PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28.,1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS He certainly neyer looses touch with the lime.... -t hmight be said that Earl Pascoe is a By JAN DO DGE in 1967. The auctioneer tion ranges fromn a 95- Then aomebody came dlocks so they ail got Free Preus Staff said wboever bouglit the cent pocket watch, along and fell in love together to tallc about Earl Pascoe is a great firat. could have the made in New Haven in witb it." At which point their hobby. timne keeper. i second at the same 1937 for the coronation he was able to seil it at a In bis collection lie In fact, lie keepa price so lie came away of George VI, to more profit. lias locks made from a dlocks ail over his with two ogee dlocks than $2,000 for an oak Earl used to buy from wide variety of bouse: on the floor, on (clocha in a rectangular grandiather dlock which auctions and importera, materials including walls, on shelves, and on wooden case witli a was mnade and carved but now lie says lie buys wood, fromn humble pine tables. He bas dlocks in graceful S-curve frame) for the owner to match mostly tlirough bis club; to ricli maliogany and the living room, dining for $11 eacli. the rest of is furniture. Watch and Clock Collec. walnut; metala such as room, kitchen, "I always enjoyed Earl said a dlock is tors, wbich bas a cliap- a lead zinc combination, bedrooms, and ail over tinkering," lie said. more valuable if it lias a ter in Toronto. tin, brasa, gold and bis recreation room. He "Tliey set ai-ound foir piece of paper witli the There are five chap- iron, pottery, even lias dlocks in is quite a bit before I maker's name stuck on ters in Canada and hun- alabaster; marbie, and garage, and in the repaired tliem. the bottom, the back, or dreda in tbe United even a plastic watch backyard lielias the "Then," lie said, "I inside the dlock; or if earliest dlock of ail, a sold a few and bouglit the name la on tlie dial. sun dial, many of whicli somne more." "Any parts missing or were recently on display Now the Witby tran- replaced drop the at the Lynde House sport driver la a dlock value," lie said. "You Museum. collector wlio does some can tell wlietlier it is in Earl said lie bougbt repaira on the ide. the original condition by bis firat locha at an The value of cliecking the movement auction sale in Uxbridge timnepieces in has collec- or tlie veneer" 0f cour- se lie assumes you know wliat you're cliecking for. After 18 years at bis liobby Earl does. "dJocks are not like an ordinary piece of furniture. After you buy one you're on your own. You could wind up witli the case only. "Ninety eigltper cent of tlie time Plilcheck the movements out before I buy..Is the inside in good repairable con- dition? - -.You need to watch to sec if somebody lias been at it wlio doesn't bave a dlue wliat tbey're doing. But firat, Eari said lie must be attracted to the dlock before lie con- sidera it. He neyer gets auction fever because lie sets limit for himself and tben only goes to baîf bis limit or a little beyond. He admits, "Sometimes I've seen me purchase sometliing and wonder wliy I did. elock watcher early '40s witli metal grilles wbicli snap over the crystal for protec- tion. Clocha come in ail dif- ferent shapes and some, are named for those shapes, like the banjo, the beehlve, the steeple, and the gingerbread, whicb has a fantasy con- fection in wood surrounding the face and pendulum. Most gingerbreads are sheif one whli lias a barometer and a ther- mometer on eitber sîde of the glass-enciosed pendulum. Aithougli Earl couldn't clioose a favorite dlock because lie had a dozen different ones, lie said: "European clocha catch my eye more so. Tliey have a lot more clasa. Tliey (the Europeans) of course, were in tbe Earl Pascoe looks over some of the watclies and small dlocks in bis collection. He displayed these as weli as many larger dlocks during a recent exlibition at tlie Lynde House Museum. Free Press Staff Photo States, Earl said. He meets a lot of people tlirougb bis in- terest in dlocks. He said just recentiy some Columbus frienda had a viaitor from Richimond, Virginia who collecta witli the famous golden arches. He lias goid ladies' brooch watclies from the eariy 1900s in their own leather cases lined witli siik, and work- men's watches from the dlocks. Earl lias rows of tbem in bis garage, some just as junkers. "I just use tliem for spore parts." He also has the rarer lianging gingerbread (liangs on a wall) and The newAudi74000 S. Renewed edegance. Ref ined luxuîry Rewarding performance. Styied for sportness and elegance with matte biack trim 10 set-off ail the clean, aerodynamic mies. Equipped with functionai iuxury features that make motoring more pieasant, not just more piush. And few sedans handie as weii. Visit us soon. Experience the performing pieasure of this remarkabie sedan THE AUDI CARD The unique standard in standard features. It pays for virtually everytbing but your fuel. 3 years/unlimnited mleage. OWA§COVOLKSWAGENINC. 1425 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY ~'~668-9383FI7 1 AJAX LINE. 683-3235 IOWAiCO W STORONTO LINE: 361-1128 LOtKSWAîJfN business a lot eariier' A Frenchi Morbier, made ln 1790, is the oldest dlock in bis collection. It must have been one of the original travel cdocks witb ts great long pendulumn rod (about 3-ft.) wbicli could be removed and foided. Even the weiglits came off for packing. It struck the bour five minutes before thie bour and then, after it bad your attention, it struck on tlie bour 50 you could properly count thie number of strikes. Eari does bave a varied selection of Canadian dlocks, among tliem a Whitby dlock, and it stililias thie paper stuck inside witli the manufacturer's name on it including the name John Hamer Greenwood and Johin F. Collins. Earl said the dlock- maker, operated bet- ween 1872 - 1876, at whicli time the operation was closed due to lack of funds. However, it is believed that Coulins went to Hamilton and started the Hamilton Clock business, whicli would account for the amazing similarity between Whitby Clocks and Hamilton Ciocks. Novelty dlocks are an interesting part of Eari's collection, in- cluding a picture dlock <a framed miii scene that lias a dlock inserted in the middle of the miii> a cuckoo dlock, and a birdcage dlock made in Occupied Japan. (In a tiny cage a bail, marked with what looks lîke a tape measure, revolves past a stationary pointer which indicates the time while a tiny bird in tlie CONTD ON PC. 2f THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY NOTICE ELECTION OFFICIALS REQUIRED Town of Whitby residents who are 18 years of age or oider and are lnterested ln working as, 1 DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICERS; POLL CLERKS; OR, ELECTION ASSISTANTS; durlng the 1985 Municipal Electiona to be held on Tuesday, November 12, 1985, are asked to contact the Cierk'a Office at 668-5803 by September 6, 1985. Michael B. Gazo Deputy Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby Mm cýe