Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 24

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PAGE 24. WEDNESDAY. FEBRU ARY 5.I1986 WHTTBY FREE PRESS FREE* PRESS EM P.O.RIUM Emporium Ads wlli only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. MINK FUJR COAT pastel beige, FOR SALE cube dlat brick, ilght site 9, excellent condition, cator, $40. SwiSu f coepiace alung $700. Phono8661k2213, scroon, 38"M" plus Andirons, eveninge. $45. SwiSti fliiplaca toot set. 320. Se/Su fireptaco moodbotdor, $15. ANTIQUEhutch icirca 1880) iInht Phone68.3041 alter 5p.m. fi nish- top h aa ý4a h alv as bah1'nd 2 orgInal gloas doors (ia, pista dIspiay>, botom bas 2 enciosad shaives, vsry Meis place, sp- praissd $2,000, saiiing $1,400. Also esapie and wanut secrelary et' iBO's, 3675, Phone 571- 330. ELECTRIC momar, $75. Phone 668.2155. WOODBURNING tornece, Sttref re 201, ataches la eeing forced aIrfumoco, hats 2,500 q. fi., nover uaed, $750. Phono 655- 4Ï82 aller ô p.M. PRINCESS canopy bodroom suite, white wluh goid trirn, ln- cludes b.d wilh csnopy trame, chesi of drawors, drsser anld mirror and nloe-tablo. Also box eprlng and mtiroes, malching canopy caver, spread, ahomn and cuflans, &asob.d linons, $700. AitIl 1k. new. CatI 43340M3. INGUIS 30" whie gai tova. 3150. Gotd Kenesoro dlohmasher, 9 yearu aId, motor and pump 1 lot yoars aId, 3175. 0Whte change table, 3$0. Rsi cotoured couch and chair, $150. Phonoe668"283. NEW arborte vanlt counter, 10' foot, white, M2. White arborîle counter mih boîlttIn tone top (4 otemonlal, 385. Whie enarnel taondry lob In orange arborîle counter, SU. Orange shag cor- pet,, 6x12 and onderpad, $85. Grson nylon carpet, 12x16 mllh ondarpod; $95. Ooantity ambor coinred decorator glass, $10. Phono 66&.7404. FOR SALE one bush cord of sason hardwood Spli, lso qoontiiy of lcndiing, $160. One parjur esiave $150. Wood holder. S5& Phono 6684032. POOL HE ATER hast sot' alto pool, value $1000, now for $400, naturaI gas or propane. Cati 723- 1644 or 725W602. 1»31 SUPRA, $14.000. IBM. PC. VR. cotor montor, 128K< DOS 2.1 basic, $1,750. 1984 Vamaha Virago 1000, 33,550. Aittmini. Huo comic colection, $6,000. Phonoe68-9740. REFRIDGERATOR AdmIra!, 15 ou. fi., encollent condition, $300. iROBSO computer, nom 64K<, ox- panded basic, color computer. prînter and cassat.e tape ployer for programa, $335. Computer and software onit' $175. Piano, 00W soie WIlliam, 1606, Oshawa bull, reconditloned, $1.600. Phonoe60.6001. GIRLS 2111 biko, Raieigh, bloe. transit, $55, good condition. Colt 666.3274 ater 6 p.m. POOL TABLE mih occessories, excellent condition, SM0. Phono 579M373. MOVINO, MUST SELL Dinino room susie mth 6 chairs. 2 t'eae nid, 3$M. Ladies 3 apeed bure, M5. Two pairs of Iodles rouler skates, alzo 4 and 7, M25eoch. Tmo ide tables. M20 ach. Round gloas table.,35. AMIFM radio wllh record ployer, $25. Cheot of dramors, 320. Phoneo 666.220. CANOLE STEREO mth radio and speakers, ln good condition. 360. Candia cassette ptoyer, 325. Maloup miîrrar, 325. Pair oi alza 6 Dominion ratier skates, $20, cornes In skating hag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or boul citer. Phono 664459. SIZE 12, Kastingor Golden K ski boots, nom, $150, neyer wom. Phone 666-lO2afler 6 p.m. SKIS à BOOTS ski tongth 170 cmn, boot alto 10, $75. Mopie ktchen soi, four chairs, 3145. Dunc&n Fyfe, excettent condition, $125. Sewing machine, 335.663638l. FUR JACKETS: nearit' nom, short droset' China Minh, dartu brown, alto 14, $195. Gorgeous fiamne Muskrai, blacku mink trim, site 12, $35. Grey persian lamb, oeds tlm, site 12, 395. Bioctu loather iodles coot, ful Iined with rsi for, site 16, 340. New, 011 mool iodles cosi, ciaselo atyle, mauve, petite 10/12, $25. Mens ail moal McGrogor carcoal,Iliko new, site 38, $25. Older standard typewriter, $25. Hirdryer, new, $7.