Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1986, p. 21

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WH ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBURARY 19, 1986, PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WJDELY READ ALX) Il SNOWPLOUGH-INa, drivewep FIREWOOD - eplit hardwoad, $25 1965 PONTIAC Acadien, an1 apOciaiietà, tamesi prices. Soxen ilii our car rank, or $55 a face 12,000 km.. rnasiip hlghwapy NEW AUCTION BARN - OPEN HOUSE dapa a week, 24 hours e dep. 831- cord. 683-1995. mlleege, $7.500 negoliabie. Cali EOENIf 5982. qtr;ý7>1.l EO E IG PAINTING à DECORATINO protessionat banded warkmex. ehip, residextiai and commercial, rea estimates. Cati 83"-277 or 688712. EXPERIENCED peintIng, intertor, exteriar, free estirntes, guerax. teed. Cai 571-2W5. MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skln tone & enhance your best fetures. OnIy $30 proxsultation 666-2770 CARPENTRY WORK & HOME REPAIRS GARDEN MAINTENANCE Repaîrs to Almost Everythlng Caîl: DICK'S FIX-ALI 668-6032 ectk areaof *Eldrly Folk ln ourl *Pickrng Countryl *Home. Lodging,I *meas, laundry,-etc.I lce 10 . 655-8966. OLO BRICK FARM MOUSES wan- ted for wreckixgieainege. Rose Lumlep. Banded and tnsured, wth reterences. sixce 1969. Farm buiidngs or complets factoris. 149»0265-7645, weekdeps. A-1 AUTOS wexted, top dollar paid for ecrap cars and trucks. Seven dea e week. 8315982. Bought & SoId 10K -$4 per gram 14K - $5 per gram 18K -$6 per gram Aiso Diamonds Durham Goldsmithlng 666-461 900D OIIALITY Woodeîock oets lrarn certIied seed, $7.50 per 40 kg. Sag, deliered. Aiea quenItpt af TimathpiCiaver hep. 685-8860. CALL 668-611 1 TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD BUNK BED$ for sale. ln good condition. 8689947. VISIT aur used lurniture warahouse Sp appainiment. Big saninge on deoks, chairs. fliing cabinets, etc. Cati Dickeon Prin. ina & Olce Supplies ta arrange an appiniment ta view. 683. 19e8. MATTRESSES and boa epringe ai hait price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Stmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. OUEEN SIZE ed, Ixciades new mattrees and box eprIng, trame, headboard and 2 taxe camfrtrer, $200. Phone8668.001. AIRTIONT wooatane with gises dooreand tirebrick ix tng, gaod tor about 800 ta 1000 sq. it., $225, aplIonai bixwer evaliabIe. 725 36W0. VHS VIDEO camnera, RCA auto bacux mith 8 ta 1 zoom ratio, cotour view Inder and bulItIin thler, 1 year aid and hrdly ever ueed, $575. 725-36W. CHESTERFIELD suites, iaveseets, secionais, es thax 'h prIce. Large seleclIon. McKean Furnture, 524 Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 7255181. GEOTYPE presson ietiering now n stockait Dicison Priniing & Of. tics Suppies In the Aia Shop- ping Fiais. Large neixcion ai stles and seues. Why pap mare for a nmaiier eheet ai etering? 683-1968. SOYA MARGARINE for sain, exp qxaniiiy. bat ik1e butter. Oeil 723- 5816. LADIES paie grap inaiher coas, ton colar. Frabin iyppwritnr. 868-1328. COLONIAL bed chesIeriield and chair. 12x14 rldnd rug. Pine cobbiere baencS cottes table. 68-9980. DISCO FEVER piobait machine, $500. Wrness Intercam, Radio Shack, $50. ceîebtyîpetectric IppewriIer, seIt-correcîing, nnw, $200.6855-41868. FIVE airtine tickets tor February 27 ta Vancouver tram Toronto, $60 eech. Cati688-9678. *HEROES othe Bibe"colouring boak axliabie ai Dicreon Prix- ttng & Otice Suppiies, Aia Piaze, 883-1968. Dealer Inquiries lnvited. OFFCE WAREHOUS" RPLANI 1.5006sq l.,zned Industriel~ M-1, Whiibp location, truck Idoor parking, avaliable im - Caiti656-4771 Aller ômpm.656-3439. U"11OFFSPAPCE 1Ç j FOR RENT WIIITBY OFFICE SPACE for mxit on proiessionel tioor. Wnuld Se suilebis for iawper. eccauntenî, ec. Rent rinctudes aIl utititiex and la negtitabie tor an appropriain tenantî. For lurther Intormation cai 668-6372 beimnen 9:30 ar. and 5 prn. Mondep ta Frtdap. 198 DODGE Aspen, gond second car, In gaad shape, tour door, PS., pb., radio, wiii cerllip. Cali 571-1653 aiter 6 p.rn. 1979 FORD Aberta 'h ton, 50,000 mules, excellent condition, $5800 Or besI Olier. 686-.1939. 1978 DODGE hailtion wth cam- per, good condition, $3.500 irm. Pickering, 831-3075. 