Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1986, p. 25

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JANU-ARY 22, 1986 PAGE 25 FREE PRESS6 E M PORIU M Emporium Ad@ will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. ARTICLES ARTICLE FOR SALE FOR SL IINK PUR COAT pestai beige, FOR SALE colis day bnlci, tIglit Ize 9, excellent condition, colos, $40. Sa/Sît tIrepiace ding $700. Phone 668-2213, aens, 38028M" plus Andirons, venInga. $45, Sa/Stl fifreplace tol set, $20. ____________________ SaiSit freptace woodhotdsr, $15. NTIOUE huld (cfrs 1860)11911t Phione 6U9041 &tier 5p.m. nilih, top lias 4 shalves behind 2 friginat gloa) doose (te. plate REFRIDGERATOR Admirai, 15 tepley), botcm lies 2 enctossd ce. fi., excellent condition, $300. homes. very nice place, eus- TRS8O computer, nea 64K<, en- ratsed $2,000, set tng $1.400. pandsd baic, coins computer- foc mepto and asinut secsstary prînter and cassetse <ae player surly 18008, $675. Phono 571- for progreme, $350. Computer LECTAIC mowes, $75. Plions B&2155. EW PARLOR stove, 41 nolis 9gh, large intertor chamber, iroma rafle and f sIm, aise some Ipes and accessosies. prie 325. Plions 655.486. SSORTED kitchan cabinets, ppsr, toasr, double sink and kpe, nsed work, package deat, 55. New arborila countar, white, 25. Whiteaerbosite counter ailli ufl-fn stove top (4 stemantsi, 55. White anamet ieundry tub ln rangs arbosite countar, $35. rangs sheg carpat, 9x12 and nderpad, $65. Green nylon car. et, 12x18 wtth cnderpsd, $95. usntity embas colorrid scosator glass, $10. Plions 66. $04. UFFET pins repso, dry amin tlt, 48' wtds, 33' higli, $350. lectnin typearites, $200. Royale sreiced ahil guarantes. 66-2243. NOWBLOER. 5 foot Mcf(ee 04sfl 320, for 3 point hi, ex- sua9nt condition, $795. Plions 554995. ENMORE portable dishashes, mae, 7 ysams otd, $100. Tlisss as space saea, $20. Ousen size ad, $75. Double lied, $100. Etec. ce grill, $5. Largo dog houe, 10. Spece huater, $15. Eight raer dresser, $15. Large hem. es cags wtth aliset and watas atts, $15. Cati 728-885. OOL HEATER hast eny size Doi, value '$1000, now for $400, tusat ges or propane. Cati 723- 344 or 725.8092. 183 SUPRA, $14,000. I.BM. P.C. R. color monitor, 128K DOS 2.1 salc. $1,750. 1984 Vamaha rage 1000, $3.550. Att minI. ugo comtc collection, $6.000. ona 866.9740. oew scaf s William, 1908, Oshawa butît, econdtfIoned. $1,800. Phons 699.601 GIRLS 21" bike. Raegh, blus transit, $55, good condition. Cuit 8666-3274 aller 6 p.m. POOL TABLE wit h eccessortes. excellent condition, $60. Plons 5793573. FOR SALE ireascrssn and lec- fric toge, $50. 14" back and white TV, $25. Tac table temps, $20 set, Stop end tabla, $5. Two tiowsr potes, $5 sacli. Plionse668"032. FOR SALE IBM Ssisctric, gond condition, muet be sean, $30. Cati 728-3183,9 arn, teS5 p.m. CANOLE STEREO with radio and speakers, ln 9004 condition, $60. Candis cassette pioer, $25. Maksup mirror, $25. Pair cf sica 6 Dominion roler skates, $20, comas ln skating bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or basf citer. Plions 668.6459. PINBALL machins, "Rock. makrs" (2 ways Io winf in vsry gcod condition. asking $495 detivened and set up In yocr home. Tom, 6689170. Far sala tac ladies 3spaed bikes, $40 sacli. Plons 6884032. FUR JACKETS: csariy osa, short drsssy China Mink, dark brown, size 14, $195. Gorgeous ilame Muskrat, back mink frim, site 12. $135. Grey persian tsmb, suede tlm, siza 12, $95. Blacki leather ladies coaf. futty ined aili seat fur, sire 16, $40. New, ait aoot ladies ceal, ctessic style. mauve, petite 10112, $25. Mns ait aoot McGregor carcoat,t lise new, size 38. $25. Older standard typeariter, $25. Hairdrysr. nsa, $750. Bundie buggy, $5. Hand heid shoasr massage. $10. Phone 8687404. -PLEASE READ- Wlien the advertised item is sotd, disposeci of. or unavailabte for whatever reason. the item witl be deemed to have been sold end a commission witt lie clarged baceot on THE AIWERTISEDI) f<(E as ittustraleot betow. regardtesa If priceste stateot with "best offer". If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposedo f. the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINtIM CHARGE 0f $750 wilt apply payable in advance 0f publication of te firsl ad. The above minimum charge