Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1985, p. 23

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WIjDNESDAY, MARCI-1 27, 1995, PAGE 2.3 r- FREE PRESS- Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. Di vW'A L'tf? v A n-. 300 WATT car fntegrated amp FOR SALE Pepsi-Cola bttin POP branil 0cm, neyer used, $195 ose machine, A-i condition, csking year warrontyt. AMIFM digital $400 or et cffer Contact Mike. dispiay cassette radio, nem. $75, 579-2660. 300 Watt 6,9,,Poipropyfene ifh ero fuid, Incredibfe PURS - Very elegant Mink Jacicet. Sound, morth $250, oel $100, 3t111 saturai bromo, mini condition. 12- scaleil mith onee ear arrosty. 14, $350. Miek dycil Mustirol Caii 66-4838, anytime, fyie. Coat, bromc, large, fspeciaiiy Styied for ooersized rps)>wonn- dertuiiy marm, nnf y $95. Yong ANTIQUE Spoot Design 3/a bed, iodles beached Muskrat Carcoat, soid headboard, compfeto mith 12-4. $50. Yung fadies For woodec rails, $450. Phono 666. Jackte, backr and mOte, t2-1d. 2243. $75. Furtrimmed bromn Suede coat, fultcegth, 12-t4, $45 Mens Macregor Carcoaf, PANASONtO B' B&W TV, ACIDC genise Scottish mooci. suc 38, le vecru good condition, $75. Hot eocellent condition. $30. Coli 689. mater heater f nf fne type 220 voit, 7404 after 6 p.m. $5. Hand winch 3200 LB capacity, stardy steel gears, reooribie Wibrako, $150. Phtone KITCHEN SET,59036' oci toble 2828760. ith chromnei Steef trame ced ______________________ oak fook faminated top, 16ke nam ced four chrome chairs ii h dark 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS,4 brome sott uphcistery. $150. Bell door, 429 c. in., AC. AMfFM8 antique pump orges, Crc t850. track stores, 5 good tires, as Is, excellent condifion, $750. $400. Alec 16 cu. It. reezer, $150. Ceiebriiy etectric typcmrter, e- Ecercise cquipment, $95. 683. cellent condition, $150. Woodee 104. rocfing chair, $50. Phorre 655- 3545. GIRLS CLOTHING suze 5 to 6X0 FOR A COMMADOR computer iediiduaaiy pricod . addîng up tu with disc drive, i piebail con- $60 or ait foc $50, Brookil 655. struction set game utîîîty, $50ý 8764. Calf after 5 p m. 668-t153 ask for - --- -Dan. BEAUTIFUL hand carneil parier chairs ram Scotfand, sel ot tour, FOR SALE minie stote, $250Pol mint condition. $125 ecch. Aiso fength pfate gfss door mitror, 5 antique heaoy siioerpfate siner- t. x 2 fi.. $30. Bath accesserien, 3 ware and case *Victorias Rlose" pieca, mhite porcetale and fWm. Rogers & Son), 52 places, chrome, $20. 3/ Continental bcd. $225 or bet cter. Cai 720-6970 $50. Phone 666-3516 or 668-9020. betore ecen or efttr4dp m. FOR SALE dining room table aed FOR SALE 7 IL. Myers PlougO chairs, ooden top, chrome legs. wilO hydrautto pump. $1.2K0. executioe style chairs, ccst $790. Phone 66-3471 sel $225. Backi ced wite, 12" ACIDC TV., home or cor. $85 666-3006. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm.. Look- bindinge, $45. Circuler Sa, Back ced Dcker, $35. Phone ACORN ELECTAfO irepiome. $40 4334689. Profeseloriai hait dryer, $50 _____Soars vidon oarcade plus t1r Aari SAL ppetheain kt, games. including Pacman. FOR SL ietraigkt Tapeworm andl Detender. $t75 or heavy duty, for / tet1" pipes, bstotiter. 576-6592. -35 '-i4-4005. CAR STERBO AMIFM case.t oed t (par) 6xg9 speakers (200 mait) cor steren AMIPM cassette) plus a pair o 6"x4 200 matt speakers, $75 Brand nom mth ose ycar guarantee. 