FROM ic. 20 Iroquios swimmers get the gold 13-14 Girls: Wendy 5th - 200 fr. Deanna fr., 4th - 100 fr., 5th - 100 - 200 fr., 100 fr., Pruneau: gold - 100 fr., Jones: 6th - 100 bk.,? 200 bk, Mark Kelly: gold -50 bronze - 50 fr. 100 fly, 50 fr., silver - 400 br. fr., bronze - 100 fr., 4th - Cook: silver - IM, bronze - 100 bk., 200 13 and 14 Boys: Brad 200 br., 5th - 100 fly, 6th - bronze - 200 fr. br. Charissa Morrice: Moore.- Gold - 200 br., 400 IM, silver - 200 fr. 4th - 100 fly, 6th gold - 200 fr., 4th - 100 silver - 400 IM, 100 bk.. Stewart Smith. gnId - 1 nn hi.. Rn t- bk., th - 200 br. Janice Currie: gold - 400 IM, 4th - 200 br. Heather Armitage: silver - 100 fly. Melissa Peacock: 4th- 200 fr., 100 fly, 50 fr., 5th - 100 fr. Jason Rushton: Gold - 100 fly, bronze.- 400 IM, 200 br., 6th - 50 fr. Neil Mark: gold- 200 fr., bronze - 50 100 fr., bronze - 100 bk. Vince Tripp: Silver - so fr., 5th - 200 fr., 400 IM, 6th - 200 br. 15 and Over Girls: Michtplle Primeau:- gold WH.ITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDA Y MARCH 5, 1986, PAGE 21 ,10 lobk., r. Andrea 400 IM, 200 br., h - 100 fr., 15 and Over Boys: Chris Donneliy: gold - 200 fr., 400 IM, silver - 100 fr., 100 fly, bronze - Chamnbers rink wins seniors' spiel The winner of the first annual Bailey Phar- macy Senior Men's Bonspiel at the Whitby Curling Club Feb. 21 was the local Ken Chambers rink. Ken and vice Bud Miller, second Ken Holliday and lead Ed Wilson teamed Up to beat local and visiting rinks including the Howard Dick rink fromn Unionville which was runner-up. Third prize in the early draw went to Whitby skip Hial Smuk backed Up by Waliy Sikora, vice, Grant Lit- tlie, second and lead Doug Wiles. Third prize in the late draw went to the Lindlsay Death rink from Port Perry., St.- John offering new courses pson rink earned a four- th place finish in the early. draw with vice Tom Gailacher, second Doug Hodgson and lead John Deremo. In the late draw, Herb Robin- son's rink fromn Oshawa Imagine yourself sit- tlng at the dinner table and somneone starts choking on a piece of food lodged in their throator finding your- self at the scene of. an accident were the driver is unconscious and bleeding. Would you know what to do? Both situations require special knowledge and skills if you want to take effec- tive life saving action - ion Skating -e put through their paces over the weekend tional Precision Skating Competitions at ýs from Ontarioand the United States were ,luding teams from Belleville and Niagara 1 PG. 18 Decial Olymnpics rnpete froni Whit- confined, to the use of a id Lee. wheelchair. letes will compete For information on r levels of events, the olympios or to, ig from high register an athlete calI rathletes to those 578-5766.. licG. 18 rigette scoreboard, MAJOR BANTAM Uuminum ...4 Ajax .............2ý y Uuminum ...2 Markham ......... 10, REP TEAMS MINOR BANTAM Group Finals Gamne 3 k Crouch.*,*17 Markham .......... 2 ;n...........3 nro................ 4 cnt ............... 4 Meau ............ 2 rcdown ...........3 )te series 3 ga me to e MAJOR BANTAM Group Final Gamne 2 uminum ...3 Markham .......... 5 by -Group Final Gamne 3 uminum ...2 Markham .......... 5 'hell ýre TBY RINGETTE ASSOCIATION PETITE 'B' DIVISION 3hoppers irt ......... 8 Mariposa .......... 2 Challenor.... 4 er .............. 3 Port Perry .......... 9 LETTERNADS ENVELOPIS - FLYERS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS FOEMS AISMES - 11OCHUEES CARBONLESS FORMS PlIXGRAMS -TICKT COMPIItIiZID ptISEiNO DOUE ouN IMISuiS skills which are available through cour- ses provided by the St. John Ambulance.' Over the next two months, St. John Am- bulance will be conduc- ting courses on life saving techniques.. The first course runs from March 17 to March 20, 1 p.m. tI 5 p.m. and will be taught at the corps' Whitby offices on Ash St. A second course will be starting April 1 and will run every Tuesday night from 7 p.m. tilI 10 p.m. Each course costs $32. If you cannot attend these classes a special lifesaver course can be taught within two hours with instruction about what to do when sommoe stops breathing, how to han- die a choking victîm, how to control serious bleeding, caring for an unconscious person and first aid treatment for poisoning. The course can be taught to groups of up to twenty persons at the St. John Am- bulance office. You can also arrange to have St. John's