will be apptied ta the final commission due. Maximum commission. $100.00. At adver- tisements mustlie ptaced cnesn exclusive basis wilh the WHITBY FREE PRESS and munat least ,one monîfi if sol sotot RATES t If article la sîdi: 5% af advertleed prIcesap te $40000 2% ai balance ever 8400,00 EXAMPI.E: Sld Item advertised fer 8150.00. Commission due 87.50 I minimum charge te 87.50) Privats adverlisiog onlyl Please ntify thns Whitby Free Press immsdiatly ahen item oa snld 50 thal we may delete il frm tse flloaing issue, Ail ados ol filling the Emporium guidelines wilIlie treated and cliarged per week as regular clasaifieot adsonosa pre-paid basis sudh as: services, help wanled, clothiofi, real estate, and personel message type ado, or ado nul quoting pries or quanlity PrivaIs ctassified ado may eppear in the Emporium section underuappropriate headiogo 1ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS OTI4ERWISE SPECIFIED, MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRES.S EMPORIUJM P.O. Bas 206 Whtby. LIN 5.11 If in doubl clli: 668-6111 OR I3ELI VER TO: 131 Braek St. N. Whitby. Ont, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKATES, boys suze 3, Wayne Gretaky modef, $15. Boys siza 5 ne aer, $25. Hockey Equtp. ment, shouldes pads. pente and othes aquipmsnt, flis 9-11 yees boys, $20. Ski boots, mns Retdher 5 buckie liof , siZa glili $35. Lades face boot, siza 7, $10. EtectIscai panels, 8 fusa pansl, $12. Twc 30 amp paesa, $5 sacli andf 60 amp di eronnent, $10. Cati 576-7897. ANTIQUE desk, pins top. set inishsd, $250. Pries negottubie. Calu 725-1435. FORMAL WALTZ tsngth cross, dusty rosa coin, peari nsckt n, pteated Insert in frodn o kir and Gergette cape on the badli, lis 10 match, onty wosn once, paid $2W0, hi accept $166. Formel fli tength draus, Rnbtn.egg blus colos, bsaded front. and fli tengili Georgett e sienas, onty wosn once, asking $75 or boat of- fer. Plions 5761059 FOR SALE boys mouldsd Lange skates, size 10, excsllent con- dition, $20. Sindy housa andt lur- niturs, $40. Fisher Pica tape recorder, $30. Motel dog cas., $25. New salibit cage,waer bol- fia and ouldoor pan, $W. JR girls 10 spsed bike. $50. Plions 723. 0768. FURORASAELE GfRL'S tnsulated skates. nea, $20. 39" bed. $30. Double bsd, neW matîress, sisal trams and lieadboard, $40. Sewtng machins, 2 yaars otd, $100. Man's bike, $25. Tao gerbIts ait h cage and folt, $10. Cashs Gayskutt and saverai men tnctudsd, $20. Hot Wliset City, $10. Humpty Dumpty f oy box. $15. 00801 command cen- I re, $12. Cali1 427-6887. FOR SALE Commodore 64, 1541 single disc drive with 33 dises, dise benk, joy stick, books on thes 64, $500. Plions 668-5651. BEAUTîFUL blue fox ladies (achat (SagaFur), new, izs 14, $280 or besi oller. Lika nea. ight blue, 2 place ski suit, size 14, $75. 427-8838. FOR SALE rottsr skates, boys size 81/. $25. Ousen size lied, $25. Desk, $35. Plions 6681680. $NOWBLOWER, Toro 12" ele- trie. excellent condition. $125 Plions 8554110. atss 6 p.m. SKIS à BOOTS ski tangîli 170 cm, bool size 10, $75. Mepis kitchsn set, bous chairs, $145. Duncan Pyls, excellent condition, $125. Sewing machins, $35. 8836638. ARTiICLES FOR SALE1 SIZE 12, KastInger Golden K ski boots, nea, $150, nevsr aorn. Plionse6664102 aller 6 p.m. KIRBY VACUUM complets et- tacliments, $250. Plionse668- 2155. 1970 WOODS liardtcp traiter, as 198 CHRYSLER P.s.,P.b.,2 sa, $1,800). Slsaps siglit, lias door,60000 mites. $4266. Phone stove, tca boa andtlurnace. 1668-7203. foot cedar boat and motos _____________ $1.500, estle. 868-2702. TRAPAULIN covas for e Mazda long box truck, new test $163, atît sai for $100 or basf oflar. Plions Walter 86661337 evsnIngs or 663- 2366 days. AUDIO VOXICisyleer, stectrontoc n dcsh, AMIFM mpts stere cassett e wth dlock, digital rsad ouf, 12 presets, saek, scsn, dolby, auto reverse, mataf cspabttify. Fls ait fate modal Chryster producîs, $30. Motorots AMIFM sterso cassette, push button tuning. auto reverse, universel fit, $125. Four Chryster retalis ets with centres. trtm rings. tug nuls, to fit ait 1'K' cars, Omnis,- Mini Vans etc., size 14"xo8, $200.Four B.F. GoodnIch Euro radial TA. ires, size 205t70HR14, 11,000 mites atth warrenty, $400, Edetbrock SP2P etuminum intake manifold, aithf Installation kif, te ftformait bock Cheoy, Brand new unit (4 bliu, $200. Set cf pottshed, finnsd atumInum rocker covers te fit 302 Ford engins, $100. Set of tectory staintese steel, tube headers f0 fil fate modal 302 Ford engines, brand osa, $275. Plions 655-3266. 