Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1986, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1986 PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLAS~II[L 'n ARTICLES maAUTOMOI1LES NTC FOR SALEe FOR SALE ; OT ES HEP ~ - -V H LP SNOWPLOUGHING, drtveway MUSIIRAT fur coat, fox col/ar and 1985 PONTIAC Acadien, on/p apeclatiais, iowest pr/ces. Sêven trim, size 1012, $400. Phono 668- 12.000 km.. mosilv lghwav M fhiTÀ&. f llà Il.Cg nggAI 592. weok, 24 hours a dsp. 831. 5m5. m//eege, $7500 negotiabie. CeiPR G ESIECO SRV TV 59et/aftr 5 p.m., 723-5636. 1 POGESIE IlRVTV PAINTING à DECORATINO profes/onai bonded wrhman- ah/y, ras/dent/ai and commarcial, frea est/maies, cai 8394277 or 668-9712. UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE, Need heip? Worer' compen- set/oc, Weltars, OH/P assistance, tJnemp/ayment Insurence, or crias raferrata ta niher agenctea, cati: 579-1821. t DO sew/ng ln my home. Phone 8861228. WILL DO houseworh, t/va days a week. Phonea6866-3752. EXPERIENCED paint/cg, inter/ar, eter/ar, fras estimtes, gueren- ieed. ca/i 571-29M. MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the coiours & shades that com- pliment your skin tone & enhance your best features. Oniy $30 pr Consultation Oeil O-2770 rWe take care of elEdery Flkslnour *Pickerng Countryl *Home.Lodging,* meals laudryetc. all proiddu. A pleasant homeiy place 10 be. 6558966. *DITY-UPI *Homes, apartments * *offices halls Resnberates. 66-80 NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES candiew/ch/ng, Counied cross-sîiîch, Embratdary and creweî. Wa aven do NeediepoInt and Trepunto to Jo/c ln the iun. Heye a cretat/ve circle classIc your home. Teech/ng pou tasti//ch ta easy. Book naw and race/v a aFra@ Oi, ca/t: Donne - mornfings, .af.ilernoons et 666-1945 or Nadine, evenings et 666-1490 *UYtNO hockey, basebait gum cerdse sets (ser/est. 1910 ta 1967. Paytng 50% oi pr/ce guide. Buying Shirrili hockey coins 1968, pay/ng $1 lo $65 eacir. Bupingsaies H/ne hockey photo. Wrte ta: Sparts Colocrion AZ, 605 FrescIere, Si.-Eus/ache, Que. J7R 4K3.(/514-4732822/ Wi pick up. PITCHER WANTEO ta, Whiby Ladies Fasibail /eum. Cuit Terri 86681565 or Linda6W8.3497. CALL 668-61 Il TO PLACE YOUR CLASSîFIED AD VISIT our used tumniture warehouse by appointment. Big savings on desks, chaire, iiiing cabinets, etc. cati Dtckson Prin- ttng & Oice Supplies ta arrange an appoinimnent to viaw. 683- 1968. MATTRESSES and box aprIngsaie hait pr/ce. Mct<een Fumiture, 524 Stmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. OUEST Manhattes eiectrtc gutar with case, TS15 amplifier, Loca bon and Fiangar, ss00. cati sitar 4 p.m., 43458649. GEOTYPE press-on ieiiertng now n stock ai Otckson Prtnttng & Of- ice Suppieastn the Aax Shop- ping Piaza. Large seteci/on ai styles and sizes. Whypapy more for a emaitar sheet oai tterlng? 683-1968. CH-ESTERFIELD suites, toveseais, sectionats, l055 thon %o5 pr/ce. Large sa/action. McKeen Fumilture, 524 S/mcae St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. LADIES paie gray teather ceai. fox coi/ar. Portable ippewrl/er. 866-1328. 1H EROES of the 8/b/e" ca/aur/cg book ava/tabie ai 0/ckson Pr/n- ti/g & Oitca Supplies, Aise Pieza, 883-1968. Dealer inqu/ries inn/ted. TYPEWAITEA reniai, munp makea -and mode/s, by /he wsekeed, week or mon/h. Discounts ea/ah/ae. icksn Pr/ni/cg & Oi/ce Supplies ln the Alax Plaza. ce/t us for bus/nos mach/ne repaire. 8631986. 1955 TEMPO for se/e, $800. A/sa 1971 camera, yea/i resiared, besi aiter. PhoneOU.68 8974. 198 PLYMOUTH Vo/ara, 4 daor, 6 cpi, ps.. p.b., new brakes, e- ce/tant condition, low miteage, cent/ald, $2,000. Phane 433-8830 atter 5p.m. 1978 DOODGE ha/i tac wiih cam- par, good canditian, $3.500 tirm. P/cher/cg, 831-3075. 1948 MERCURY COUP, 95% ait original parts, 70% disnemb/ed, $1.000. Aler 5 p.m. ca/i 433-1498. 