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hrand hetd ahamer massage, 310. Phono 668-7404. -PLEASE READ- When thre advertised item la sold, dlspoaed of, or unavallable for wmtaever reason, the item mli be deemed 10 have been aold and a commission wlll be charged based on THE AIlVERTISEI) PHICE as llustrated belom, regardiess if price Is slated mitir best offer". If the item la NOT' SOLD. or disposed of, the ad iii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 wilt apply payable in advance of publication of the firbt ad. The above minimum charge ilii be applied to the final comminsion due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- tisements must be paced on an excluslve basis wlth the WH ITBY FREE PRESS and rue at leant one month If flot sold. RATES t(If article t. sotd 1: 5% of adverttsed price u o 100.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sotd Ies advcrtiseid for$150,00. Coemission due 17.50<t minimumscharge le 37.501 Prtvst.e advertlsing onty! PIese notify tihe Whtby Free PresImmedistett' when item la sotd su thut me msy detete it from tihe foliowing issue. Att ado 001 fltting tire Emporium guldeltoas miti ha treated and charged par mach as regular clsssified &a onua pre-paid boula such as: services, help wanted, ctihing. reat estate, and personat messge type ado, or ado flot qsottng price or qoantlty. Private casosified ado mat' appear in tire Emporium section under appropriate headtngs7 ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWtSE SPECIFIED. MAIL AISTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bax 206 Whigby, LIN 585 tf ln doubt colt: 668-6111 OR IIELIVER T(i: 131 Brock St. N. Whttby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 18 TUE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. c 'Soit", ARTICLES h., ARTICLE AF RSALEFOR SALE SKATES. boyositle 3, Wayne GIRL'S Insulted skates, fiee, KIRBY VACUUM compteeta- Greioky model, $15. Boys site 5 30 6 o,30 obebd ahel,35.Poe68 nec Bauer, 32. Hockey Equip 203" e,$.Dul e, tcmns$M Phe8& mont, ohouider padte, pnt ad nom mattros, steel trame and 2155. otho oqupman. fts 611 teu- headboard, $40. SeeIng machine, _____________ othe equpmet, fte -11 ear 2 yoaru aid, 3100. Menu biko, $25. boys, $2. Ski boots, monos Tea garbile euth cage and foot, USN L Rckor 5 buckia boots, lto 96, $10. Castie Grayokuil and severel w ~ O S $35. Ladies tacs boot, le 7,3$10. mon tnctuded, $20. Hot Whoet G Electricat panels, 8 fuse panel, Ct,$0 upyDmyto $12. Tma 30 amp panels, 95 oactr Cth0 upt upt o and 60 amp disconnoci, $10. Cati box, $15. GoBaI command con- L.SHAPEO aofa for suie, 5 years 576766. .tre, 312. Coul 4274M7. otd, vert' goad condition, asking ANTIQUE deek, pins top, reinished, $250. Price negotiabto. Cali 7251435. FORMAL WALTZ longth dreos, dusty rose color, peari neckine, piated InsertI n tront of shirt and Georgette cape on tha bock, hai Io match, onit' om once, patd $260, Miii accept 31150. Formol full iength dros, Robifl-ogg blue color, b«edd front and fuit lengih Georgete seevos, only moro once, asking 375 or hast of- fer. Phono 576-1056. FOR SALE boys moulded Lange skates, sita 10, excellent con- dition, 320. Sindy houe@ and for. niture, $40. Fisher Price tapa recorder, $30. Moea dog noue, $25. Nem rabbit cage, mater bot- lie and ouidoor.pen, $50. JFM girls 10 spaad bike, $5W. Phone 723 0768. FOR SALE ire creen and aisc- tria legs, 3$0. Siap end table, $5. Phono 668.4032. BEAUTIFUL blue fox ladies jockoi (Saga-Fur), nem, site 14, $280 or boat offer. Liko nom, iight blua, 2 pae ski soit, site 14,J75. 427B.666 FOR SALE rouler' Mklles, boys site 6Bh, $25. Ooeon sita bod, $25. Dask, $35. Phone668-1680. SNOWBLOWER,, Toro 12" aise. tiet, aucelient condition, $125. Phono 6554110, alttor 6 p. FOR SALE antique dinfing room suite, In shomroam condition, 8 places, opproxImateit' 60 yesrs otd, table Mhon exionded soots 10 people comforiobly, price $1.650 or besi offer. 666-2461. $260. Phon0oe6681485." SPEHO GUEIN heovy doty mosher and dryor, 4 yeors oid, goad appeorsoce and morking ordor. $450 for *tha pair. 427-4244 or 427.2554. DINING TABLE, soiid pife, doubla pedest, 62M0', ou- collent condition and 8 pine siraight bock chairs,.360. Phono 655366M, otter 5 p. WASHERISPINNER, SImplIciiy, aparmant site, looks and rune lika nom, 390. Phona 6554989. 1970 WOODS hardtop traiter, os JEEP RENAGADE 1985, excellent lao, Ic80.a oo igh , ras c16 ondition, ruai, tint, hiich, tilt, fotod er bot and umaa.r16 bod-top, S spood, 6 cylindor, phb., foot0cear bout668-2702 tor, .,intrlsummer package, 31,50, sis. 68.202.8,000 km, $13,5W0. Phone 655. 