Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1986, p. 26

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PA-GE 26, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1986, WHITBYFREE PRESS WHriTBY'S MOS ~, ARICLESAUTOMOBILES ~~C ESFOR SALE UNEMPLOYEG I4ELP CENTRE. FIREWOOD - aplIt hardwood, $25 1985 PONTIAC Acadien, anly Nmd holpl Wrker' Compen- fMI your car trunk, or $55 a face 12,000 km., moally hlgliway NOTICE i sation, Wlfore, OIP assistance, cord. 683-1995. mleage, $7.500 negollable. Cali &c Unemploynient Inaurance, or afler 5 p.m., 7235m3. IN THE M. oriels referrala la allier agoncles, GEOTYPE presso îletrnnom ESI cal:59In21 staock etDlckson Prlnllng &Of- 1978 DODO! hall ton mlh cam.- TIIELMA f1ce Supplea ln the Aax Shop- par, goad condition, $3.500 f nl. D SNOWPLOUGMING, drlnewey png Plane. Large alaction af Pckering, 831-3075.DE spaclallsle, lamait prîcea. Savon stles and elise. Why pay more -______________ Ail pei days a mach, 24 Saura a dey. 831. for a amaller aheol of lellarlng? 1978 CMIV V% ton, needa 11111e cdaimrs 5982. 883-19M8. motorand ... =.r - Il- r ct PAINTING à -DECORATI NO profomalanal bondod morlcman- ohlp, roaldontlal and commorclal, f roe atimatou. daîf 8394277 or 66".712. YPErSOA COLOURS Dîscover the colours &e shades that com- pliment your skin tone & enhance your beat featurea. Only $30 prConaullallon III 666&2770 We lite are of [Elderly Foks ln aur *PlckrlngCountryl *Hoe. Lodgng,I mal, laundry, etc.* ai POvIde. 2J pleas:ant homely place to be. 655-896. "OGRAMMER for peoplea who hala grammar" la the Ideel poclcal VALENTINE'S SPECIAL Cyclamen Special $3.75 From aur greenhouse Vandermeer Nursery corner of Bayly& Lakerldge Rdr- CHESTERFIELD auitea. lovoacata, aoctfonela, lae Ithon Viprcs. Large alactlon. Mcfeon Furnîlure, 524 Slmncoe Si. S., Osawa. 7255181. FOR SALE Admirai 17 cu. fil. lroel.freo rolrldgorator, good conditian, $350or bail aller. 868. 1694. QUEDEC SOYA Margarine, any quanlity evalable. 884342. VISIT aur uaed lurnîlura warehauso by oppaînîment. Big savlngsoan doake. chairs, flIng cabinets, eIc. Cali ckaan Prîn. llng & Office SupplIla arrange an appoînîmont ta vlow. 6813 1908. besl aller. Phone 080&W32. 1908 CttTIASS, maman drîven, perfect condition, boat aller. Phono 7282832. 1 970 ARCTIC CAT PanIfier anommobîle, nom battery, caver, excellent condition, $7W0. Alao 1982 Vomaha. Phonoe00M4595. 1978 PRO-AM 340 Spllf Ire, $500 or boat aller. Plckerng, 831-3075. PENUNLS TEMEALTM CARESCAMI *Wfiat you. fcould knaw Maboul your ocor...AM *medical prolaaalonalaspoakcs *out on autocasette, $7.95M pot d. hff h Aoaesa P.O. Box 408, Station A, IToronlo. M6W 1C7. w CONGRATULATION5 an your roferonce 'book for businosa _____________marnage._______ people. $3.95 par capy and viem aur namples of engraved avolablo aI Dckaon Prlnîîng & TEA AMNPLACE eddlng Inviations aI your Office Suppliese ln fheAlax Plaza. earea Ccanadian company laisure la aur Alax Plazastore. Dealerlanquirles lnvlled OÎ3-1968. aalingquallyCanadinl Dlckon Printing & Office Sup- ____________made___C.E. Jamieson praduc- pile.,83-1868. teaai lbm mail ordar prlcaa. WANTED Calvisîl us, 728.4094,for pr! Iliai. Gurantoad, Senior OFFICE SPACE TOdi sont. WATKIMS produc- O RN ta avaliable FORiREN TME VITAMIN PLACE WITBY OFFIdE 5PACE for tent B3ought & SoId PEOPLI S Diemand soliticre sullabie for lamyer, conat engagement ring mth certificats, etc. Rent includa. ail utIlIlaes and 10K - $4 per gram appraised $W,0 asklng $200. 