1978 HONDA 400 Tw/n wiih Cea- X ta/ring, $S0. P/cher/cg, 831- 3075. CONGRATULATIONS on pour torthcom/cg marriage. Pleese 0/0W aur semptes ai engreved wedd/ng Invietions et pour ta/sure lc aur Aan Plaza store. O/ckson Pr/ni/cg & Oitce Sup- p//es. 863-1988 ati IPickeringi IRecreatonl IComplex oon Sunday, CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., FEB. 28 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on. the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Oak hall seat, walnut hall table, antique plat- form rockers, antique dressers, 9 pc. dining room suite, colonial chesterfieid and chair, pressback high-chair, odd pressback chairs, modern hutches, cofe and end tables, maple dressera, chrome kit- chen suites, gingerbread dlock, 2 door Frigidaire refridgerator, console color T.V., Supercycie exercise bike, 24" eiec- tric stove, Webster twin head air compressor with 16 h.p. Wisconsin gas motor, 1974 Dodge 1/2 ton truck, Mercury M c 16, -1986 andU MotiUti ~ *For Information or snowmoblle, quantity of U~~OR ENT Mto enter your cal cal * bols, china and glass. -agre 9-4 DON CORNEIL or 96-O824teAUCTIONEER FOR RENT 675-2207 LITTLE BRITAIN 60 acres of good 705-786-2183 Farm Land. $18,00 per acre per year. Phone L VESTOCKI 655-8966 AI A AUCTIONS tram certi/ed seed, $750 par 40 dons/gnmeni Se/es, etc. A %il-QUSES kg beg daeleed. A/sa quectity mFab rofPrssionel FOR1SALE t mil Cover hep 8655-8880. Auctleers Associatiton. _______________________ Hw tek/cg cansigcaenis. LARAY ANDERSON QUICK SALE 7 ear d rsed LS AUCTIONEER bungalow, fiished rc roo m w h L S itreptae, srai/t bure and treut C FO UNOD 7284298 pond on 3 acre lt. 1-705-357- 3789. LOST. Februsty 10, te Oshawa si/ver wa/ch, aval taca hi/n cabn,kaeeysaee. 686-13 MMI OFFICE SPACEI FOR _ FOR RENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ravi an proiessinnai itoor. Wouid Se nutabte for /ewper, sccosniuvi, e/c. RentIncc/odes it utit/es und na cagot/aS/e for un epprepriore tenant. For turther Information cutit 68-6372 beiween 9:30 .m. und 5 p.m. Mnndap te Fr/day. D 9 --TNEW TO BUY A-1 AUTOS wented, top dol/ar pu/d tor scrap cars and trucks. Sevan deys a week. 831-5982. O1RAMMER for people wha baie grammer" sa/te ideai pochai ralerence book for business people. $3.95 par copy and a/laS/e ai Ocksan Priti/ng & Oitce Supplies In trie A/se Piazs. DJealer inqu/rien innted6863-1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 1 110:00 A. At Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Con- signments from the ED- MONOS CENTURY HOME and others. An- tiques, furniture, ap- pliances, quantity an- tique picture frames, Gerrard Heintzman piano, corner what-not, country oak couch, oid model airpianes, 26 pine wooden chairs, fireplace Insert, excellent Vic- torian settee, good Guelph pump organ, bedroom suite, desks, 6 ft. harvest table, iron pot, trunk;, buttons, Royal Doulton figurines, quan- lily.old coins, bis, quan- lily antique china and giass, Clanberry Epergne, butter bowi, etc. Open 9 a.m. Sale 10 a.m. To consign or liaI your sale caii 705-324-2783 ORVAL IMCLEAN AUCTIONEER Compiete auction ap- praisai service. Ask about our f ree pick-up ln Oshawa, Whitby area. FREE: Orop lnoihe 0/ekeon Pr/ni/cg and Ofice Supp/p store n the Ase Piaze and pick up e trea copp ai the 1868 Me/r/c Ce/ender. Pr/nied I wo ca/ours. t makes for handy reterence. 683-1968. THE FRAMING CENTRE 668-4521 WANT ABS CLLKel1 COULO YOU USE $500 entre par monih. We are /00k/cg for part- i/me Individuels ta service our cusiomers Il /5/sea. Muai hase owc auto. W/lt cons/der seat- rettred partions. For personialIin- terview ce/i 723-3412. ALLOETTE COSMET/OS rap/dtp grow/cg munufacturer ai high quulip skie carseand meke-sp Sas immediu/e openings for cen- su/tacts te P/char/cg, Aisx, Wh/t- bp ares. Ho eoper/ence raqu/red, Ca Invasimeni, na de/ivery. tu/t trire/ng provided, axcallet career advuncemsnt. For more Information ca/i Cercle 579-1949 or 1.800-263-3930. 3a5 WILSON RD.S. OSSHAWAM ceerral vuc spstam sand the erea ni twa newso sw arein pesaent nead ai yer- sovnel aed management i a/cees. Fnrturihar Infor. mat/on cell 723-4183 DEMONSTRATORS wsnted part- li/me. Neut. rouiab/e persoasta do n-store demonsiraions. Aec, Pickering arcy Car nacessary. Ca/I 7257617. A CAREER IN TIIUCI. Tran- sport dr/vers needed. How ta the li/me ta train for pour Cliss A t/cesse. For pre-screan/ng Icter- v/0W and lob pacement Infor- mati/on, contact Marc Orras Tran- sport Or/ver Train/cg, Brampton 1-800-285-1280. ARE YOU LOOtCINO torsalob ar a lob Worth workicg for? DOaci i/ght it Learc 50w ta use the computer acd be a stop shead ln /5e Job murket. We citer job placement and finencial as/istance for/those unemp/oped or /0w tecome. 