Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1985, p. 33

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WHOT YFRht C bb WL)f41.t' a 1% 1RIl185PA WHITBY'S MOST WUJELY READ CLA~IIFi[LJ SALE ~ ENT ~~TTITIE KIRBY VACUUM 2 yeare aid, iho WANTED aid things -docoye, MV PERSONAL now, ail atîachrnenîe, inctuding lumlure, watchee, cdocks, quitte, N EW FRANCHISE OPPO RTU NITY COLOURS ahampouer pusexecraes, worth otes, crache, pael carde, ram ai- Dscover the colours $1,200, aeking $700 or boat aller. ic, battement or shed, ceas.855- UNIQUE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE & hades thaf com. uteof.2-66 09eetg AFTERMARKET INDUSTRY lment your kin__________ Atlas Supply Company of Canada Limifed, has a fone& enhance your FOR SALE one apariment eized ~P T & 5 year record of success as a national befeatures. dyr etg$5 o etalr uootie Armarket supplier-from coast f0 lIy 30 pr conutaion Ct6623dyai' ~ L P I.E~ I Sc ast. v Cali To meet the demands of changlng market con- 6&27In stock tatDchean PrInlîflg & Of. Pure rood, na papore, 6100. dfions, enhance customner service ' and ac- lice Supplies te the Alex 550p- Phono 668.0123 alter 5 p.m celerate growfh, Atlas ls dramafically reorlentlng ProeAIoni NO &deCorkAIO n-slesadz. argo ore I ____________ ts market place position by inlfiatlng a large scale shproetla andomarmn-aefo adsizole hsPo t o ro franchise sy stem across fthe country. ahreeidoniai ar ce rciat,-42 for a(em83 ereh968a. ottingWe are looklng for the aggresslve, financially 66-171.DNTI11CES sec ure entrepreneur who can capitalize on oppor- AJAX 3 Sedrorn, 2 etarot' doiachod ouse wilh garage, $750 a moalfi plus utiltltee. 427- 3429. CCODs P(RTMNTS/ ODSFOR RENT TWO BEGROON APARTNENT ta ornait Whtbt' Aduit buiding. Conîratit' tociIod cose ta GO & iocalisuestope. uîîîîte, ydra and parking Inciaded. Cai 868- 6372 btwoOn 9:30 m. e nd 5 p.m. Mndat' ta Fridat. WHITOY OFFICE SPACE for rani on profeesioai f iaar. Woutd ho sutahie for awt'or, accountani, etc. RanI inctude ait uliities and le negtiabto for an appropriato tenant. For lurhor inormation cai 88-8372 btwoon 9:30 ar.m and 5 p.m. Maudayt l Fridat'. ,GRAMMER for peoaple who ale grammar" ate hodoitpockot rforonco book for businass peoapte. 3.95 per copy and avatiablo et Dickeaa Printing & office Supplie n the Alan Piaza. Deaterequire Invitod 683-1968. CONGATULATIONS an your farlhcomitlg marriago. PloasO vIow aur &amples af engravod weddlg Invitatians t 'aar lie l o ur AiaPlaza store. OcSean PrIning & Office Sup- plie8, 63-1968. FRE1: Drap inia the Dickeon Pining & Office uppiY teoreln the Alex Piaza and pick up a Ires copt' a1 Iheir 1985 Mefria Coton- der. Prinîod ln Iwo cataurs. Il mîke for handt' rferonce. 683- 1968 TYPEWRITIR renta, maut' mahee and modete, bSt he weehond, weîk Or mariS. Discoune avalabto. Dckeon Priniing & office Supplies lntSe Aia Plaza. Cati us for business machine repaire 683-1968. MATTRESSES and Sac epringe et Oel prics. Mci<oon Furnituro, 524 SimcoStreet Sauth, Oehawa. 725-181. Weare a Canadien campant' slIg qaiy Canadien mode CE. Jamieoan praduc- tai low mati rdor prtce. Cl.vieil us, 728-4894 for prothot. Guarantood, Senior discount. WATKINS praduc. te avaitabtO. THE ViTAMUN PLACE 50% OFF ait aur short caursese, gît t coupane wrih $195 wItt be eaid for hal prIce. Computer Schoal 4273010. VISIT aur used furniluro warehauseo St'appiniment. Big eainge on docks, chaire, fiing cabine, oic. Cat i Ochean Prin- ing & office Suppiies ta arrange an appainimont ta view. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD suites, tanesoate, sectionate, tans than wn prico. Largo setectlin. McKoon Furnituro. 524 Simco SiS., Oeshawa. 725-5181. C.H..P. PROGRAM. Onit'Ilii daye tit. For a Iraeasimais, con- tact McCioavo Ireutatian Ser- vce, 1-800-263-3204. CHRISTMAS TRIES cut yaur awn, Scatt Pins, Spruco and White Pins, $10. $15, $20. High. way 12, nonSh Myrt, TawnIino Raid Eaot. SNOW THROWER, 15 Inch, eaey la use. Freezer, apaimoni siz, 5 ou, il. Table, chromo log, Sîr- dwoad top. Att In now condition. Phono 66&.2580. "HIROIS of the BiSte" caiauring baak avaitahtoetiickeon Priai- lIng & Office Supplie, Aia Piaza, 683-1968. Doaler Inquiries Invtld. CHRISTMAS TRIES cal yaur awn or pro-cul, Spruco ro Pin, cane wreaths, Whilby, Thichean Roaideilai 401, norlh 4 milse ta Conin Flood, oat 1 mite. Open datit' 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Wason TreO Ferme. 1978 CHEV Maibu. AMFM18 lrack, PS., PSB., auto. V6, $1.895. 1979 Daleun 280ZX GL 2&2 ioaded, corliiiod, $6,500. 1979 Chia impala, 9 paseongor wagon, PS.. P.B., auo, 350. air, $2.995. Cati 655-4009. 1968 OLDS Cuitas canvertible, mecS. A-i, mant' 50w pare. body noeds work, beel aller. 688-3095. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In fthe Estate of AN- THONY ADAM KASPERSKI, deceased. AIl persons havlng dlaims against the Estate of ANTHONY ADAM KASPERSKI, 18f 6 of the Town of Aax, in the Regional Municlpalify of Durham, who died on the 251h day of Auguaf, 1985, are hereby notified fo send particulars of same f0 the underslgned on or before the 13f h day of February 1985, after whlch date fthe Est ste will be distribufed, wlfh regard only f0 tthe cdaims of which fhe under- signed shah f hen have notice, and the under- signed wlll not be hiable f0 5fly person of whose dlaim they shahl nof then have notice. Dated af Toronto Ihis 19f h day of November, 1985. Peter A. Kasperaki and Martin D. Rabinovifch, Execufors, by their Solicitors LASH, JOHN- STON, 24f h Floor, North Tower, PO. Box 11, Royal Bank Plaza, Toron- fo, Ontario M5J 2J1. AUCTION SALE THURS., OEC. 12 6:30 P.M. Af Orval McLean Aucf ion Center, Lndsay. Proper- fy of FRED THOMPSON, Kirkfield. Two walnuf dining suifes, antique sideboards, good fur- nifure, appliances, some antiques, Royal Doulton figurines, china, etc. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENDI territorles. The successful Franchisse wlll operate a wholesalietall Automotive Aftermarket business warehouslng and supplylng products to local service stations, garages, end users and do- lfyourself customers. This is an extraordlnary one-of-a-kind oppor- funity that combines the entrepreneurial spirit of an Independient businessman wif h the enormous resources and support of a well establlshed multl-million dollar corporation in a franchise par- tnership. We are invitlng responses from professional business managers, sales pro fessionals or In- dependant businessmen with experience in the Automotive Aftermarket field. An immediate opportunify is avaîlable for the territory of Oshawa-Whifby. If your community presence and personal in- tegrlty are clearly well established and you see your background beîng a good fit for this superb opportunity, please reply wif h resume f o: Atlas Supply Company of Canada Llmted 35 Worcester Road Rexdalo. Ont. M9W 1 K9 Attention: Franchise DIrector. ExCTVEASSANT. era CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., DEC. 13 6:.00 P.M. Three miles easf 0f Litt le Brifain or 7 miles wesf of Lindsay on fhe Lindsay Lile Britaîn Rd. The estafe of the late MR. GEORGE TETTMAR of Toronto, plus some