Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26,WEDNESDAY,.JANUARY 22. 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS E COLOURS Discover the colours &shades that comn- pliment your akin tone & enhance your beat features. Only $30 pr consultation PAINTING à DECORATINO profassianal bondad workman- siip, rasidentlsi and commandail, fr66 esiimaias. Cai 839-4277 or 668.712. W ae cane of *Eldrly FoksIn ounl *Pkerng Countryl *Hoe. Lodging,I meals, iaundry, etc. al Pried pleasant homeiy .1lace to be. 655.896"6. -LKART ýEWL ES 0N S SCOIJNTRY LANEIf FOLK ART Decorate charmilnga wooden and tUn opleces wth St raditional CountryU designs. Beginners a3 and advance classes [ madspecial prolect nsemIriars. Cali HJerryann at 655-4850* SNo speclal talent [ J'GRAMMER for panpaemita hale grammar >5li te ideaspochaI rfrance bookt for business people. $3.95 per copy and avaliabte ai Dclson Pneing& 0f fice Supplies l tae Aan Paza. Dealer anquiries invilari 63.1968 OId GoId Bought & Sold 1OK-$4pergram 14K<-$5 per gram 18K -$6 peirgramn rAso Diamonda Durham GoîdsmîthIng 666-4612 AUSTRALIAN Terrier. 6 montits. femal, C.KC. regislrd, tatooed, $35. tud Service. Phase 6554138. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA A$I FI[IL) ARTICLES FOR.SALE TOP RATED RCA vidan cassette recorder, lashed $444, no money down, 6 moths inlerest fres. comcorders slashed, ait cameras 40 t0 50% off. crazy Kellys, 350 Wentworit Street East, Oshtawa, 571.1412. GEOTYPE preson letering n0w n stock et DIckson PrIntIng & 0f. fice Supplies In the Alax Shop. ping Plaza. Large seleclion of styles and sizas. Why pay more for a amaler aiteel ot ieterIng? 683.1968. CHESTERFlELD suites, taveseats, sectionals, ees titan th price. Large slection. McKeen Fumture, 524 Stmcoe S.. Oshawa. 7255161. SENSATIONAL steren system Maranîz high output receiver, osemt auto tumiable, Dolby cassette dock, 2 huge 3way speakers, $38, iess than $6 weekiy. crazy Kllyas, 350 Wen. tworth StreetEsst, Oshawa, 571. 1412. "HEROES of tha Bible" colourIng book avalable ai DIckson Prin. tIng & Office Suppies, Alan Plaza, 6831968. Dealer inquries invted. MATTRESSES and bon springs ai haitprInce. MoKeen FurnIlure, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. WOW 26" XL00 ramote control console, lashod f0 $599 W', non money down, 1 itoar daivery. Crazy Kalpa, 350 Wentworth Street East, Oshtawa, 5711412. VISIT our usad furniture marehouse by appoinîmant. Big savinga on dasks, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cal Dickson Prin- ting & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoinîment 10 view. 683. SENSATIONAL 20" RCA color TV. smash, fabulous remole con- fro1 20" XL100, $399 Wl', vo money down,.your old TV. moaes a down payment, es than $5 weekly. crazy fely's, 350 Won- tmorth Street East, Oshrawa, 571. 1412. VI DEC DISCS for ren, Sak TV., 389 King Street West, Oshawa. 72556M3. MCKEE gas bar fonlase. High- way 7 and 12, Brooklin. 65-3316. asit fon Dave McKee. TYPEWRITER rentai, marly makas and madeis, by te waakand, weak or mantit. Discounts avalabie. Dicitoon Pinting & Office Supplies lnte Alan Plaza. Caii us tan business machina repeins 683-1968. SINGLE PARENT wit ana chitid laoking for baseément apartmant, working fulltime. neadad for Mari 1, 1966 peferabty Alan, Whitby areas 683-U878, befor 430 pm (ARMENTS/ FREE. Dop m ite Dicksan MOUD S FR RENTI PrIning asd Office Suppiy store ( n tae Alan Plaza and pick uri a BACHELOR or 1 badroam epar free copy aofte 1986 Mtric Imnesu, prîvala home, nonsmaken. Caendar. Prinlad ln lwn celaurs. abstaînar, Wiitby, near transpor Il makas fanritsndy refranca. tailion, an bed sitting romr and 683196. kilcites privieges. 8666-3516. 