WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1986 PAGE 3 Question of transportation stumps school board The question of school as bas been done for the finance committee because the busing for French Im- several other items. objected. "It is flot the board policy say mersion students The latter course of mandate of the finance not fund transpç almost got lost in the action was suggested by committee to decide on (for French1 shuffle at Monday Brock Trustee George transportation." 51011). 1 night's meeting of the McLaughlin, chairman Lawson said, "the On the othei Durham Board of 0f the property and finance committee can't trustees were Education. transporation commit- debate the question prepared to del Trustees could flot tee. This would have W ib v o f r decide whether to deal meant the finance h t y o er with the subject by committee would con- The Town of Whitby states in a lette: debating the' policy sider whether to include may be getting into the board that cr change according to the transportation costs school busing business. would pick stud past procedure or by for French Immersion If the Durham Board from Dr. Rober assigning an amount of busing, estimated at an of Education approves nton School at 8: money to the prograrn annual cost of $531,960, busing of French Im- and drop then and considering that in the proposed budget. mersion students they E.A. Fairman recommendation for in- will have two options to a.m. In the af clusion in the current However, Sandy consider for E.A. Fair- the students w( budget consîclpr-ifrnne Lawson, chairman of man students Jack Up- picked up at 3 ton, manager of proper- returned to Dr. K ianey drive ty and transportation Thornton by 4: M Whitby Lioness Club door canvas of Whitby for the board said. Gi-ylls sugges will conduct a one-day durine the month of The board could runs for the sec( blitz In the Orchard March, which is Kidney provide the busing or which would sta Heights area of Whitby Month. Mayor Attersley take Whitby up on its of- a.m. with pici on Saturday, March 1, to will raise the Kidney fer to make two buses Palmerston raise money for the Foundation flag on1 available for that pur- Colonel J.E. Fa Kidney Foundation of Monday, March 3, to ps.adRA ent Canda.reognze heimportan- Wm. D. Grylis, traffic Schools, arrivi Other canvassers will. ce of this campaign. technician for Whitby, E.A. Fairman be conducting a door to Police make ground'on contract F-RUM PG. 1 ces, will be paid less than Metro Toronto policemen and the On- tario Provincial Police court-time allowance from4½/ to five hours. According to Police Commission chairman Bob Attersley, there public and it's fair to the policemen too," said Mayor Attersley. present iys we do portation Immer- er hand re not ,ate the as ter to the mne bus ients up ert Thor- 1:30 ar. m off at Sat 8:45 fternoon Nould be 3:55 and *Robert BstLs two cond bus tart at 8 ,kups at Avenue, Parewell, tt Public ving ait at 8:25 police force. Although the police association was prepared to give up- the optional pension during question at the board meeting because there had been no notice of motion and they lacked information. The board decided to send the matter on to finance and Chairman olutionx The second run, beginning at 8:30 a.m. would have pickups at Anderson Collegiate, Florence M. Heard, R.A. Hutchison, and Kathleen Rowe and arrive at E.A. Fairman at 8:50 a.m. The after- noon run, beginning at 3:30 p.m., would reverse the morning route. DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS but mure tLn flf icers were a number of One of the big con- this round of Scier.> vrur %tdrng ln Peel and York demands from both tract demands the negotiations, Mr. Allan fnvlIti(rf fro m Our ReginssaiMr.Alln. sdeswhîh hd t be police association was said they would ask for rompke~îIru The contract, which traded off in the in- forced to give up was an the plan again in next tFov')r OUr Kepskc .o was approved by 85 per terests of striking an optional pension plan year's talks. in luxurItu od cent of the voting mem- agreement but in the which Mayor Attersley bership, also provides end iL was one which said was a -very costly The one year contract for an increase in the was satisfactory Lo both item". The optional also provides increased compensation paid for sides. pension would have wages for officers in the accidentaI death or "'ît was a good required the police forces special units af- OS RforD dismemberment on the negotiation and a good commission to purchase ter two years and in- job, an improved shift contract. I's going to be back 85 percent of any creased vacation ime differential and an in- good for the com- an officer spent for officers with more sPu-RINTI AND crease in the minimum mission, good for the working for another than 24 years service.' Letter: Brunelle clarifies comments Lawson gave notice that she will send it back to the board. This, means at the March 24 meeting 0f the board, the current policy of flot providing busing to French Im- mersion students will probably corne up for debate. ani Gifis> Mqre thon a floer shop! WEDDING SPECIAL 10% OFF Wedding Flowers if booked before March 51lst 55 BaldWlh 'St., Braoklln 655-3833 TAKEACLSLOK WHITBY OPTICAL 'S NOW OPEN. 105 Coiborne St. W. .Whitby 666*377 To The Editor: I'm writing to clarify my comments as repor- ted in the Feb. 19 edition of your newspaper, Re: the grant request for the Whitby Senior Public school band. The full ex- tent of what I said was not reported nor was the other comments which caused me to say what I said; thus leaving your readership with a in- correct impression of my intent. During discussion of the grant policy of the town, Councillor Enm interjected that he feit that in order to get kids off the streets and keep them out of trouble that we ought to give a grant. At that point I said that having spent most of my aduit life working with children that the way to get kids off the street is to get personally in- vnlved with themn, not just throw money at Lhem, and that children who earn their own way are a lot prouder of their accomplishrnents if they are j everything. than given That is what 1 said, that is what I meant and I stand by it. I have the greatest respect for the volunteer, having been one myself, and my comments were "not", SEE PG, 10 SPECIAL SPECIAL Gei a FREE estirnate when you brlng ln this.ad with your broken down T.V. (expires March 15186) FALCON T.V. 100 LUPIN DR. Oshawa Whiiby, 668-6060 723-001 I THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY BDDD:)0F DURHAM. DURHAM WEIGHT RESTRICTION REGULATIONS Weight Restriction Regulations will be in force on roads un- der the jurisdlictlon of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective March 3. Vehicle loads are restricted to 5 TONNES per axIe in accordance with Durham Region By-law Number 99-84. Signs will be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these Weight Restrictions apply. W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. Comm issioner of Works Regional Municlpality of Durham