1977 CAMERO VO, autamatix, psà., phb., goad runxIng condition, asie9, $700. 579-4848. FOR SALE 1972 Chev Vax, 6 cp., axtometlc, certitied, $80. Phone 68-89780. 1975 PRO-AM 340 Spittire, $500 or Sesi aller. Pickering, 831-3075. 9NEMNT CONGRATULATIONS on pour tarihcoming marriage. Please view aur sampies ai engraved wedding Invitations ai pour ixîsure ln our Aax Fiais store. (ickson rîining & Office Sup- plies, 683-1868. TEHEALTH CARESCAMI *Whatpyou hould knowl *autpur Dacto.Al * redicei p aies oaai eake ou ouan aura cassette, $7.951 post adSIoh Aaoiales, F0O Box 405 ,Station A, Toronto, MSW iC7. HOLY SPIRIT. Vax mehe me see everyihixg and show me the wap ix reech rnp Ideais. You give me the devine gitt ta targIve and targelt ram au thai sa dons ta me and Yau who are in eai nstinct ai mp les wthme. t arn the short disalgue and wanita thank You for everythlng and cantirm once more that i neyer waxt ta Se eepereted tram You no marier haw greet the meteriai desires rnep Se. i want ta Sbe with You end rnp ioved ovies in aur perpetuel giarp. (A persan rnap prep this preper 3 caneecutive depe mithaul asking their wlshes, atler the 3rd dep their wish wiii Se granied no mater how diiiicuii il rn e Seand promise ia pubilsh the dialogue as noan as pour tevuu, asbSean granetdi Tirnk pou. Pet. TYPEWRITER renIai, menp rnekes and modela. Sp the meehnnd, week or manih. Discounts aveiiabie. Dlckson PrInting & Oice Supplies ixnr"r Aia Fiaz. Cali us for business machine reairae.31968. ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT., FEB. 22 11:00 A.M. Brooklin Communlly Centre, Cassais Rd. E., Hwy. 7 and 12. This is a fabulous sale of Canadiana including an 1850 Cherry wardrobe; ln Oak a round dlnlng table, large Icebox, carved sideboard, large stacking bookcase, haiisland, Hoosier cup- board, wall telephone; ln Pine a corner cupbaard, P.E.l. 2 door cupboard, dropleaf tables, flat-ta- waii cupboard, smali pine tables, and rape bed, grain scaies, desk, wicker table, set of pressback chairs, ran beds, washstands, pariaur tables, set af chiid's chairs, com- position dalis, weather vain, ginger beer baille collection, selaction of ail lamps, quilts, pic- tures, dlocks, decays, cracks, tins, glass and china, etc. Preview 9 ar. Partial listing anly. Ter- ms cash, visa or ap- proved cheque. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., FEB. 28 6:.00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay an the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Oak hall seat, antique platform rockers, wainut hall table, walnut gateleg table, chesterfilelds, console colour T.V.s, more details next week. For consignment to aur barn or planning ail types of Spring Auctions contact: DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS (Formerly Herongate) RE.OPENING WED., FEB. 26 6:30 P.M. At our new location on the Brook Rd., Pickering, 2 miles north of Hwy. 2 and Brook Rd., Pickering. The opening sale features an abundance af quaiity antique and coliectabie Items con- slgned by the estate of MATTIE HARRIS, Toron- la, plus added cansign- ments. Some highlights include the follawing: 2 Armand Mareille Bisque head dalis(in original box and costume), an- tique caffee grinder, aid Edison cylinder record player (with horni, pequegnat cdock, hanging and gingerbread dlocks, hoasier cup- boards, spinning wheei, hanging iamps, patter- ned ail iamps, coilec- table glass and china, blue f iawer crack, East Lake oak table, oak rall top desk, pine and coun- try washstands, East Lake bedraom suite, empire sofa, 3 oak dining suites, iran and brass beds, rockers, sideboar- ds, desks, aid wooden beds, sels of pressback chairs, acc. chairs, coun- try chests, aid adver- tising signs, primitives, and a lot more. Just an outstanding variety. So loin us every Wednesday arnd participate in one o f Ontarios mosl aulhenlic aid fashianed auctions, with no buy-backs or reserves. The 'True" auction. Preview from 1 p.m. Terms cash or cheque (with I.D.). G. & H. KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041.