Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1985, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985. WHITBY FREE PRESS WHJTBY'S MOST WIDELY READ UNEMPLOYED IIELP CENTRE Need felpi Wrkeru dompen- saflnn, Welfare, OHIP assistance, Unemployment Insarance, or criats referrals la other agoncies, cali: 5791021. MY PE SONAL COLOURS Discover the colours & hades thel com- pliment your akin lone & enhance your beal fetures. OnIy $30 par Consulfation Caol hU0LEP668-2770 D SWAN MAINTENANCE NGovernment Liconsed,I *WeeddConrol,I *Fertillzlng, MIsc. Lajjcaping. 668-0832 APPLES, pick pour own, aiso roady picked eppios, squash, pumykins, Indien corn, and appîs cider, as avalîshie. Archihld Or. chards, Lberty Sf.., 111 miles Norh af Taunton Rd., Bamman- vlle, 023753. KAZMAR FARMS Pick pour omo vegelabios, apPlos and pas. Hwy. 401 east, go north on rock Rd. toar mites aid 10110w the sign. BAII, Pickering, 0037990. FREE 10 good home, 1 'h poar aid black Lob, good witk chiidren. neuteredl, ail shots, frained. Phono 427-2850. I-ORSES IBOARDED f<rta Manor Farm formerly eeasloy reoding Parm, large boa sf ails, dally luri ouf, $130 par month. 055.0844. MOTHER iii babysitl n omo home, full or prt-timo, Basedato and Doedalo ra. Coui 000-0124 TYPEWRITER ronfai, many makos and modela, by the weekend, week or monfh. Discounts avoulable. Dickson Prinling & office Supplies ln the Aia Plaza. Cati us for business machine repaire 003-190. cENcET CONGRATULATIONS on your forihcoming mrriage. . Ploase vievi aur samptes of engraved wedding Inviations ai pour lisore ln our Alex Plaza store. flicks, Pilaf ex& Office Sup- VACATION W: RENT ALS PEIDA I 10 Mobile Homes cleerwaler - Tfree edroom mobile homes. Hoatod pools,. Utennis, clos to bache andI majoatracti ons, childirei weicOme. (loe thon motel rcoi. 683-5503 WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rosI on profosslonal Itor. Woulc5 ho seitablo for awYer, accounteni, etc. BontIincludos ailu llitlfes and sa nogoliabte for on appropriais tenant. For lurthor Inormation cati 00-0372 befwoon 9:30 &am. and S p.m. Monday ta Frdey. JOIN OUR circuler mailt ng progrero. Woria at homo, am ex. Ira incomoe. Free doal. M. Green Enforprison. 594 Ninrvf le, Manioba, BOA 100. IJNLIMITED INCOME moting lr cutars, fres dofolse. Wrle:- .L. Parker, 100 King H-irm Sf.. Inger- exil, Ontario, N5C 1 LS. MAKE $1,000 or more par monlh, spare lime, rom pour homo. sond sfamped, sel.-addressod envotope la ons, 18 ousted Ave., Toronto, Ont. MOR 1Y0. YARD SALE Set., Sept. 14 and Son., Sept. 15, 10 a.m. Io 4 p.m., 32 Frost Dr., Ottor Creok sub- diviion. GIANT YARD SALE 711 Burns Sf. W., Whilby, Bel., Sept. 14 and Sun., Sept. 15, 9 a.m. ix 4 p.m. Somefhing for ovryonn. An- tiques, craîfs, plumbing and lec- tricot items, set of drms, boat mofor and traier somos projoc. lors - lOrm a nd 8 mm, radio. books and records, chain saw and furnIfar. Plus more Items f00 nxniOrous famention. GAESALE 151 * 9ar. to 6 P.lf. *883 F &888 Walton Crt. *Whitby.I L nies, rass e. appliences, bebyarlles. lumture, eIc FREE: Drap lto the icknon Prinfing & Ofice Suppiy store ln the Aas Plaza and pick xp a Ires copy oft heir 1985 Marto Coton- dar. Prinlod in Imo colours. Il makes for handy relernce 683. OGRAMMER for peope who halo grammnar 1la1the Idoat pockel rolerence book for busines people. $3095 par copy and avalablo ai Dickson rinting k Ofice uppiios n nthe Ajax Plaza. ARTICLES q~O~ ~3~ONS ~ONS AUCTION SALE 1982 SUZUKI 850 051, excellent shape, muet self, 31.500. oea- 9712. 1972 l2Occ ZUNDAPP et rosI legaf off road bik. Asklng $3W5. Phono 43348M7. 15½ FOOT fibroglass boat, troitfer, aider modof, Evinrilde motor, aui n good condit ion, $1,200. Phone 68>2114. 1983 CUTLASS Brougham, 32000 Iams., faaded. 310,500. Phono 008- 6087. 1983 CHEV cavlter. 4 door, 5 speed, ps., phb., $5300. Phono 856-570. 