Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Oct 1985, p. 24

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'AGE 24, WEDNESDAY. IJl,Y 17. 1985. WHITBY FR EE PR FSS vwlwv.WX hqAT%~ M - WHITBY'S MOST WIELXfHEAD> CL A$I FiL[Il AD~ - ~W~R~1 ARICLESTCLESI SERICS ~F.RICS~ SFOR'SA L E FU~R SALE _____________________________ WILL DO DAYcARE ln my itome, LARGE kilcitan nonk, 60"812", FOR SALE Westinghouse AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE egt3o 6, waahtiayn. cal 668- Carmel vinyl, $400 or boni nuen reritigaratnr anti range. $260. anti A.JULY2 816 579-3629. honti. $25. 10 years nid, Phton THURS., JULV 18SA.UL2 8164.__ 668-6400. 6:00 P.M. 11:00A.M. ____At Orval McLean Auction Consigniment sale heid ___________ ExPE~dacRIENCEfulala rivute POd reror LEanti p5-M2. CHESTERFIELD suites, Cenlete ldsyrrpe- a dde-w al yarLinrdatlme ptsaya.rorhl.65-02 iesas scînîs eethn t I .LWO, oa or er. lhfr -- program, natritinus meais, waii '/ prIce. Large selec lion. etteanJONFN niture, antiques, ap- ~Z T ~ equippeti pay aisea. incteti by VISIT nur usati funiiure McKeen Furnitura, 524 Simcnn ettsadJH FN oldse MU I. M A IDitospifai, Oshtawa, 723-8360. wreitnuse by appoinînient. Big St. S.,Oshawa. 725-5181. STON SUNDERLAND pliances,tosdhe suings on deofis, chairs. fliing- (movlng). Quality fur- and other Items. Con- "Seiiiig Hua '~Cabinets, etc. caîl Dickson Prin- sgmnswloe ltAUTOMOBILES ing & Ofice Supplies to arrange tiuys lail. For a free astimata Con- 2 door ref ridgerator, PEARCE AUCTION For Perticulor People" a ýFORSALE un uppoinîmentIo v iew. 683- tact Mcciaaue Insulatlon Ser- bonrfldeaO nd SERVICES E 1968. vices, 180-263-3204.bmatchfigetoacoor 655-8073 1975 TRIUMPH Spillire, connr - _____________________col l6m l 4 abla, white, naatis botiy worh. 1964 .e EVINRUDE 14 fi. D-UIIIR ig it T.V., f reeze r, white 66 - 1 4 $1.400 as 19 or boat offar. zenif h Springbok boul anti traiter, mint I D lent UI d o, Air 00.~ enamel cook stove, 011 AUCTION SALE 261 Color console TV.. $200. Cal I condtlion, $2.595. 686-4488. Pitonaeffl-9-ea. cook stove, o11 stoves, SAT., JULY 20 576-7079._____ store freezers,2 deluxe 11:00 AM. 576-779. ___________ _________________________ waFInhs, exeien UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE: Neati flap? Wras' Compen- sation, Weifara, OHiF asai sanca, unampioymei Insurenca, or criais rfrrais f0oihar aganclas, cail: 579-1821. DOME HOME f mproamants. In- larior, aniarior Painting, also aiuminum anti vinyi sidînO ciaanati.6661985, JIM. TINA5 PSYCHIc Eurnpaan SpirituluafRactr. R1astir antiati- visor, cuan d palm reading. Wiii hall)Ipn ii affairea0ni flae; inca fa0, business, healfi. heppinass andi marriaga. Ona vieil wiît conInca you oI har abiiy as ofters hava. Opan 9c&m. 10 9 p.m., by appoin- Imeni, 267832. LINDSAY FLEA MARKET on Li- ifla Brifais Roati. Opan Safurticy anti Suntiey. Farm protinca anti vendois wceied. Pftone 705324. 2783, Lntsay. FREE: Dop sf0 ltha ickson Prinfing & Office Suppiy sînra ln the Aaxi Paza anti pick up a i raa copy 0ni hli,1985 Mtric Calan- tiar. Printi n iwo coinurs. If makas for hantiy rfaranca. 683. 1968. NORSES for scie, four GalidIngs, basf off ar. Pheone 686-2892. E-XCITINO DETAîLS mafia big bucke ln mail ordar salling Hnw f0 Make Mosay information bocks. No lnvaslory, capital or aoparlanca raquireti. Wrk f rom home or office. Senti $1.00 postae aandi iantiling f0 C.S.J. PSYCHIC READINOS by Mrs. raca, 25 yaars axparianca In Tarot cartis, Faims, crysiai Bali reaatings. Haip anti atviicaIn all phasas oi lias, all reaaings ara guarantaad accura. Prinaia consultations, $10. Avaliabia for parieas anti social gafharings. Cali for appoinimani 728-4602, Oshiawa. MVYPERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours &shades that com- plIment your skin OuiIy $30 par Consultation Cal 662770 ROOM FOR RENT Newman Cros., Whiiby, $55 per waak. Phione 168&9069. