Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1985, p. 19

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WFIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,1985, PACE 19 ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE DURO LAUNDRY lub pump, as nec, $65. Reesa iad eqoaiizlng tttch, 1", bars and extra parla, $110. Hoover uprighl vacuum, $3. lunaelectlc brush, as aew, $5. Viking eiectric broum, $10. Lacn ruler, 18x24, caler iled, $30. Router 518 hp. and casa, $50. Carlos, 14 t. lbrgiass, 36" beam, 13" deptb, as naw, $175. Phona 65-4003. FOR SALE mower for Ariens trac- lar, 42, $100. Scay bars for fouse traiter, $50. Mandolin ban- jo, $125. Coeman ianlern, $15. Tant houter, $10. Lawn ruler, $30. 30 divided dinner rcys, $1.50 each. Bdspread and drapes for double b.d and une seltfor twin saeb.d. $15 a sl. Two rods for sheers, wiii entend ta 150', $5. Phone 655-8000. VCR SONY SL 5000 Bata, may raquire head, as l, $100. Ginls skates, aiza 11, $10. Hockey hlînet, Cuoper CSA, 6V474. $15. Two hockey sicks, Huckeya (L5) and Victoriaile (Li, $5 each. Foiding step stoot, $5. Seat coers for 'h ton, aew. back, $15. Soany turle scimming pool, $5. Fi and Spiaah swimming pool cith cuver, 12" deep o 5- diameter, $25. Lanern RayO0Va sportsman, $20. Camping tllai osai, $2. P.C. board hobby ki, $10. Drattng tan square, $5. Phonae68-8178. FOR SALE Go Karts.- 1982 Bob. ca, excelent condition, $75. 1979 Tomcat, good condition, $550l. 801h hava 0200 5 h.p. anigines and extra pars. Cali Greg, 668-0471. PANASONIC 61 B&W TV, ACIDC n ery goud condition, $75. Hot water lisaier mnime type 220 volt, $55. Hand wincb 3200 LB capacity, sturdy steel geara, reveraihie Wibraka, $150. Phone 2828780. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 cu. ln., AC, AMIFM 8 track stereo, 5 gaod tiras, ans , $400. Aso 16 cu. fi.reezer, $150. Eercise equipment, $95. 683. 1094. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL sink, unique and vary baautitui, large version oui of tha oid King Ed- ward Hotai, comas wilh unique antique brass fioures. Muai ha seaon, $250. Cai 571363. LEATIIER rocklag chair, S25. Liaed oit white drapas wth heavy duty drapary rack, $50. Al goud condition. 668-5254. LARGE CHEST typa reezer, 22 cu. fi., ccv be deivered, $250. Asu chute gas save, $50. Phone 66-0505. DtSHWASHER, Sears Deluoe portable, chopping block top, g004 corking condition, $165. Eictric race car set, over 100 fil. ut track. 6 cars. 2 transformera, iap couter, many etras, AFX & TYCO, $95. Huat circulating firepiace grole, $15. Cali 576- 7697. STORM DOOR aium. Fiorida type, 32a60. S 35. Thre Chrysiar rime. maunieci P205-15 tires, $20 each. One Frestone 721 G78-15, aimosi nec. $25. Phone 728-6953. FOR SALE ptuc, 2 turrow, for 3 point hitch, like aew, $295. Phone 655-4995. PATIO STONES 2430 lnch, plain colour, 91.00 each. Buyer muai litt patio and move 75 atones. 6688528. FIVE large double silder Win- dows, $50 each. Aium. Storm door, rust colour, $50. Caii 655. 3176ý FOR SALE Oaa Maraniz tape dack and receivar. 4 Lazer speakers, lh/ years aid, $1.000. Ona Tachnics Systam, compets wtb cabinet, 1 pear aid receiver, tape dock, turtable, 2 speakers, 1 Realisilo tapa dock, $1.200. Remington ahotgua, semni- automatic, FAC requirad, model 1100, comple witb casa, shahls and dack dacoys, 6 monifis oid, $450. Cannon A.E.-1l Prugrammed camtera wlth flash, $325. Ccli Dehbie or Maty, 6664878. FOR SALE mapicion set, 4 chairs, $225. Ining roum set, 4 chairs, $325. Ccment miner, $125. Aitl n excelent condition. 683. 6638. SEWING MACHINE for sale, pur. tabla, good corkIng condition, $45. Girlsa and boys bikes, $35 and $W. Cali 6836638. T14REE WHEEL, 3 speed ladies bike, askiag $195. Ccii 668.1507 or after6 p.m., 668-0825. COMPLETE EOUIPMENT lu gel you started la an asphait driaeway seciing business, used forltwo sommera, nec $1.600. ciii sai tor $1.200 or hast citer. Cal Wat, 666-1337. BARNETTE crossboc, 150 lb. poil wilh scopa, quiver and loader, $50 or bat oiter. 434- 6026. ACORN ELECTRIC lrepiace. $40 Prlessional hou r dper, $5 Sars oîdeo arcade plus Il Atari games. îcludlng Paccan, Tapecorm and Deleoder. $1 75 or bent oiter. 5766592. CHROME TABLES, smoked gloas.1Icolee table. 2 end tahles, 2 runch tabids. set $250. lilîchen table. 