WHITBY *FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. IANUARY 29',1986 PAGE 19 oev&, Bride's countdown to the special day <His and Hers IN THE PAST, selectlng lust the'right wedding rings was a dif. ficuit task. Couples wanted matching rings, but styles,at the time, were either too masculine or (usually) too feminine to be the per- fect selection of both. Today the probiem has been soived by the Introduction of the Compiementary Style Dlamond Wedding Ring Collection - which satIsfied both the bride and groom, aiiowing each partner to select a ring dIstinctly styled to suit the femininity and masculinity desired. Highlightlng the diamond wedding ring sets la Utopie from Keepsake. The brides version features three rows of brilliant dlamonds and polished gold. For the groom, a single dazzllng row of diamonda ls bordered ln a f ineiy lextured and pollshed goid. ON TIIAT 3SPfCIAL DAY_ HE MOSTTALKE BU SALON IN ouRA THE! SHOP WHICH 1s OECORATED IN A 120'S MOTIF ON HONOUA 0F THE LATE AOMANTIC IDOL RUDOLPH VALENTINO OWNED AND OPERATED BY VASILE FORMERLY 0F CRESENDO ARTISTIC DESIGN TEAM GEORGIO FORMERLY OF VIDAL SASSOON 210RO:e .S WHI.TBY* Tho months prior to: Address wedding invitations. Choose gifts for your attendants. Buy a wedding ring and order en- graving. Make a date with your fiance to Choosing Iuggoge and packing it First, consider your needs. For short honeymoons, a garment bag and carryon may be enough, but if you'll be gone for a week or two, an addi- tional suitcase will be needed. The type of luggage you choose will either be hard or soft. Hard luggage is very durable yet heavier. SoA lug- gage will be made of nylon or vinyl and is probably less expensive and lighter. Quality varies so buy froni a well-known manufacturer. Be sure to try out the piece before making a decision. Sec if it fits you and think about whether or not you want padded handles, whcels or shoulder straps for comfort and con- venience. Once you get the new purchase home. don't put off packing until the day before the wedding. You'ilIhave enough to think about as it is. Put shoes and heavier items ai the bottom of the suitcase near the hinge. Wrap shoes in plastic to kcep clothes dlean and stuff with socks or under- wear to save space. Bring travel-size toiletries and put thcm in your carryon bag along wih valuables. medications and jewelry for easy acccss. Plack Mils and tics around the edges of the suitcase. List but not ieast, a nanie and ad- dress tag is crucial in case of acciden-. taI separation. ~Ž~$~begns at J,'We have awide range of TUXEDO RENTALS -, Vieil aur Bridai Departmont whore you'ii flnd formai wsar for th. whois W.dding Party: bridai gowns, hoad places, bridai hèlea. Saven giflera. We also have a complete lino of wedding invitations for your special day. On ail 1986 weddings a 15% discount on your Invitations. ~VJï'Ke 1415 King St. E. 7801 Oshawa 780 1 get the marriage license. (Check state's laws to sec how many days a license is valid.) Plan recording and display of gifts. One month prior to: 'Iry différent hairstyles and choose the way you will wear it for the wedding. Take care of final fittings for the bridesmaids' dresses and your own. Make arrangements for the time and place of the rehearsal dinner. Help. out-of-town guests make reservations. Make sure that parking accommo- dations are adequate. Mail invitations. Plan a special luncheon or party for bridesinaids. ~Àkii Buy wedding gift for groom. Two weeks prior to: Keep track of gifts received by mail and write thank you notes. Send announcement to local paper. Assign seating for tables at reception. Process paperwork fbr naine change (if doing so). Attend to details of moving if you'l be living in a new home. One week prior to: Check in with caterer, florist and photographer to confirm plans. Confer with bridesmnaids about as- sistance on the wedding day. Go over your personal trousseau for anything that may be mnissing. ANDERSON FLOWER -SHOP la eager f0 contrîbute ta your Weddlng day by asslstlng you ln the selectlon of Fresh and Silk Flower Bouquets and arrangements to compliment your lndlvlduallty. We wlll design table arrangements from your sllk wedding bouquets O discount If booked 10 % before March 1lst 728 ANDERSON ST., WH ITBY 666-9509 Do Your Wedding in Class! N à - IV&