PAGE 2'-2, WEDNL-SDAY, JULY 24.1I985. WlIITII'Y FREF PRESS Postal Alert Program being updated The Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Cen- tre and the Whitby branch of Canada Post are currently updating the local version of the Postal Alert Program . Under the program, the letter carrier would be informed of senior cîtizens' homes on his route and he would look out for signs that something may be wrong. * Signs such as a failure to pick-up mail or lights left on in the daytime could mean that someone needs Letter carrier Harold Collins (lef t), of the Whitby branch of the post of fice, is seen here presenti ng a Postal Alert Program registration form to Helitha Oke of Cedar St. at the Whitby Senior Citizens' Ac- tivity centre last week. Collins is also Oke's regular letter carrier. Free Press Staff Photo a written statement. "Under the Postal Alert Program, a letter carrier who spots signs like these will notify the proper authorities that the situation should be investigated. " The program was designed and im- plemented by the Letter Carriers' Union of Canada in co-operation with Canada Post Cor- poration and is to assist' handicapped and to help ensure their safety and well-being. "No one is better suited than the letter carrier on his or her daily rounds to detect those signs that could indicate that elderly or handicapped persons on the walk could be in trouble," the centre maintains. Approximately 150 senior citizens are Program that first star- ted up in Whitby five years ago. Letter carriers will be distributing new registration forms along their walks in the up- coming weeks. These registration forms will also be available at the Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Centre at 801 Brock St. S. Man, 18, injured while a prisoner m a "Survival Gamne"' An 18-year old them on his forehead- paint pellet. Markham man Apparently another The victim was taken sustained what could person in the 'prisoner to the Oshawa General prove to be a serlous eye area was examining his Hospital suffering in- injury while playing the weapon when it juries to his right eye. "Survival Game" at a discharged striking the The incident is stili park in Ashburn. victim in the eye with a indpr investigation. According to a spokesman for the Drum and bugle corps Durham Regional Police Force, Peter ch m in hp m e Rozzini, 18, of Wootten c a po s i n e Lane N., Markham, was The Rebels Drum and classes, plus an a participant in a game Bugle Corps of Oshawa exhibition corps. at the Brawley Rd. W. will be hosting the Drum Tickets are available facility. Corps North Champion- from any Rebel Corps The spokesman said ships at the Civic Fields, members or at the gate that he was sitting in the Thornton Rd. S., and cost $4 for aduits, prisoner area after Oshawa, on Sunday, $2 for senior citizens and being eliminated from July 28 at 1: 30 p.m. children under 12 years, the game. He took off A total of 13 corps are and $9 per family of four bis safety goggles to expected to compete in plus $1 for additional dlean them and placed the "A' and "B" member. WATTS UP In Vour Home & Garden B.J. Watt Watch oui for grass insects AJAX W1411BY VANDEMMEER NURSERIES 3 BAYLY 8VICTORIA Drive a littie & save a lot on quallty plants Quality Stock Jo1x~ apl ~off We stili1 have a large variety of quality *IMPATIENTS *ANNUALS e BEGONIAS 'PERINNIALS Plants «Il grown in our own greenhouse ut rasonahls pricos rpçtr,,' <le therrght tglim Mon -n -t- -nsur'. 9 j fNC' - In îtîost ibolts of C'anada <lur i. ltx s a <. tbrleatenied by dibevemajoîr types oîf grass iliseets: White (irubs, (h1i nthBultgs a il Sod WeInvorm1. M art timle areas Sui [f .etr aloadd i tionial bazatd 1froi'm thle ('ralie fly farvttt'ca lltd I .ea- tb.rjackets xv bitb <a o <th coiitrIledl itiili lanist<i or \Vfite ('ruhs are ibleli ,ît'( f)I lairg.,e het les Sucb as the June Bliug. 'l'bey faN tir l.eggs in sommer <tý ait thtv grubs [ted on thet n « ft thtv grass. llbey r-etliaiii ini tbe s<dl for three years, get- Chinch Bugs are tiny thegbiggeor teeyyear, be- fotigbige eer e aa ba l'ortees eo repeatetheacycle bety atreeaeth cyncle. n fyateam e or fi he intbegrusrene ra tuenr th(-ge bf re va iso . thensur secît. Cof heiorn tint Bani- I.! 11Ch1oalîtaletandttia-( trea tnai. l Soetilebwom tt'fa Soi <f a stittifi 11.'tet Et thteîmitbs flitîîng about in) t begrass. mlovi nig ou t oi'the( Wa IS V s i now the fawil. TI'Vt bil)the grass and< catise 111rowti pattiies as Ilbe v goa;lv ai tht stemns of' lhw grass f tiazilniionr Stylo ie i fcit.otos creatures that suck the jui- c'es out of the grass causirig serious damage and dead grass in bot dry weather. The darnage often looks patchy as if fertilizer bas been spilled. Treat with Dii- aziflon or l3anisect and va ter xvel I as pier label dlirection. If. you'i like more infor- ifatiofl to bell) vou controi insects amii make growving thinigs a pleastîre, write to ,Watt*s IJp'.(6860) Century Ave.. Mississauga. Ont., 1,--N -)W5. Berry J. Watt is technical ad- vsor tor Green Cross. co rR-S ITH 16 Cetîna Street, Oshawa Your Specializiflg in BuIk Garden and Lawn Seed DONT~ISSUTqEX PERTS CIL GOLFGREEN 14 KG. REG. '16.49 SALE ~i 5 CIL WEED & FEED 15 KG. REG. 18.99 SALE6f LONG HANODLE SHOVEL REG. '1 2.25 SALE 55 PLASTIC 1 GALLON TANK SPRAYER REG. '30.00 SALE 2 250 ML KILLEX WEED SPRAY REG. '4.99 SALE 2 KG. BUG KILLER DUST REG. '4.55 SALE 250 ML DIAZINON INSECT SPRAY REG. 15.99 SALE S ELECTRIC BUG ZAPPER REG. '79.95 SALE ~ Ail Garden Supplies sold ai wholesale prices or less during our yearly pre-inventory sale. Now is the trne 10 pick Up bargains on fertilizer, weed killers, insecticides, tools, peat moss, and sprayers. Serving Oshawa and Area for Over 75 Years STRAWBERFI5 PICK VOUR OWN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. PHONE FOR PICKING DAYS HWY. NO.?7 2 RO.4ORTAUNTON W~ ROS8LAND AJAX HWY. NO. 2 INFORMATION BrIng ContaIners or Purchase et Farm N.W. CORNER OF TAUNTON AND CORONATION RDS. --j