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL has 3 badroom aparimani f0 ahana wiffl sports.mIntiad profassionai. Aalabla lmmedatiay, Picring Paca. 831-519. (!ITMENTS/ CODSFOR RENT ATTENTION SENIORS 56 PLUS, Wfiiby; naw concaptI nlivIng, 1-2 batiroonla. 683-9557. EALESTATE ARTICLES BUSINESS I FOR SALE/ RENT FR EN TMPuRTE reta,.un inwn Port Parry. Tenants Inclutia Royal Bank,. wiih aparimanis up- siairs. $110.000 tiown, 6% cash flo0w. Brokrs proiecltid. 416) 4991410, Toronto. Ouabac, H3K M xi VACATION lV.LrRENTALS FSERIVIC E S rFORID)A "GRAMER or popîswhn aiea i atPar "grammfr alie tieulWohai Clearwalar -TireJbtroom gramar" a th ldel poket mobile homes. Hated pools, referanca book for business anti. people. $395 Pei cnpy antimd lialo chiltran endilabla ai ickson Printing & waîcnma i(teas thanmotel Office Suppliass ntae Aan Plaza. Dealearanquiriasilnviti6831968. oroonli 683-5503 Charlie is sick of broken promises and has g ose te thse otd reliable, ickson Printing & Office Supplies for assured service. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rani on profasslonai floor. Woulti be suif abia for iawyer, accouiani. etc. Rantiincitudas ail uiilias anti la nagoliabia for an appropriafa fanant. For furhar informat ion cail 6688372 baiwaan 9:30) ar. anti5 p.m. Montiay f0 Fritiay. CONGRATULATIONS on YOur fortiiconiing marriaga. Piause iaw nur sampias of angranad watiuing Inviaions ai YOur amlure in our Ajax Fiaza sf0re. ickson Prining & Office Sup- pilias, 683196& makas anti motiais, by te waekanti. we or moni h. Discounts anulabia. ickson Printing & Office Suppliasln te Alan Plaza. caîl us for business machina repaire 683 1968 ~TAEVTMINPLACE *we ae a Canadien cnmpany *selling que iy Canatieun *matis C.E.Jani ason protiuc- Mis et 10w main oder prces. jaivsu s ,72a4894 for pricalfief.Ouaranetsnn discount. WATIN5 protiuc- ta aiabe THE VITAMIN PLACE BATHROOM FIXTURES. ligiti green, tolua, countar lop 371) wlh sink andtaipe, paper hoitiar andt owel rack f0 match, 655- 8901. 17l3911. $W. 655-3443. MATTRESSES anti bon Springs t heul prica. McKean Furnitura, 524 Simcna Streat Southt, Oshauwa. 725-5181. VACUUMS sana money, 6-2000 Elaciroluir wilh powar noulae, $470. Offrer usati motils avaliabia. Culi Peler 668-1655. Rapairing il makas. 1HERQES niftae Bible" colouring book avalabieata Dickson Pin- iing & ofice Supplias, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiuias OUANTITY nif husaholti fur- nîsitings. plus many farm anti gartian iams, propariy of Tati anti Sylvia Ryan on Country Lana. 3 miles wasl nf Bronklsn, t11/ miles north ni Hwy. 7. 655-4795 enenisgs, 861626, tiuys. GEOTYPE press-on leiiaiiiig iow n stock ai Dickson Prinling & Of- fice Suppliasin te Aan Shop- ping Plaza. Large saieci ion of styles anti sizes. Why puy more fo, a omaliar sheet of ieileriuig? 663-1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE.. 66-42 AUCTION SALE THURS.,JULV25 6:00 P.M. Furiture, antiques, oils. To be held at Stouffilile Sales Barn, Stuuffviiie. The property of MAC FRAY, ANN BRILLîNGER, HELEN GLINISKY, plus others. lnciuding bedroom suites, dressers, chesterfieids, washstafl- ds, buffet, pantry cup- board, dining table and chairs, f ridge, wood- stove, wood box, aid radio, dishes, giass, toois, many more Items. Terms cash. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER &EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., JU LV 19 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles wesl of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. The estate of the late M RS. MARGARET POLITO of Lindsay. 