2 chairs, black crought irua, $160. All ems eu- cellent condition. 4277069. FOR SALE ico hecoy duty work hanches, wooden, ana - 6x3x3 leet, and une 7½ax3x3 apprua. dimension, $25 aach or bsl al- ler. Cal 655-3729 aler 7 p.m. LAWNMOWER, ridiag type, 3 biadea gioe 5 Il. cul, 16 h.. 1cm cylindar. 5 torward speads and reverse, perlect condition. nec casi $6995, asking $3,295 or hest cier. 655-4995, Brookin. When thea advertised item is sold, dsposed af. or unavailable for whalever reason. the item will be deemed la have been sold and a commission wili be charged based an THE ADVEIITISEII PRI('E an illustrated below. regardless if price ta slated wilh -besi fler- If the item is NIiT SOLD, or disposed nf. the ad will be run for :1 MiNTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE oi $7 50 wiil appiy payable in adoance iif publication ofi the frsi ad The abuve minimum charge wilbc applied lu the final commissinn due Maimum commission 10x)000 Al adver- isemenis muai be plared an an exclusive banis wîlh lhe WI.ITIIY IFREE PRESS and runata least one monih i nul soid RATES if article Is suid i of etadvertised priereop to $400.00 2% of blace ever 949.00 EXAMI'IE: iietd item adaertised for $150.00. (eommisson due 97.500t minimum charge 1887.501 Private udvertising untyl Please notify lihe Witby Free Press tmmediataiy chen item is sotd su that we may daiete il from tae oltowing issue. Ail ado nut fittiag the Emporium guidetinas wilt ha treated and charged par waak as regutar claasifiad adlsonaa pre-paid basin oucb as: serviras, beip waated. ciotting, reat asiate, and personat message type udo, or ado at quoting prîce or quatity Private classified ado may appearin tbe Emporium section under approprîate headingo ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTIIERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESSEMPORICM P.0. Bon 29% Whitby. Li N 551 If le daubi catI: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. WhItky. 0.t. THE DEAL9LINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TUE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. , ARTCLES ~ j~HOUSEHOL51 FOR SALEmSUPPLIE FOR SALE Sears Stereu SYstem SAILBOAT, 16 fI. o 6 fi., cooden witb recarder piaper and 8 lrcck, hall complote wth salis, oeeds $100. Boys 18" bicycle, 3.apeed, some work, $300 or make oller. $50. Ironing board, $10. Ccii 434. Ses il anylme ln drivaway ai 134 6474. Hickory St. N., Whitby. anp. - - ____ --- Beaver Lumberi FOR SALE boys standard bike, 24" tiras, $25. Three spacd Ian, $20. Two Buoy-o-Buoy flie ~~ TRAILERS1 jackets, fils 0 t 0 l bs.. excellent condition. $14 ecch. Phone 66. -FOR SALE] 8429. BOX TRAILER for sale, 4x80 Il - Asking $250 or hesi oiter. Phono M SICAL. 5794212. INSTR MENTS UTIiITy TRAILER nec tires. needs une nec rim, $165. Phone aller 7 p.m., 608-9181ý dition, l 'h years olU. new $4.500, csking $2.900. Phone 600-4713. MUST SELL 1974 Gibson ipper base 4 cap 1tonscîwtch. maple cood, grover keys. uerygooud condiion. bard shahl case. $3600 Aso 1981 El Maya imitation strato casier motel pick guard. cherry wood flange bar with hard shahl case. $275, Cou Karen 723. 2579, FOR SALE Hammund eiectric organ, complotee ith bevch, ex- cellent condition, askîag $300 Phone68-7472 1963 VAMAHA OT 125, iquîd cooied. Ico sîroke. $900 or besi oiier Phone 668-4093 1081 HONDA 900 Custonm.16,000 kms., flac eohcusi, tires. lune-up). angine guards. backrest. car- tiied. $2.300. Pihone 600-1795 1976 VAMAHA /750, ioaded loi tourîng, Vettdr and Krauser equipped, tooring sect. AMIFM cassette slerao, $1,800 Phone 666-3481 OAS STOVE 30" Hardcick gas stove excellent condition. $275. Phone 6682014. FOR SALE balfet and hutch, $85. China cabinet, $75. Twu smal tables. $25 and $35. Mapie hall table. relininhed, $150. Dropleal gatelea table, relinished. $175 Two chairs, $15 ecch. Two kil. r.hen chiles, wooden, $25 and $50. Telephone 683-0638, AUTOMATIC WASHER and dryer, Sears Kenmore, heaoy duty. eu- collent condition. anking $450. Phone 576-8271 alter 6 p.m. APARTMENT SIZE casher and dryer. Sears Kenore. heaoy daty, excellent condition. ashîno $7500or hast oller 725-6255 ISHWASHER, like vec. Sears Keomore. hunvesl 0014. $280 Cali 571-363& OINING ROOM SUITE, pns, Paul Bunyan collection, table 44x75, 2 Captala chairs. 