PAGE 22 WEDNESDAY .IANUARY 15. 1986 WIIITBY FREE PRESS WHITBV S MOST WIDELY READ q3eCE MY PERSONAL COLOU RS Dîscover the colours yshades that com- pliment your skln tone& enhance your rbest features. Only $30 pr consultation Caîl 666-2770 PAINTING & DECORATING professionat bonded workman- shf p. resideof faf and commercial, f ree estimafes. Caf> 83".277 or 668-9712. UNEMPLOYEO HELP CENTRE-* Need hep? Worltera' Compas- saffon, Wef fera, ONt P atsfafce, Unemptoymenf Insorance, or crias referrastoif0other aenctea, caf t 579.1821. We acare of eldely olk lnour *Pickerng Country *Home Lodglng Pl cetc 1alovided21 pleasant homely place to be.6558966. FOKART ~I LESSONS SCOUNTRY LAN EI [J FOLK ART 1 Decorate charmlng wooden and tUn ] rpleces with jItradîtlonal country J designs. Beg- erO and advance classes ] Ead special project I lIsemînars. Cal i liJerryann at 655-48510. No speclal talent[j i icwred.[j ACOMATI SINGLE PARENT wifh one chiid 00ok> g for asement spart ment, worfcing tutf-time, needed for May 1, 1986, preferebty Aes, Whtby area. 683U78, before 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE OR RENT WORItSHOP - 24 fi. o 36 fi. plus office space, wood Itoor, insutated, furnace, hydro, excellent for uphofsfery shop, wood- workfng shop, furnit are refinishing, crafts, art studio, music studio, pnntfng shop, or generaf work shop. $400 monthfy rent or $9,000 sal e pri ce. Locale on Hwy. 7, juaf north of Aes. Cati 665-81611. FREE.' Drop isf0 the Dickson Pfnffng and Office Suppiy store n ftha Aex Pimia and pick up a free copy of the 1986 Met ric Cafendar. Pr> nted In two cofours. t> makes for handy reference. 663-1960. GEOTYPE press-on fetterfng nom in stock at OIckson Prning & Of- fice Suppies en the Aaes hoy- ping Piaza. Large sefection of styfes and sizes. Why pay more for a smaf fer sheef of fetterfng? 6831968. MATRESSES and box sprIngseat ha>lf prIce. McKeen Furniture. 524 SImcoe Sftreet South, Oshawa. 7255181. ff- ýAUTOMOBILES HELP FO_ IR SALE TENDERS J ATEDJ 1980 CHEVY 3/4 ton tom fruck, EXPERIENCED babysit fer or 00W body work and paint, anny requIred ln my home for automatic, must be sanwt active four mont h and three year certif y, $7500. Phono Sharon PL M IG fd boys, Monday f0 Fiday, 6:30 1400 hours, muet ha retiabte, ____ - CONTRACTOIRS energetic. creatIoe aod non. 11980 PONTIAC Parisienne smoker. Caf t 688-9718, Offer wagon, A-1 condition. ioaded, Creek. Phone 6663396. 1874 CHEV Bscayne, certf iied, ________ - --- - w oferized, 0004 conditfion, 51.000oignal mes,$15000o THE VItAMf N PLACE beef o>fa . 6663231. 60e are a Canadien companp __________ selIing que> ity Canadiean made CE. Jamieson produc- 1976 GREMLI N body neede f Mifllfe fa af >0w mai> order prfces. worh, mofor perfect, nom rad, Ca»,. isif us, 728-4894 for ehoche eaxhaust systvmn 75000 pr> ce fief. Guaranteed, Senior miles, as la $375. Caf> evenioga discount. WATKfNS produc- 668-4549. fa anefiabfe. THE VfTAMf N PLACE AloOIE VfSfT Our used furoffure REPAIR/PARTS warehouse by appofnfmenf. Big san> ngs on deeke, chaire, fing cabinets, etc. Caf> 0ckson Prin- 351 CLEVELAND, $65. and 240 fing & Office Supplies fa arrange Ford mofor, $55. for sae, maet an appofof ment te view. 683- set >666-6357. CH-ESTERFIELD oufites, foveseaf , sectIonais, tees than 'h prce. Large 5eaecf fon. Mcfeen Fumf fore, 524 S>mcoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 7255181. *'HEROES of the Bibte coiour>ng book avaffabte ai Ockeon Prin- ting & Office Supplies, Aa Pfaza, 683-1968. Dealer inqufries f xv> f d. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ront on profestonat ftoor. Wouid ha suifabie for fawper, accoueitant, ae. Rent Inciades ai> uffiffies and >0 negoffobta for an appropriaie tenant. For further Information caf> 66-6372 hafwean 9:30 a.m. and 5 pm. Monday f0 Fr>day. MALODRSECRETS *REVEALEDIM *Put dollarsin your ma>fbox *Wei show you how. FREEM *dat ali>s.Skifoh Aesoc> te s L..Bo4 0 SaionA, iToront oM5W 1C7C. NEEO Jo KNOW SOMIETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW GOMMUNITY? Cal Phone U8-8943 Our hosfoss ili i 0 gîn ad greetings. aiong wth hoipfsi commanîly information. "GRAMMER for people who hale grammar >le the Ideai pockef refarence book for bus>ines people. $395 per copy and ana> ah> eetiDIckeon Prnt>ng & Off>ice Sapplies infthe Aes Pfaza. Dealer enquinies nifed 683-1968. MOTHER of one wif f habys> f in my home, fuf> or part-fime, Offer Creek ares. Ce>li joieseaet6.6 9739. BABYSITTI NO anaifabie fui> or part-tima, my home, Kafhieen Rome Schooi area, other ch>tdren. Phone Jachie 666-2938, 6ABYSfTT NO in my home. chifdren ef a>if agas, reasonabi e, West Lynde area. 666-2504. TYPEWAITER reniai, many makes and mode> s. by the weekend., >moek or mont h. Discounts avaifabie, Dickson Printing & Office Suppliessin the Aax Piaza. Califas for business machine repaire 683-1960. TJO BUYJ ARTIF>CAL firepiaca mated mît h ai> affachmente. Phone 6W0-620. CONGRATULATIONS on pour forthcoming