Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 25

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1986 PAGE 2. E PROFESSIONAL typiatwmlii do mark at home. Reasonabia rates. Gail beimeen 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 576-2207. SNOWPLOUONINO, drieway Spcallis, tomait prces. Savon days a eek, 24 hours a day. 831- 5982. PAINTING A DECORATINO profesaslnai banded. workman- shlp, reaidentiai and commercial, free stimatea. Cati 839-4277 or 889712. MV PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the coloura &shadea that com- pliment your akin tons & enhance your best rfeatures. OnIy $30 pr Consultation Clii W e ta k e c a r s o f Eldrly FlksInour *Plkerng Countryl Home. cLodglng,I *meas,ilaundry, etc.I al providèd. A pleasant homely place to be. 6558966. "OGRAMMER for people who haie grammr la the ideot pockei reference bock for' business peopla. 83.95 par copy and avaleabie ai Dickson Printing & Ofitce Supplies ln the Alax Plaza. Oaer Inquires Invted 883-1988. OId GoId v Bought & Sold 1 OK $4 pargram - 14K- $5 per gram 18K-S6pergram Aisô Oamonda Durham Goldsmlthîng 666-4612 A1 AUTOS wanted, top dollar paid for scrap cars and truckis. jSeven day. a week. 831-5982. BIOLE CONSULTATION, bridie arrangement, fhrow away. going awey corsage, 20% off edding Initations and 0 yeara In the ébridie fioriairy business. 576- 1026. FREE.~ Drop into the Dckson PrintIng and Office SuOPpy store ný the Aax Plaza and pick up a free copy of the 1986 Metirt >Caiendar. PrInied In imo colours. if makes for handy referejrce. TYPEWRITEA renia, many makes and modae, by the weekend, eeti or month. Discouns avaifabie. DIckson PrinIng & Office Supplies In the Alan Plaza. Cati us for business machine repairs. 68831968. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ SNOWTIRES mth rims from 1979 Poston Lemansi P3185175R14, $35. Glass doors for frepiace, $30. Drape for 5' patio door, beige tweed, custom moade, $30. Soys mouided skates, site 2. Ilke new, $20. Cati 888-4M8. GEOTYPE press-on ettering now In stock ai Dckson Printing & Of- ice Supplies ln tihe Ajax Shop. pIng Plaza. Large select ion of stylos and sites. Why psy more for a amaler sheet of itterIng? 6831988. CHIESTERFIELD suites, loveseatsaectionais, 1088 than %gi prico . Large selection. Mcf(ean Furnture. 524 Simcoa Sf. S., Oshama. 725-5181. "MERDES of the Bible" coiouring booki avalabieetlDictson Prin- ting & Office Supplies, Alan Plazs, 683-1968. Dealer Inqures Invtod. MATTRESSES snd box srIngs ai hall price. McKean Furnlure, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725.5181. VISIT our ued lurnture arehouse by appoiniment. 819 sanIngs on dasha, chairs.,fMing cabinets, etc. Calu Ocison Pris. ting & Office Suppieos to arrange an appoinimant to niaw. 683. 196. FORR SAELE ý195 PONTIAC Acadien, oniy 12,000 km., mostiy highwey mleage, $7500 negoliabie. Cati alter 5 p.m., 723-563. 1979 IMPALA V8 p.b.. p.s.. new enhaust, certifiad, Immacuilae condition, $2,950. Phono 579- 0906 alter 5 p.m. 1978 DOOGE hall ton wiih camn- par, good condition, $3.500 ttrm. Pickering, 831-3075. 1974 VENTURE, $300. 1974 Limted Landau, $80. 1978 Cougar XR7, $3.000. or basf olfer. Phono66-ff84. 198 SCORPION skiddo, 440 mhip, $900. Phone 668-2303. 