200 matt, 7 bond equalizer booster, 4 speaker hock-up, $50. Kyte, 666-4830. anytim. WIien the itdverlised item s stld. disposed cof. tr uciîvailatlle for wlatever re.asoui.te item iii Se deemed to hase been sld and a commission ii be charged haseonceTIE AIOEITISFI) PRICE as illusrated belcie. regardless f price in stated ith -besi offer- tf the item o NiT SiîLDl1 or disposed otf. the' ail wll lie rus for i MIINTtIS and a MINIMUM CHtARGE o tf $7 5f will appty payable in Aivatnce f publicationc of the finst adl The above minimum charge'iiiliebc ppîteil 10 the ftnalfcmtmissio due Maximum cmmisini$100.003 Ail alvor- isemento mus( be pfared oc an exclusive' basi.s wiih the Wtt ITBN' FREE tPlRESS and rus at feast one mvnth if ont stfl RIATES t if article b sciodr 5% et advertlsed Price ap te 8400-00 z% cf balance. oser $400.00 EXAIPI.E: oid Item adserttsed for SI 5.00. (fommîisesiondue 91.50 1 iniimum charge lu $7.50, Prisole advnrttisg oniy! Please notify the Wiiby Free Pres tmmediateiy wkee item iv solil so tisat we mcy demite il frore Uhe foiicwîeg issue. Att adas ot fittîsg te Emporium guideises wilSe trealeil cnd chargnd per week ce tegular ciasstfind ails onea pre-pcid basin nucti as: services, heip wanteil, ciot.ling, reci estate, andl pemcecîl message type adn. or ados ot quvtlcg price or quanity Prîsote ciassifînd ode misy appear iente Emporium sectineusder approptiate beadiegs ALL ADS WILL GO0IN CLASSIFIED SECTIN UNLESS OTIIEIWISE SPECIFIED if in ddca cai: 668-6111 131 BrocS St. N. -Whitby Ont. FRIAYPRVIUSTOPUBLICATION AT NOON. ~ft~YNE S4fl MMNTS1 VINYL MESHED y aypen $35 KIMBAi.L ORGAN w th bosch. LIVING ROOM PACKAGE con. Adoustah e wacef wih pas ba4a cel pe odaisiautomalc sisting ni sofa, chair, rocker, par- ocsers,$22 Imo o ny l onere ebar spe ngo i yOs A somai y Otomn cotee abei nd O crib mattosses. $35 each One $750 668-3203 e-A ta- s.1c- in cnnuifiii. selormar- ro- Orec ou monthso cl. $825. Phone 576- 3893 OAS STOVE 30" telardmrck gas stove excellent condition, $275. Phonoe6682014 FOR SALE buffet ced Sutch. $85. China cabinet, $75. Tmu amaf i fables, $25 andl $35. Mapie hait te. reinished. $250, Dropleat gatefeg tabe, retinishoil. $225. Tmo chaire, $15 oach. Tmo kit- choc fables. mooden, $25 ced $60 Telephone 683-6638. APARTMENT SIZE maeher and dryci, Sears Kenmore, heavy duty, excellent condition, askinig $750 or beet ottor. 725-6255, stlof Ailhims e er godso 4,1:00 Phone 655-8026 CRIB SET green ced mhte.,in dodoes top and bottons shots. piiiem, renersibie bumneor pails andl comtorter iielephanit motif>. Brandl nom. necor used, $60. Cali Km,6663260 PONY Reg. IliArab, Va Weinh, mhite mîth gray mano and tait, 13 pears. excellent jumper, great peny club prospect. neoils 0004 home or mîtt board, Askîeg $600. Ccliivnngs 649 5000. FOR SALEe Press Empori- arn Sectioniii seai 12 BUDGIE breeding cages for almos arsythinog. saleý Complete mth nest boxes BOX TRAILER forsae, 4x8 IlCali668-611il f0 and equipment,. $10 each Phone Asking $295 Phone 5794212 place your adl 668-4521 made toiCzcchostOoOkia. e collent condition. usnd for oiy 2 years. conmes mîtO dluce case. askieg $200. Cou 666-2588, SIX CHANNEL PA. Synteou. banc speakers, 150 malt combo amp., accesseries includeil, $750. 683- 0531. ORGAN, Yamaha modef A-505, double koyboard, poils, le- cf udes beech ced books, ociy a yeold ancd lnexeceloent con- dition, $950. Tlophone 623-4124. MUST SELL 1970 Gbson rpper bas 4 may tonoemîwtch, mapie mocil. graver keps. oory goun condition. hard shoil case, $360 Aine 1981 El Mayo imitation strato castor metai pick guord, cherry ecod l tange bar mth h6cm sheli cano. $275 Caii Karen 723- 2579 FOR SALE Hammand l oectric organ. complote cîth bonch. Oc- collant condition, askîng $300 Phone 668-7472 71 ~~~AUT MOTlV M AUTOROSALES I 1979 GMC VAN V8. 