays tiff 9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W., Whltby 666-3000 npu __w m =3 LE for a return engagement. Anyane who missed the apportunity ta hear this great group asat ime or ta dance ta its amazingly eclectic repertoire, should niake' arrangements ta get tickets for this one. Tickets are $20 per couple and must be ordered right away ta, avoid disappointment. Cail 655-8713, 655-4625 or ask at Short's Pharmacy ln Braoklin. SPRING FASHION SHOW Brooklin United Church Women are sponsoring a show of the latest ln spring and cruise wear from Brooklin Village Shoppe. It will be held an Wed- nesday, April 9 in the Christian Ed. building at 8 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the Vilage Shop- pe or from any UCW member. They must be picked up ahead of ime as there will be none for sale at the door. FAREWELL SUPPER A fareweil pot-luck supper wiil be held an Wed- nesday, April 2 in St. Leos schaol an North St. in Brooklin at 7 p.m. This is ta wish Gadspeed ta the Reverend Hugh. MacDonald and ail parishioners and friends are invited ta attend. Father MacDonald left Nova Scotia for four mon- Lhs ta Lake aver the pastorate while Rev. Molaney was on sabbatical. During his ime at St. Leo's, he has made a vital impact on the parishioners aid and young alike. Everyone is invited to corne out and make this farewell a festive occasion - just bring yaurseif, your farnuly and a favourite dish. WINNER! The winner of St. Leo's Parish 50-50 raffle which amounted ta $713.50 was Mrs. Jo-Ann Leedle of Ashburn. The draw was held on Sunday, March 16 in St. Leo's school. THANK YOU! The Chairman and Co-chairman of the Brooklin and area Heart and Stroke Assoc. Verna Shepherd and Carolyn Gilbert respectiveiy, wish ta thank ail those who helped make this years canvass a suc- cess. As usuai the captains and their canvassers did a superb job in spite of the miserable weather. The business -people responded generously when ap- proached by Shirley Marraw and Margaret Wilson. In fact, everyone concerned can feel proud ta have dane their bit ta further the research and education that will wipe out aur number 1 health problem. St. John Ambulance needs volunteers

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