courses taught in your place of work, ser- vice club or other locations. Joining the St. John Ambulance can also help save lives and the corps is always looking for new volunteers. The training for members is free. Drivingcourse for the handica 1pped The Alternative and Continuing Education Department of the Durham Board of Education is pieased to announce a Driver Education Program for Physically Handicap- ped students, 16 years of age and over, effective Sept., 1988. Through the generous donations of the Oshawa Rotary Club and On- tario Motor Sales, Oshawa, the oppor- tunity to learn an ad- ditional life-skill, become more indepen- dent, open doors for employment and the future, will be available ln Durham. Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa, is donating the use of a 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity specially or- dered to meet the requiremnents of the program. The car* will be replaced every 12,000 km. by Ontario Motor Sales. The Oshawa Rotary Club has donated a cheque in the amount of $7,125 to meet im- mediate financial con- siderations, including driving aids, equipment and insurance. On-going assistance to maintain the programn will be received froni Oshawa Rotary. Durham Board of Education Physically Handicapped students wishing to participate wili be required to un- dertake an assessment at Simcoe Hall and an in-car assessment during August in order Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club Registration for Summer 1986 March 8th, 1 p.m. untîl 4 p.m., Iroquois Park Arena Lobby March 1lSth, 10 @.m. until 12 p.m., Henry Street High School March 22nd, 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., Iroquois Park Arena Lobby, Wh itby AG E: Any boy or girl between 5 and 18 years oftage, born between January 1968 and December 31, 1980. Senior girls 18 and over. FEE: $3/r player or $75 for family of 3 or more Late redistrations afler April 30 are subject to a $20 19f e fee. No registration accepted after May 31. Il Is mandatory that proof of age and OHIP number be presented at tîme of registration. Girls require photographa. For Further Information Cali: Chris Goode, Registrar 668-4193 Robert Fernlund 668-4487 Marlon Curry 668-3817, Coaches are required for both boys and girls teams. to provide documen- tation indicating the necessary potential and the necessary functions to operate a motor vehicle. iw oK., bu ir. 1,E S , XSH PIG. LZ s~jPj~5~'4 ~ ~ ;hoppers irt ......... 6 c............. 3 irold...........2 lichois PHOE63o.6 28HRO.D AV . AJA SHOPIN PLZ IERS VAILABLE 25TO CHOOSE FROM IMMEDIATE DELIVERY canadlan Radio-television and Telecommuffications Cranmission Conseil de la radioditfusion et du télécommunications canadiennes NOTICE CRTC - Public Notice 1986-42. The CRTC has received the following ap- plications: 6. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY, Ont. Application (852726900> by ROGERS CABLE TV LIMITED to amend the licence for the broadcasting receiving undertaking serving the above-mentioned localities, by adding an alternate distant head-ends at Brampton, Burlinglon and Hamilton, Ont., for the reception of CHCH-TV Hamilton, Ont.; WNED-TV Buffalo and WUTV Buffalo, N.Y., to be used oniy at such times as these signais are af fected by adverse atmospheric conditions. This new head-end site does not replace the existing local head-end. The application may be examined at: 301 Marwood Drive, Oshawa, L1 H 1à . The compiete text of this notice and the application may be viewed at OR- TO, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Ohaudiere, 1 Promenade du Por- tage, Roomn 561, HuIt, Quebec. Interventions must be filied wlth the Secretary General, CRTO, Ottawa, Ont. KlA 0N2, with proof that a copy has been served on the applicant on or before 26 March 1988. For more Information you mfay also cali the CRTC Public Hearinga Branch at (819) 997-1328 or 997-1027, CRTO Information Services in Huit at (819) 997-0313. Canadai IKI 1N M1F [C ) s the best water conditioner& reverse Osmosis drlnking water systemn you can buy. lntroducing 9" the FamousE *energy tw'n The worids mosi efficient water 80f tening equipment. it neyer lets you run out of sofit water. *NO ELECTRICITY* NO TIME CLOCK Uses 40 % iess sait& 70 % iess water BROOKLIN WATER CONDITIONING INC. "Water Treatment Specialists" 53 Baldwin St., Brookiin Rentais 655-3600- 655-4936