1973 MDOE SCAMP os l, oaily restorod, or for parts car, $150. Phone 728065. 1973 FORD PINTO, ports cor, good malor, excellent drive train, extra rim, 3130.7208065l. 1973 LIONEL Hardlop font traiter, seopo 4, no ostran, noeds somo ropair, $30. 720-0005. ..HEROES of te Bible" coloaring book avalabî e ai Dickson Prin. ting & OIffice Supplies, Ajax Plaza, 003-960. Daler inquiries Inviled. BEEF FOR SALE. cul and wrap- pod 10oxur spociicalion, 51.05 por pound. Phono 055-4066 or 655-3687. VISIT our used lurniloro warohoxno by appolntmonl. Big savngn on dosks. chairs, 11110$ cabinets, etc. Cati Ockson Prin. ting & Ofice Supplies to arrange on appoinfmoiif 10 viow. 683. 1968. C.H.lP. PROORAM. Only 202 deys lait, For a ires estimais con- ftact McCeavo Insufalion Ser- vices, 1-00-263-3204. - HAM T ' in" g ' ar e o s bad n athey are paIntad andeU &0no et Dickson rPningo ffice Supplies smln t the. many plasaesnt s. CALLU OA 6819 ANTIQUE soild oak dining fable, 1920-193W, beautifulty relished n derk Mfan, groat plecoof for- nleure for anique aovera, $250. Serlous callers oniy ploaso. Phono affer 5 p.m., 86-2745. GEOTYPE press-on iefforlng n0w ln siocKetoilckson Prlnfing & Of- ice Supplies In the Alex Shop- ping Plaza, Large seciiOn aI Styles and aines. Why psy more for e smailer shoot aI leffering? QUEEN SIZE brasa hed complets wif h maltrese aid boa eprIng, SM0. Cal000-0712. CHIESTERFIELD suites, loveseaf s, sectionais, lees then 111 price. Largo sloction. McKeon Furnifuro, 524 Slmcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5101. BABY cARRIAGE. Lyods, $75 aod Snugil, $20. Phono 008-1702. ELECTROLUX CANADA ennoun- ces a sale on vacuums milh powrhoads ai $400.50. Easy ferme. We aiso sout rug sha- poors aid usod and recon- dilioned vacuums aid skam- pooers. Cati 72-4103 for a home demo or come lnto Our store ai 365 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. MATTRESSES and boa nprings ai hall prico. McKoen Furilure, 524 Simcoo Sreet Soath, Oshawa. 7255101. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU' Phone 668-8943 SAT., SEPT. 14 11:00 A.M. Sale of furniture, an- tiques, tools. The proper- ty of H ERB FARRI ER - 23 Montreai St., Stouffviile. IncIudlng frldge, stove, washer, dryer, freezer, oak dresser, buffet, colour T.V., 5 dInlng chairs, bedroom suites, chesterfieId and chair, sewlng machine, hi-fi recorder etc, chest drawers, trunik, scaies, pine cupboard, mantie dlock, Aladin lamp, Iawnmower, number. of tools, many good dlean Items oui of a good home. Terms cash, sale at il a.m. NORM & PI-IL FAULKNER EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEERS 640-691 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., SEPT. 17 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Littîe Britain Rd. the esiate of the loto ETHEL COULSON of Cambray. Oak Hoosier cupboard, green Westinghouse washer and dryer, chrome kit- chen suites, chest of drawers, Brunswick Vic- trois, Wuilltzer upright piano, Berlin pump organ, single box spring and mattresses, parlour tables, Moffat 15 cu. lit. freezer, Master Craf t de- humidifier, walnut drop leat table, console dolour TV., green vinyl chesterfild and chair, cedar chest, walnut war- drobe, odd wooden kit- chen chairs, bicycles, fiat two wall cupboard top, smail olectrical kit- chen appliances. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER CASHIER AND BAKING assistant wanfod in Bens Masfer Oakery. Phono 666-1177 aller 2 p.m. CAREERS IN TRIJCKING. Driver lob training and plaement holp na avalehie. Cali Bodgers Schooi ai (416)>709-3546. EAsTvIEW BOYS & GIRLS CLUB reqairo nolualeor leaders, 17 pears aid ep, f0 operale yoalh mini clubs In Whilby, Oshawa LITTLE BRITAIN weokiy, Oct. f0 April, noex 70~76-1 3 peience noceseery, training 705-86-183 provided, provides -eocellent saporienco for f11050 seokieg I people orienlod carme. Coil ex- tension program co-ordinafor ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS SIREARE! The cIassifled pages _& are for everyone - - whether you are - - selllng or buyîng - PLACE VOUR AD TODAVI WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 NEEDED NannylBabyellf or, star- iing Ociober 1, Btaograss Moadome ares, lino-m onr ouI, hours vary. 727-1664. WORD PROCESSINO Prograni- muîg, Lofes, dbase. Il and 111 andf more, miIh certificale and lob placement. Govornmosi ap- proved, linancial assistants availale tfax deduclibie, grade if and 12 crodil courses. These wilitail 2 months. Enrol nom. 427-3010. INSTALLERS and Service pen- nons for hoallng and air con- dilioning. Bridiomood Hoaiing and AirCondif iong, 608-111. RN. REOtIIRES reepon.Ibie maman f0 care for 3'h poar old on part-lime basis* - dayseand evonings In my oms home - Offer dreek aroa. 808-2083. AN EXPERIENCED wood morker for smaii manulaclurIng ohop In Oshawa. Muet ho very. respon- siblo aid ambiflous. Cali 579- 5219or680-331. TELEPHONE Soliciors, ex. perionced or wiii frain rIghf per- sons, soiary plus commission, WiIby office. Immedialo openings. Cati 008-0111 for ap- polntment. MAN NEEDED foasifwif h an- fenna Installation, abiiity fa clImh helohîs roquired. Apply 513 Perry St., Whifby, 9 to08p.m. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE: AND MORE... CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE LiSEEPAGE 25 plies, 683-1968. Daer enquiriOs iflvitd k3I-1968.- t ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemetlt for errors on the first visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12t each alieged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space occupied adtoa od such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS ' CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fîr- reject sîl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50) words ; 12e each addi tional1 word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40e per lift. iNoword ads allowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium lAds. ditional word if.pre-paid. You may charge your Cassified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa accounit. Please have your ditionai charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 Light trucks - heavy trucks - construction & turf equipment AUCTION THE CITIES 0F OSHAWA & PETERBOROUJGH, THE T0WNS 0F AJAX, NEWCASTLE, PICKERING RICHMOND HILL &WHITBY, AND THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM to beheld at THE R.M.D. AJAX WORKS DEPARTMVENT - REGIONAL RD. NO. 4 (TAUNTON RD. W.) AJAX SAT., SEPT. 14.-9:30 A.M. HEAVY TRUCKS. 3-73-78 GMC, IHC Dumps; 3- 71-77 Chev & Ford Cab & Chassis; 4-75-78 Chev, Ford & IHC Dumps clw Piow & WIng; 73-78 IHC Garbage Packers. TRUCKS & CARS: 82 Pontiac 6000; 76-78 Chev & Pontiac; 2-79 Chev & Dodge Vans; 5-77-80 Chev Clo P/U's; 2-78-79 Chev C25 PIU's; 2-77-78 GMC 35 Utilties; 78-80 Ford & Chev 1-ton Dumps; 76-78 GMC, Ford & Dodge 1-tons. CONSTRUCTION: case 580B Backhoe; Galion Rouler, Ford 3000 Tractor; 2 MF 135 Trac- tors; Lawnmowers; Concrete Saws; Chalnsaws; Generator; 7 Toro, AC & MF Tractor Mowera; Pumps; Dump Boxes; Asphait Cutter; Radial Arm Saw; Jointer; Bandsaw; 8-yd Sanders; etc. etc. OFFICE: Elec. Typewrters; Caics; Chairs; 2-Way Radios; 3 Antique Singer Treadie Sewing Machines; Many MIsc. Items; etc. Partial Listing Only Vlewing Friday, Sept. 13 - 4-8 p.m. Lunch On promises TERMS: $200 cash deposit on major Items. M.R. JUTZI & CO. INO. Industriel Liquldators, Appralsers & Auctioneers Professlona'lsin the orderly liquidation of Construction, Industrial and Commercial EnterprIses. 69 SYDNEY ST. S., KITCHENER (519) 743-5286 1

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