9 plece wainut dining room suite, matching goid Westinghouse 30" stove and 2-door refridgerator, wainut tea wagon, upright piano, hanglng lamp, Cherry bonnet chest, pine chest of drawers, Victorian pine secretariat, oak hall seat, 1840 Rodgers Brothers set of 8 sliver- ware, green chesterfild and chair, Duncan Fyfe coffee table, wainut Gateieg table, oak hall mirror, oak ibrary table, parlour tables, Hoover spin washer, apt. size Simplicity dryer, 5 piece walnut bedroom suite, air conditioner, quantity of bedding, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 bedroom suite, car top cargo box, deluxe beige chesterfieId set, cedar chest, beige rocker, (ail ilke new>, Frigidaire auto washer, Hammond 2 bank eiectric organ, German console stereo, gate ieg table, shop vac, reciiner, nursing rocker, hlgh chair, good modemn bedroom suite, Imitation firepiace, oid quilt box, zero zone firepiace, dressers, chests, Hoover spin washer, dryer, bunk beds, crock, pressback chair, sheives, iamps, quantity styro cups, plates, iawn lurniture, couch, pine breakfast table bencfles & 2 chairs, protable dishwasher, compact hot drink machine, coke machine, 10 speed bicycle, lawn furniture, china, dilshes, tools. A good sale. 6 p.m. sharp. No reserve. To soul estates, antiques or housef uis caii ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY AUCTION BARN TUES., JULV 23 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britaîn or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. The estate of the late ANGUS D. GILLESPIE of Beaverton plus others. Antique dressers, wicker fern stand, pressback chairs, oak library table, washstands, portable and console color T.V.s, chesterfilelds, parlour tables, maple bunk beds, modemn dressers, coffee and end tables, 9.2 Chrysler outboard motor, platform rockers, occassional chairs, odd wooden kitchen chairs, quantity of tbols, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 Brooklin, Anderson St. 1 mile south of Brooklin. Sale of furniture, an- tiques, camper and f arm equipment. lnciuding M.F. 65 gas tractor (good condition), 3 Furrow 3 point hltch M.F. plough, 10 ft. M.F. disc (hydrauilc lift), 10 ft. MF. 3 point hitch cuitIvator, McKee 3 point hltch snowbiower, 3 point hitch rotary mower, 2 MF. manure spreaders (P.T.O.), No. 3 M.F. baller, 3 section drag Harrows, 6' 20 ft. grain hogger, 24 f t. ex- tension ladder, quantity of steel beams and silng f rom car wash, quarity of scrap ron, 1975 Dodge pick-up (as s), Lionel hardtoP cam- per trailer, 8 f t. Tour-A- Home truck camper. FURNITURE: 30" Ken-7 more electric range (avocado), 3 washstands, antique chest of drawers, uprIght piano, 9 plece wainut dining room suite, Woods chest freezer, Acorn Voyager air tight wood stove, complete with blower (1 year oid), chesterfield suite, plus numerous other articles. Furniture sale f irst. Terms cash. No reserve. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 L- o Help keep Red Cross ready. + ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in p b ia inb y n the cost of the space occupiedBI T S DE HS -$ 0 fo th fis 10 w rd ; 2< e c such replies. W e will not be responsible for box num ber ublcatio nbMIndadditional word. by the eror up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 drys. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f jr- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words - 12e each additional word. DEADINES. Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day befcre they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Aas. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40<per line. (No word ads allowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classîfied BOX NIJMBERS: Box numbers are avaîlable at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 Pi r I

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