Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAYFEBRUARY 5,1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS New chamber president to promote membership and growth The -prime objective of the newly lnstalled Whitby Chamber of Commerce president in 1986 will be ta try and boost membership up over the 200 mark and to carry on the cbamber's work as a "positive volce to promote growth in Whitby." Addresslng 'the inaugural meeting of the chamber last Wed- nesday afternoon, Jlm Souch said that, wth it's current membership rldlng around 150, the chamber could expand to well over 200 mem- bers and he wlll be ac- tlvely pursulng that goal. ,Mr. Souch, ownerý of Maýrigold Lincoln Mer- cury and a past president of the'Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, sald he had the im- pression that people were feeling positive about Whltby wbich is a good indicator of its potential for Industrial and commercial growth and b e noted that afready in 1986 two new industries have announ- ced their plans ta move ta Whitby. lgh on the llst of Mr' Souc's priorities la the downtown core and he promlsed ta get in- volve4 with efforts ta make downtown Witby an attractive and vital business community. "We'vegot taget busy and spruce up the main street ta, make it a dif- ferent kind of place ta shop. It sbould be a place where it's fun ta go from specialty store ta speclalty store," said Mr. Soucb. The Whitby barbour is a real asset to the corn- munity, according to the new president, and more should be done ta attract boaters down- town. He said Witby has one of the finest recreational harbours on eitber shore 'of Lake Ontario and suggested pleasure boaters tend ta be a group wltb lots of money to spend. Turning ta the national economnic scene, Mr. Souch said he believes that free trade with the Unted States is inevitâble and even suggested that free trade could be a first step toward- world peace. Citlng. the Eurapean Comman Market as bis example, Mr. Souch said "Iyou don't make war with your trading partner." Canada's share in world markets wlll con- tinue ta decline unlesa the Mulroney gaver- mnent takes effective steps ta reduce the deficit andceut spending, according ta Mr. Souch and he predicted that the next federal budget will feature bigber taxes, a minimum In- carne tax and otber stringent measures aimed at bolstering the ecanomy. IIWe bave ta get the, national debt down. It's kiling tbe Canadian ecanomy, 'be said. Mr. Souch looked for- ward ta a good year for the Wbltby Chamber of Commerce, one with a full slate of wartbwbile and stimulating events sucb as the joint meeting af tbe chamber and tbe Junior Chamber of Commerce Monday nlght at wblch Ontario Ministry of Transpor- tation and comn- munications Minister Edward Fulton was tbe guest speaker. The cbamber's 1986 executive, which was sworn at last week's meeting, will be Don Frise, past president, Mr. Sourch, president, Crystal Glaspel, lst vice-president, Bob Richardson, 2nd vice- president, Deb Fllip, secretary, John Patte, treasurer and Brian Winter remains as the chamber's office secretary Four new businesses were also accepted for membersbip. They are: E.D.S. of Canada Ltd.; Tri-Circle Service Ltd.; Barry Splcbuk Management and Mit- cheil and Mitchell In- surance Agencies Ltd. Heart foundation needs 200 more volunteers to make drive a success Heart and Strake Montb didn't get off ta the' best of starts in Witby this week, ac- cording ta campaign chairman Jim Gar- tshore. The montb long cam- paign, wbicb kicked off With a special, flag raising ceremany Friday at the Town Hall, is running about 200 volunteers short of the 500 organizers feel they need ta crack the $31,000. mark establisbed in last year's campaign. "We've got about 300 valunteers 50 far and that's just not enough. We could use at least another 150, especially in the newer areas of Î2 THIS AD WILL SELF-DESTRUCT SAT., FEB. 8TH SPECIAL AND PRICED Fresh from the INCLUSIVE! FOR A SF:LLOUT! Sklar-PEPPIEr From the January Furniture Show Merchandising Furniture Waréhouse un Oum.. qeq. price'328 Reg. Price '398 2 PIECE SOFA & CHAIR ln a qLjality cover. Compare at'l.299, Sale Price '218 Sale Price '243' Sale Price,899 ' SEE THE NEW FA BRICS FROM TORONTO FURNITURE SHO W! - W?,.;eqe-t Brentwood Vogel 2-PIECE -1ý WING CHAIR 3-POSITION SECTIONAL factory select covers ýsmall size? Aiso Available ONLY4LEFTI RECLINER Compare at'699 2 PC BED SECTIONAL Compare at '499 '299 Starting at'21 8 from '2 9 9 (sma Il size) 1599 PICOVISFURA11TURESA VES YOUMONEY! PICOV'S FURNITURE American Express Certificates Honoured 1735 BAYLY ST. Here A ;l i.)LIIII FREE LAYAWAY UNIT 15, PICKERING, 831-6040 BUDGET TFRIVIS AVAILABLE town," said Mr. Gar- tshore who took over as" campaign cbairman. only a few weeks ago wben KarI Fila had ta stand down due. ta busin 'ess obligations. Mr. Gartsbore said they need more volun- teers tbrougbout Wbltby but tbey, bave par- ticularly poor represen- tation in the areasouth of Rossland Road and east of Garden Street. "Obviously we're hoping ta. imprave last .year's dollar volume but it isn't gaing ta be easy unless we get more volunteers. If more people dan t came out i Jst means tbat everybody else is going ta have ta work. tbat mucb barder," said Mr. Gartsbare, Narmally, canvassers waul be asked ta visit about 20 bomes In their neigbboùrbood over the course of the montb but with their numbers 50 significantly reduced, tbe 300 volunteers will now bave ta try ta do the >work of 5W0, explained the cbairman.- i, Organizers are now busy contacting.anyonef they know ini thoseè parts of town wbere 'th representation' Is down but Mr. Gartabare said It basn't been easy ta recruit new volunteers because so many of the people li the new sub- divisions are new ta .i Wbitby and aren't known by tbe organizers. "I1t's tougb toi get a7 campaigai golng in a town lke-Wbitby tbat's growng s fat," said ~ Wbether the -local brandi of tbe Heart and1 Stroke Foundaton is able ta round upý more volunteers or flot, Mir Gartahore said volun- teers will be dolng their best ta try and get ta every door in town before the canipalgn's conclusion Matcb 1. And wben they're there, be *ý said tbey'll be asking people to"dig deepand con tribute as much as they can possibly af- fard."!- Appraximately 78 percent of ail money raised by the campaign goes dfrectly Into hèart research, accordlng ta Mr. Gartahore. The remainder of the funds are used ta caver tbe costs of the campaign and the foundation's Oshawa office., Anyone interested in canvassing can caîl Mr, Gartshore at 668-2315 during business bours or 668-3229 in the eveninga. "Being a volunteer is a great oppartunity for anyone wbo's interested in the cammunity and for, anyone wbo's in- terested in heart researcb tbis is a chan- ce ta get invalved," said Mr. Gartshore.

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