Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1985, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985, PAGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ __________________________________________ AN INVITATION ta Ioetgate lMtraure pthone 668-8665 or 666.E F E t7e65hi. t tAUni ogth FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 24TH wo d one heart at a tam mo3%o@MA 3- F L NA TO BEAUTIFUL acrylc lîngernaîls foriust cot. OnIy temporery. Cati 66-1647. LAWN SERVICE cuttlng, edglîg, trîmmîng aod cutlîatlng. Seasonat rates avallable. cati 655-3791. C.H.I.P. PAOGRAM. OnIy 314 dupe tat. For a free eslmte oel 1-80026313204. P0ETRY CONTCST. Send 5A5E for loto. to Poetry Ette, Boxe 477, Parku Place, Mi., Que. H2W 2N9. Oadîlne Juse 141985 GARAGEJCRAFT SALE Cabbage Patch clohas, househoîd Items, prago pram, double troler, clohea, May 25, 10 ar.. 104 p.m., 18 Hawktone, Whtby. GIARAGE BALE Incîuclng the car. 1979 Oldemobla Wagon or 1960 Lada, baby aqulpment, ndaodlsc player, dlehwaatter, snowbîower, moula camera. 1 cawker cri., Whtby, Saturdey, May 25,89 a. Ix Noon. 725-1474. Second Annuel Garage Sale For CYSTIC FIBROSIS 80 Muir Cres., Otter Creek, 9a.m. 10 2 pm. Sat., May 25 Good furntura, baby Items, garden tbots and many othar Items itoo numerous to tmention. YARD SALE May 25, ariaîy o Itams, ncudlng a ew astiquas, 945 Taunton Rd. W. Whtby. STREET SALE, West Lynde, Saturday, May 25, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mrbury Cr., Whlby. OUTDOOR Mii Bazzar, 225 Hickory Street Norh, Saturday, May 25, 10 ar.. 103 p.m. YARD SALE seneral familes on Wardman cres., Whitby, May 25, 10 c.m. to 4 p.r. YARD SALE Saturday, May 25, 9 arn. tc, 8 p.m., corner Cochrane and Walnut. antique tenciled rocker, collectables, topo, Wane 600 lb. electrlo wich, excellent res rug, meny more DOME HOME lrnproements, ex- perlenoed paînter, nterlor, ex- terior, sldlng ceaned, aîumlnum aid vînyl. P hono 666-1985, Ken. FOR SALEMRENT ORILLIA AREA: Lots, cottages aid year.musd humas on Lakes couchichlng, Darympla and oungeanad Trent Secam Waller- way, prlced romn $10.000 up. Ap- piy ta Parcy Greer 325-2157 or Tom James 32-3716, RAS. arner Rea CsaeaLtd. (PA7MENW1/ ONDOS0RNTFR RENTI TWO BEDAOOM APARTMENT In amuit Whltby Adut building. centraîîy ocated close to GO & local bus stops. UtIlities, hydro and parlri nciuded. cati 6M. 6372 betwean 9:30 arn. aid 5 pmn Monday ta Friday. MOFFICE SPACE FOR RENT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE tor rent on protessioratliaio. Would be suilable or iewyer. accountant, etc. Rentincludes ait utilies aid 1s regotiabie or an Appropriate tenant. Fr urher Intormation cai 668-6372 betwenn 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Moday t0 Friday. DONTr LISTEN toanaione atse, we pay top dottar for scrap cars and trucks. 66-9712. FOUR MAG WSEELS comptete wth ires. wheei tock,.$100 each. Atso new battery. Phone ater 5 p.m., 668-3247. AUTOMOBILES --BUSINESS 1979T-BIAD ioaded aid certiied, $2.400. Cail 655-8871. 1975 FORD ½0 ton, $600. 1975 Ford Mustang, $500. Good con- dition, must sai. 5791945. Charlie is sck af brakeet promises and has gane ta the aid relieble, Dickson Printing & Office Supplies for assured service. FREEDop into the O ckson Pr ntng Ofice Suppy soein Strie Ajax Piaza and pck up alrex copy il tr1985 Metric Calen. 9,1 VACATION cdur. F nted in îwo coious. s V.W ENT LSI maties flrhardy reteronce.63 Candia atPar LS ierar- Three bedromr mobie hmes Hetedpools, tniclose ta beaches aid LOST Siamese cal, answers to m~ao trcions, chlldrenj Kwani eward. 571-3461. celcome. (legs than motetl _____________ iom)i 683-55031 * ILOSTI OFor about May 1, ~NcEENT 1985Whitby down town area, dark CONGRATULATIONS on yoxr torthcoming marriage. Piase view our samples ot engr3oed wedding Invitations ai pour leisire in sîr Aax Plaza store, Dictson Prinling & Ofice Sup- plies, 663-1966. TYPEWRITCR rentai, many maties aid modems, by trie wxniend, week or mînth. Discounts avaitabix. Diction Printîng & Ofice Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Cati us for business machine repirs 683-1968. *briefcase with brassl *ctosuras and com-I *bination iock. Set of *keys mIsplaced atl 1a ime.Rewardj1 P. Davldson L668-4277 SWHIlTBY e-> <FREE PRESS = 131 Brock Street North LiWhitby - 668-6-111 SMALL BUSINESS Opportunity?- Problem? For INDEPENDENT opinion, evaluation or assistance BY AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESSMAN cali CASE-(Counselllng Assistance 10 Smraii En- terprises)-A non-profit service o maili business that you CAN AFFORD. Contact: FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK L.D. MacInnis, CO.OROINATOR BCNG(416) 571-1355 caar BCIGINDEPENDENT BUSINESS cný ARTICLES RICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR ALL pour insutation b air seating needi plus air tealiage Inspection aid UFFI. remediai measures. Cati McCieaoe Ltd, Uobridge. 