66. s nagotliabo for an apprapriale 14K -$5 par gram 1885 tanant. For lurîhar Inormation 18K-$6Bpar gram caii 0084372 bafmaan 930 am Also Diamonda MARINE ongins, 2W0 sp. nIer and 5Sp.ni Monday fa FrIday. Durham ceplterone and a hall raduclion Goidsmithlng Plckoriag,839-0958 HEL li ~~MATTRESSES and bon sprlagsa e ANE A-1 AUTOS menlad, top dollar hall prie McKeen FurnIlure, 524 EPREN D marssaie paid for acrap cars aad trucks. Simca. StreetSaufth, Oshawa. XEINE ateswle Savon deysa eak. 831-59(12. 725-5181. pan ima Calii Explor FRE. Drap Into theO Dikson Prlnllng and Office Suppiy atore la the Aax Plae and pick up a fr88s copy af the 1980 Marc calondar. Prlntad la Ima coloura. If makea for handy refarence. 683-19"8. TYPEWRITER renIaI, many makas and modeae, by the w88kand, maak or monlh. Diacounts avliable. lckson Prlnting & Office Supplies la the Ails Plaza. dail us for businasa machine repaira, 6831968. CALL 668-61 Il T-0 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD OINEAATOR .5 wats,,5 hp., 1<05er, excellent condition, $325. Plckerlng, 839-095. "MIRaIS af Ihe Bible" colourlng book endilable aI Dickeon Prîn. lng & Office Supplieos, Alax Plaze, 683.1968. Dealer InquIrles invlled. 0000 OUALITY Woodatock oats lrom cortilled aeed, $7.50 par 40 kg. bcg, dllnared. Alaa quanllty ai TlmohylCloyar hay. 855-8880. BUIESS 0 TUITIESI DISTRIBUTOR wenled for full or parI-lIme. Ouobec Soya Margarine.008-843. Restaurant and Tavaîn, 668M018. ATTENTION ooperianced heir- stylste. Il you have clianfale and are looklng for o friendly &hop almospliere, I cmprepcred la al- fer you 60% commisaion, every second Sarday aIl, dental and drug plan. Cal Karen 8883892. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a ou or a lob wortIl morllng for? Dant liglit III Lears 50w ta use the computer and ba a elep aead la the lob market. Wa aller lob placement and fînanclal assistance for those unompioyed or low Incoma. 427-3010. CAREERS IN TRUCfING. Driver lob training and placement help la avallable. Cal Radgers School et114161 78-3546. EXPERIENCEO babysîf er man- lad for 2 year aId. girl, la bebysil la aur Pckering home. 5 day. a weok, reforances raquired. 831. Dm8. NOTICES *0 CREDITORS OTHERS ITTER OF THE 'ATE OF ALAWRENCE, 'EASED eraona having againat the Esae ofn THnivu LAWRENCE, late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regional Munlcipality of Durhamn, who died on or about the lai day of Noveniber, 1984 are hereby notified to send to the underaigned on or before the 22nd day of February, 1986, full par- tîculara of their cdaims. lmmediately after the said date the asseta of the sald deceased wlll be dIstributed among the parties entltled thereto, having regard only to dlaims af whIch they shahl then have notice. DATED at the Town- ship of Scugog thia l6th day of January, 1986. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & FOWLER Barristors & Solcitors 217 Ousen Street P.O. Box 131 Port Psnry, Ontario o LOB 1 NO Solicitors for John Richard Lawrence, Ad- -miniatrator of the above estate. I.WANTEDI IWaltress/Walterl Iwantedl part or fuIl-ti me. IApply withnl IDixie Lee Chîcken 1017 undas St.E., Whltby 1 A CARIER ON TRUcKINO. Tran. spart drivera noedod. Nom la the lime la train for yaur cîca A llcenao. For. preacroanlng Inter. view end lob placement Inlor. meallan, contact Marv Orres Tran. aport Driver Traning, Brampton 1-6000285-12W0. SINGER manlad for rock band. dail 6553791. CLEANING MELP requlred for Whilby home on Fridaya. Cal 668-1145. EXPERIENCED ORANOMA mllling la do bebysilfing In my home, S minutes ron GM. saufS, lenced yard. 4331519, BABYSITTINO analiabie full or part-lIme, my home, Kathleen Rowe School crec, ather chlldran. Phrone 888.2838. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., FEB. 14 6:00 P.M. Three mites east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lndsay Little Britain Rd. Two Vctorian loveseats and matchIng chairs (good condition), oak hailseat,' parlour tables, Victorian balloon back chairs, pine kitchen suite, Boston' rockind chairs, reflnlshed anitque dressera, portable and console colour T.V.s, quantity of parlour chairs, co-oil lamfps, copper boliers, hall tree, pine dropleaf table, washstands, quàntity of tools, china and glass, 1982 Chev 3/s ton truck 6 cyl. standard, certified. For ail types of con- slgnments or sales In- formation contact: DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-78662183 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 15 110:00 A.M. BrooklIn CommunIty Centre, Hwy. 7, and 12, watch for signa. Laie 1700's grandfather dlock signed by Jas Rankin Scotland ln a solid mahogany case, 9 plece walnut dining roomn suite, flat-to-the-waii pine cupboard, signed Vienna regulator, 2 Beigium made 6 shot revolvers, 1862 Enfieid long rifle, Canadian medais, Gone With the_ Wind lamp, Ogee dlock, glass sided china cabinet, 6 plece Duncan Fyfe dining roomn suite and much more. D.L.S. AUCTION SERVICE 416-434-6333 DALE SMITH& GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS T WIDELY R'EAD ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on -the first Visa card ready when calling. If biiied - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to fôrward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii flot lbe 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding bass or damnage liable for failure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic alleged to arise through failure or deiay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each such replies. We will flot be responsibie for box nusnber by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. additional word. replies not called for wit.hin 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right, to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir. reject al advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each addi tionai1 word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert ore day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12c each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43ç perlune. <No word ada allowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL 1Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. 'The Whitby Free Press wili make 668-6111 LAND FOR SALE TOWN OF WHITBY 51.59 Acres 8 BY PUBLIC TENDER, Ontario Land Corporation la Inviting tenders for the purchase of farm land: "Located on the S W corner of Columbia Road and Country Lane, One mile north of Hlghway 7, ln the Town of Whitby "The property Is described as the north part of Lot 31, Concession VI, ln the Regional Munici- pality of Durham "Tenders wiI be received until 2:00 p.m., Tues- day, March 4, 1986 For Tender Package, cail Mr. Joe Clasadonte, (416) 585-6787, 777 Bay Street, 16th Fir, Toronto, On- tario, M5G 2E5 The highest or any tender wiil not necessariiy be accepted. OOntario Land Corporation TENDERS . THE CORPORATION 0F Ie(A1~~JTHETOWNOFWHITBY CONTRACT W86-11i STATION ERY, ENVELOPES AND PRINTED FORMS Tenders for the above wiII be received by Mrs. Gali Gosieigh, Purchaalng Agent untili 2:00 p.m., WED-,' NESDAY, MARCH 5,1986. Specifications and tender forms are avaitabie at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (1)668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender flot necessarlly accepted. MRS. GAIL GOSLEIGH, PIJRCHASING AGENT. THE FRAMINQ CENTRE 668-4521 Custm Frmln-Sirtchn@Màbooroles

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