4D~ R rAUTOMOBILES ýFTO:R"SAM 1980 PONTIAC Parisienne- wagon, A-1 condition, Iadad, Bm N ASATSI NEIR 55,000 miles, carifiad, $5,995. tBE ASATSI NEIR Phase 68-3398. Requîmes IINTERIOR DESIGNERIDECORATOR 1977 OLDS ail power, body sndI engins goad, saîaîy, $1,5o. Successfui applicant should have formai training Pitone6W83.e8. ni nterlor design and experience ln sales of fur- Pa/PICIPCTIOl ~ nlshlnen elrannrles. walnDaermandri zsoienis. TIRES FOR SALE. Two steel belted radiais, P22575R15. Two Gond Ysear now radiais and rima, GR75 Phoe 688-34 I ONLY $400 PER ACRE prime crop produclng agricultural Iand. 96 acres wth over 12 mile frontage on Hlghway 33. Picton areS. Excellent investment.I 839-2803 (Toronto) or 831-2162 CHrILO CARE available by ISTORAGE SPACE I responsibie mother, n my home, Location: Accon. off Hwy. 7, fu or partI lime, Suros and Bi jutnorth of Ajax. Fiee acres rea. 666-9966. ofparking, encllant for truckts, campers, heaay BABYSITTINO avalable fali or machinery. Aio ndoor part ime, my home, Kathleen storage avalable. Fenced ln Rowe Sohool area, other properly mith locked gales, chldren. Phone 682938. 24 hr. daiiy accons. $150 an. nualiy. cail 665496. FOR SALEOR RENT WORiSIOP - 24 fi. a 368I pies office space, excellent for upholatery. woodmorking, furnilare refinahing, crafla i shop, art and munic studio. $400 monthly rent or $191,000 sale Erice. Localed on Hwy. 7, lest north of Alan. cail>es5. NOiUSEi) FOcRi AJAX 3 bedroom, l½ bathroomn house for ranI, $750 pies irs> and tast, avalable February 1, references. 6664127. Charlte is jumping fsr joy snce ___________he feund sut about the service lit Dicksos Printing & Office F- 1-1 1- Supplies in the Aax Plaza. ll;ORRE TENT1 WI4ITBY OFFICE SPACE for rnv on proessionailionr. Wouid be sulabla for iawyar, accaustant, etc. RanI inciedes ai> utlitias and la nagoiabie fan an appropriala tenant. For turten inlarmatlon cati 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 Friday. MALRESECRETS *REVEALEDI MPet dollars ln your mailboo. *Weiishow youitowriFREE* *dalails.ShtoitAssoCial8sM p..Ban 415,Sation A, Toronto, MSW 1C7. CONGRATULATIONS an yoer tortitcaming maniage. Pieasa viaw aen samples af engnaved wadding Invitations aI yoer isune In our Alax Piaza store. Dicksan Pinting & Office Suri. puies, 6831968. CA IUS l.A 8316 NEFO To KNOW SoMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW GOMMUNI1Y? Cuti Phono 668-8943 Onr hostess wil» bîîng gIls and greotingn, aiong wth heipîni communit information. BABYSTTER naodad ln my home agos 10, 5 and 4 monihs, 5 deys a weait, PrIngla creait ares. Cal 686-2082. ARE YOU LOOKINO for ajobor a lob worth worklng for? Dont fight III Leers haw 10 use the computer and be a stop ahead ln taelob marit. Ws ofar lob placement and lînancial assistance for thasa unempioyed or l0w booms. 427-3010. CAREERS IN TRUCIINO. Driver lob fraining and placement itnip sa avaliabia. Cai Rodgers Schnnt at (4161769-3546. SUPPLY tochers, conit, EcE. assistants, and ECE. toacitars required for day care centar ln Whilby. 6886200. MATURE. rliable babysittar ln my itome part-uirne, 3 days par weoit, startiog February 24, for 3 monlt oid. muet hava tferences, Ottr reakaorea. 6688064. BABYSITTER required for 10W yaar nid boy, weakdays 6:15 s.m. ballorsasciton and aller ac honi untii 5:45 p.m. ln Ottaîcreoit area If possible. 6680W49. TAX PREPARERS requirnd iocaiiy for tan season, anperianca praterrad. Fer dealii cail colaect 1-8271455, Tas Time Services Lld. THE WEEOMAN. Four sales positions uvaliable sterling Fabruury 10. Oe are iooking for aggressive people. esperience not necessely, must have gond driviog record. earn belmeeno $250 and $300 par wen hontiy rate plus cnmmissionv.Phtone belmeen 9 a.m. an'd 5 p.m. for In- terview, 576-9333. WE RECUIRE a people orianlad persan mito anînys working ln an active aovlronmant. If you Inva fasiin and ara preparad 10 work soma evenings and Saturdays, we beiieva we affal a challenging and rewarding oppanlunity. Ap- pications avaltabie ai aur store, 406 Dundas Street West, Whlby, Elaves Josepht Fashians. UNDERCOVERWEAR Innovaînrs oI day, nigit, avaring wear par- lias raquIres managers and agen- ts ta open tae Whtby ares and training pranldad. For appoin. tmant piessa oeil 668.4740. FART OR FULL.TIME W. Rawiaigit Company la axpanding alh a great naw salas pies best n tae direct salas industy. Cane about your future..1 do. Conact Terry Anmsrong, caii coliecl 519- 627-1337. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran. spart drivers naaded. Naw ls the lima 10 train for yaur Ciass A icanse. For pra.scraanng Inter- viam and lob pacement Infor. malion, contact Merv Omrs Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265.260. MATURE, reiiabia persan required 10 cane fer 4 month nId baby ln my home, eeekdays, 7:30 s.m. to 5 p.m., GardanlManning area, nionsamokar praennred. Phase 68-9446, aller?7 p.m. CU 'N NDRY requies anpanien. ced hairsiyist. Phtonse68.0891. CALL 668-61 Il TO7 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD THE FRAMINO CENTRE 668-4521 PHOTOCOPYING *..at Iow, 10w rates ... ... while you wait ... We're open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PublishlnglWhitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whltby Ojust forth of the four corners> WORK WONDERS WANT ABS CALL U8-61 11 t ransportation required. Apply In writlng with at- tached resumne to: 129 KIng Street East Bowmanellle, Ont. L C 1iN6. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., JAN. 24 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brtaîn or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lndsay Little BrItaîn Rd. The property of MRS. RUTH DOWSON of Little' Britain, (gIvlng Up houaekeeplng due to 111 health), plus other corn- signments. 6 matchlng pressback chairs, presaback rockers, pins chest of drawers, Hoover spin washer (used 6 times), bed chester- filelds, parlour tables, an. tique dressera, chrome kitchen suite, round pedestal dlnling table, 4 matching pressback chairs (refinished), por- table and console colour T.V.s, modemn dressers, 6 h.p. snowblower, large quantlty of nlck-nacks, china and glass, amal electrical appliances, bedding, liens, tools. Next sale Frlday, Feb. 14 aI 6 p.m. Details week of sale. For consignments or sale Information con- tact DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., JAN. 25 10:00 AM. At Orval MoLean Aucti on Center, Lindsay. Quaiity contents fromn HAZEL JEWELL PIMBLETr, Cannington and DR. SCHWARTZ, Lndsay. Some antiques, antique china, glass, coilec- tibles, piano, 9 pc. walnut dinlng roorn suite, wainut tables and furniture, good chester- fields, many books, oriental pattern rug, full set 1929 encyclopedia, Royal Doulton figurines, antique colectors, plates, vases, Norman Rockwell book on 50 collector plates. A good sale. Open 9 a.m. To list you r sale ealu ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB. 1 Numerous antiques and collectibles, plus varlety of househoîd Items. Preview 9 a.m., Auction il ar.Refreshments. 168 KING3 ST. W. OSHAWA 7284194 LOCAL AUICTION ino now taking consignmants, essaies and cotteclibie Items for January Sale. Ouality marchandise aniy. For mara information pessa cail 72868194 or963.935. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If biiled- $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarchng loss or damage llalfo alr opublish an ad, or for typographie ailegeci to arise through (alure or delay in forwarding bee for fnpbiaioe t o softepa cuid BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words, 12e each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number byeerror pulcton baymnxituecost of the isaeouin edditon îwr. bterror upion aiu m cst f te irsne tion lwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additiofial word. l>EADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert .tna odtferhffeeesbone day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40t per line. (No word ads allowedîi. f0isroraneEmoumAs ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBEItS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 11

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