652-5051 or toit Ire 1- 800-263-3204. VISIT Our used turnture warehouse by appointmeni 6Big saulîgo on destin, chairs, iling cabinets, etc. Culit ickson Prîn- ing & Office Supplies t0 arrange an appoinîment taolew. 683- 1968. GIRLS BICYCLE, CCM coaster, n very good condition, won as prize, hardiy used. Ses this onel Cali 668-6759, enenings. MATTRESSES aid box opringo at hait price. McKexn Furniture. 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5161ý GEOTYPE presson ettering nxw in stock ai ickson Finiing & Of- ice Supplies in the Ajax Shxp- ping Plaza. Large selection oC styles and nîzes. 0005 pay more tir a imailer sheet ot ettering? 683,1968. CHESTERFIELD suites, lonseain. sectionuis. less triai 'h piceý Large setection. McKeen Furnture, 524 Simcoe Si S.. Oshawa. 725-5161 t-CEAOES of trie Bible" colorîno book axailable ut Olîkoon Prin. tiîg & Office Supplies. Aies Plaza. 6831968. Dealer Inquires invited VIDCO CDAMES on excellent locations. CalBill61111-60-266- 1300, Pager No, 8282. MOLLY MAID "Specialiring jin Hou. Cening For Particulor Pole" 666.2144 MARKET OPEN Vendors Wanted 668-7449 AUICTION SALE SAT., MAY 25 11:00 A.M. The Property of the late KENNETH J. ELSON plus going out of business sale for PRIN- CE ALBERT ANTIQUES. To be heId on Simcoe Street ln Prince Abert. ApproximateIy one mile north of Prince Albert General Store. China cabinet (glass three sides), oak Hussier cup- board, upright freezer, 4 matching pressback chairs, blanket boxes, assorted dressers and washstands, pressback rockers, pine cupboards, parlour tables, glass dispiay case, McLaughlin cutter, ovai and f lat top trunks, old mapa, oid advertlslng slgns, quantity of picture f rames, oid calendars, crocks, miIk bottles, coal-olI iamps, depression glass, setee, drop leaf table, upright Chickering piano, old post cards, plates and platters, oId books, newspapers and magazines, oîd tins, large quantity tools, 1967 Chev Impala Convertible, plus a large quantIty of misceilaneous Items. Lunch availabie. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 Q EDSI0TNLI SRVICES 'GRAMMER or pnopte airo hate grammar- s the ideai pocket reterence boul, tor business people. $395 pnr copy and avallable et Dictson Priting & Otfice Supplies inthe Ajax Plaza, Dealer enquiries inuted 6831968. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., MAY 24 6:00 P.M, Three miles eastof Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLlttIe Britain Road. The property of MRS. MARY CAYLEY of Lin- dsay plus local estate. Victoria settee, walnut dropleaf table, Kenmore washer and dryer, walnut dressers, washstands, 6 matching pressback chairs, slver tes service, bed chesterfieîd, wlcker chairs, Bontempi 2 keyboard eIectric organ, Black Smith anvil, 6 h.p. Evinrude outboard motor, 3 h.p. John Deere garden tiller, 1972 Plymouth Duster (car- tified), quantlty of china and glass, old coins and bills. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., MAY 28 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittîe Britain Road. Washstands, oak' watt telephona, mapie bunk beds, quantity of double and single box spring and mattresses, modemn and antique dressers and chest-of-drawers, bed chesterfilds, con- sole colour T.V.s, chesterfids, pressback hi-chair, fiat top trunks, Sunbeam elactric lawn- mower, 3 place bedroom suite, quantity of hand tools and modemn fur- n iture. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 7:00 P.M. D & M Sales Barn - R.R.2, Lndsay (1 mite wesî of Lindsay on the Little Oritatn Road) -BUY OR SELL- For those wlshlng ta 6onsign to our monthly gun auction, Il Is important to bring your guns ln earty, as we have an 80-gun limit. Shotguns and rifles only. For more detalis call the Auction Barn. BUD McKEE, AUCTIONEER 705-324-2472 ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS IZSII ARE! The ciassifted pages are for eueryone whether you are seling or buying PLACE YOU R AD TODAY! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the firsi Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BRHDAH 70 for the fîrst 10 words, 12t each alleged'to arise through failure or delay in forwardîng errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BditHS, woDEAH. such replies. We wiii not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not calied for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,00 for the f ir- rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. I)EAIALNES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40e per line. i(No word ads allowed i to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available ai an ad-1 CALL 1Ad to your Chargex nr Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiil make 668-6111

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