Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1986, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDA Y, JAN UA RY 15, l986,Wi-IITB Y FR EE PRESS Council approves controlled Andrew- Dominion rezoning Not everyone waa en- tirely happy with the outcomne but when al was said and done An- drew Antenna left Whit- by Council Monday nlght with permission to seil 30 acres of its Ash- burn industrial site to Dominion Automotive. Council approved the rezoning with a number of restrictions including one which allows only Andrew Antenna and Dominion Automotive to develope the site, a con- cern of many area residents who feared that the Andrew' severence would open the door to a future in- dustrial park. "Subdividing was the big thing," said regionai councillor Gerry Emm. "The last thing we want up there la an industriafl park. It's a rural area and we just don't have the services to handie Council aiso placed limita on the extent to which the two com- panies will be able to develop the properties and downzoned An- drew's property. area residents take the Shouid the compamy rezoning to the Ontario decide to build a new Municipal Board, Mr. plant at the Ashburn site Swaim promised that it must not exceed 44,500 Andrew Antenne wouid square feet - Andrew aiso appeai the had hoped for 200,000 rezoning. square feet. "There's no doubt Although he was not about it. We'll go for as pleased with the much as we can get (at limitations piaced on the 0MB) because the size of future con- we've loat too much struction, Andrew already," said Mr. president Hugh Swain Swaim. said his company would Andrew's lawyer live with the proposai if David Greenspan in- it wouid expedite the formed council that sale to Dominion Auto, there was littie doubt in However, should amy his mmnd that the comn- mime il@ Iv FOIES I1 IF YOUWAN IOE FR YUR LLA IE DLLR I HPA H ALAE ETENA O O I $ AJAX OSHAW SCABOR BOT% 9 1 - - -7- - -ND-MO-E- I I s.AI AL IE - MO TL SQ o pany couid win up to 200,000 square feet in appeal. Ashburn resident Kenneth Brown toid council that the resident's general ob- jections to the rezoning appeared to have been removed and, aithough he was not happy about the prospect of having two plants operating in Ashburn, Mr. Brown said it was acceptable provided there wouid not be "more planta down the road. " In addition to restrie- ting the size of the Dominion plant and amy future developmnent by Andrew Antenna, coun- cil rezoned ail of An- drew'a land seuth of the CPR tracks to an agricultural zonimg. "I wasn't satisfied with the proposai when it firat came to council and I'm not entirely satisfied with it now bul there are a lot more con- trois now. It's a really restrictive agreement subject to a lot of con- ditions," said Mr. Emm. The application of the owners of the Ken- daiwood Mail for per- mission to operate a car rentai business on the mail does not in itaelf appear to disturb any of the residenta neigh- boring the mail. What does concern three ratepayers, however, is that the business has gone ahead and opened ita doors before jPROFESSIONALS =1~~ZT~=2 149 Brock St. N., Whitby GOLD JACKET REALTY ILTD. 668-6221 OPEN CONCEPT Architecturally 'designed spill lev. home. Formai L.R. & sep. D.R. w. cathedral ceil. Bright kit. overIooks spac. F.R. w. waii to wali F.P., 4 oversized BR.'s, triple car gar. and more. Situated on 10 acres. Llsted at $195,000. Cali Bar. bara WIIIamson 668-6221, 655-3446. alT( CORPORATION OFTHE S TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Tuesday, February 4, 1986, 7:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wili be heid by the Ad- ministrative Commttee of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby will be held to consider an ap- plication to, amend the Whitby Officiai Plan as submitfed by Janice Wysotski. The subject property Is located on the souf h aide of Dundas Street, Municipally known as 1631 Dundas Street East, and la idenitified on the map below* OUNOAS ST-. E. SUS T PRO TY The purpose of the Officiai Plan Amendment ap- plication is f0 change the land use deaignalion from Reidential to, Major Commercial 10 permit the development of a two-atorey chiroprafor clinic. The purpose of the meeting la f0 present the ap- plication f0 the public and the Administrative Committee and to permit interealed persons an opportunity to make aubmiaaions to the ap- plication. If you are unable f0 attend the meeting, your writfen aubmiaaiona may be filied wi h fthe Planning Deparîment by February 4, 1986. Further information may be obtained by cailing or visiting the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rossland Road East, (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby receiving the town's authorization. At a public meeting on the proposed rezoming iast week, Whitby resident Barbara Bragg-Smith wanted to know why the town would entertain a rezoning application from someone who was operating 1"illegaliy"l. According to Dennis Fox, an unsuccessfui candidate for council in the laat election, the town could be held liable in. the event of an in- surance dlaim if it does nothing to stop Discount Car and Truck Rentai from contravening the byiaw. West Ward councillor Joe Bugeili told résiden- ts that the town was obligated to consider every application, it received, however. He added that bylaw con- traventions were mat- ters to be investigated by the town's bylaw en- forcement, division, mot its planning committee. John Van Haastrecht, of Devesc Group Inc., the developer' of the mail, demies that the car rentai business is vioiating any bylaw. According to him, the company was carefully briefed about the property's current zoning restrictions and toid it could not remt or store vehicies on the premises. Right now, the business is omly operating an office with a telephone - "it does mot keep amy trucks or cars on site," he toid mem- bers of council. Van Haastrecht said further that the comn- pany is only tem- porariiy iocated in its present space and wiii move to another part of Sec page 8 Kendalwood car rentai sparks protest

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