ad- ditions. Large Oak bow front china cabinet, round oak pedesfal table, 6 Northwînd pressback chairs, Oak hall seat, oak buffet, 6 oak dlning room chairs, 5 pc. mahogany bedroom suite, chesferfilds, tea- wagon, hanging lamp, parlour fables, wooden wall telephone, quanflty of Toby jugs, napkin rings, 9x12 handmade rug, German bracket dlock, oak dressers, oak buffetichina cabinet combination, Houssier kitchen cupboard, co-oil lamps, 17 cu. ft. freezer, Wlndourne upright piano, 8 h.p. A.M.S. 3 stage snowblower, quan- tity 0f china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 vvitS a minimum aI ino Years au- perianca in a senior position required. Buildinlg manageentl caparienca an aseai, f6951 per- son wtt Se a saeltarter and shouid be abie la work witltulle or no supervision. Satary and benefils accarding laouperian- ce. Muet Suce a car. Business n Pickering. Resume ta PO. Boc 49o, Pickering, Ont. Lf V 2R17. At- tention: Frank. *AKERY in DurhamRnfegian requires a cîshier and a baker vraines. Cati 86-1 177 aller 1 p.rn.. daiiy. ARE YOU LOOKING oraelob or a lob worth waring for? Dont fight h lLoaru haw la useothe computer and Se a sep aSoîd In the lob market. We aller lab placement and financiît assae Ofor 15000 unomptayed ar iaw 1incarne.4273010. [ oCT YOUR HOME some neecte and burgiars. U$9.95 pspaidat4uiefactioni 'a ctAeTaro' 5 1 C7. A CARIER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivere needed. Now ls the lime la train for yaur diase A iconse. For pre-ecreening inier- viaw and teb pacernentinior- mati, contact Merv Orrs Tran, spcrt Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260 NONEYI Nced tl for Christmas? Calit 83-3300ý AD$ cOUNTER PERSONS required lfo oew Danut Sop apenura aoon tn Whitby. Muet ho able ta warlr shifts, experience prfoned FULLER BRIJSH requtres fllitend pari-lime hetp. good earnlngs. Cali carman 723-7044 anytime. NATURE PERSON wanted ta babysitt ve month aid girl, prelerabit' tn my home, woekdat'e :15 arn. ta 4:45 p.m., Brock St. and Roeetand area. 6682%64. CAREERS IN TRUcCINO. Oriver lob tratiing and placement hetp le avaitabto. Cati Rodgere School ai (416769-3546. LOOKINO for flitime work In credllcoitoctiafle area. Have 2t4 yearO oxporionce, aiary negotiable. PieaseecatI 668-9796. -J M NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT 'ItUR NEW OOMMUNI1Y? Cali Phone 668-8943 Or hosteso wiit hing gilîs antd greetitogsatoug wiih haipfsi commutit normationl. if- e A- CALL CIRCULATION 668m6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$SI) ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the first visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words. every endeavour to forward replies to box numnbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errinpublication beyond the cost of the space occupied BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12t each such replies. We will nof be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, diîna od replies not called for within 30 days. Th.e Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF THANKS - $8. 00 for the fir- reject sîl advertisemertts. Ads must appear in the paper stî50words; 12t each additional word.I)EA)L.INES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one ay efor thy ca bechaned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40t per line. (No word ads allowed fao insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 mer niti iTov vuvv Pu vçç wFnNI- Sn A Y. DEcEMB ER 1 1. .1985 PAGE 3 W- 33

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