PAGE 14, WEDN1ESDAY, AUGUST 28.19'85,.WHITBY FREE PRESS. COMING EVENT'S CALENDAR MEETING The next meeting of the Whitby-Oshawa branch o! the Ontario Genealogical Society will be held next Tuesday (Sept 3) in the auditorium af the Whit- by Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W., at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Clarence Burgess. Admission is free and ail are welcome. For more information cal Steve Wood at 668-1362. BABYSITTING COURSE The Durham Family Relief Association will sponsor a course in how to babysit children with pltysical and develop- mental disabilities for teens aged 14 and over beginning Sept. 24. The course, which runs until Nov. 12, will be held fram 7 ta 9 p.m. at Ajax High Schaal. There is no f ee for the course and anyone in- terested may register by calling the association at 668-3812 before Sept. 18. Other agencies spon- soring the course in- clude the Ajax- Pickering and Whitby Association for the Men- tally Retarded, the Dawn's Syndrome Association and the Durham Centre for the Developmentally Han- dicapped. AUDITIONS The County Town Singers will hold auditions for ail sections Sept. il and 18, begin- ning at 8 p.m. in the library of the Whitby Senior Public School, Garden St. Enthusiastic singers with some knowledge of music are being sought. For mare information caîl choir directar Larie Easton-Flynn at 668- 3990. CRAFT SHOW The Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Cen- tre will hold its second annual craft show and sale on Sept. 8. The show will be held at Heydenshore Pavilion as par't o! the Whitby Chamber of Commerce's Jamboree. The doors will open at 9:30 a.m. and the displays wil be mastly of new items but will alsa boast some an- tiques. Ail were either made or collected by local seniors. Admission ta the show is free. For more infor- mation caîl the centre at 668-1424. APRIL AND SUSAN April and Susan, from the popular C.B.C. television children's program '"Mr. Dreas- Up" will perform in the auditorium of the Whit- by Public Library on Sept. 21 at 2:30 p.m. This imaginative, en- tertaining and educational show la suitable for children aged 3 ta 10. However, children age 5 and under must be accompanied .by an aduit. Tickets are $1.50 each and are currently available at the children's desk. For more information caîl the library at 668- 6541. F.G.B.M.F. MEETING The Durham Region chapter o! the Ful Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship in Canada will hold their monthly fellowship on Sept. 7 at 8:30 a.m. in the Magie Car Restaurant, 145 King St. W., Oshawa. For more information caîl 655-408. BREAKFAST MEETING The Durham Region chapter of the Ful Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship in Canada will hold their monthly breakfast meeting on Sept. 21 at 8:30 a.m. at the Magic Car Restaurant, 145 King St. W., Oshawa. The guest speaker will be Bill Hewat, a retired account executive from Elmira, Ont. Tickets are $7 each and available by calling either 728-4601 o.' 655- 4087. Reservations are requested and ail are welcome. ART CLASS The Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Cen- tre will hold an art class this faîl for its members providing there is suf- The only expense to members will be cost of materials. The course will be taught by Fred Watson. Anyone interested is asked to cail the centre at668-1424. Membership ln the centre is available ta seniors aged 55 and over ata costof $4a year. LA LECHE LEAGUE The La Leche League, a nursing mother's sup- port group, will begin its fail series of meetings next Wednesday (Sept. 4) at 8p.m. Mothers and babies are welcome. The group meets on the first Wed- nesday of each month. For more information caîl 728-6890. ROAST The Whitby Jaycees will roast Mayor Bob Attersley at a dinner Sept. 5 at the Heyden- shore Pavilion begin- ning with a social hour at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 each and can be obtained by calling Keith Wagar at 668-1612. Proceeda will go ta the local chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. ANNIVERSARY The Whitby Arts Station Gallery will celebrate its I5th an- niversary on Sept. 25 with a wine and cheese party beginning at8 p.m. On exhibit during the tion of . railway memnorabilia, railway prints from the Royal Ontario Museum, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazines and life-style sculptures by' artist Jane Buckles. Admission is, $5 per persan. Ta reserve tickets cail 668-4506. SEMINAR A IlBeat the Federal. Budget" seminar wlll be held at the Whitby Public Library on Sept. 25 from 7 to 8: 30 p.m. Topics ta be discussed include: how ta pay less tax on your investment incarne; how ta profit from the capital gains tax exemption; how ta earn up ta $500,000 tax free; and, how to use the bank's money to get a tax deduction. The seminar will be presented by the library and Tilîcan Financial Corporation. 1Admission is free. To register and reserve a seat caîl Richard Price at 433-1508. COMPUTERS AND KIDS The Whitby Public Library will once again hold their popular I'Computers and Kids" this faîl. The program is available in four categaries: pre-school; Delta Drawing (ages 6 and 7); Logo (ages 8 to 10) and, Graphics (ages 10Oto 14). The cost ranges from $35 for the pre-schoal program ta $45 for the others. Classes will start the week af Oct. 14 and run until the week of Dec. 2. Registration begins Sept. 3. For more information caîl the library at 668- 6531. RED CROSS BABYSITTING The local branch of the Canadian Red Cross will once again be of- fering their babysitting course ta young people age 12 and over in the program room of the Whitby Public Library. The course will be held every Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. from Sept. 17 to Nov. 5. The fee is $8 and registration la currently being accepted at the library. It wasnt Charlie's order trom Dicksan Printing & Office Supplies tisat lield him up, it was the shocic of the low prices. 843 KING ST., OSHAWA 433-0055 DEALER FOR 7-11 POOL PRODUCTS CANADA'S LARGEST POOL MANUFACTURER FEATURES: e25 YEAR LIN EAR WARRANTY *LIFETIME WARRANTY ON STEEL PRODUOTS *HAYWARD SUPER PUMPS *3,500 LB. STRENGTH CONCRETE IN ALL DECKS *ALL FORMING 0F DECKS WITH 2x6 MATERIAL SHOP & COMPARE SHOP QUALITY l5x30 ABOVE GROUND POOL $19,840O0.9 VAC HEAD CLEARANCE WE SERVICE;WHAT WE SELL PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service MM= ;jDealer Parts & Service - Thursdays tlIi9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-3000 IWATERING WATERING WATERING and stili not getting rid of those BROWN PATCHES on what was once a BEAUTIFUL LAWN It cou Id be that I NSECTS are your problem We Can HeIp If You Cali Us Today! CALL FOR FREE ANALYSIS GET GREAT GRASS eaul 666-3187 THWkecfi4an5. WE GUARANTEE RESULTS THECORPORATIONOF THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING REMOVAL 0F SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS A public meeting will be held by the Operations Commttee of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for the purpose of discussing a report from the Direclor of Public Works regarding the mattler of the removal of snow and ice f rom sidewalks in the Municipality. TIME: Wednesday, September 4, 1985, 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Meeting Hall, Whilby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario The purpose oft the meeting is 10 present, for public comment, possible changea 10 the Municîpaitys current sidewalk clearing policy. The current policy, in general, requires property owners and tenants f0 remove snow and ice f rom the sidewaiks adjoining their properties withln twenty-four hours of t he fal of snow or f reezing rain. The possibitity of the Town of Whitby assuming responsibiiity for the clearing of the sldewaiks will be discussed at the Meeting. AIl persons having an interest in this malter are encouraged to attend the public meeting. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone: 416> 668-5803