4 reoular chairs. huilai and huich, minI condition. $4.000 Phone 668-3430ý ~V~M TIVEAUTOMOBILES U~REAlR/ARrSlR/PRTSSALE 1 R.W.L.tliras 07615,1 nec, 4 ilb 1,000 miles. $450. Four Seasun Master Ail Season R.I.L. ires P23517OR15 radiais wiib 2,000 miles, $400. Ona new Ediebrock SP2P aminuml ntake manifold wiih Installation kit for smali block Chev. $225. One Chev Ouadralet 4 bi ca 'rburalor, $25. Fioa nets taclory silicone plug cires for amail blockx Chrynlar, $20 oach. Oaa nec Chrysiar prodocis (tla modaii AMIFM MPLX stereo radio, $75. One Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassaetae (in clash unit) push buton tuning, auto rverse, unversal fit. $150. Phone 655.3266. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 Inch mag rima, clib ceaires, wiih 4 brand new Bridgastune steel baitad radiais (165O1, airaady mouatad on rIms. MinI condition aUd lok as Ifl hap have aaoar been used. Auitur uniy $650 whicb sa what Il cao cont hou tor oniy 2 ai a custom car sture. Phone Chris ai 6558902. FORD 289 rebut motor, $300. rco Cragar mags wilh good tires, $200. Phone 6687546. FOR SALE Ico tires on rims, bics piy salety, 99 nylon, F78-14, like nec, oniy 7,000 km,, $50. Rouf top carrier, 46ox4312, fils Aspeo Carrier, $40. Cali 6689113. 1968 VOLICSWAGON sunrot, good motor, tires. lendurs, sai for parts. $200. Cal 668-8526. 1977 PINTO Wagon tor parta, stili in running condition. nec steel belled tiras, $150 or hast of er. Phone 579-4212. enSUPPLIES 12 BUOGiE breedînu cagns for sale Complote wîlh nesl boxes and uquipment, $10 each Phone 668-4521 PONY Reg. V: Arah, 112 Wlsh. chite wth gray mae and tail, 13 years. excellent lamper. real pony club prospect, needsf good home or ciii huard. Asking $500. Cail evens 649-5000. Met " Recycler 01 Unwants"9 The EmPOorUM Section 01t 1h Wbltb F ree PreSSI There is no rea- son ta keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers wiIlirfg to pay good mGoney for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wil be pleased with the quick resuits. As fast as a phone caII, re- suits happen! i have reud the Emporium guidelines and wish 10 have the hoiiowîng advortile- ment piaced under IhîS section of the Whilby Free Press. (donI lorgel la inci-ilje yiur phone ntuîihpri i enclose $60010 COVOle, eminimum charge. Charge $600 la my Visa aCCouonI. Bill me $750 afler lîrst publication oh my ad. card Nu. Exp. Date Name pease prînt - f rst and ast name) Street Address Cils, Postal Code NMAIL I'0: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brook St. N. Whi tby Li N 5S1 coul us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To Mail Your Ad ln. fer. EC aore noua5or aer 8Of p.m., 434-6026. 1990TR7 convertibleexacellent original condition, AMIFM stereo, log lampa, Briish green, 2.0 lire angine, 5 spaad, onip 29,000 km., carlif lad, aaklng $5,875, Cali 576- 7697. 1979 GMO VAN V8. 305. wîii mainlained. Inlerior - carpet. bad. aInk and cabinets, cerlif lad. Anking $4.000. Phona 668.0283 aller 6 p.m. 1979 LADA une ownar, asking $500. Caii 5768-M1lcaltr 5:30 p.m. 1976 CHRYSIER CORDOBA, p@., phb., air coaditlonIng, $950 or hast aller. Caii 655-3176. 1975 FORD bal-ton, 6 cyilndar, as $800. Phone 434-6406 or 579- 066, ask for Tim. FOR SALE 1974 Oldamoblia Dala 8. Asklng $750. Phone 579. 4212. 1974 FORD CouriariMazdc Pick. up truck neads bad, gins tank, 1 front lader and windshieid, bas naw brakas, 00w enhausitfront io reas and lwo new rocker panais Instaiied, aiso, 4 white spoka wheeis and siep bumpar. Most ut body work compltead, $575 or of- fer. Phone 282-8750. 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283.V8 angine. 9004 fuel aconumy, vary good condition, oary litli ranI, aahaui sysiem ln greal shapa and needa 110w shocks, must sali. $2,100. Phona Chria altar 6 p.m.. et 655-8902. NEW IN TOWEN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YU 00MEq Pbore 668-8943 Buyiîg or Ilin cf»feý thé .m0p0o "Whme ma .. 'wI 0w a 0v - th.0 e fmo moic8. ..... M" 10 ..MI,«". » .0,n70.0 "_" 10.. ion a- "Y w .01 0.a WHITBY FREE PRESS ~ I FREE PRESS Emporim Ads will nly be acepted subject othe foiwm conditions. V " LI ":l Y' lrI f r..p uu

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