carniage. Piease view our sampies o> engraved wedding invitations a> pour feisure In our Ajax Pfaza store. OIckeon PrIntIng& Office Svp- piles,6631968. R-epace basin vatves and fttinga at the Jali n WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI-85- 184 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31,1986. Tender Documents may be oblained from the Ontario Minlstry of Government Ser- vices, Orlillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further in- formation regardlng the Tenders, please cali the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone 705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. SGoves-noent S ervces Ontario BABYS11TER needed rn my home, two ch> dren, fine days, 8 arn. t1if5 p.m. Phone 433-0206. ARE YOU LOOIfNG for a lob or a job worth working for? Dont fighf*it! Learn 60w f0 use the computer and ha a stop ahead ln the job market. We offer job pacement and financiai assistance for >508e unempioyed or 0ow income. 427-3010, MATURE reiiabie parson required oa care for my three chifdren in my home on a part-f me basis, every aternate week, four days, 7:30 a.m. la 1 p.m.. mas> have references. 660-9858. >JNDERCOVERWEAR fnnooators o> day, nighf, evening wear par- fies requires managers and agen- te >0 open the Whitby area and training prooided. For appoin- tment pfease cal i 668-4740. CAREERS IN TRUCKfNO. Driver job training and placement ho> p s avaifabie. Cati Oodgers choof a> (416) 769-3546. 8ABYSfTTER needed faii-time in my home for a one year oid, required f0 work shifts, West Lynde area. Caf> 6685360. BABYSITER requfred for 10W pear oid boy, weekdays 6:15 a.m. before schoof and affer schooi ont»l 5:45 p.m. fa Ottercreeh area If possible. 668-0649. TAX PREPARERS required focafiy for tee seasion, expeience preferred. For detaits caf f coftect 1-827-1455. Tex Tf me Services LA. MOLLY MAfD ls accepting ap- plications for ffght housework ln Whitby. Fu> and part-tf me. Ca> 668-9673. A CAREER IN.TRUcf<fNc. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now ls the fimef0 train for pour Cfasa A license. For pre.screening Inter. view and lob placement infor- mation, contact Merv Orros Tran. sport Driver Trafining, Brampton 1-600-265-1260. PART OR FIJLL-TfME W.T. Rawieigh Company sa espanding w> fh a greaf new sales plan besf In the direct sales fndustry. Cire about pour future.1 do, Contacf Terry Armstrong, caf f sot ect 519- 627-1337. RECEPTfONf ST. Brook> n area, phone, ctericaf dulies, able fa drive standard for occasionaf errends. ca> Proven Sysfems, 683.à 8l8. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., JAN. 17 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brilain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Litt le Brîtain Rd. Conten- ts 0f local Lindsay estate plus other consignmen- ts. Walnut corner cabinet, oak china cabinet <glass 3 sides), oak dlnlng room exten- sion table, oak library table, Jaques and Hayes parlo 'ur chairs, cedar chest, RCA console color T.V., pine Wlino f lat fwo wali cuphoard, pine chest of drawvers, fiat-top farm scales. iron bed with brass trim, han- dmade quilts, assor- tment of glassware and china. lncluding hand painted Limoges pattern glass, Imari china, silver plated tea service and serving pieces <some sterling), quantity of pic- tures and palnlings, bedding, miens and kit- chen items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 LOCAL AUCTION tfirm now taking consigoments. eetates and coiiectIbie items for January Sa>le. Oa>ity merchandise oniy. For more information pisas caif 728-6194 or 983-9356. Charlie is only a few msp away from the Asx Police Station and is ordering office supplies from Dickson Prîntînp for hie anticipated long confinement. CALL 668-61 1Il TO P>LACE YOUR (LASSIFIED AD FISHING FOR A BARGAIN? The big catch s here every week in the classifieds. Don't rock the boat on costly Items, caîl us) WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 PHOTOCOPYING alow, 10w rates... ...while you wait.. . We're open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PublishinglWhitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whitby fust north of the four corners> ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII flot be 14 each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie o h is 0 od;1<ec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BÎRTHS, DEATHS -$70foth is10wrd;2teh such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. additional word. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject aIl advertisements. Ad.s must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. )EADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ('LASSIFJED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40tper line.i Nttword ads allowedî. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitb.N- Free Press will make 668-6111 [ý6168-m6 111 j I ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$I) CUTHEFRM CNRE 66452 THISWe.