4682 alter 6 p.m. TRAPAULIN cover for o Matdâ long boo trucki, nom lsot $163, miii oi for $100 or boast ffer. Phono Water 681337 eveningu or 663. 2366 deys. AUDIO VOX/Chrysier, oteciranlo In dlash, AMIFM mpm osterso cassette miih dock, digital read oui. 12 preseis, seeu, ocen, dolby, auto reverse, matai copabilliy. Fils M aite model Chrystor producto, 3300. Motaroto AMIFM siarsa cassette, posh bution luntng, auto r evese univere ftii, 125. Four Cirrystor retît' mheota mur centres, time rings, log nuis, io fit aIll"K' cars, 14'"x6'" 320. Four B.F. Gaodrich Euro redial T.A. tire@, alto 205170H1tR4, 11,000 mitas weuh marranty, 14W0. Edaibrocti MP2P alumInurs Intako manifold, weuh Instaltation kI, lo fit aoaibtock Chovy, Brand nom unit (Il bb>, SM0. Sei of poiiehod, finnad atumInumn rocker cavoro to fit 302 Ford angine, $100. Soi of factory stainlse esteel, tube headere io fit tale modal 302 Ford ongines, brand nom, 325. Phonoe06.3266. FIVE 0000 VIAR Wrongter radial &Il terrain tires, alto P166175R15, onit' 2,000 miles, $450. Four Dodge (Mitaibushil Rallye mheeto, site 14"a6", fit Colts Sapporo, Chatlenger, Arrom, 390. Phone 655-3266. SNOWTIRES Michelin No. P22515, on overuite Boick rime, Ilko nem, 330. Phono 655-4882 aller 6 p.m. 1M8 CHRYSLER p.s., p.b., 2 door, 66,000miles, 34,250. Phono 668-7203. 1070 CI4EV Monte, V6 automotil, 2 doar hatchbaclr, p.s., p.b., AMIFM cassette starso, 70,000 mîtes anit', ha& nom lires, exceltent condition, $2,100. Cati 666-4OgOahorSp. 1977 0000E Aspen S.W., radio, good tires, as le, $45 or boastof- fer. Phono 683-3W25 afior 5 p.m. 1077 0000E 44 ton club cab, 318 cu. ln., 4 speed stick, ps., p.b., $1.495. Cai81-2M3, aher 5 p.m. 1970 CHRYBLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air conditioning, SM0 or boat ottor. Cati 6M5.317.. 1073 DUSTER, S40, as te or boat offer. PhoneoO60.538, 1074 CMIV IMPALA, p.@., p.b., 350 automaila, Blauptonki stersa, end equaliter, good condition, cortifted $M5. Phone 60U817. 1086 UICK Siryierk, 350 4 bri, auto, ps., p.b., now mrkos, ttreo and mors, good condition, 350. 1970 Camrera RAB, 350 4 brd, auto. metattit black, ps., p.b., com- pioteiy rasiored Ineide and oui, excellent condition, headers, duel exhoust, many more extrait, $3,600 certilted. 1661 Cheveto, 4 doar, 4 speod, 55,000 mles, maman, excellent. condition, $3,500 certitiod. Cail VInc 6866- 3602, anylime. Give UINICEF gifts and !i. cards' and help a child Contact: [oient Cainada L. 443 Mi. Reasant Rd. Toroto, Ont. MOS 2L8 O c4W NCEF Cana lo rSv i 0,26k8364 Ib'&C 1128002k6364) CON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Pressý Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: -are a private advertiser, ehave an article to seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more deta ils>. Your ad wilI run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsX. A minimum charge applies ta each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only thse minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on thse advertised price. Conm- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of thse balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111l and we'1l be pleased to expiain the Emporium Section to you personally. r have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have thei following advertisement placed under thîs section of the Whtby Free Press.I t dont forget to include your phone number . i 1 enclose $7.50 to caver the minimum charge. Charge $7.50(o my Visa account. <'ard No. Name Ipensecprintt Addrcst Cty Fnp. IDate- Poaw Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St.,N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three montlss. Commissions shown 'include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Adi ertised Price Up to $ 150 $ 200 $300 $ 400 i $ 500 $ 600 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable 815.00 820.00 $22.00 824.00 $26.00 828.00 830.00 832.00 $52.00 $72.00 $92.00 $100.00

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