PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12. 1986 WIIITBY FREE PRESS Anderson, Ilejnry Street, Denis O'Connor f u HIGH SCHOOL NEWS WEEK By TRACI MELCIIOR Denis O'Connor H.S. As March Break ap- proached at Denis O'Connor, adrenalin was high and it seemed that everyone was using pure will power to settle down. Last week our school participated in the Durham Drama Festival at Dunbarton High School. The play, "The King of the FULL CAPABI6I3Y1FOR PRODUCTION OF: " LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS " QUALITY PRINTING " PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE CONTINUOUS COMPUTER - REGISTER & DATA PROCESSING FORMS, Castie" vas a great success due in part to the two directors, Ms. Mel Clarke and, Mr. Tom -Gallagher. The LMTERNEADS ENVELOPIS - LTERS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FORMS RESUMES- BROCHURES CARBONLESS FORMS PEOGRAMS- ICKETS COMPUTEIIZI TTPISITING DOWI ON PIEMISOil SOI play received two awards: a stage managerial award and a Merit Award presen. ted to Julia Donovan for her mole as the Mother. Congratulations to everyone who was in- volved. As you may know, this is Share Life Month. To raise funds for this charitable venture, the student council has organized a school-wide bingo game. Cards were sold at three for $1 and each niomning the num- bers are called over the PA system. Prizes are given weekly to the lucky winners. For the inathematicians of the F R E w ih th is c o u p o n , a n a d u l t (1 8 * ~ the facilities aI Gold's Gym, a $6.00 value. No obligation, limit 1 visit per customer. ' O FRElCOUPON Or AFFORD Lose weight, f irm Up, or just workout, it's your chance ta use the extensive * I Gold's Gym facilities. Looking for aerobics, supervised weight loss, body building or body reshaping, Gold's has .-O S M it. Relax afterwards in aur sauna or LE whirlpool. Bring a friend, clip two coupons and you can each enjoy Gold's Gym in good company! DAVID EQUIPMENT e NEW DAY CARE SERVICE WEIGHTLIFTUNG PROGRAMS e FITNESS TESTING SOON, NEW LIFECYCLE BIKES e MASSEUSE COMING SOON SUPERVISED WEIGHT LOSS 0 SAUNA & WHIRLPOOL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! AND FITN ESS CENTRE LJIwMon, Sat Ioun 9AM ta OPEN 24 HUS Sn AM I, o PM c YM OSHAWA 361 Marwvood Dr. 433-0333 school, the senior students wrote the Canadian math contest. Yes, once again lide rules and calculators were kept busy. On the sports side of thinga, the junior boys' basketball team trekked to Uxbridge to par- tîcipate in the COSSA championships. Our boys played against Peterborough Collegi- ate. Despite a superb at- tempt, especially in the last quarter, we were defeated 69-44. High scorers were Anthony LiVingston with 18 poin- ts and Otis Wilson with 14 points. ACTION ANDERSON Make no mistake, the days at Anderson Collegiate are "chuck full" of great fun and spirit. One of Ander- son s greatest and most entertaining achieve- ments had to have been our school musical, "'American Pop'". Rigorous rehearsals which began for this project early in Sep- tember, most certainly paid off as a very professional production was achieved. The per- formers gave the audience a taste of Rock-and-Roll from yesteryear through to today. We were rocked by a memorable rendition of Suede Shoes" as well as an interpretation of the Beatles' singing an oldie. Millie Minas and Heather Needham per- formed beautiful solo ballads of their own compositions, modern, jazz and tap dances were impressively' reographed as were the many groups enactmen- ts. Not only was Dick Clarke's "American Bandstand" revived, but so were some Canadian folk and con- temporary pop songs. The grand finale was energetically sung by the one and only "Nash The Slash" as I'American Pop" con- cluded. The many students involved in the show should be commended for their fine talent and spirit in getting involved in such a grandiose project. Above ail else, our own vivacious and ever- smiling Mrs. Brydges must be congratulated and. thanked for her total commitment to the show. As one performer remarked "we couldn't have done it without her 1" Reporter: Laura Soleto. Coordînators:- Sandy Lyon, Nancy' Waterman and Laura Soleto. Whitby Fire Dept. The following calîs were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar- tment for the seven day period from 8 a.m. Monday, March 3 until 8 a.m. Monday, March 10. MARCH 3 5:12 p.m. - 304 Mary St. W. Assistance to ambulance. 7:00 p.m. - 105 Con- sumers Dr. Check caîl. 7:12 p.m. - corner of Ash and Mary St. Car accident. MARCH4 No calîs repoted. MARCH5 9:24 a.m. - 72 Garrard Rd. Check caîl. 7:20 p.m. - Charles and Front St. Check caîl. MARCH6 No calîs reported. MARCH 7 4:03 p.m. - 809 Dundas St. W. Public assistan- ce. 6:40 p.m. - 1600 Man- ning Rd. (hall 2). Public assistance. MARCH8 1:l1a.m. - 2Y7 Dundas St. W. Assistance to police. 1:37 a.m. - 505 Cochrane St. Check caîl. 10:48 a.m. - 315 Dunlop St. E. Building - chimney fire. 2:58 p.m. - 225sHickory St. N., Apt. 508. Medical aid. 7:12 p.m. - 647 Sugar Maple Cres. Assistance to ambulance. 11:04 p.m. - 4 Whitney Crt, Car fire - $800 damage. MARCH 9 9:45 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Assistance to ambulance. MARCH 10 6:48 a.m. - 1601 Brock St. S. Resuscitator. ipara mmed Due to expanded services ln the oemmunlty Pare-Med now requires. Hea*I4lth Car A[de Ouallffed applicants wdlIIroceive fte foIIowZng: " cholce of hours and asslgnments " training and inservice " interestirng asslgnnMet For further information, please contact: 433-7600 9 5, Mon. -FMl r.ýu 7"Ml)