W1ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1986 PAGE 13 TO THE WHITDBY CLINIC ONK THEIR GRAND OPENINO '- . "FREE DELl VERY" WHITBY CLINIC PHARMACY 66-3328 MEDICAL LABORATOHIES INC. 666-39«18 X-RAY AND ULTRAà SOUND This one stop medical centre in Whitby provides local residents with ail their medical. needs in one building. The clinic contains 8 family physicians, a pharmacy, radiol- ogy department and Bestview laboratories. it also has an allergist and an intern-car- diologist with plans to bring in more speciaiists in the near future. The clinic cur- rentily serves over 151,000 patients and is a most wei come addition to Whitby's rapidiy growing populace. Mayor Bob Attersley wiii be on hand Friday, January 31, 1986 for the officiai Grand Opening ribbon cutting ceremony. . ej4Aeeý4« -ss,ýe6 *