WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 12,1986 PAGE .3 New complex !unded wit1hout debenturing: Bugelli Funds for a new recreational coinplex to be built in the Rossland Road area, will, be ob- tained though fun- draising events and development funds and flot through deben- turing, the Head of Finance Department, Joe Bugelli, cdaims. Cjouncil members voted Monday night to proceed with a $2.6 million expansion of Iroquois Park as well as build a new facility in the center of town. Councillor Bugelli said work will be started immediately on repairing and expan- ding the facilities at Iroquois because $2.5 nillo has already been budgeted for those works in the 1986 budget. Mr. Bugelli said the extra $100000 can be taken out' of reserve funds. Councillor Ross Bat- ten, who along with councillors Gerry Emm, Joe Drumm and Joe Bugelli voted in favour of the mobtion, said he woufld like to see the completion of the work within the term of council. Work on Iroquois Park is scheduled to be completed by 1988. As for the second phase of the proposai, councillor Batten said he expects the cost to be in the range of $4 to $4.5 million. "IWe might run over that but we don't have to act until- we have the money, he said, referring to the idea of phasing in stages of the new complex as funds become available. Acquiring land for the new facility will flot be a problem either, said councilor Bugelli. IlWe can use land swaps to obtain the land," he said. The facility is to -be built north o! Rosgland Rd., south of Tauintýïi-- Rd. and east of. Brook- St. N. MNR bas good. news w bad news for CLOCA The Ministry of Natural Resources an- nounced last week that It had approved some $676.000 in grants to the Central Lake Ontario Conserva 'tion Authority for 1986 - not far short o! the aniount the authority was requesting, said CLOCA chief administrative of- ficer Bill Campbell on Friday. The authority had gone after the ministry for more than $700,000 this year but Mr. Cam- pbeil said they had an- ticipated that the final grant approvals would be something less than the original request. While stating he was, "generally pleased"l with the level of fun- ding, however, Mr. Campbell said he was disturbed by the way in which some of those funds had been aliocated. 1 Although CLOCA had submitted a budget identifying. projects 'in order of priority, the ministry chose to reor- der those priorities, ac- cording to Mr. Cam- pbell. The result, he said, is a budget which earmarks funçls for some projeets while other*'i, which CLOCA officiaIs had identified as top priority, were bumped off the list. And, because provin- cial policy dictates that the funds must be spent on those projects ap- proved by the MNR, CLOCA cannot re- allocate the funding to bring it in line wi th their own priorities. The CAO, complained that there was no im- mediately apparent rational behind the ministry's reordering of CLOCA's priorities. "I don't know how the rules work at ahl," said Mr. Campbell of the ministry's choices for grant approval. "For example, we had a land acquisition in the Storey March. which was approved as a priority item last year and we just expected it to ta a roîl-over into the 86 'budget and it just evaporated on us . We were very disappointed when it wasn't ap- proved. Then they turn around and approve some of our capital projects which we weren't expecting. It just came out of the blue. " Funds CLOCA had requested for parks development were' cut in haîf, according to Mr. Campbell. Some of the projects, such as a pedestrain bridge at Hetar Down were ap- proved, but many others were not and parks development is con- sidered critical by Town must CLOCA staff tacause of the increasing number of Durham residents who use the parks. 'The ministry definately has an odd way of setting priorities," agreed CLOCA chairman Joe Drumm. "It's not right but that's the way the ministry has decided to do things" The big question on Mr. Drumm's mind now is whether or not'the Region ofDurham will pay for Thickson Road ighting By MIKE JOHNSTON department of Whitby, Free Press Staff the* existing level of Proper street lighting lighting is adequate for for Thickson Rd. after it the two lane road, but has been widened bet- will become inadequate, ween Consumers Dr. when the. road is gnd Dundas St. will widened to fivelanes. have to ta paid for by The cost for im- the Town of Whitby and proving the lighting has not by the Region of been estimated at Durham - even though $95,000 by the Works the Thickson Rd. expan- department. sion is a Regional "Ail the region is con- responsibility.- cerned about is the flow According to a report of traffic,"' said by the Public Works SE E PG. 9 approve its share of the CLOCA budget for 1986. CLOCA is requesting $980.000 from the region this year, up from $653,000 in 1985. The lion's share of that in- crease, according to Mr. Drumm, is a request for five new employees at a cost of $150,000. He said the increased staffing is required to make up the SEE PG. 8 But it was pointed out by councillor -Marcel Brunelie that when you use land swapping "'you LOOK AT THISI The Framlng Centre» 668-4521 usually have to give away morethan you can get." DO.TNOe . Th Famn IComplete Beauty Senv"iôe" F i From Head to Toe Hair, Nails, Makeup,,Colour Analysis and Much More "The Place Friends Recommend" LA CONTIESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 11I9GREEN ST., WH ITBY 668-9262 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY TOTHE DYNAMICSOUNDS 0F BRIAN BRUSSEAU WEDNESDAY SPECIAL * SOUP OR SALAD * T-BON ESTEAK (Approx. 1 Lb.> * DESSERT PRIVATE ROOMS FOR BANQUETS, SEMINARS, WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, or jusi a GOOD TIM El EVERY SUN DAY EVENING 7:30 P.M. DARTTOURNAMENT Si OO GUIARANTEE PRICE 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 666-3070 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY.' PARKS AND RECRÉATION <.DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATI9rý CALL - IROQUOIS PARK ARENA 66 8-7765 OR LUTHER VI POND MEMORIAL ARENA -655-4571 PUBLIC SWIMMING INFORMATION CALL ANNE OTTENBRITE POOL.- 668-7765 2395