- 705-786-2183 ~~E~TWNALAAUTONS Q ZI *Estis, Liqudtioand* FREE: Dropinia She Dicksox "GRAMMER for people mho haen sgmetSaieniac We Printing and Office Suppip store gremmer s 19he ideai pocket seilzel orsain. A lnthe Aax Paieand pick up a rein ence boak for bueinesse ai ofthe P ainssionai rncp iih 98Mtî ppi $35per copp and AcL~nersAssociation. Calendar. P inted ln Iwo calousa. evaitabie ail(ickson Pinti ng & LARRYANDERSON tmaeixSnprerc. Ofice Suppliensln the Aaxu Fiais AUCTIONEER Itmk3frhnyrfrne Deaere inqu ina sInvited 883-1968. 728-4291968 AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 1 10:00 A.M. At Orval MoLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Local estate consIgnments of furniture, appliances, an- tiques, Royal Douitan figurines, coilectabies. CONSIGNMENTS WAN- TED for this sale of an- tiques or . good household furniture. Calil705-324-2783 to Ii st your sale. MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS Compete auction ap- praisai service. Free pick-up In WhItby, Oshawa area of com- piete estates. SALES HELIP for f ine f urnIture shop n Whitby.I *Phone 66842311 for interview. A CAREER IN TRUCKINO. Tran- sport drivers nended. Nom ix the lime io train for pour Cloxe A license. For pre-scrnening iter- oinw and lob placement Infor- mation, contact Merv Orres Tran- sport Driver Trinlng, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. NEW COMPANY ix Aax hes 97 positions io iti. Pu-lime and part-lime. no esperteoce necessery, on t ransportaion, etudenis wnicome, earn xp ta $350 per weair. For interview cati aur Aiaottice et 883-3300. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE Ti-IS WEEKENDI 1 A BAKERY In Whitby requires s driver and e baking assistent. Phone 66-1177 aller 1 p.m., daiIy, lorappointment. ELROLUX CANADA 365 WILSON RD. S. SHAWAM Wlt th Inroucton oaur *centranac systemei nd the plne expansion in this ares ai Iwo new stores, we are ln praseet xeed xl per- sonnai and management trainees. For furiher Inlor. mation oeil: 7234183 1 CAREERS IN TRÏUOKINO. Driver lob iraliig and pincement heîp te avaitabie. Caîl Rodgers Schooi ai 4181 7693548. ARE YOU LOOIING lorsa lob orsa lob warih working for? Dont Ight tIi Leam 50ow ta use the computer and beas stop ahead Ix the lob markxet. We aller lob placement and linanciai assistance for those unempiaped or low incarne. 4273010. COULD YOU USE $500 extra per month. We are iaoking for part- time Individuels to, service aur customers ln this area. Muet have own auto. WiII coneider aemni. retlred persans. For personal In. terview cali 723-3412. TAX PREPARERS required ln Whltby and Pickertxg for tau 5ea5on, eopertenced preterred. For details cali callect, 1-827- 1455, Tex Time Services Ltd. CL U S DY 8. 16 THE FRAMINO CENTRE 668-4521 SATURDAY, FES. 22, FROM 2-5 P.M. KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS (Formerly Herongate Country Auctions>, invites you, ail our former customners and ail our good friends to drop by ai aur new auction barn, iocated on the Brock Rd., Pickering, 2 miles north of Hwy. 2 and Brock Rd., Pickering, (next to Seaton Golf Course), on Sat., Feb. 22, 2-5 p.m. for an Open House celebration and general get-to-gether. Rib- bon cutting and ceiebrity auction at 3:00 p.m. Gayie and Henry Kahn your hosts. Phone 683-0041 or 985-8161. Firat auction, Wed., Feb. 26 at 6:30 pmn Dynamic, growlng Weekly Newspaper seeklng professional advertising Sales Representatives. Potential excellent for hlgh earnings. Apply to:1 Valerle Cower,, 131 Brock St. N., Whltby Wodnesdays to Frldays, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers. day of publication. The Whttby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BRHDAH-$70frteist00wrs12eah alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied addîTHona wd.AH 70 o h is 0 od;1te such replies. We will not be responsible for box numnber by the error Up toi a maximum cost (if the first insertion. adiinlwr.replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject all advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43; perlune. (No word ads aliowed>. ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classifîed BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will makc 668-6111 la atter 5 p.m., 723-56M.

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