427-3010. TAX PREPARERS required tn W/Itby and P/cher/cg for ten season, enpen/enced preferred. For de/ai/s cuti ca/tact, 1-827- 1455, Tue T/me Services L/d. CAREEIOS iN TRUcIiNO. Or/ver lob training and pacement 5e/p /5 avu/labie, Cuit Radgerg Schoo/ ai /418/ 769-3546. ATTE' Please check your advertisement for errors on the fit-st day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the en-or up to a maximum cost of the fit-st insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or reject ail advertisements. Ada must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassilied Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please hàve your 'NTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Visa card ready when calling. If biiied - $6.00 for 20 words; 14e each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the fit-st 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fit-- st 50 words;- 12t each additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 43o per uine. (No word adsalalowed). BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditionai charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free.Press will make every endeavour 10 forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADINES: Monday noon pt-lot- 1 publication to insert or cancel Ciassifîed Ads. Friday noon prior to publication 10 insert or cancel Empor-ium Ads. CALL 668-6111 E ASSOCIATION MEETING A meeting wiII be heid ai St. George's Church Hall (off Randali Dr.), Pickering Village, on Frldey, Feb. 28, 1986 ai 8:00 p.m. The honorable Barbara Mc- Dougail, Minister of State (Finance) wiii be our guest speaker. The purpose of this annuai general meeting ls to select the , xecutive committee for the 1986 Ontario Riding of the Progressive Con- servative Party. Please be certain that your mem- bership la up 10 date 10 Insure your voting privlege. 1 Senior Auditors $26,400 -$389600 The MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, retail sales tax branch, seeks professionals 10 audit a wide range of vendors, agents and taxpayers at their place of business which can be located outside Ontario. Under a 4upervisor's direction, you wilI use ap- propriate.auditing techniques to provide an objec- tive evaluation of the extent to which a client complies with the Retali Sales Tax Act and minlstrylbranch policy; provide vendors, agents and taxpayers with legisîstive Information, guidance and assistance re their responsibiiities; heip resoive probiem areas; recommend ap- propriate sanctions or referrals 10 the specialiIn- vestigations branch where non-compliance per. siats or tax evasion or f raud ls involved. Extensive consecutive overnight travel may be required. Locations: Hamilton- Fils RE-324; Oshawa- File RE-326. Tex AudIlor 3 Qualifications: Prof essionai level 0f training In taxationlaccountinglauditing principie's and techniques; sound knowledge of computer and manuai tax systems and computer auditing techniques; thorough knowledge of the Retail Sales Tax Act; excellent communication and In- terpersonal skilis. Tax AudItor 2 Qualifications: Demonstrated ex- perience ln an accounting andior auditing fun- ction; successful completion of the CGAICMA coat accounting, iaw and either Information and computer systems or data processing courses. Lesa quaiified applicants wiil be considered for appointment ai iower leveis on a training basis. Please send appilcationlresume, quoting ap- propriate file number, by March 26, 1986 to: MInIstry of Revenus, Personnel Services Branch, 33 King Street West, P.O. Box 627, Oshawa, On- tario LIH 8H5. Equaiity of Opportunlty for Empioyment SOntario 5DPublic Service IS PAND mA= à ma

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