1975 PRO-AM 340 SpitI re, $500 or bust oforPickering, 831-3075 STORAGE SPACE Location: Acesa off fiwy. 7 fut orth of Aax. Fine acres' ofparking, excellent for storing bote, trater, tuk, campera, heavy machinery. Aso ndoor storage analabie. Fenced ln properiy mth iocked gaies, 24 hr. dsiiy acceas. $150 an- nuaiiy. Cati85-6966. v *WORKSOP24 f.n36ft.M puofiespace, anellent for uphoistory, woodmortsIng, *lurnIture refinishng, crafts,* ehop artand usicstudio. $40 rnonihiy ront or $19,000 sale p5ce. Located on Hwy. 7. lusi north of Aax. Cuit 855- 890.11 ACCOMMODATIONS roquirod for Uniersity studenîs, from mid April untit Labour Day. Pleasa contact Carolyn ai Weaii and Culian Nurseries, 655-4300, 7 to 4:30, Monday thru Thursday. ROOM FOR RENT. Suliabia for famile. Phone 666.4580. WNiTBY OFFICE SPACE for rani on prolssionai floor. Wouid bu suluabia for iamyar, accouniant, etc. Pent Incindes ail utliles and la nagotioble for an spyroprla tenant. For irthar Information cati 668-372 beimeen 9:30 ar. and 5 p.m. Monday to Frtduy. SERVICES FOURTEEN yeurxoId boy wanttng to babysticilidron In Whtby area oniy. 668-9780. MOTNER 0F TWO wiii bshysIt In my homo, 18 montha and up, reasonabie rates, FaIIingbrooh Picture Homes ares, 66-9976. MOTHER 0F TWO wmliibabysit In my home, big piayroom, hot meais, lenced yard, ilutchtnson schooi area 6868-7228. THENHEALTN CARE SCAMI *Whai you shoud knomw *aboutyor Doctor...AM *madIcai prolessionai spoaksl uot on auto cassetteo, $- post ad. SIhilhAisocatsj P.O. Box 40, Statias A, Toronto. MlW 1C1 THANICS TO S. Judo and the Socred Hesrn of Jesas for favours recaivad. May the Sacrod Heari of Jsas bu adorod, glorilied, ionad and presorved fhrnughoui thre orid nom and forenar. Oh, Sacrad Heari 0f Josus pray for us, St. Jude mortier ot miracles pray for us, Si. Judo haipar ci the hopalosa, prsy for us. Say this prayer fine limes a day. By the eighih day your prayer iii bo an. smerad, regardieas of hom hopeles your situation seems. Publication muet be promisad. A.M. CONGRATULATIONS on your forlhcomtng msrriage. Ptase viem our sampies of engraned weddrng initations et your teisure ln our Alan Fiaas store. Dickson Printing & Office Sup- plias, 683-1966. 4LI~ -1 h 7~~DNS NOTICE TO CREOITORS & OTHERS UN THE NATTER0F THE ESTATE 0F TH ELMA LAWRENCE, DECEASED. Ail persons havîng dlaimis agaînat the Estate of THELMA LAWRENCE, late 0f the Town of Whtby, ln the Reglonal Municlpaîity of Durham, who dled on or about the let day of November, 1984 are hereby natif led ta aend to the underaigned on or befors the 22nd day of February, 1986, full par- iculars of their dlaims. Immediately after the sald date the asseta o f the said deceaaed wili be dlstributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard oniy ta dlaims of whlch they shahl then have notice. DATED at the Town- ship of Scugog thia î6th day of January, 1986. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & FOWLER Barrltora & Soilcitora 217 Qusen Street' P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1iNO Solicitors for John Richard Lawrence, Ad- ministrator of the above estate. NEED TO KNOW SOMETH-ING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cit Phnne 6«8.8943 Our hosfens iii brirg gis and gretingn, lnng mith heipfl cnmmuniiy inrmatinn. AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 8 10:00 A.M. Large sale at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Conalgnments from two local estates, plus four. Three wheelera, snowmobiles, 1977 Dodge van, 27' con- cord ,hous trailer, generator, new tools, bicycles, 6x6 army truck, almond refrigerator (lUs new>, cheaterfisida, beds, dressera, coffee and end tables, oak china cabinet, modern pine bedroom suite, pins framed chesterfieid suite, sterso, air con-, ditionera, portable dlsh- washsr, gatsisg table, household contents. The thrse whssiera are Hon- da 200S, Honda 125M, Vamaha 200 eiectrlc and reverse, Yamaha 125 tri motor, sump pump, John Deere 400 anowmobile, Skidoo 1213, snow jet 295, 2-1982 Citation 4500 akidoos, 1979 Everest eisctrlc skldoo. Open 9 arn., sale 10 a.m., vshiclss 1 ar. Snowmobiiea accsptsd for conslgnment titi Feb. laI. MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 CompeseAuction appraised service, TUE, TIIf11. 