Learning to make friends Oneout the nios t ipor- tant lessons in gruwing Up is the ahi liîy tlu niake 'niends. yet niany children HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For chlldren 2 to 5 years old (Government Licensed Government Approved) * A brand new, totally renovated Government Approved Day Care Centre * An abundance of new toys and equlpment * Government approved staff and Iearning programs * 3 meals a day prepared by a nutritlonally aware cook * Learning themes and outings OPEN FROM 6:30 A. M. - 6 P. M. MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Year Except Canadian Statutory Holidays ......Minutes from Downtown Whitby FOR ENROLMENT AND INFORMATION CALL: Haif Day HourIy 668-6200 siîiîply di) nul properly devclop lte skills nec- essaïrN lor liiei(Nslîip iîîak i n dreii. lriends arcesnil anid thc degiece ut îupuî or ilNo ii st1ill 1111cliilit %\ciiie 'Il ait cc i ti' elilire lite iliail a,,iilialliSj,Is011C cliilit oiIut esers lt! eliaN o leaiiiedIl uîtîelSii 1 l u1enw, Xîîeîilut: o tuok Il)il 5C .15 it ( li No ilar.il t s iii~i *ît Se \ im youi teodiliziil .tid itt t 1os nIerati pi >51sl\ %a 'il, Onice a cilîd îînde stands ilbai lis bhellos 'Or vi l deîeriiiie ltîîss itiers, respond tu hinu. the child will then bc able lu 'lcarn the nccessary siraigies ut social survival. Social skills that should bc strcssed iiiclude shar- ing. cunmpassion. conipro- nise. general commiunica- tive skills and a i 'îîcere i nteîcst ini uîhers. Parents cdli hclp prcveni Laiter piiiblciiis 1w encour- aginI 2Sucial ileroiitiOi belwcien children Oîai eN caris oce. Iu'ddlers caîn beiîelit by '. iîl einig placed lu- ucîlier aimng variiius ius. P>arent,,S ned inlefre nly Miîen ,quahbles ticcur oand ai thal încimntrîiducc te solalion iishari ns. Wiîh preschuîîlers. par- ent,, can siiVa chldren how lu consider anoîher's fecelings. When a fighî uceurs beîween children, lielp îhem sec the con- sequences out unt'riendly actions by discussîng huw fice other child teels. t. BRCK TO 1 SCHOOL.