305, mel mc nf ainoilintelor -carpot, bed, FIV B. ooric At erai - _t050cacîcîs 1,000 mites, $450. Pour Season Master Ait Seasos R.W.L. tires P235170R15 radiais mith 2,000 miles, $400. Ose nem Edfebrock SP2P aiuminum Intake manitold with Instatation kit tor smafi bock Chen, $225. One Chev Ouadrcjet 4 bbt carburator, $25. Fioe sets tactory slicone piug wire for smaif Stock Chrysier, $20 ecch. Ose neci Chryler producte <fate modef) AMIFM MPLX stereo radio, $75. One Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette <le das unitt push button tunieg, auto reverse, univemsai fit, $150. Phono 655-3266. FOUR CALCHROME 14 Inch mag rime, mitti centres, mith 4 brand nom Bridgentone steel beited radiais t60's), ai roady mounied on rime. Miel condition aed teck as il they have neyer beee useil. Aittfor cnty $650 mhich sa chat tf can cent you for oniy 2 at a custom car store. phono Chrin at 655-8902. $500. Phono 576-6592, FOR SALE tour FR78115 Gond Year radiai tires, $68 each or $150 for ail tour, Phone 655-3427 alter 630 p m Buying or Iling te11 e c he euiOd, la t,. mfn of.elut arohoe. ey- dort h. Ia ee pe- cair . 4Wd .410erena rcte..1 tc..ri cOdai l.. « io t' . .ei .a t mu.cv . 1we h.. her sle. dy:, ce eceri WHITBY FREE PRES5 atter6 p.m. automatic, 4 captain chairs. nei batf cry, tires and ouhcuet, $2,500 or beet citer. 683-0531. 1879 RABBIT 2 dont, standard, $900 or bont otter. 655-3729 atter 7 p.m. 1976 DODGE VAN 6 cyf., stan- dard transmission, standard brakes, 900d condition, $700. Ccii1668-2589. FOR SALE 1974 Otdsmobiie Delta 88. Anking $750. Phono 579- 42t2ý 1974 FORD CourieriMazdc Pick- up truck neede bcd, gas tank. t front tender and windshioid, han nem brakos, cew ochaust Iront fa rear ced Ima emrocker panel s Instailld, ateo 4 wOite epoke mhocis ced stop bumper. Most ot body mark compioed, $575 or ot- ter. Phono 302-8780. 1973 MUSTANG tait toaded, asking $1.000 or beet otter. Phone 666-2734 clter 6 p.m., weekcnds anytimo. 1997 CH-EVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 engino, good fuel eccncmy. very good condition, nery itle ruet, ouhausi eyefem in groat shape aed neede nom shocke, mueteeait, $2,100. Phone Chrie alter 6 p.m., ai 655-8902. OTRCYCLESL 1981 HONDA 900 Customn, 18,000 kms., nom echaust, tires. fane-up. engine guards, backrest, Cer- titied, $2.3W0. Phonoe686-1795. 1988 450 HONDA 5 seod custom, nom tires, springer, lots of chromo, $600 or beet otter. 683-0531. 4%FCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply. because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - ilflot, do call 668-611Il and we'l be pleased to explaiui the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertser: ehave an article to selI; and, *have a speif ied asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (sec guidelines above for more detailsu. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three monthsu. Aîinimum charge applies to each Emporium 7d; $750 payable in advance hefiare the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli wilhîn three mnon- thSr you pay only the minimum charge. Il 15 un- fortunate that no newspaprtr can guaratîtee vîtur article wiIl seli, but where else cuuld vîtu gel three months advertising foîr only $7,5ff" When your article seils, a commissiontîu, charged, based on the advertised prîce Com- mission is: 5% Up f0 $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge descrîbed above. r1 have read the Empoîrium guidelines above and wtsh Ion have the following advertisement placed under this section oîf the Whilhy Free tPress. idorttorgoiludi. îîrt, ir phni i fn-r I encîtîsi$7 7ïo tofcover the ni nitîmuni charge ba r ge $7 -)t1 tîtotii'vVisa alrý((ultt toAril s4r '. it ruu pdrSfurtu tities MA~ILI TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:11 Brock St. N. 1Whitbv IN 551 Ilostal Code Belitw are utîme examples of what you would be charged if itur article sold within three months. Coimmssions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Plrit 1) t fit $ 1.51 ) $ 3M8 $ 46(m) $ 7-1 (m $ 8(m) $ i181 $1.(18f $ 918f ndii Payable $ 7.50 Il 10.10 Il 15.00 s 20.00 S 22.00 S24.10 $26.00 S28.0M s 310N s :2.0 .532.(M) S72.10 S92.00 $100.00 -. - -........... ,.~.--..- 5, i.. MAIL ADS T'O: FlRE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bex 206 Whsiby. LIN 091 m 1 1

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