1 ~~IN NEW &USED CAR BUYS READ ... OUI'... SELL JUST CALL 668-6111 on all iu à di CuTHE FRAMINO SeCENgMTboR 668.452 SALES SPECIALIST O.UTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY If you can quallfy *Name your own Income eUnlimted Advancement @110% annualized commission 'Non contrlbutory retirement plan *Outstandlng product u1nes *Quallfled contacts. For conf idential interview cal Walter Jancsik 705-748-4102 Dynamlc, growlng Weekly Newspaper seeklng professlonal advertlslng Sales Representatives. Potential excellent for high earings. Apply to: Valerle Cowen, 131 Brock St. N., Whltby Wednesdays to Frldays, 9 a.m. -.5 p.m. EXPERIENtED babysitter man- lad for 2 yaar otd girl, ta bebysit n our Pickering home, 5 deys a meeti, refrencos raquired. 831- 0880. AT ONCEI Peri-lime people naedod to mako appoinimants over phono, good saisry, studen- te eicome, auperviso? position avalable f0 quattfiad applicants, 683-3300. PRINTINO PRESS operator, AB ick 9840, Pickering, 831-4733. DABYSITTER noadad In my home, tmo chidren, five deys a maak, :30 s.m. until 2 p.m. Phono 668-9716. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a lob or a lob morlh morking for? Dont fight lti Learn hom ta use the computer end bu a siap ahead ln the lob market. We aller lob placement and finarciai assistance for thoso unempioyed or lom Incoma. 427-3010. CAREERS IN TRUCIING. Driver lob training and placement heip sa availabie. Cati Rodgors Schooi et (416769-3546. SELLING? BUYING? START7NG YOUR OWN BUSINESS? The clasaif led pages gives yoti ail this and more. Savlng and making money la what ws'rs alabouti WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 PART OR FULL-TIME W.T. Rsmieigh Company Is expandlng mith a great nem sales plan bosi ln thre direct salas Induelry. Cere about your future.,. do. Contact Terry Armstrong, cail coffoci 519. 827-1337. ATTENTION exporienced hatr- styliste. If you have claentele and are ioohing for a lrIendiy shop aimasphare, I am prepared ta ai- fer you 60% commission, every second Saturday off, dental and drug plan. Cati Karen 68-&3892. A CAR"ER IN TRUCKINO. Tran- aport drivera needed. Nom ta the tlimalu train for your Cose A license. For pro-creening Inter- view and lob pacementIinfor- mation, contact Marv Orras Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 14800-265-260. THE WITOY Hitoricai Society sa lookIng forea musoum curator. If Inlorastod appiy to Whitby Historical Society, Box 281, Whitby, Ont. LI N 581. NEED EXTRA MON EY?j BECOME A CARRIER! Heres an opporunIly to oarn monay for those thIngs youve almsys mant- ed. A nem bike, ciothes, -sports equipment, stereo sol, or the lhouaands of othar needa you may de. sire. JusI a phone cai iii bring vou ail tha Information. Check Il ou CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS CALL 668-6111l TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be 14t each additionai word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occup»ed adtoalwr.sucb replies. We will not be responsible for box numI. er by the en-or up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, diina od replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Prçss reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject alI advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43$ per lne. (No word adsalalowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 M9

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