1079 0MEV Monza, V-6 autometto, 2 door hstcfiback, ps., p.b., AMIFM cassette sierao, 70,000 mites onîy, hss new tiras, excellent condition. $2,100. Cati 6f690 atlas 5 p.m. 1979 CHEVETIE eutomsfic, an- caftent condition wttl 05w braes, mutiler systea., tires, etc. sterso FMcassetf e radin, snow tires, good sas mi sage, 72,000 mitas, witt certIfy, $1650. Caîf cf- fer 6 p.m. os weskend, 6661203. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air condîttont ng, $60 or boat cites. CatI 855-3170. 1976 NOVA as le, $166. Plhons 655.8001 or 668-2187. 1975 DUSTER, $400, as sa or basf citer. Phone 6685038. 1974 0MEV IMPALA, ps., p.b., 350 aufomeatic, Btauptunt sterso and equetîzer, good condition, certfi1ud $650. Phione 6682187. 1972 MONTE CARLO 1.88 hoed scoop, 350 2 bbt, sf00 wtIt Ict ode fao nea rotors and catipers, for retoration or parts, $400. 666- HOUSHOLD2145. Gou pm ylng 1969 eUtIC'K Skyiasfn 350 '4 lIn, t SHAPED sofa for sale, 5 years or auto,. ps., p.b.. nsva brakes, tises old , ery good condition, asking * a nd more, good condition, $500. 520 Phne6815i lin 1970 Camnero R.S, 350 4 bri, auto, $200 Phoe 6-148. c. 0 u 1 metatlIteblack, ps., pli., com. ____ ,.,,,a" ptetety restored inside and out, FOR SALE gotd tirdge and gas 1410 l de excellent condition, headers, stove, duel ovens, approx. 7 yaars los 'oe.f duel ectraust, many more astrest, otd. $400 irm. 68-k4036. yns ère bun. $3.800) certif ted. 1981 Cheette, 4 _________ ___w___he th5eetunsiaadi bln door, 4 speed, 65,000 mites, h. Cuefln09etyen.hm.. SPEED OUEEN heavy duty Ye Siadal ha. Ioeynpo> maroon. excellent condition, ciesus e. .06 oaci.Mener $3500 certif ted. Cati Vince 66 washer and dryer. 4 years otd, mmene &Il M tnîcna.e good appearance and worfing eyNslna ,,a... I 380, anyfima. order, $450 for the pair. 427-6244 pues.celle. sou s,. or 4272854. t.o te Mo.ops..îeeîee westind b , sdete :d ta BABY OiNt NO TABLE, sctid pine, ove 70.00 potentiel hnYen MN E S double pedestai, 92x36", ex. mut eamédey ie boh.t- caftent condition and 6 pins YNES4xOpaen straiglit back chairs, $800. Phione 66D11 ABYNMS4 0pspn 655-3668. ater 5 p.m. WHfTBY FREE PRESS $35. Jotiy Jumper withf stand, $25. Swingomattc witfi racttntng lseait ------- and canopy, $25. Stons top stariticar, $2. fnfant zip sleeping _________________________________________ bag, $5. Cribi mobile, $5. Calti 668 < 6552. 4%FCON FUSEDP Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Ilopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do cali 668-6111 and we'l be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: @are a priva te a dvertiser; *have anarticle to sel; and, *have a speified asking price for your article (lien you can advertise under thie Emporium sec- ion (see guidelines above for more details . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in Advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seIl within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee yîur article will seil, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7.50i' When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS (lie minimum charge described a bove. r1 have read the Empîortum guidelines abovt' and wîsh ft have the following advertisement placed under this secltin ti' the Whîlhv. Free IPress. I encltose $7 5otg) t etver the minimnum charge Charge $7 5ili tny vVtsuîatnxutt fard %w Fsgi fi Numr îpl..arprinti Addres.% City Pastal1 Cote MAILI TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Belîtw are soie examples of what you would be charged if yifur art icle sold within three months. ('îtmmtssiutns shtîwn incîude the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAîYABl.E Ulii $ 1501 $ 21m1 $ it X) $ -4Mh $ 5() $ (;(X) $ 7(X) $ 18(X) $ 9M) $l1.,f)(tX) $210X $3,000) $4,.(1 $500and up Total Amouni Payable 87.50 S10.00 $15.00 $20.00 322.00 $24.00 326.00 S 28.00 330.00 S32.00 s 52.00 $ 72,00 S 92.00 $100.00 ,ýd4)ti t forgil týými Ilide %ý -il, M

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